There are a few phrases and small text to translate in various languages. If you speak English and can translate it into your native language with all the grammar, write a comment below. Translation must be manual. If you do this, you will get some reward. ;)

Here it is:
You should know some things. For phrases, please translate right part (after "|"), not left part (however I can edit it myself, no problems). First string (e.g. "~|English") must contain language selfname in that language (e.g. not "~|Russian", but "~|Русский").

For better understanding of how to translate you may want to watch game video and screenshots:

Notice that store page supports not all languages. The game itself should support all languages except RTL ones.

Currently existing translations:

Language Game Store page
Arabic ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹ ⁴
Belarusian ✗ ³
Brazilian Portuguese ✓ ² ✓ ²
Bulgarian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Croatian ✓ ¹ ✗ ³
Czech ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Danish ✓ ¹
Dutch ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Estonian ✓ ¹ ✗ ³
Finnish ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
French ✓ ² ✓ ¹
German ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Greek ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Hungarian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Indonesian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹ ⁴
Italian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Japanese ✓ ¹
Korean ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Norwegian ✓ ¹
Polish ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Portuguese ✓ ¹
Romanian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Simplified Chinese ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Spanish ✓ ² ✓ ¹
Swedish ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Thai ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Traditional Chinese ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Turkish ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Ukrainian ✓ ¹

Languages supported by Steam store left:

  • Danish
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian

¹ SteamGifts community help.
² Partial SteamGifts community help.
³ Not supported.
⁴ Not supported by store page.

6 years ago*

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On spanish

One button mode|Utilizar solo un botón. ---- If it's a joystick button, then should be, "Modo un botón". If it's a keyboard key should be "Modo una tecla". "Utilizar" it's too long and (not entirely, but it is) inaccurate.

Table|Tabla---- Is it a periodic table (Tabla periódica) or just a four legged table (Mesa)? Or a chart-like table (Tabla)?

Shuffle duration|Duración de la mezcla --- Shuffle if it's cards then is (barajamiento). If it's more like mix something with other thing, then is "Mezclar".

Save|Salvar ---- European spanish "Salvar". Latinamerican spanish "Guardar".

1 puzzle, 4 vistas. Agarra los tubos de ensayo y entra al laboratorio para resolver un puzzle único de un juego basado en compuestos químicos.

Iguala los elementos químicos para producir más de 900 diferentes compuestos y ver hasta donde puedes llegar.
¿Tienes lo que se necesita?

Muchos de ustedes se preguntan cómo funciona el juego, aquí una breve explicación.

Tienes 4 vistas del puzzle para que puedas ver la totalidad de los bloques disponibles para igualar. Puedes cambiar un bloque verticalmente o rotar una fila de bloques entera para que puedas igualar varios al mismo tiempo si se puede.

También puedes mezclar bloques que pueden quedar varios iguales y ayudarte a alcanzar tu meta más rápido.

El número más pequeño de bloques que puedes igualar es 3, que te dará 1 átomo y por cada bloque igual adicional, recibes el doble de átomos (por ejemplo 4 bloques iguales te da 2 átomos, 5 bloques iguales te dan 4 átomos y así sucesivamente).

Puedes ver esos átomos en el contador de tu pantalla. Puedes igualar cualquier número de bloques en cualquier forma (con un mínimo de 3 bloques, establecido anteriormente).

Para avanzar en el juego, debes alcanzar la meta indicada en tu pantalla. Por ejemplo para hacer agua (H₂O), necesitas o dos iguales de 3 bloques o uno igual de 4 bloques de H (hidrógeno) para obtener 2 átomos de H (hidrógeno) y también uno igual de 3 bloques de O (oxígeno) para obtener 1 átomo de O (oxígeno).

En la parte superior de tu pantalla tienes el puntaje total, última partida/puntaje de combo y mejor partida/mejor combo. Es más ventajoso hacer combos ya que el puntaje total es la suma de todos los átomos multiplicado por el número de igualdades. Digamos que consigues 5 igualdades de una sola vez con el puntaje de 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, luego el puntaje total se traduciría así: (1+1+2+4+4) × 5 = 60.

