
1 decade ago*

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my condolonces ...

but seriously guys ?
in the middle east there are 2-3 suicide bombers every week who kill a few hundred civilians and i dont see anyone starting threads and whining how bad the world is ...

1 decade ago

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or this, caused by a "civilized" form of terrorism...

1 decade ago

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I don't see any of the major news outlets that most of us hear from doing stories on those things either. Why do you expect people to discuss what never enters their awareness instead of what does?

1 decade ago

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you probably dont hear from it because they dont make a big story out of it anymore because its common business there for the past years, so at the very most its a side note, i guess its not of much interest as soon as it does not affect the usa direct, if US soldiers die during a suicde attack i bet it will be of note then, which is a bit "sad" because the usa are the main reason why those suicde bombings in iraq and afghanistan are still common business.

1 decade ago

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I'm not making any statement about how large news outlets choose their stories either way, I'm just saying that expecting people to make forum topics about things they don't even know about instead of things they do seems a bit silly. If the sort of things you're talking about got press coverage, I bet we'd see a few topics about them, too.

1 decade ago

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Waiting to see who claims responsibility for this. Unfortunately there'll still be a crowd of "truthers" claiming that the US government is behind it in order to take away arms/go to war/etc etc etc. The conspiracy theories have already started - it's pretty depressing really.

Edit: See Alex Jones, I know anybody sensible knows to ignore the vast majority of what he says but it's still a shame that people blindly follow/believe his nonsense.

1 decade ago

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He and most conspiracy theorists are plain dumb. Like his link to infowars which says this:

"It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States β€œwere facilitated by the F.B.I.,” suggesting that today’s incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation."

It is also important to emphasize that the alleged article that the New York Times published, not reported, was an a column from the Opinions section.

Infowars article

New York Times Article

1 decade ago

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Some conspiracy theories I think are true, governments have been known to be corrupt in the past and if history teaches us anything it repeats itself, though yes Alex Jones is a crazy lunatic.

1 decade ago

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What's your take on the increasing popularity of the so called "truth" movement? I think it's unfortunate that attempting to take the opposite/more considered stance to their theories results in the familiar responses - sheeple, closed-minded, agent of disinformation, uneducated, hasn't done the research (irrespective of the fact that their idea of research is little more than reading up on the conspiracy theory of choice) and so on and so forth. There's something a lot of them have in common, and without wishing to derail this topic or adopt an intentionally controversial line of thought; they tend to be Christians. Just an observation.

1 decade ago

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You mean the whole 911 truth movement? I have studied that for years, and honestly it is very fishy and I really am still unsure of what exactly happened, what I have come to realize is that there is something up with those towers collapsing from a plane crash, they were actually built to withstand that sort of happening(At least thats what many architects and engineers tend to think) and thats where the governments story falls apart I think, I mean the worst that would have happened would be a couple floors would be demolished and the towers would still be standing. Honestly it looks like a controlled demolition if you have ever seen one, if bombs were put throughout the building by terrorists or whoever is yet to be concluded, but it sure looks like one....I am honestly unsure of why they didn't just say terrorists planted bombs all over and set them off with the planes to add more force, that sounds more believable.

Honestly more studies need to be done, if the government is so sure of the story they put out they would have no problem putting up with more tests to ease everyones theories, getting the architectural layout and the way the buildings were built would settle everything I think, most conspiracy theorists think the government put bombs throughout the building and that it wasn't the planes that took them out(Some think the planes were digitally added even), shedding light on it would help....this whole argument should be long solved.

What I do know is that it wouldn't have been the first time a government killed its own people to further a goal, history shows us that, so maybe it is one big crazy government conspiracy, maybe not though.

This Boston thing, who knows, could be some crazy dude that hates people who run, could be a terrorist, could be anything, calling it now like Alex is doing IS INSANE.

