When you have to turn down the quality of graphics for games, they don't look bad because you're used to console quality graphics

1 decade ago*

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Everything is bad about consoles!

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I hate getting a game and putting it in my console and it just always works.

I also hate being able to sell my games when I don't play them anymore.

1 decade ago

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Physical copies of PC games exist, you know. As for the digital ones, we usually get them for so cheap that it doesn't really matter that they sit around for ages once we're done with them.

1 decade ago

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With consoles you can buy a used copy of new release single player game, take it home, beat it within a week or two, then sell it on craigslist or half.com or something and only be out like ~$5-10. Yeah on older games it's the same as a PC sale, but you typically can't get AAA games a month or two old for $5-10.

1 decade ago

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STEAM SALES!. tbf though you can pretty much get bioshock infinite quite cheap since you get those free games with it.

1 decade ago

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or buy a collectors edition rpg for $60 and sell it a year later for $100+ (200+ if unopened)

1 decade ago

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If you resell games, then yes, consoles are advantageous (but why not just rent to begin with then?). PC games are much cheaper, much faster.

1 decade ago

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Blockbuster turned me off to renting a long time ago. I don't want to be on a deadline to finish a game.

1 decade ago

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GameFly and such are good. Assuming they still have the no late fee bit going.

1 decade ago

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  1. I have had several issues with game not working on my consoles.

  2. PC games are the same way. Unless, you get downloadable games, such as through Steam. Which, consoles also have and you can't sell them, but they are still ridiculously priced.

1 decade ago

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I was only kidding btw. I have an xbox, although I don't really play it now I have a good PC.

1 decade ago

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Then the console stops working because you wanted to buy cheap equipment.

1 decade ago

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I've had one console failure among the dozen I've owned, replaced under warranty. Unless you count having to jiggle the NES carts, then that's 2.

You've never had a PC component fail on you? Consider yourself lucky.

1 decade ago

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Being Nintendo's first gen system, that was a bit of a design flaw in the NES (the contacts on the motherboard connector wore out easily and weren't terribly durable). It's actually fairly easy and cheap to replace the connector btw. This did not happen with subsequent consoles.

1 decade ago

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I replaced fewer consoles than parts. I was glad to actually be able to not go through hoops to do it.

1 decade ago

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The NES thing doesn't count. So don't worry.

I've had several xbox 360's die out on me. I'm on my third one (first red ringed, second had the disc reader go out, third is having the same problem [to be fair, I had my second repaired for free, so that might be why])

1 decade ago

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How long have you been support? Must be pretty recent unless I'm blind.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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only 2 good things that are good on consoles

1.the exclusives, some of them like infamous and probably uncharted 3

2.being cheap.

ps: pc players approve of this thread

1 decade ago

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Hardware is cheaper, software isn't. If you buy many games you'll save a lot of money if you game on PC.

1 decade ago

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They sell the hardware to you at a loss because they know they will more than make it back through the sale of the software.

1 decade ago

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Indeed. And even then, you can build a dedicated gaming PC pretty cheap if you build your own.

1 decade ago

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I run that exclusives on my PC using emulators :P (PS2, Wii etc)

1 decade ago

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but its impossible to emulate xbox 360 and ps3 up to today

1 decade ago

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I thought that was just the case with the 360.

1 decade ago

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More stuff to chuck out the window during domestic disputes!

1 decade ago

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I smell a fan boy war coming... brace yourselves!

1 decade ago

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....I don't....what.

1 decade ago

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You normally don't have to worry about the game not working properly

1 decade ago

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Excluding Bethesda games on PS3.

1 decade ago

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Bethesda games just on PS3? I thought Bethesda games not working was a common issue. I mean, it's Bethesda. What could not go wrong? :P

1 decade ago

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Sonic 2006 and Gundam Crossfire.

1 decade ago

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That's why I said normally :p

1 decade ago

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the only good thing i see in having a console is possibility to smash someones face with it

1 decade ago

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From an objective point of view, the only good thing about consoles is that you don't need to upgrade hardware at all to play new titles, doesn't matter if it's a game from the beginning of the new console era, or a game released 6 years after the console, it will run.
That's the bad thing about pcs though, you must upgrade every few years if you want to keep up with the latest graphics.
But to be honest, I don't give a single fuck since I have no consoles and I never had (apart from a lovely Sega Genesis 3 when I was a kid) and neither have a gaming pc (my pc is a crappy acer aspire which can barely run some games)

1 decade ago

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Probably the fact that console games look way better than..... no wait they dont, lol

1 decade ago

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That you get to be a console peasant and look up in awe at the PC Master Race? :D

1 decade ago

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I got used to not caring about bad graphics on my old craptop and now everything else looks beautiful, so your argument is invalid. :3

1 decade ago

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I really don't care if it's PC, PS3, XBox, SNES, Atari or a God damn Barcode Battler, I just like playing games. :)

1 decade ago

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I agree, as long as the graphics don't get in the way of the gameplay.

I still enjoy playing Commander Keen, Dune 2, and other stuff from that era. I even dig out my MSX sometimes to play Kung Fu and Super Copter. For some reason, "bad" 3D annoys me a lot, but those really old games age well.

1 decade ago

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One person with right state of mind in here.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Same. PC and consoles both have tons of pros and cons, as well as great exclusives for each one. I'd end up missing out on a lot of great games if I just played on one platform.