Cuando el objetivo es alcanzado, un nuevo objetivo será establecido y los elementos se reemplazarán de manera acorde. Por ejemplo, todos los bloques de carbono serán reemplazados por uranio, todos los bloques de sulfuro serán reemplazados por potasio y así sucesivamente, para que no pierdas una igualdad/combo disponible previamente.

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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"Breaking good", so the title is a Breaking bad pun.

On the translation above, it's serviceable. There are some mistranslated elements and some words.
Sulfur is "Azufre", while "Sulfuro" is a Sulfurous compound.

6 years ago

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Corrected, thank you! :D

6 years ago

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Another suggestion. For the phrase: "Grab your test tubes"

Agarra los tubos de ensayo y entra al laboratorio para resolver un puzzle único de un juego basado en compuestos químicos.

If European: use "coge" instead of "agarrar" (Coge has sexual meaning in Latam)
If Latam: use "toma" instead of "agarrar" (as a translation of "take/grab", agarrar is used only in some countries, here in Argentina is the most used verb and would sound very natural, but in some countries it means hold fiercely or "clutch". Besides, I just read that it may have sexual meaning in some countries).

"Toma" may be used both for European and American Spanish. I'd go for "Toma los tubos de ensayos y entra al laboratorio". It will surely sound as a neutral translation in some countries, but everyone will understand it.

Here is an article in Spanish on the quesiton.

6 years ago

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Thank you, I corrected that. :)

6 years ago

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Also, for this line

Save|Salvar ---- European spanish "Salvar". Latinamerican spanish "Guardar".

If you mean save the game, it's guardar everywhere, if you mean save someone (from death or whatever) it's also salvar everywhere.

6 years ago

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Yeah, it is "Guardar" in game, I don't remember who, but someone has already corrected that. But thanks.

6 years ago

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This is a minor typo but if you want to correct it, it should be "dónde" instead of "donde" where is typed "ver hasta donde puedes llegar". It slightly changes the meaning of the sentence yet no one would have a comprehension problem even if it's not changed :)

6 years ago

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Thanks, it is corrected now. :)

6 years ago

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Tisch / Tabelle|Table (if you mean a chart, then it's Tabelle. If it's a thing with four legs you put stuff on, it's Tisch)
Mischen|Shuffle (if Shuffle is meant as a verb, it's Mischen. If you mean Shuffle Mode (as a noun), it's Zufallsmodus. You could probably use "Zufall" as a short version)
Neues Spiel|New game
Sind Sie sicher?|Are you sure?
Schließen|Close (as you can see, it's the same word as for Quit. For "Quitting the game" you can say "Beenden", but Schließen is okay for both)
Einzeltastenmodus|One button mode
Effektlautstärke|Effects volume
Musiklautstärke|Music volume
???|Swap sensitivity (is swap meant in a change-between-option-A-or-B kind of way, or is it a continouus choice? "Sensitivität ändern" would mean "change sensitivity. "Sensitivität tauschen" would mean "swap sensitivity")
Rotationssensitivität|Rotation sensitivity
???|Swap duration ("Dauer tauschen" or "Dauer ändern", depending if it's choose-A-or-B or a continouus value)
Rotationsdauer|Rotation duration
Falldauer|Falling duration
Zufällige Dauer|Shuffle duration (Zufällige Dauer is a noun, if it's meant as a very, it's probably "Mische Dauer" = "shuffeling duration)
???|Match blocks staying duration (I guess, we have to talk about this. Does it mean the staying duration of "Match blocks"? or is "Match" the verb and it's like "Matching the staying duration of the blocks"?)
Entwickelt von|Developed by
Musik von|Music by
Vielen Dank an|Big thanks to
Hauptmenü|Main menu
Beste Kombo|Best combo

6 years ago

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Schließen|Quit dunno but Verlassen or Beenden would fit there better. think most Games use in this regard Beenden.