1 decade ago

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Don't forget building 7 which was reported to have collapsed BEFORE it happened and then when it did it also fell exactly into its own footprint. Only 7 frames of video were ever released from the attack on the Pentagon (the most heavily recorded building in the world) and you can see next to nothing.
The 9/11 commission story is total BS and now that people have had over a decade to think about it most of the people who look at the whole situation realize something much different happened that tragic day.

1 decade ago

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Yeah pretty much, the pentagon thing looks like a missile strike personally to me, I have seen other images of missile strikes and that strikes me as one.

Wish we had a clear answer by not having one makes me think the worst of it.

1 decade ago

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Apologies, I'm somewhat tipsy at this present moment in time and can't put forth my point(s) as clearly as I'd like - by truth movement I don't mean just 9/11 but rather any line of thinking that goes against the generally considered norm. Followers will take this alternative school of thought and call that the "truth" - so alongside 9/11 you'd have theories about intentionally poisoned water supplies, government mind control, the New World Order etc. Words really are failing me right now, I'm somewhat grasping at straws here, hammering my keyboard, and hoping that something resembling a coherent point ends up as a result.

1 decade ago

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Haha its ok, some seem loony tunes while others ride more towards the truth, the best thing for one to do is look at news sources like CNN, BBC, Etc...and look at those conspiracy sites and make a conclusion based on both, thats how I see it.

For example, The NWO seems scary but in reality the idea of one has always existed, the NWO is basically rich people with money, politicians, etc...thats just the name people have given it in our day and age. Basically they try to shape the world as they see fit, usually this is by screwing the little guys.

1 decade ago

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It's the same kind of shit that televangelists pull on a basic level. They're getting rich by milking the gullible. It's a by-product of the human desire for order and stability. A world with some kind of shadowy conspiracy controlling bad things that happen is far less scary than one in which bad things happen more or less arbitrarily, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, or reason.

1 decade ago

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I feel its a mixture of "shadowy figures" as you put it and arbitrarily happenings from random lunatics, pretty much lunatics at different power levels(Crazy guy that builds bombs in his house, crazy politician/guy with tons of money that does evil things).

All in all its just people being terrible.

1 decade ago

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That guy is a fucking idiot. It's people like that who embarrass us as a species.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's no joke present here.

1 decade ago

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this isn't something to laugh at

1 decade ago

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Wow....really? An 8 year old died, another person died, people were hurt, and you have the near to laugh about it.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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... uh... what?

1 decade ago

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Heh, suspended...

1 decade ago

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permanently, I hope.

1 decade ago

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what??? really??

1 decade ago

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You are an idiot.

1 decade ago

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why? 'Murcia has done worse.

1 decade ago

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Suspended for inappropriate behavior and the moment you can you just immediately bring up this shit again. Do you really want a last word from this or are you just here to start something new altogether?

1 decade ago

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A lot of bad things are happening everyday ,that's not the only bad thing in the whole world.
It's sad that innocent people are always the victims of such movements.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Horrible news.

1 decade ago

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Oh, my God... Since I've became a father, such things are really hard for me to see or even hear about. And that little boy... I hope, he would have more luck and would be happy whenever he is now.

P.S. A lot of morons and moral freaks showed themselves up in this thread. I'm glad to see such people suspended in short time.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Haha, wow, the amount of 2edgy4me comedians in this thread... I can laugh at some tasteless jokes but come on, this is just being "cool" on the internet. Reading those comments makes me feel like anal fungus. Seriously.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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dayum :(

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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These guys are the ones who should have been the victims:

BREAKING: Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by Boston Bombs! GOD SENT THE BOMBS IN FURY OVER FAG MARRIAGE!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That's insane :@

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I do not think this thread belongs in this forum. If we were to create a thread every time a bomb goes off somewhere in the world that has casualties we'd post threads about it every day. I am very sad that the western media is blowing this thing up so huge. Same day this happend more than ten times as many people died and got injured in iraq because of car bombs and even more people died in an earthquake in iran. Still western media reports about this little thing as if it was huge news. it's a stubbed toe when compared to other events. most of it isn't even news, they skip the facts and go directly to speculations filled with "what if" and "could have been", in other words garbage. I really do not think this thread belongs anywhere near this forum.