1 decade ago

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Who cares about graphic quality if the game is fun? Btw I don't know if it's just me being weird but in my opinion games on consoles look good (or maybe I never played the ugly ones)

1 decade ago

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Does that mean that the bad thing about owning a PC is that when you do play a console game, it looks like shit?

1 decade ago

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I can agree with that.

I was really looking forward to Dragons Dogma, but when I try to play it, the graphics drove me mad for the first few hours. It was the first game I'd played in absolutely ages on my 360, and I was so used to high res, smooth frame-rate PC graphics. I got used to it after a while, but I still hope they do a PC version!

1 decade ago

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Thanks to PC, I realize bad console graphics look. (Unless the atmosphere is creative)

1 decade ago

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Another bad thing about consoles...most people buy a pc ASWELL for things such as internet, work, school. That extra money spent on the console could have been spent on a better pc, with change for a load of games, which would in most cases perform, feel and look better than the console counterparts.

1 decade ago

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I only have a console for house parties. I bring it over, fire up some local multiplayer, drink some alcohol, then go to sleep.

That said, I only get console games if they have local multiplayer, are an exclusive, or for Kinect. This, however may change once the Steam box comes out if they support 4 player split screen (which it probably will.)

There is another argument of physical media vs virtual. I like the idea of just taking a disc with a gamesave to a friends house rather than lugging my 360 everywhere.

1 decade ago

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The worst part about PC gaming is the elitist PC gamers.

1 decade ago

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Sad and true.

1 decade ago

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Same can be said about console fanboys.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Console Warriors.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't understand that sentiment. I've never understood the consoles vs. PC war. shrug

1 decade ago

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Consoles are cheap, holds back game development, works off the shelf, and plays $60 games at less than half the settings of a computer that costs 50% more. PC gamers get shoddy ports that may need lots of patches, GFWL, and get called pirates since consoles can't ever be pirated.

1 decade ago

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"since consoles can't ever be pirated."

I laughed so hard at that line.

1 decade ago

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Well, depending on the system, it can at least be difficult, and the negatives may not be worth it to the owner.

Me, I have a PS2 and PSP with software modifications to allow games to play off installed storage devices (very useful to test used discs I purchase), but wouldn't dare to do the same with my 360 and risk having it banned from downloading patches (though it has disc installation as a regular feature, so not needed like with my other mentioned systems).

1 decade ago

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I was holding back a guffaw. Oh wait, I made that one.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Call me crazy but graphics have never meant much to me, a beautiful game that plays like shit isn't worth more than a terrible looking game that plays great. I play console and PC, and though I have to say that PC is superior with a lot of things, owning a console is great. You get solid copies of most if not all games you own, and when you play a game on your console, you know it works (yes I know there are some small exceptions) without updating something or buying new hardware. I like that when I buy any game for the 360, I can play it on ANY xbox 360. I have a bunch of games I can't play till I buy a better PC.

PC has awesome benefits too though. You can essentially play anything ever on it, and you can modify things MUCH easier. Services like steam allow you to buy games at FANTASTIC prices, as opposed to console gaming where nothing goes cheaper than 20 unless you wait like 6 years and buy used (yes I know that's an over exaggeration). Plenty more things to write but I feel like I wrote enough.

1 decade ago

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You crazy dude. But seriously, I would call anyone who cares much about the graphics crazy.

1 decade ago

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PC may be superior in some things, but console does other stuff better. They are kind of balanced. Consoles usually work 60 FPS with no problems, no upgrading, no viruses, one box standard, good controllers that work with no problems. I really hate "X360 pad only" trend in PC games, good thing that we have pad emulator so I can play them with good old Dualshock 2. Consoles have great exclusives too.

As for PC, you can play pretty much everything on it. Many old games work on new computers, even DOS games with DOSBox. And not only that, there are emulator of almost everything that had games - consoles, computer, arcades. Another good thing about PC is Steam and digital distribution. You can easily modify games too, as for consoles - it's harder, but not impossible. Also, computer is suited better for shooters and strategy games (but remember - nothing is impossible). And if you're bored with games, you can use PC for many other things.

I hate people who fight over which one is better. They are stupid and stubborn. We can't do anything about this though, this war will live as long as the people who play games live.

EDIT: Oh, one more thing. Consoles are kinda better for collectors.

1 decade ago

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When did consoles work at 60fps at all?

1 decade ago

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He means games, like Metal Gear Rising and I'm pretty sure the CoD franchise, and plenty others

1 decade ago

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Definitely the console exclusive games...

1 decade ago

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There are several reasons I prefer consoles.

  1. Dislike the use of keyboard during games, and while Joy2Key is an option, it is still irritating to set up.
  2. Compatibility with your system is guaranteed.
  3. Datacap prevents me from playing most of the games I own on PC without a lengthy wait.
  4. Can't lend or give games to friends when I'm done with them.

I admit the PC may look nice and has mods, but neither are things I really care about, not using mods (hell, not even seeing the reason for needing more stuff in something like a TES game) and going for speed rather than shiny visuals.

1 decade ago

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I've always been of the opinion that who cares what people play on as long as they are having fun and enjoy the games they play. Every system has its advantages and disadvantages, in the end all that matters is people are having fun since that is what gaming is about.

1 decade ago

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Indeed. Play the games and have fun.

1 decade ago

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I'm not saying I hate consoles, I enjoy both. I just feel that the PC has better performance, but consoles have more of that "playing games" feeling,

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by OneParsecAway.