Hello there, beautiful SteamGifts people!

So recently I reached Level 6. And what is the best way to celebrate reaching new level? More GAs of course! :)
I also reached 500 games in my Steam Library, but it's no biggie.

So here's what I got for you:

All giveaways are Level 2+, but you will have to meet SGTools requirements:

  • Minimum Real CV (Sent): 25
  • Your account must have activated all the won gifts
  • Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times

And general rule applies: don't leak the giveaway links!

Thank you for your time and good luck!

8 years ago*

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congrats on reaching lvl 6
thanks for the giveaways ^^

8 years ago

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Congrats and thanks :)

8 years ago

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