I just stumbled across this gameplay video, today, and it seemed pretty good. Thought I would share.

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Aye. That remains to be seen. The quality of story depends heavily upon whomever they have as writers, and we don't usually get to explore that angle until near release date (when it's too late to "fix" it).

10 years ago

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Story has always been what has drawn me to Bioware. I fell in love after KOTOR.

10 years ago

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Of course they will not forget. You will be able to play the pieces of story one by one through 10 DLC's 15$ each.

10 years ago

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That does look great. Another game I really want this year. My poor wallet:)

10 years ago

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i donno, i wouldn't hype this too much, people already got burned enough because of this ... as for gfx it looks like some mediocre AAA title

10 years ago

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Starting with Baldur's Gate, a BioWare game meant instant preorder, and I didn't even ask the price... Not any more... :)

Haven't been disappointed by anything CD Projekt yet, let's hope they keep things going... :)

10 years ago

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Same experience with both companies here.

10 years ago

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Same. While I wouldn't call DA2 a bad game, it was much less than what I was hoping for. Then there was the entire SWTOR thing.... Again, not a bad game, but I still feel it could have been so much more.

Regarding the video linked above, however, I ignored the graphics and other trappings. What got my attention were the game mechanics and gameplay possibilities they mentioned in passing. (Devs always seem to gloss over these things as if they're of no importance.)

10 years ago

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I was a bit disappointed, that DA2 took part in a different storyline, since I was hoping for a seamless trilogy.
Wouldn't call it a bad game either, but not on par with DA1, that's for sure.

10 years ago

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Baldur's Gate was made by completely other set of ppl as is DA series - biggest chunk of ppl that worked on BG at the time works for Obsidian today. Also preorder=blind believing=stupid=hurting game industry

10 years ago

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Last deep game Bioware made was the first Neverwinter Nights, I loved the Mass Effect series but it was not very deep, fun and a nice story though...

Bioware kinda bends to the will of EA and the casual market more so now, not bad games, actually some are great, but much more shallow then former games. I have a love/hate with them.

10 years ago

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not to mention that vanila NWN story is crap and what saved the day were Expansions+"DLCs"+ Modding Tool+Awesome modding community

10 years ago

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I honestly forgot that game had a single player, I never made it past chapter 2 if I recall, I sunk 600+ hours into that game.

It was all about the multiplayer, and still to this day no RPG has matched it if you ask me, hell they even had hack allowed servers which introduced even more fun and added elements.

10 years ago

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I never touched MP also at the time i barely understood english :P
However over time i must have spend over 2000h into it. First into all official stuff (OC, Expansions, "DLCs" - Pirate one is very good) and then i started playing mods and even when NWN2 came out i was still playing mods for NWN xD, hell now that i think back it seems as if i spend my entire high school free time in BG and NWN mods alone, but that would be a lie :P

10 years ago

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If you like what the people are making, and you want them to keep making more like it, I don't see why preordering is stupid. If I wait six months to buy, maybe I get a big discount which is good for me - but if everyone waits for the big discount the company is dead... :)

10 years ago

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Then buy it for full price at release. This way u will reward developers if they really make good game again and on the other hand u don't need to gamble with preorder. If they do their job right its win-win situation, but if u preorder and they dont do their job right u support unhealthy/unnatural market practice and if it turn out to be profitable enough u can expect more such disappointments in the future.

10 years ago

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It' not bioware, it's EA.

10 years ago

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Looks like just another generic action rpg to me. At least origins had a decent abilities / magic system and combat that was tactical above all else. Now all we seem to be getting as far as AAA is concerned is dumbed down hack & slash that looks pretty, and similar to skyrim / dark souls / amalur.

One can only hope that pillars of eternity, wasteland 2 and torment are going to be good.

10 years ago

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Your comment makes it seem as if you didn't listen at all to what the devs were saying in the video. In fact, it's almost as if you didn't even watch the video. The demonstrated combat was even more tactical than that of DAO, and there are other strategic facets to both combat and storyline which were described without being shown. You may not have any interest in the game, since that is a matter of taste, but criticism without any apparent foundation for it is hardly convincing.