6 years ago

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I guess if you want to quit the whole game, Beenden would be best, since it means something like "to end" (the game).

Schließen would be good for example if you have a tutorial infobox and want to close it. (like a popup or a inventory menu)

6 years ago

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I picked "Beenden" for "Quit" and "Schließen" for "Close", thanks!

6 years ago

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This should be the second half. Since German is a quite complicated language, I would feel better if someone else would give a second opinion on this.


1 puzzle, 4 views. Grab your test tubes and enter the lab to solve a unique puzzle game based on chemical compounds.
Ein Puzzle, vier Blickwinkel. Schnappen Sie sich Ihre Teströhrchen, betreten Sie das Labor und knobeln Sie sich Ihren Weg durch ein einzigartiges Puzzle Game, welches auf chemischen Verbindungen beruht.

Match the chemical elements to achieve more than 900 different compounds and see how far you can go.
Do you have what it takes?
Kombinieren Sie die chemischen Elemente um mehr als 900 verschiedene Verbindungen zu erhalten. Wie weit werden Sie kommen?

As many of you are wondering how the game works, here's a brief explanation.
Falls Sie sich fragen, wie das Spiel funktioniert, hier folgt eine kurze Erklärung.

You have four views of the puzzle so that you can see the totality of available blocks to match. You can swap one block vertically or rotate an entire horizontal row of blocks so that you can make several matches at once if available.
Sie haben vier Blickwinkel des Puzzles, sodass Sie stets alle zugänglichen Blöcke sehen können. Sie können einen einzelnen Block vertikal tauschen oder eine gesamte Blockreihe drehen, sodass mehrere Matches gleichzeitig machen können.

You can also shuffle blocks which may result in several matches at once and help you to reach the goal faster.
Zudem können Sie die Blöcke mischen, was in mehrere Matches gleichzeitig enden kann und Ihnen damit hilft, Ihr Ziel schneller zu erreichen.

The smallest number of blocks you can match is 3 which will give you 1 atom and for each additional matched block you get twice more atoms (e.g. 4 block matches gives you 2 atoms, 5 block matches gives you 4 atoms and so on).
Sie können mindestens 3 Blöcke kombinieren, das ergibt dann ein Atom. Für jeden zusätzlichen Block verdoppeln sich die Atome (so ergeben vier kombinierte Blöcke zwei Atome, fünf Blöcke ergibt 4 Atome, etc.)

You can see those atoms in the counter on your screen. You can match any number of blocks in any shape (with a minimum of 3 blocks, as stated previously).
Sie können die Atome auf Ihrem Counter sehen. Sie können beliebig viele Blöcke in beliebigen Formen miteinander kombinieren, natürlich solange es mindestens 3 Blöcke sind.

To advance in the game you must reach the goal indicated on your screen. For example to make water (H₂O), you need either two 3 block matches or one 4 block match of H (hydrogen) to get 2 atoms of H (hydrogen) and also one 3 block match of O (oxygen) to get 1 atom of O (oxygen).
Um das Spiel zu gewinnen, müssen Sie das angezeigte Ziel erreichen. Um beispielsweise Wasser (H₂O) herzustellen, müssen Sie entweder zweimal drei H-Blöcke (Wasserstoff) oder einmal vier H-Blöcke kombinieren um 2 H-Atome herzustellen. Zudem brauchen Sie 3 O-Blocke, um sie zu einem O-Atom zu kombinieren.

