Viking - Battle of Asgard... looks good but the boots moving under the terrain looks weird... trees ocassionaly surfing through the sky insead of clouds could be nice/funny/weird, but EFFFING CONTROLLER THING COULD BE MENTIONED BEFORE PURCHASE - I managed to get my mouse click counts by positioning mouse when I want to click (ie New Game) Alt+Tab and Alt+Tab again and I have one click - next positioning muse on ie New Campaign, Alt+Tab... and you can imagine rest. You can of course change controls, but none are explained what they're doing and even though you change your left click - it still doesn't work - funny right?

And running is more like rrrruuunnnniiiinnnggg - I though it was 1920 problem - I cut details, cut resolution, tried windowed mode and the graphic then was looking like crap and I was still rrrruuuunnnniiiinnnggg. Fighting is so unreal (for real) you get 4 enemies with swords/axes and each is waiting as you end up his collegue - honorable monsters - not easy to find in other games ;)

I managed to play for like 0,5 hour and went to Payday - at least no SWAT is waiting there as his fellow police officer is slayed...

1 decade ago

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