Whole story:


My fiance started her own company 3 weeks ago. Last week she received a mail - inside was something looking like an official letter from government, with official stamps etc - calling her to pay 195 PLN (46EUR) for mandatory registration in "Polish Companies Registry. Below was a blanket to send money via bank transfer. On the other side of sheet of paper there was written with small letters that "This is just an advertisement. No payment is mandatory. We are not government agency, but just private company".


We went with that letter to police to report a fraud attempt. 1st policeman told us it's not a fraud, because there's this text on the other side. We said we'd like to report anyway and let a court decide if it's a fraud or not. He told us we'll have to wait for his supervisor.

His supervisor comes, we tell whole story over again - he says he cannot take our statement cause it's no Police work and we should go to civil court if we want to. I take out my smartphone and google through polish law codexes and show him a point that it's not a matyter for civil court but for the police. Very unhappy he writes down a statement then he asks me for a smartphone I just googled it on. I think he wants to copy what paragraph number it is or something, but no - he puts a smartphone into an evidence bag. WTF? - I ask. "You used your company's smartphone for private matters, which is against the law.". "It's not company's smartphone! It's my private phone. Plus I bought it over 1.5 year ago while company is up for just 1.5 week!". "In this case we will have to verify it - if it's really private smartphone, not a company one. You can take it back in 24 hours". "Can I at least have my SIM card back?". "No, SIM card is part of protected evidence now". He gives me piece of paper to come back tommorow for my phone.


I go to pick up my phone. They give it back to me - batterry dead. I go back t home, charge it - and what do I see? 26 calls made while phone was there, whole internet package used, shitload of some useless shitty apps from "money-for-download" pages installed. I go back to police to report it. What do I hear? "You probably made all these calls and downloaded all this stuff right now, while changing phone clock, just to blame police". For next few minutes I try to calmly resolve this issue - but I hear that if I don't stop talking I'm the one who they will arrest for fraud on them - as I obviously try to scam them for compensation right now. The moment I hear it I break - I scream on an idiot who tells me this that he must be a moron, that the fucking Android would change all timers the moment I'd change time, and that some fucking asshole from their fucking police station is just a thief that decided to use smartphone which was suposed to be evidence to save himself some money and earn some fucking credits on some shitty website for downloading shitty aps.

Next thing I know I lie on the ground handcuffed behind my back. They take me to prosecutors and I find out I'm charged with insulting police officer (because I used vulgar language) and resisting an arrest (yeah - me fat, unhealthy nerd resisted 3 bigass muscled cops who were lying on me and handcuffing me). And I hear I now face a threat of big fine or up to one year of jail time... So yeah - that's my story - if you read up to here the GA cove is hidden right after Thursday.


OK... idk why the hell someone necroed such an old topic, you're an idiot dear sir, but as for update how things ended up:

  1. Prosecution refused to drop charges and insisted about getting case into court.
  2. Then to make the whole process longer they insisted on psychiatric evaluation - deciding it one month after the case started o.O then waiting 2 weeks for a visit to a doctor so the doctor after 15 minutes can tell that no, I'm not a psycho.
  3. In the meantime of all this bullshit going on the year ended.
  4. Right at the start of the new year prosecution suddenly drops charges because of "low level of harm towards society".
  5. Seems that it got so long, because t was easy case to booost statistics. Apparently they results are evaluated not solely on number of cases they solve, but rather on number of cases and how long they work on them. They had no case, but they were running a case anyway, so in stats they were working hard for society.
  6. I did not file a civil case, because the expenses I'd have to pay were just silly compared to almost nothing I could get. Return of my 2 days salary because that's how many days I couldn't work.
9 years ago*

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Zycie. myslisz, ze w innych miastach jest inaczej?

PS. Ale GA nie potrafie znalezc :P

9 years ago

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polecam moj guide w takim razie ;) wyszukaj na forum zelgh magic guide ;)

9 years ago

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Oh man, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have a similar experience with police. They're useless power greedy assholes!
It's these times I wish I was some sort of superhero and I could clean the fucking city up!

9 years ago

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Good luck with your case. Make sure to get a great attorney who specializes in cases of police misconduct/brutality. I'm not familiar with Polish law, but there should be advocates or legal groups who can help people like yourself.

9 years ago

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aawwww sorry to hear that zelg D:

I hope everything turns out fine.

9 years ago

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TL;DR. Don't report scams & Keep your phone locked. ;)

9 years ago

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Sad. There must me a security camera at the police office, so there should be a video recorded. Go talk with some lawyer and they might be able to sort it out.

9 years ago

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It probably was broken.

9 years ago

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Yes, "broken"

9 years ago

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there is not ;p it's a small shitty police station - they don't even ave PC nor internet there.

9 years ago

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Well, then it's pretty hard for You, I guess. Well, You gave away Your phone at time X and and got it back at time Y. Can You/Your mobile operator check that somebody used the internet in the time between X and Y and do You have somebody who would prove that You didn't have the mobile phone between X and Y?

9 years ago

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I can do that with ease - the thing is that me proving their missuse of my phone changes nothing. Their case is not about a phone but about me insulting them and resisting arrest. Even if I was right I have no right to insult them or resist arrest.

9 years ago

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Well, then it's hard. If there isn't a camera, it's basically Your word against their word. And what do most of people think? That cops are right (I don't think that). And they'll probably team-up with somebody to prove that You resisted arrest. Well, sorry, but I can't help You. I'll try to think a bit and if I hit upon an idea, I'll post it here.

9 years ago

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if your story is true go to the media with it...write to every tv station, every newspaper you can think off...put the media pressure on them.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Lazy and corrupt police officer, teach him a lesson of life.

