So, I'm a member of this community for some time now and interacted with some of you. I noticed that quite a few of us are having bad luck, are sick, or are having problems with loved ones... stuff like that.

Being part of this community helps them. Helps me. Getting cheered up by winning a nice game, see a nice reply on a post you made or just having a conversation or slow chat with someone can just be the thing to get through a day.

So. If you feel like you could use a break, get something of your chest or just get noticed here, feel free to comment. I'll be reading all of them and maybe others too.

And/or enter one of these giveaways. Enter if you feel like you could use a win. Not just for the game, but because it'll help you through the hard times.


The message above still stands, so let's reopen this thread :)

4 oops, forgot to make this private

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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This forum always helped me. Otherwise and I would be long gone.
Winning games is secundary for me here to be honest.

8 years ago

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For me, it started out by wanting to win free games, but it turned quickly into something else... Glad you've found your place here!

8 years ago

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Do you still have from those hugs you were giving away? I could use one right now.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks, just what I needed!

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8 years ago

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That's strange but beautiful, that in forum site of gamong people can find hope and faith :) I am curious how much of these people believe in God and why, or why not :)

8 years ago

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Nice words, Waxlor. I agree.
SteamGifts community its really warm. This one thing in particular caught my attention during my first hours around here. Everyday I check out the forums and the now classics "how do you level up ", "my level droped" or "why can I giveaway this game" threads and how old (and no so old) users reply with humor and amazing gifs always bring out a smile for me xD
Again, thanks for sharing some nice words and GAs. I salute you!

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8 years ago

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and thanks for your kind words too!

8 years ago

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Aww, thanks. I really like the pacing of this forum because there's enough people so it gets pretty interesting, but it's not a flood of people posting.

8 years ago

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Conversion to college has been a little rough. time change has messed me up a ton (even though it's just an hour). Just been tired all the time and it's weird not knowing anyone.

8 years ago

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That can be a rough transition. I've always found that transitions can best be ameliorated by getting plenty of sleep, establishing a routine, and making sure to fold in some activity you enjoy, even if its something simple. I've always liked going for walks and literally stopping to smell the flowers. I've always found it calming and it helps to keep me centered. Its kind of similar to meditation.

8 years ago

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great piece of advice!

8 years ago

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Yeah, a big change like this can be tough. Getting adjusted can take some time and all new experiences an being out of your comfort zone can be really tiring,,,

8 years ago

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I feel the happiness spreading all across the land!

8 years ago

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You're helping to spread the joy by handing out cake! Congratz!

8 years ago

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Hoppy Coke Doy.

8 years ago

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This is one of the few things that have gotten me to post in the forums here, thanks man

8 years ago

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See? This is what happens when I finally have a bit of good luck. It siphons off the good fortune from everyone else! If I were to manage to find a date, I think that may cause a nuclear winter.

8 years ago

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so you're the cause of all the misfortune I've encountered here? hmmmm quickly builds a guillotine in the SG town square, come along with me sir and let's talk about that some more... "get the pitchforks!"

Nice of you to think managing a date would be a good thing for you. Clearly you don't know anything of all the disastrous things that can -and will- happen on a date :P

8 years ago

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Yep, its my fault. I finally got a new job recently, and its better in every way than my old job. And of course, a positive change like this is something others can sense. Maybe people just need to start rubbing me for luck.

Well, its been 4 or 5 years since I've experienced that kind of disaster, so it would be a welcome change. Even a bad date would be better than such a solitary existence.

8 years ago

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When we make you our steamgifts luckdoll to rub for luck I think dates -or at least physical contact- will automatically follow. I mean, there must be a lot of girls needing a little luck?!


8 years ago

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Sorry to hear that, I recently had a bad case of food poisoning myself. Get better soon!

8 years ago

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Today, I attended my grandfather's funeral. Everyone's happy for him, since he no longer has to deal with the crap of mortality, but we still feel a loss.

8 years ago

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Man I see things like this and I keep getting more convinced that this is the best community I was ever part of, people here are amazing and always so helpful, even if it is about something technical like PC specs or help with something that happened in someone's life there's always someone here willing to give a helping hand and that just warms the heart. I'm a person who's always looking at the glass half full so I don't usually need help with matters of life but I love helping people out and let them know that they're not alone, making someone laugh after seeing them cry is one of the best feelings I had in my life.