1 decade ago

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i agree

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The difference is: Boston is NOT a warzone. Of course it happens every in day in the world but this was a famous sports event with thousand of viewers and cameras, you dont expect something like this.

1 decade ago

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I didn't know Pakistan was a warzone either...

1 decade ago

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There were about 4 explosions in the last days, isnt this a conflict area?

1 decade ago

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This just in! Man bites dog!

1 decade ago

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I bet it was South Koreea

1 decade ago

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It's not funny....

1 decade ago

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I guess a couple of people in the crowd had an explosive personality.

1 decade ago

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I hope you get raped tonight.

Do you think this is fucking funny? People have died.

Stop making shit jokes and grow the fuck up.

1 decade ago

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if your child would have died this way, would you still make jokes?
Bye, we won't miss you :P

1 decade ago

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Don't care about those critics, report them if you feel threatend in any way. Your joke is good, made me smile.

1 decade ago

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You have a terrible sense of humor, then. The most offensive thing about the joke is how bad it is. If someone wants to make jokes about it, they can at least make funny ones.

1 decade ago

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To all the runners who told me I should quit smoking...

Who's smoking now?

1 decade ago

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Ya dun goof'd son XD

1 decade ago

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Its almost like he wants to get suspended...O_O

1 decade ago

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it was Hilary :( are the democrats for censorship now?

1 decade ago

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Have you watched any of my speeches?

1 decade ago

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Nice to see mods being against cruel humor and applying censorship because it involves America.

Yet when it comes to other subjects, they just overlook it and don't do anything, especially if its cruel against a small number of peoples opinions.

A bunch of hypocrites most Americans are. (Btw I'm American and admit to being hypocritical when I am)

1 decade ago

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Nice to see people who have no idea what they're talking about. I've only suspended one person in this thread, and he got a warning, and it was for trolling, irrelevant to the content of his posts, as there was no content to censor.

1 decade ago

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Fun fact, the majority of the staff is not American.

Please show me an example of a post that was cruel against a small number of peoples opinions, that was reported to us, that we didn't act on.

1 decade ago

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I'm still waiting to see your reply to bobofatt if you don't feel defeated in your post by his.

EDIT: On second thought shut the fuck up. I hate to be rude but jesus christ how many times have I by chance caught you saying something inappropriate just by chance? So I guess for your sake and mine just get off stay off your high horse and save us the trouble of dealing with 'you' and show yourself out. You can only accomplish so much with your rants before we lose interest and ignore you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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We're all with you Boston, stay strong! And catch that bastards who did it!!!

1 decade ago

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This is not funny, I tell you what fun is, when everyday a child dies in Asia or Africa because: war, disease or poverty and nobody actually finds out about this. Only in US and A every disaster is the most cruel act in the world and people on Internet become very serious and act like grown ups. This list goes on every day but you don't give a damn because is an insignificant country..............

1 decade ago

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Cool story, bro.

1 decade ago

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"Only in US and A every disaster is the most cruel act in the world and people on Internet become very serious and act like grown ups."

Ummm, no? Have you seen some of the comments in this thread, and on the rest of the Internet? And don't act like everyone doesn't care about tragedies in other places besides the US, all because that's all that the media focuses on. Lord knows that I've spoke up plenty about what goes on in other parts of the world.

1 decade ago

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What is wrong with a few jokes? The worst thing you can do is get all sensitive, cry or be appalled. That is exactly what they want you to feel like. If you can laugh in the face of a terrorist attack then they have failed and not managed to terrorize you.

1 decade ago

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My condolences to the injured and deceased.

People in this thread need to grow up and quit picking fights before this thread is closed.

