People! I made another thread not with the purpose of reporting him or making a thread in SteamRep, a site of user reputation (we already reported him yesterday a ton of times via Steam and I personally reported him on RP). I made another thread to spread awareness about users like this. If you are a user from SteamGifts, please, from now and then, check your name on the Steam community if there's any impersonator. Impersonators can and will scam people because they take no fault, rather than a -rep, but not even on his personal can be your steamgifts page, because this kind of people search for medium or high amounts of rep in users, change his custom URL and username, copy your photo onto their accounts and done. They're now browsing through steamgifts on the trading section, ready to find another victim, showing "his" high amounts of rep+ to people which he added without commenting on their steamgifts thread (for the obvious reason that he doesn't have that account) and making people lose a lot of money. In sight of a impersonator, please report him to Steam for impersonating going to the impersonator account, clicking on "More" and then selecting the option "Inform an infraction". If you have the time, make a thread on SteamRep, because there's people that look into it and it can prevent more people getting this disgusting feeling of helplessness and emptyness because other people were scammed with his username.

Here's another victim, clownwolf. Here his SteamRep page shows that clownwolf doesn't even have a custom URL, a thing that makes it easier to a impersonator to do his thing.
*Use the zoom clicking on the picture to get a better view or it will look blurry.
Clownwolf SteamRep

As you can see, clownwolf is in good standing. Here our impersonator, isn't. As you can see, tried its best to look legit:
*Although, there's something he can't change. His steamid64.
Impersonator SteamRep

The Steam profile of the victim.
Clownwolf profile

The Steam profile of the impersonator.
Scammer profile

Impersonator prevention
That's why I'm asking you, if you care about our community, (or if you are individualist, about yourself) please, search for impersonators, like this:
Steam community search

Impersonator prevention for collectors/steam levelers
I know it's ugly. I know we shouldn't do this kind of shit, why? We're free. But oh well, this impersonating crap is happening, so, a good way to deceive them is by changing our avatar (if you like, with your current avatar as a background, so it doesn't seem that ugly) with a warning sign expresing your stats. For example mine: "Warning: A scammer is impersonating me. If the profile is below level 23 & has less than 2000 games, it's not me!". That way, if they try to link your steamgifts feedback page, that huge avatar on the page will show up, and alert users. And you'll prevent a rain of -reps.
Example of this method

Scammer prevention
Best way to prevent scammers guys, Enhanced Steam. It'll show you the SteamRep of the user. (Thanks Mike90 and Starwhite for letting me know)
Enhanced Steam download page:
Enhanced Steam features

Suggested by Nerney, we TOTALLY need this heads up on Steamgifts:

We're a community, we have to take care of eachother. Even if we fuck up, and you might don't care because it's not you...remember, we're human and as such, we make mistakes. So why don't you make some time for it and start helping others? Because one day, it could be you.

8 years ago*

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You need to add links to the images, not the imgur pages, for them to show up in your thread

8 years ago

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That was fixed with links. Sorry about that. I posted it fast because I didn't want to delete it by accident

8 years ago

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Sounds bad.

8 years ago

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Yes, it sucks, but we can prevent it

8 years ago

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Thank you! I added that link to the post!

8 years ago

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I wonder why something like that hasn't been added to SteamGifts yet. It shouldn't be too difficult to add that to SteamGifts, and it would most likely lower the amount of impersonators by a lot.

8 years ago

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There's over 600 members that have the same name as me.. yikes. That'll take a while to look through.

Glad you keep bringing posts like these up, maybe it could help lessen the amount of threads that say they got scammed if a new trader stumbles upon these.

8 years ago

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Wow! That's terrible. Better get those reports and threads on SteamRep going. If this can be stickied, that would at least, prevent other members of beign impersonated/scammed

8 years ago

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We should help promote the use of Enhanced Steam

8 years ago

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It seems handy. From my ignorance,how can this help in scams?

8 years ago

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All profiles have links to SteamRep, SteamGifts etc with the 64 UID, not any link the user gives.

Like so:

8 years ago

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All the above, plus nice eye-catching scammer alerts from Steam Rep and their partners

8 years ago

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Damn. That will prevent all this crap until Steamgifts provides a headsup for members. I'm adding it to the post now. Thank you so much!

8 years ago

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Everyone here should already be using it for the Cheapest price now, Cheapest price historically and This game has been in bundles n times data anyways. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yes, I tried to contact him too. I should ask a friend in common to send him a message

8 years ago

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Idk, report him again? xD

8 years ago

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That won't work that easy. It'll take time. That's why I prefer preventing more impersonators/scams, rather than reporting one guy

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Totally, I was thinking about that while writing this thread. It would mend so many problems like this

8 years ago

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I thought about this for a few seconds, but it probably wouldn't stop anyone who already has an account here and uses other accounts to scam people especially if the target is someone who doesn't check.. who they're dealing with.

8 years ago

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But they leave a trail behind, which would get them banned.

8 years ago

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Scammers like that make enough profit to just make new Steam accounts with enough games to make new accounts here. Only way to stop them is for users to not fall for their tricks.

8 years ago

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And the best way is to prevent this. Enhanced Steam seems like the best way of handling the situation if neither Steamgifts or Steam support does something

8 years ago

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The price of entry ($100 real CV) would keep them away :)

In this case, it's Valve's fault: an user can get reported dozens of times by a varied sample of users and nothing happens.

8 years ago

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You mean $10 worth of -90% games or just enough gleam crap autoscammed or whatever?

8 years ago

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Valve, huh...

8 years ago

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Maybe link to instead of my pic, that's much more useful for others :)

8 years ago

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Hahaha, sorry, forgot about the link to the page. I'll do it right away

8 years ago

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If your thread has been closed by a moderator, you should not open a new almost identical one
Steamrep is the right site for those reports and you already reported this impersonator.

If an user doesn't double check the profile or steamrep, most likely he doesn't read the forum too.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Ronix.