On the top of the screen you have total score, last match/combo score and the best match/combo score. It's more advantageous to make combos as the total score is the sum of all atoms multiplied by the match count. Let's say you've got 5 matches at once with the score of 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, then the total score would translate like this: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.
Am oberen Bildschirmrand sehen Sie den Gesamtpunktestand, die Punkte des letzten Matches, sowie die meisten mit einem Match erreichen Punkte. Wenn Sie Kombos erreichen, wirkt sich dies positiv auf Ihren Punktestand aus, da sich der Gesamtpunktestand aus der Summe aller Atome multipliziert mit der Anzahl der Matches ergibt. Angenommen, Sie schaffen 5 Matches auf einmal, mit jeweils 1, 1, 2, 4 und 4 Punkten. Damit ergibt sich ein Gesamtpunktestand von (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

When the goal is achieved, a new goal will be set and the elements will be replaced accordingly. For example, all carbon blocks will be replaced with uranium, all sulfur blocks replaced with potassium and so on, so that you don't lose any previously available match/combo.
Wenn das aktuelle Ziel erreicht ist, wird ein neues Ziel gesetzt und die Elemente werden dementspreched neu gesetzt. Zum Beispiel werden werden alle Kohlenstoffatome durch Uran ersetzt, Schwefelblöcke werden zu Blei und so weiter. So verlieren Sie nicht Ihren vorherigen Fortschritt.

6 years ago

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I have read your proposal and I don't see any major Problems with it. Only three small Things:

"sodass mehrere Matches gleichzeitig machen können." Is incorrect. It should be "sodass sie mehrere Matches gleichzeitig machen können."

Also I think Paare would be a good replacement for Matches. I am not a fan of keeping english words if german Counterparts exist

Same for "auf ihrem Counter" I think it would be better to replace it with something like Zähler

Other than that. Good work. The rest sounds very good and natural :)

6 years ago

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Thank you for suggestions! :)

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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Oh, and I just see that the appropriate translation for Test tubes would be "Reagenzgläser", so the first sentence begins with:

"Schnappen Sie sich Ihre Reagenzgläser, [...]"

6 years ago

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I corrected, thanks!

6 years ago

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its funny how u changed name from "breaking bad" to "breaking good"
Good luck with DCMA 😎

keys for greenlight votes

Also if someone missed it

So 1 post is not enough ? :) Luckily you dont spam right ? lol
whos pathethic now?
Free keys for votes
begging for votes
spamming steamgifts
banning community when they tell your game sucks, which it does
post #1
post #2

6 years ago

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how about Korean?

6 years ago

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Would be great! :)

6 years ago

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<Store Page>

하나의 퍼즐에 네 개의 시점. 시험관을 들고 실험실에 들어가 화합물에 기반을 둔 독특한 퍼즐 게임을 풀어보십시오.

화학 원소를 맞추어 900여 가지 이상의 다양한 화합물을 얻고 자신의 한계를 시험해 보십시오.
당신의 능력은 어디까지입니까?

많은 분들께서 이 게임에 대해 궁금해하시기에, 간단하게 설명해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

맞춰야 하는 모든 블록을 볼 수 있는 네 개의 시점으로 게임을 플레이하게 됩니다. 블록 하나의 자리를 수직으로 바꾸거나 가로줄 전체를 회전하여 블록을 맞춥니다. 가능하다면 한 번에 여러 개의 블록을 맞출 수도 있습니다.

블록을 뒤섞으면 한 번에 여러 블록을 맞출 수 있게 되고, 이는 결국 목표에 빨리 도달하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

맞출 수 있는 블록의 최소 개수는 3개입니다. 3개를 맞출 경우 1개의 원자를 받게 되며, 블록의 수가 늘어날수록 받게 되는 원자의 수는 2배로 증가합니다. (예: 블록 4개를 맞출 경우 원자 2개 받음. 블록 5개를 맞출 경우 원자 4개 받음).

화면에서 자신이 받은 원자를 확인할 수 있습니다. 블록은 다양한 모양으로, 원하는 개수만큼 맞출 수 있습니다 (단, 앞에서 언급했듯이 최소 3개의 블록 사용).

게임을 계속 진행하려면 화면에 표시된 목표에 도달해야 합니다. 예를 들어, 물(H₂O)을 만드는 것이 목표라면, 두 개의 H(수소) 원자를 얻기 위해 H (수소) 블록을 3개씩 두 번 맞추거나, 한 번에 4개를 맞춘 뒤, O (산소) 블록 3개를 맞춰 하나의 O (산소) 원자를 얻으면 됩니다.

