I'll start...
A game where you play through the complete food chain. Starting from nutrients in the soil to plants to the largest creature, then death, scavengers, death again, decay and back to the soil.

1 decade ago*

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-Insert Idea/something cool here- -Never follow through-

1 decade ago

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Dude it says Molydeux and not Molyneux. Lots of games have come to fruition from Molydeux's ideas.

1 decade ago

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Imagine a game where you are the computer. You are inside the monitor, looking outside through the desktop. Whenever the user interacts with the icons or presses keys on the keyboard, the job falls to you to make those things happen.

Of course, in the end you always lose, because the user always ends up turning the computer off.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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A game where you have to hype up your new series, called Folktales, but you need to contend with growing fan discontent when you fail to include living forests that grow when you plant apple seeds.

1 decade ago

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A Mario Kart game with only the Time Trial mode. Your goal is beating all ghost times. Once you beat all of them you learn that your kart runs on life energy (that's why you never see anyone fuel their karts). Every lap you finished killed one inhabitant of Mushroom Kingdom, the ghosts you saw were the spirits of those you killed who are now damned to drive in circles for eternity.
If you bought the Shyamalan Launch-DLC the game continues after that point: You learn that Mario had been Bowser in disguise all along but he erased his mind so nobody could find out. Princess Peach never existed, she was just a projection of Bowser's unconsciousness, a struggle between his true self and the Mario self he created. Now that his plan to kill everyone with the cursed kart he built so he could be king of Mushroom Kingdom was successful, he remembers it all and, being the only survivor, reigns over his empty kingdom for twelve years. One morning he realises that he has been the first victim of his kart and he has been a ghost all along! Now that he sees all clearer he can finally catch up with the other ghosts but this leads to a big ghost traffic jam which in turn leads to a big explosion. This explosion was the Big Bang, the race tracks become the universe, the ghosts transform into the essence of all living beings.

The end....?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by DrunkenApeKills.