Recruitment closed for now

Will be re-opened on as-needed basis

What is Touhou Giveaways?

I don't know, ask ArchiBoT.

The Touhou Giveaways group was founded by Archi on February 18th 2015. We're a small, ratio-based group, sharing the spirit of giving away and winning games on SteamGifts. You might already recognize us from awesome events that we organize from time to time.

We have implemented many unique features into the simple concept of a private giveaway group, and today we are one of the most "technologically advanced" group that exists on SG. The objective is simple: the group should be a nice addition to the SteamGifts community and should require no extra effort from the member.

All group giveaways are tracked by our bot, which automatically adds new giveaways to the database, track winners, calculate points and ratio, detect current/finished giveaways, calculate statistics, and even reward members with our very own touhou achievements! Our group is fully automated, and thanks to that, our members can focus on creating and winning giveaways, instead of being forced to manually add them through the website or post links in a group thread. This way everybody is happy to make giveaways the same way as public or private giveaways, and ArchiBoT does everything else.

To make the precious data gathered by the bot available for the members, we also coded our very own Touhou Giveaways website, which acts as a "frontend" to the data gathered by the bot. Members can check their stats, ongoing giveaways, giveaways won and many other useful information we provide in a nice, fancy and modern way.

We're still actively working on improving our group even further.

We're looking for members who:

  • Fulfill all of our requirements (rules)
  • Like our group concept
  • Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends
  • Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus
  • Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus
  • Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus
  • A recommendation from our member will be a plus

This is VIP recruitment thread, which will be opened/closed on as-needed basis. If you're interested in joining, tell us why by writing your application, and we'll get back to you after evaluating it. There's no time-limit now, spots are limited.

Website | Members | Rules | Introduction | Steam group | SG stats

BTW, consider joining us on the chat if you want to get more info, ask a question, or simply talk with us.

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8 years ago*

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  • Fulfill all of our requirements (rules). That won't be a problem.
  • Like our group concept. I really like it, there's no other group like this.
  • Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends. I'm not one to make a lot of group giveaways, simply because I make a lot of puzzles, but I could start doing that for this group.
  • Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus. Not gonna happen, I'm not active in chat rooms.
  • Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus. I believe I'm quite recognized.
  • Having good ratio of giveaway won / created on SG will be a plus. "Good ratio" is a bit ambiguous, but mine is 0.62.
  • A recommendation from our member will be a plus. I think there are some members in the group who would recommend me.

Well that's it. I would be glad to join.

8 years ago

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+1 :)

8 years ago

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noooo, you will try to make us do puzzles :P

Not gonna happen, I'm not active in chat rooms.

OK I guess


8 years ago

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i'd like to join and love the group concept!

8 years ago

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Read and understand the rules. Love the concept, like to join.

8 years ago

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Hello, can I join your group? I read the rules and I think I meet the requirements.

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8 years ago

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A message for ArchiBoT:

begin 644 apply.txt
8 years ago

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That's a rather old one..

8 years ago

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Yeah. Hopefully ArchiBoT knows what to do with it :)

8 years ago

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I've read the rules and introduction and explored the site. It sounds like an amazing concept. I would love to start listing games if I could get an invite. I'm shy and not a person of a lot of words, but I would visit the site daily, be kind to others, list games and follow the rules.

8 years ago*

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I'm interested about joining this group. I'm lvl4 in SG and never had a problem with my Steam account.
As you can see in my SG profile, my GA/Wins ratio is acceptable.
Thanks anyway!

8 years ago

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i would love to join.
Fulfill all of our requirements (rules)
i agree with your rules and will follow them until the end.
Like our group concept i do adore your group concept and from what i've seen in the chat
really like it .
Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends
i'm up to that.
Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus
touhou chat reminded me the old Mirc so i think i fill fit in.
Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus
im too young to be able to get some regognition.
Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus
i think i cover it .i only enter games that i like and will play.
A recommendation from our member will be a plus
i think i know some of your members but don't know if they would actually recommend me
none the less i would an opportunite to be join the vip ranks.
thank you again

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 again :D

8 years ago

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Dolan Approves!

8 years ago

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that is a nice duck .!

8 years ago

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-1 ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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He applied 5 days ago and already upset the economy... This was a mistake XD

8 years ago

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falco: applied------- joined-----took over economy-----banned _---
seem's legit :P

8 years ago

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Hey Archi, throw a fellow Bundle Quester a recommendation or why not an invite?

Sure as hell would love to be part of your group. Pretty sure I qualify and already read the rules/familiar with the system

pd: Your iddle tool is the best thing ever.

8 years ago

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that feel when archi doesnt even reply you

I'll just go and hang this rope over here and...

8 years ago

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If I was about to reply to every application ever sent, I'd need a few more hours in my day.

Read OP, no reply does not equal to being rejected.

8 years ago

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I believe I fulfil the requirements, and I agree with the rules.
I do know some people in group from pumpkin head to ralph seen cj complex, as wany. Venheim as well as some others. I don't know if they would support me being in here but I know of them and have been in groups with them.
I like Touhou points and would like to accrue some. I like to give as well as win. I think my ratio is okay.
In all honesty would probably not be in chat very often. Thanks Archi and Touhou.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you ralph.

