So, it's a little late coming, cake is a little smoky after being in the oven so long.. but I recently celebrated my one-year anniversary here on SteamGifts. It is hard to imagine I have already been here for one year, but the site tells me it's true.

I make a lot of giveaways here, usually tossing a puzzle in to access it, so I feel that it's only right to do the same, here. These start April 10th, and end April 20th.

This year has been weird for me, but a good kind of weird. I got my first job, quit my first job, and found a new job in the same field, but at a much better facility. It's been great. With this experience, I have learned that I don't have to let people treat me badly. I can just get up and leave, always. And sometimes you rage apply to the competitor and have an interview an hour later. Ha!

Just a note: The giveaways behind the puzzle require LEVEL SIX here on Steam Gifts. I'll pop up some lower-level ones seperately.

3 months ago

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Potato.. Cake?

Congrats on leaving a shit job and getting a better one! There's always a certain amount of courage needed to leave a job and it's great you found it within yourself. :)

Also happy late cakeday!

3 months ago

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Great puzzle, had fun solving it. Are you sure the train is working correctly?

3 months ago

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Should be fixed, thank you!

3 months ago

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Hey, good thing that in the end everything went well! Thanks for the jigidi and happy late cakeday!

3 months ago

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Quite a brave move, glad it worked out for you!

3 months ago

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Bump, Happy belated cakeday in that case o7

3 months ago

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Fun puzzle. I'm not level 6 but did the puzzle anyway.

3 months ago

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Good luck in your 2nd year here, Cloverleaf :)

3 months ago

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Bump for solved, nice train ^^

Also, congrats on the move, it requires courage to do so

3 months ago

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I love cake, even if it's burned


3 months ago

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Happy belated cake day! :)

3 months ago

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Happy cake day Cloverleaf! Good to hear you're in a better place now.

3 months ago

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Congrats on the cake day, belated or not!

3 months ago

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Nice story, happy belated cakeday, and thanks for the puzzles!

3 months ago

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And sometimes you rage apply to the competitor and have an interview an hour later.

Heh serves them well for not including a non competition clause! ;)

Happy Cake!

3 months ago

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Happy belated cakeday!

3 months ago

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View attached image.
3 months ago

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How do you see a potato in that?

3 months ago

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Congrats on getting a better job! And belated cakeday ^^
That jigidi looks gorgeous, gonna keep it for the 10th! Thanks!

3 months ago

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Happy cake day!

3 months ago

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Thanks ^^

3 months ago

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bump, thanks for the jigidi

3 months ago

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View attached image.
3 months ago

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Man, I suck at these puzzles. 19 minutes. Fastest solver was 5 minutes, how is that possible?
Anyway, looking at the games in this train, it was totally worth it. Thank you!

3 months ago*

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Bump! Happy belated Cakeday!

3 months ago

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Happy belated 🎂day and gratz on the job change!

3 months ago

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Happy Cake Day!

3 months ago

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Congrats! I am kinda in a similar position, want to rage quit my job, but I don't think I can.

3 months ago

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