I'm leaving this here overnight. I've made a thread like this before IIRC but it was like a year or two ago, so here I go again. I actually ended up forgetting about the thread but I want to get back into playing RPGs, both the popular 'classics' and the hidden gems.

I'm thinking something like FF9(only FF I've played, never beat it), Chrono Trigger/Cross, Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age(story / music), Mass Effect(Sci-Fi RPG, but still). Those are the examples that popped in my head as I write this. I LOVE games with amazing atmosphere, environments, music and story. Gameplay is a "meh" point for me since gameplay is easy to ignore, depending on the difficult and style. Graphics is a bonus for me, so don't think I'm a stickler for graphics.

Was playing some One Way Heroics Plus a few days ago and dayum, that is a fun game. The music and atmosphere is great! I also enjoyed the FUCK out of NeoPets : The Darkest Fairie for the PS2 when I was a kid. Yes, I'm serious. That game was the shit. It was such an enjoyable and overall well-made game. I feel like it's pretty obscure and underrated(redundancy?) too. Also, yeah, fuck being used for emphasis. I'm great, I know!

Anyways, any suggestion is great! If you want an obligatory giveaway, then... I 'unno. I'm kind of broke. Maybe I can get a few dollars towards a bad rats or something. Who knows.

EDIT: Just to point it out, the suggestions are going onto a notepad note for future reference. It's up to me whether I decide if it's worth the time and money to seek out the required consoles and games but unfortunately that's pretty difficult to do so. If the games are on PC, that just makes it all the more convenient. So, TL:DR, I don't own any consoles or portables.

EDIT2: I'm not condoning or admitting to piracy, and emulation technically isn't piracy(in the same way that torrenting isn't piracy itself). I'm simply looking for games to play. Some options for affordable consoles (market-value isn't affordable, $300 is a lot) would be helpful but, y'know, accessibility.

8 years ago*

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Koudelka - Not well-known game. One of few horror jrpg where you don't even saving the world and you don't have rainbow graphic. It's have strange combat and rpg system (for example if you give some points into magic def then it will work even on your heal spells or the further you cast the spell the weaker it's get). It's interesting game but it have annoying break-weapon system :|

.hack// series. The fist one is sooooo much boring and it looks soooo ugly .... but it have incredible intresting storyline. Much better than Sword art Online, Log Horizon, Btoom and any other boring "things" with mmo theme. If I remember correctly if I will check my save card from ps2 it will show me that I spend almost 110h there O.o... well when you are younger you don't care about many things like graphics or repetitive gameplay ;p
"Second games" or rather sequel (.hack//G.U) in my opinion is one of top best looking game on PS2. Still maybe it gets later boring (repetitive) but again it worth to play just for storyline AND ost for exaple this
Thanks god creators of this game made a summary of the first .hack// as a diary so you can start from G.U. If you have some free time see this BUT if want to play in the future in .hack//G.U then don't try to watch 6 or more file because they contain spoilers about G.U.

8 years ago*

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I guess I'll check it out. I've heard of the .hack// but I legitimately thought that was only an anime or something.

8 years ago

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Worse anime + manga + games.
Manga don't have anything interesting and important for plot.
Every anime about .hack is in different style. Don't ask me why. Only sign and roots have anything about main storyline but you can skip them because Sign give you some additional information about storyline (it's prequel for first game) and you get summary of Roots at the beggining of G.U. game.

There a 3 games.
First one for ps2 have 4 parts (this video what I gave you summarise them). The only difference between every parts is continuation of storyline + stronger monster/items.
Second one G.U on ps2 (sequel) it's looks much better and many things were changed but again it have 3 parts that are made that same way like in the first one. They contain continuation of storyline + stronger monster/items.
The Third one Link (sequel of G.U) was released only on PSP and only in Japan :| Some group of fan is doing translation but there still no sign of ending :| https://dothacktranslate.wordpress.com/projects/hacklink-english-fan-translation/

8 years ago

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This one isn't on steam, but you can still look for it: Terranigma. It's one of the best SNES RPGs out there.

8 years ago

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when hearings about classic rpg, i immediately think of
secret of mana and secret of evermore on super nintendo
also all the FF / fallout / elder scroll

and its not a "classic" but its without doubt one of the best RPG with the deepest atmosphere i played since i had a controller in my hand

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Wait, what? What do you mean by not moddable? Do you mean the Bethesda games or just Steam games in general?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, shit. That's a shame. Although, it might be just you. I have to wonder, though - Has this happened since the Skyrim mods fiasco?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sea Dogs series! Nox (action rpg), Arx Fatalis

8 years ago

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Grandia 2 is available for PC on steam and other distribution platforms. Its all about the story, grim atmosphere, great music, it gives you a sense that the world is a big place to explore. The Grandia games use a battle system quite similar to Chrono Trigger as well.

8 years ago

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Woo, awesome! I'll check out Grandia 2 then.

8 years ago

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Lisa, The Painful RPG. i really enjoyed this one. Also its DLC is pretty nice too and well worth the money in my opinion.

8 years ago

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Chrono Trigger. Game is boasting with 14 minor-varied endings.


8 years ago

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Then there's the whole strategy RPG genre, those tend to be heavily story-based. Most are 2D, so the graphics have generally aged well enough.

  • Fire Emblem series. Low-magic fantasy setting. I'd recommend starting with Path of Radiance (GameCube) or Sacred Stones (GBA).
  • Disgaea series. Fantasy comedy. Mostly on Playstations, the first one is currently being ported for PC.
  • Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1). Religion, drama, and politics in a dark fantasy setting. Not to be confused with the GBA FFTs.
  • Ogre Battle: Let Us Cling Together (PSP). See above.
  • Shining Force 1 & 2. Classic fantasy. These are available on Steam. Good place to start if you're new to the genre: these aren't as complex as Fire Emblems, for instance.
8 years ago*

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Yeah, I REALLY need to play Ogre Battle, Disgaea, Ogre Battle, and Fire Emblem. Strategy RPGs are fun to play. FF tactics had a bunch of grinding that put me off for the most part, but only because of my mood at the time. It's a pretty fun game. Shining force 1 & 2 were alright but I couldn't beat the boss to 1 because I didn't get certain units / level up as much as I should have.

8 years ago

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