8 years ago

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i'm not even sure if the rec is still open

8 years ago

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Recently reopened.

8 years ago

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Thank you. Felt better when I thought rec was closed. ha

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you.

8 years ago

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I've read through the rules and I feel like I could be a good addition to the group. Unfortunately, I'm not well recognized but given time hopefully I will be!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My previous application.

Since my last application I've popped into the chat every now and then, and I can tell that this group is pretty awesome. I love the group's concept, and I think the people in it are fun. I think that, given the chance, I would be a great addition to the group.

I'm not exactly well known on the forums, and I don't make a LOT of giveaways. However, I try to make quality giveaways and at least participate somewhat on the forums. It seems that "this would make a great giveaway" always crosses my mind before "this would make a great addition to my steam library" does. I'm sure I'm going to give in to the urge to buy another copy of Xcom 2 to giveaway pretty soon. My wallet won't be so happy with me, but I can't help it! It's such a good game, and others should experience it, haha!

I'm relatively recently returned from a sg hiatus. (You'll notice a gap of a year or two in my giveaways). Since my return I've been trying to find ways to make sg more than just a site that I randomly participate in. I want to take part in the community a bit more. That's what I think makes sg great: the community that exists based on a spirit of giving.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Regardless of the outcome, I'm sure I'll still be making occasional appearances in the chat room :P

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can I apply?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We hate Ekaros!

8 years ago

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See people? This is an example of good application.
Welcome to 2hus.


8 years ago

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Hello everyone ^^ I'm interested in joining your group and would like to add more ammunition to your game giveaway list. I've already passed lvl 6 and would like to continue leveling up by doing many giveaways and contributing to the group whenever I can. I'm a very active steamgifts user and do as many giveaways as my budget can support. I'm also in other private giveaway groups and are familiar with most rules that go with staying in private giveaway groups. I love the anime concept you guys have which makes it a bit different and intrigues me. I was briefly in your chatroom and noticed you guys are very active and I like that. Anyways I hope you consider me and I hope to join your awesome anime group :p

8 years ago

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Hello, I'd like to apply. I read the rules and I met them and for the other part I think I understand them. I like the idea behind the group, I like the website with all of its features and I think I will be a good match with my attitude. :) I don't know anyone in this group, but hopefully it will change over time if I get in.

8 years ago

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+1 Annoyer13 helped me out of a mistake I made a few weeks ago so I can recommend him as a very helpful member :)

8 years ago*

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Can i join to your group?
(I think) i understand the rules and meet the requirements.

8 years ago

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I would love to be a part of the group!

I read through the rules and also the introduction and I must say that this is probably the most interesting group I've seen so far. I really love the concept and not only the concept but also the way it's executed. The site looks really nice and everything seems really neatly organized. It's actually pretty much THE group that I have wanted to find as to how it's built up and how everything seems to work.

Now on to myself. If I would get a chance to join the group I would definitely try to become a part of it as fast as I can. I would try to join up the chat every now and then to say hello even though that's not something I regularly do anymore – perhaps even ask for some opinions on my work. I would give away a non-bundle game (that at least 5, although hopefully more, of the members of the group have on their wishlist) at least once every month. That's probably already above my true budget but I would think it's worth it and if I'd be able to persuade my girlfriend to not go out at least one time less every week.. I mean month.. I mean year.. I do really mean week but she can't know that.... I would try to at least a couple of months bump that up a bit. And of course I'll throw in some bundle and/or cheap games as well more often than so. All according to how much I can thrash my budget, naturally.

My ratio is fairly decent I would say – not even close to many others but still okay, at least. I haven't given away that many games yet as I only fairly recently truly began giving away games on here, not only throwing away stuff I don't need, but I'm well on my way to level 5 as I've bought up a whole bunch of.. bundle keys - I managed to avoid eating out tonight so there might be something more there too... - .. that I have planned to give away in the different groups I have joined/will join in the near future having promised myself to basically always have 4 giveaways running – although I might accelerate that soon. According to my spreadsheet the stuff I have planned will bring me up to Level 5 fairly soon.

However, I doubt that there's anyone in the group who recognizes me as I have only recently begun being more active here on the forums as well. I've made a puzzle, said hello.. and that's pretty much that. So for these possible plus points. I guess they will stay at the minus side, unfortunately.

Enough about me as I suppose you've already started to grow tired of me. Short summary – I am very, very interested in the group but I would absolutely understand if you don't think of me as an interesting candidate as of yet... I hope, in that case!

8 years ago

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thats really long.. +1

8 years ago

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Your group seems really interesting. I will not write how wonderful it is or how much I want to enter, because I like the sweet taste of the truth without exaggeration. I like to know something well before I create my opinion about it, I hate prejudices. I am curious and I'd like to know the group and mainly you (all the people) better. Maybe my curiosity to know is too little to enter or maybe you too like to dig below the surface to see if there is a hidden treasure. We'll see. I am not shy, but I prefer to choose carefully my words. Sorry if there is some English errors, but English is not my native language. Regards.