8 years ago

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yeah, we're really something special :)

8 years ago

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Been a little sick the last couple days. People always say it is what comes with a change in the weather. Oh well. For generalised (but only temporary) happy, I recommend putting on some of your favourite music, and just...running (unless you're sick, I guess).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's pretty serious and not a good thing at all.

Silver lining I can see in this is that it's mainly related to the stress encountered at school. It seems like during weekdays you're pushing yourself to a level maybe above what you can actually really handle in the long term. Be it at learning itself, coping in this social environment or coping with yourself and your strife for perfection. Or a combination. It's really a good sign this negative feelings dissapear when the stress is relieved during weekends.

If you'd want my advice I'd say talk to a counselor at school or your doctor about this. Maybe if they can help you bring the stress level down, your self worth grows. And hey: your girlfriends sees something good in you, and women generally tend to be right about stuff like that,... :D

good luck, you have my thoughts!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ye, I totally understand what you mean, winning a game while being sick raises my mood by tons, a bit sick right now too, so I can enjoy the time and read the discussion on sg :P New classmates, school, all of this makes me kinda sad and nervous, but oh well, gotta try to stay positive

8 years ago

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Aweh that's sweet, thank you. Here's a cute cat gif, maybe someone will like it.

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8 years ago

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I do!

8 years ago

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I'm glad to hear that :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm damn weak! Have some nasty health issues that resulted from a simple cold. Hopefully will be back in working condition in few weeks tho, so I can start working out other life troubles ^^

Do not neglect your physical condition folks, work out even just a bit every day, take a walk, anything to move around just that little extra bit. It will help in the long run. I neglected that and now pay the price.

8 years ago

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nice advice, thanks! :)

8 years ago

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I don't really consider myself part of the community since I don't participate in threads because I'm a loser horribly worried about getting showered with hate for no reason but this is the nicest thread I've seen on any site to date. Keep rocking.

8 years ago

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well, thanks for participipating in this thread and hopefully we'll see more of you in others!

8 years ago

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Fun fact:
Penguins have very specialised tongues that are rarely seen since they don't extend out of the beak. Penguins tongues are covered with lots of little spiky spines that all point backward into the throat so that when a penguin catches a fish it is gripped by the spines and cannot escape.

8 years ago

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fun fact: already in the 1920's scientific studies have shown penguins are into necrophelia. :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I knew you'd like to know this :)

8 years ago

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6 years and counting of crippling, crippling depression. D:

But aye, I totally agree. This community is pretty nice to come and just talk about whatever. Esp. as most here are fellow gaming addicts.

8 years ago

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reading the comments, I think depression ranks high in our community.... and it;s a bitch. It can be so tiresome to feel constant negative emotions and indeed can criple life. Being amongst peers here can help, even can get you a good advice once in a while. Sometimes even knowing you're not the only one can be of help...

good luck on fighting the depression!

8 years ago

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Personally, it makes it harder on me to know so many people may feel as bad as I do. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

But yeah, it does seem high in this community, which is a real shame.

And thank you.

8 years ago

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Good day to you too

8 years ago

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The steamgifts community has really help me out. I've got bad social anxiety and being comfortable talking to the people here has been a good step in becoming comfortable talking to people. I have constant suicidal thoughts so I need something to occupy my my mind and steamgifts helps with that. I can deal with the passing suicidal thoughts, but when I have time to think by myself, my thoughts become really negative and that when I start agreeing with those thoughts. I need a distraction reading steamgifts discussions and talking to the people here and checking out the links people post is a good and helpful distraction.

School has also just started which means I have less time to myself, but more stress. It's been a terrible first two days, but on the bright sided, I learned I passed a class that I thought I failed.

8 years ago

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Sounds like it's definitely not easy for you... good to read SG is a nice distraction. More than that; it's a safe place of stepping over boundaries, of interacting with caring, yet anonymous, people, and generally a safe haven to come back to when you need a break at coping with the 'real world'...

hang in there and visit here often! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the GA's Waxlor, and I totally agree with you, this community is really nice! :)
I've certainly had some problems in recent months, I have almost a year without a stable job and sometimes I feel really frustrated, I turned 27 a month ago and I feel I need more stability in my life.

BTW There´s a cute gif to cheer us up :P

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8 years ago

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Being in the prime of your life, I can imagine it's frustrating... I once was sort-of unemployed for a few months (got paid but did nothing) and I did not like it one bit. You want to contribute to something, grow professionally, be proud of something...

I wish you all the best and hope you;ll find a nice job soon!

8 years ago

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