1 decade ago

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I will never understand these things. When this happens in USA, people throw hissy fit about everything related to it, and use the argument "But what the feelings of their families?" Yes, it is a sad thing, but you do not know these people, how it affects you? This same kind of thing happens in middle east, but then you do not care about at all?

Is the value of human life defined by the place you are born? I find that to be pathetic. The loss of human life is always tragedic, no matter where you are born or where you live.

1 decade ago

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In all honesty, we pay more attention to the news when it is close to us. Not that the news from the rest of the world doesn't matter, but because the majority of people don't care about something until it directly effects them. This will effect most americans.

Sadly, this forum is mostly used by 10 yr olds that just don't get it yet.

1 decade ago

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If the news media covered those events like they do these, there would be the same reaction. It's not the people reacting that's different, it's the stimuli they're exposed to. However, I'd agree that people who act really upset about these things are either faking it or have mental problems unless they have some personal connection to the event. Co-opting the real victims' grief like that is repulsive and unseemly, to be quite frank. It's even worse when someone tries to use it in support of their own agenda.

1 decade ago

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I have found myself very upset over many different occurrences that I have known about, here in my country and in others, I usually don't unleash it though in a upset act, but some people can't help it I think. I don't find it wrong or repulsive at all unless its gonna be used in some sort of agenda.

1 decade ago

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Not entirely true. I've had times to be quite saddened by the deaths of people on the other side of the world. And I know a few folks who're the same way. Some people just have greater amounts of empathy than others.

Or it could just be my mental disorders. I'm so cray cray liek dat LOL

But yeah, I do agree that it's terrible when an individual or major corporation will co-opt the pain and suffering of others, especially when it's to exploit them for a quick buck. "Starving children in Africa" infomercials, anyone? Toms brand shoes?

1 decade ago

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It would definitely have to be the first sentence of what you said. News coverage in America is a joke, most of it is censorship and they don't actually show us the brutal things that happen in other countries. I once took french class and once a week our teacher would give us a news article in french. There are some pretty crazy things that happen in french speaking countries.

1 decade ago

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Its sad anywhere, if someone posted a thread about a bombing in the middle east I would say the same thing I wrote in here. Death is death, I agree with you.

1 decade ago

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Well, just found out a friend of mine was at that marathon. Luckily he was nowhere near the place when these things went off.

Not really sure how to feel about this, seeing as how no-one I know got hurt(even if he was dangerously close) and it's on another continent. Probably gonna get some hate, but I can't force myself to care beyond said friend who was there(and his relatives who are very worried about him still even being at that city). I'm more worried about the aftermath. People nowadays have the habit of really taking it too far whenever someone(who they have no reason to care about) in a "secure" country gets killed.(And seeing the stuff referenced in other posts, it's already happening.) :/

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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and they wonder why they were bombed.... Write that message of hate on twitter and then pay with blood, some people should be locked up forever

1 decade ago

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to be fair this one isn't something some fartu fartu gentleman didn't say word for word about us first ;P and we still love him so how much personally could they take it?

besides it in't twitter asshat's fault. it isn't even the bomber. I blame bomberman and ff7 for glorifying terrorism to impressionable sociopathic(proven with science, games make you evil) gamers

1 decade ago

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Some people are real cunts. And the funny thing is, judging by their tweets, they have no idea how the world works.

1 decade ago

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thanks for this, great stuff. TIL new racial slurs

1 decade ago

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meh, just lazy. gooks are vietnamese not korean, chink is china. sand monkeys is just black + desert and these guys are more tanish than black. They deserve their own slur and if you're going to use one do it right. its like calling an italian whatever is an offensive irish one. shouldn't have started the sentence if I couldnt think of one but this keyboard is missing the backspace key, some asshat ripped it out or something. nobody respects library computers

1 decade ago

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Oh dw, I looked the ones I didn't know up on google. It's pretty sad how easy it is to get it right, yet so many don't. But I do enjoy the modern ignorant American.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MrBacon.