As for Pillars and WL2 and Torment, all three of them are looking really, really good, so far.

10 years ago

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this looks indeed very interesting =)

10 years ago

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It looks awesome. I am gonna get the digital deluxe.

10 years ago

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Except that the base game is £50. Seriously, £40 is pushing it for an AAA game for me, £50 is ridiculous.

10 years ago

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Just do what I do and wait two or three years for the price to drop.

10 years ago

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I just wish I can run it on my toaster. =(

10 years ago

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Try pushing the thingy down till it clicks, you should see a red light admit from the box, this is when you stick the game dvd into it and three fingers into the other one giving it the CPU power emitting from your mind to your findgers through a series of tubes.

10 years ago

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I will need to see more of that tactical mode in action before making a judgmenet, however leaving that aside they took much more from DA2 than from DA:O which I do not approve. I may be a minority but I appreciated the mute hero from Origin much more than fully voiced DA2 since 1. I knew exactly what I was going to say 2. It left much more to my imagination. Also the "grand" story is much more to my liking, guess am just that kind of a person. The action part looks a lot like Dark Souls, at least on video, and while I do love DS, I also loved DA:O and would not merge those together and rather enjoy each other on their own.

Graphics look nice, mostly the enviroment (character models do not seem that improved since last two games, but that might be affected by the source of that video) but looks are not my priority so in the end buying it or not will depend on the quality of tactical mode and storyline I guess. Thou if Morrigan makes an appearance it will be instabuy nevertheless.

10 years ago

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I'm of a similar mind. Whether or not I end up buying the game will depend upon the quality of the storyline and the depth of the tactical combat. Sure, there are a lot of promising things in the video, but we won't really know how the game is until it's finished and on the shelf.

10 years ago

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Am I the only one who wants to see an Easter Egg of Monty pythons Inquisition skit in the game. xD
Link for those who have no idea what I mean.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt0Y39eMvpI

10 years ago

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I don't think anything can replace the old Monty Python crew, just as nothing replaced the old SNL crew. Part of that may have to do with the change in writers. It seems that many studios, these days, don't understand the monumental importance of having a good writer on staff, and so we get games and movies and TV shows that are schlock. Not that there aren't extremely talented writers out there, but they seem to be few and far-between.

10 years ago

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Alas, after Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 I have no faith in any of Bioware's/EA's games any more.

10 years ago

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It's available for 20% off (stacks with store credit) at GMG with A5D6OC-SSP45E-FYUBTA. Should I get it?

10 years ago

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no, wait for release, at least thats what i will do

10 years ago

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If you're asking my advice, it's almost always the same.

  • Wait for release.
  • Check out the reviews.
  • Find out about the gameplay.
  • Decide whether or not it's your type of game.
  • After deciding to buy it, look for a price with which you can be happy.
10 years ago

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Dragon Age Origins was amazing. Dragon Age 2 sucked SO bad I couldn't even bring myself to finish half of it. Dragon Age 3 doesn't look any better.

It's like the Mass Defect trilogy. 1 was awesome, 2 sucks and 3 was one of the worst games I played that year.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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There's no way to really tell, at this point, but my impression is that DA3 will be better than DA2. It seems to me that they plan on bringing back some of the stuff from DA1. Of course, we'll have to wait and see how it goes.

10 years ago

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They gonna fokk it up anyway, AAA publishers f**k up all new releases, also just take a look at DA2

10 years ago

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Dragon Age: Origins was my favorite game, at least of the last few years, but DA2 was weak in comparison... Art style was awful, the gameplay was horrendous, and areas we're way too linear and the scenario reciclying was far too obvious...

It happened because they wanted to make the game more appealing on consoles, despite it being a PC game...
The same thing is gonna happen to Inquisition... Massive dumbing down of gameplay, and a far weaker story that was written to comply to a micro audience that all it does is complain...

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Khalaq.