8 years ago

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Everytime I click on discussion and see Touhou Giveaways comes up, I would come and read the rules for some reason. Maybe it is because the group's concept, maybe it is the famous Archi (and the bot!!), maybe it's Maybelline. But for whatever reason, I do find the group to be a really interesting place c: This could be the one that get me started with being in a group chat, joining in the community and sharing fun stuffs with others.

One thing about me is that I am always happy c: I don't know if it is an advantage or not but well, just gotta get chest hehe...

Anyway, I would love to join the group with my 100% happy face :D !!

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8 years ago

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Hello Touhou members. This is GR here, trying to apply for a group I seem to have completely missed during my 4 month stay on SG. Since I am sick, I will keep it brief, and not be an eyesore for the readers of this application.

  • Fulfill all of our requirements (rules) - Yes.
  • Like our group concept - Its the group I always wanted to make, so yes, I love the concept.
  • Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends - The only thing I want on Steam anymore.
  • Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus - Sadly, this is one thing I cannot grant. I am almost never at home, and in the limited time I am, I never really start up the client unless I am about to play a game, which isn't that often. Hence why I almost never visit chat rooms.
  • Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus - Does this count? #1 #2 #3 #4
  • Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus - 3.24 is good.... right? (I sound so self conscious.. )
  • A recommendation from our member will be a plus - Falcogr recommended that I join this group, so... yeah. I think others in the group should be fine having me too, seeing as though most of them have crossed paths with me from time to time in forums.

That would be all. Lets see if I am accepted in the cult of Archi!

(I may sound like a complete idiot, but what's Touhou all about? All I could figure out is that its a very old series of games that people adore, but I have no idea why.)

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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Not sure if I should write again or my old application still stands (re-reading it I'm not sure it was considered a proper application, but it was meant as one ;) ), so I'll write again with more text (that seems to work better)

Okay, so I fulfill and will follow the requirements & rules, and after learning more about it, I really like the group concept. I haven't been super-active with giveaways lately, but that's more because I got a few not expressively (or is it expressly?) grateful leecher-type winners for a while, and that turned me off of semi-open GAs (i.e. non-hidden forum GAs). I try to do mostly group GAs now, so that's a plus for you guys ;)
Also, due to our backlog initiative, I don't enter very much, so ratio isn't and won't be a problem ;)

Not sure how well I'll do with the chat though, a) because of time and b) because I'm not so great in bigger groups, especially when I can't actually see anyone ^^" Also, I tend to write somewhat longer, not super chat-friendly sentences (as in, it takes me ages to reply sometimes and people will have moved on from the topic by the time I'm done typing) (and I add stuff in parentheses a lot) (like, a lot).
Don't know if I'm "recognized" but some people know me, even a few people in your group ;) (see my previous application for some +1s ;))

Thank you for reading & re-considering me, have a great day/evening/weekend/(whatever comes after you read this) :)

8 years ago

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+1 for Nelly!

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8 years ago

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thanks! :)

8 years ago

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+1 again :)

8 years ago

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haha, thanks again :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thanks! and it's just weird that you won something from me right after this

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thank you! although I've already pledged my life to ArchiBoT now >.<

8 years ago

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Hi. Readed the rule and will be greet to able join with group. Thanks in advance for considered.

8 years ago

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So, I found out about this group through keo and since you are looking for applicants right now, I thought I might apply.

  • Fulfill all of our requirements (rules) Yes.
  • Like our group concept Where is the Facebook button?
  • Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends Small groups are where it's at.
  • Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus Are there hot Russian women in chat?
  • Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus I make puzzles from time to time. I'm a hard-working member slave in Zed's Salt Mine and I have a good ratio in Bundle Quest (1070 %).
  • Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus My Real CV is 7.3 (24 won/316 created)
  • A recommendation from our member will be a plus So far, I have drugged keohookalani, wiLLie22, ralph1017 and Per3zat into recommending me.

I have over 4300 games on my SteamGifts filter list which means that I only join giveaways if I actually want to play the game.
This basically means that I never win anything in public giveaways, so I am looking for a nice group where I can host my giveaways and actually win something. Bundle Quest left me to realize that I love farming points on the internet and this is why I apply for Touhou.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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+1 for a great gifter. Hope you know what you're applying for...

8 years ago

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I was told it was a religious sex cult.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"Are there hot Russian women in chat?"

Will a hairy sibirean be sufficient?

8 years ago

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It depends... I can make an exception if you have a high voice and long hair.

8 years ago

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+1 So long as he enters everything on his Wishlist :D

8 years ago

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Are there hot Russian women in chat?

You have me!

8 years ago

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Would I like to be invited in group?

8 years ago

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Would you?

8 years ago

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Exactly what I thought.

8 years ago

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Do you need me?
Do you think I'm pretty?
Do I make you feel like cheating?
I'm like no, not really 'cause

Oh, I think that I've found myself a cheerleader
She is always right there when I need her
Oh, I think that I've found myself a cheerleader
She is always right there when I need her

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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You see, it's not Great Leader who makes the videos
That's the responsibility of semi-weeb-in-chief Asimmacovski

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by JustArchi.