9 years ago

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What ever you do, DON'T delete those call logs the agent made. They can serve you as evidence, also keep that scam(?) mail and go find your prove of purchase of your phone. If you've done that counter charge THEM. Your charge will likely be taken with your trail.

9 years ago

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You did the right thing to do, humanity is proud of you

9 years ago

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Tak na poważnie czy se jaja robisz ?

Jak na poważnie to zgłoś to do jakiegoś sądu czy coś i olej policję. A najlepiej najpierw zgłoś się do prawnika

Mój kraj taki piękny. Tusk cie jebał, ZUS cie jebie, policja cie jebie, prawo cie jebie, a ty możesz się tylko przyglądać

9 years ago

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na poważnie. byułem już u prawnika - uspokoił mnie, mówi, że prawdopodobnie skończy się w prokuraturze umorzeniem, a nawet jeśli dojdzie do sądu to najwyżej jakaś mała grzywna - brak przeszłości karnej więc za coś takiego nawet jak coiś nie przywalą dużej kary - te idą dla recydywy.

9 years ago

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In Poland is it really considered fraud to send letters that look like government letters? I live in the United States and we get junk mail like that all the time.

9 years ago

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someone has to stop them...

9 years ago

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No if letters just looks "like" formal letter. But it's fraud if they use official government stamps etc., of course.
I think it's same situation like everywhere in the world.

He just got fake, but not fraud letter. For example:
like this one - advertisement looks similarly to 100PLN bill/banknote
and this is how real 100PLN bill looks

Of course sending letters which looks officialy may be considered as an attempt of fraud, but this is case for court and may (and probably will -_- ) take not a months, but a years to catch and convict a conmans/con artist.
Law is broken here in many ways. I'm sure everyone who live in democratic state could tell many interesting stories about behave of the police, politics, media etc.

BTW: if someone will visit Poland - theres nothing to be afraid, it's safe place to live and travel. Just remember about that - during the police intervention/conversation never insult them, NEVER touch them (literally), always behave calmly - in case you just meet not a friendly one, but a "pig" or as we call them here "dog" or as all around the world poeples knows - a bastard. Because ACAB. <joke_joke>

9 years ago

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You should move to America, where we have laws against an officer unjustly stealing your smartphone. Also, let this be a lesson to you to call the company of your sim card and have them lock your phone (or just get an unlimited plan).

9 years ago

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Ok, as far as I remember, according to our law (I'm not a lawyer, but know a little bit):

  • First of all, they could not take your phone without a warrant/case against you. It's a crime
  • As someone mentioned it already, "resisting arrest" can be resolved with monitoring records, misusing of your phone with billing records from telecommunication company (they are required to provide them)
  • Offending policemen may be a problem - but it's not a major crime (wykroczenie, a nie przestępstwo), so it should be limited to fine, without the threat of jail, especially if you were provoked

Swoją drogą, naprawdę współczuję. Postaraj sie pogadać z jakimś prawnikiem - na pewno coś doradzi. Mały komisariat, niewielkie osiedle, to takie szuje czują się jak panowie na zamku - nie daj się im zastraszyć.

9 years ago

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nie znam angielskeigo żargonu prawniczego, więc odpowiem po polsku - moga wziąć telefon bez nakazu ze względu na PODEJRZENIE popełnienia przestępstwa. Po stwierdzeniu braku popełnienia przestepstwa powinni go oddać (w moim przypadku na następny dzień). Inna sprawa, że telefon w takim przypadku powinien badać biegły technik a nie redneck z osiedlowego posterunku co dostał w łapki fajna zabawke i się nią przez dzionek pobawił.

9 years ago

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lol. Sounds like you have lived a pretty sheltered life.

9 years ago

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So this video is focused on american law, but the general principle holds: you should never talk to the police.

9 years ago

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Myślałem że mnie zaleje jak to czytałem... Wrzuć to na wykop czy gdzieś, więcej ludzi się tym zainteresuje

9 years ago

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O to to to. Wrzucaj na Wykop, to ludzie tam pomogą.

9 years ago

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Call news agency and get them to make a story out of this? Could get the word out of these corrupt cop(s) and maybe help your case. Maybe then you can sue them for harassment, corruption, and theft of property.

9 years ago

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a c a b

9 years ago

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This is something bad...really bad. Wish You luck Mate!

9 years ago

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Next time if you going to go report some stuff, and then prove to them that its a police matter, make sure you have the crap printed on paper. Whipping out something from a phone is probably the fastest way to get your crap taken. Cops take phones all the time here in the U.S. so your encounter then the fact your phone had all those charges and such is not a surprise. What you should of done was gone to an attorney after they confiscated your phone and had the matter taken care of by someone the cops fear a lawyer.

9 years ago

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he should have simply said, i would like the restoration of my property, by law they have to give it back, the police have very little power especially in the US and UK, all ruled by fear

9 years ago

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He's living in Poland not US...

9 years ago

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Wrzuć na Wykop.

9 years ago

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You need to read up on your laws i think, im not good with polish law but in the Uk there is no law that states you cant insult a police officer, do soem research im sure you can get out of this, also if they gave you a log of your phone being taken and and the times ir was returned, im sure you can get phone logs to prove it didnt happen in your care if you get what i mean

9 years ago

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There is a law in PL against insulting police officer or generally any gov official. You can end up with fine for it, community services or worst case scenario up to 1 year (luckily attorney said that even if this goes to court theres 100% chance it will end up with just a small fine in worst case scenario, as I have no criminal record).

9 years ago

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Lol, Poland.

9 years ago

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