화면 상단에는 총점, 최종 맞춤/콤보 점수, 최고 맞춤/콤보 점수가 표시됩니다. 총점은 모든 원자의 합에 맞춘 횟수를 곱한 값이므로 콤보를 만드는 것이 유리합니다. 즉, 한 번에 맞춘 횟수가 5이고, 각각의 점수가 1, 1, 2, 4, 4라고 한다면, 총점은 다음과 같습니다: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

목표가 달성되면 새로운 목표가 설정되고, 그에 따라 원소가 대체됩니다. 예를 들어, 모든 탄소 블록은 우라늄으로, 모든 황 블록은 칼륨으로 대체되어, 맞출 수 있게나 콤보를 만들 수 있는 상황을 바꾸진 않습니다.


New game|새 게임
Credits|만든 이들
Are you sure?|확실하십니까?
One button mode|원 버튼 모드
Effects volume|효과음 크기
Music volume|음악 크기
Swap sensitivity|블록 변경 감도
Rotation sensitivity|줄 회전 감도
Swap duration|블록 변경 애니메이션 시간
Rotation duration|줄 회전 애니메이션 시간
Falling duration|블록 추락 애니메이션 시간
Shuffle duration|뒤섞기 애니메이션 시간
Match blocks staying duration|맞춘 블록 애니메이션 시간
Developed by|개발자
Big thanks to|큰 감사를 드리고 싶은 분들
Main menu|메인 메뉴
Best combo|최고 콤보

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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Here are a few corrections to the already existant French translation of the "Game" file:

New game|Nouveau jeu --> Nouvelle partie is more appropriate.
Swap sensitivity|Sensibilité de échange-- > Sensibilité de l'échange
Rotation sensitivity|Sensibilité à la rotation--> Depends of the context but I think what you mean is more Sensibilité de la rotation
Swap duration|Durée de échangement--> Durée de l'échange
Congratulations!|Félicitations! --> Félicitations ! (add a space before the exclamation mark, it's mandatory in French)

As for the store page:

Un puzzle, quatre angles de vue. Emparez-vous de vos tubes à essais et entrez dans le labo dans ce puzzle game unique basé sur les composants chimiques.
Combinez les éléments chimiques pour créer plus de 900 composants différents. Jusqu'où pourrez-vous aller ?

Comme beaucoup d'entre vous se demandent comment le jeu fonctionne, voici une brève explication :

Vous pouvez voir le puzzle sous quatre angles différents, de sorte à ce que vous puissiez voir la totalité des blocs à combiner. Vous pouvez échanger un bloc verticalement ou appliquer une rotation sur une ligne de blocs complète de sorte à pouvoir faire plusieurs éventuelles combinaisons à la fois.

Vous pouvez aussi mélanger tous les blocs, ce qui est susceptible de déclencher plusieurs combinaisons à la fois et donc vous aider à atteindre l'objectif plus rapidement.

Le nombre minimum de blocs pour créer une combinaison est de 3, avec quoi vous obtiendrez 1 atome. Pour chaque bloc combiné additionnel, vous obtenez le double d'atomes.
(par exemple, 4 blocs combinés vous donnent 2 atomes, 5 vous donnent 4 atomes etc.)

Vous pouvez voir votre nombre d'atomes dans le compteur à l'écran. Il est possible de combiner n'importe quel nombre de blocs de n'importe quelles formes (avec, comme dit plus haut, un minimum de 3 blocs).

Pour progresser dans le jeu, vous devrez atteindre l'objectif indiqué sur votre écran. Par exemple pour créer de l'eau (H₂O), vous aurez besoin soit de deux combinaisons de 3 blocs, soit d'une combinaison de 4 blocs d'hydrogène (H) pour obtenir 2 atomes d'hydrogène et d'une combinaison de 3 blocs d'oxygène (O) pour obtenir un atome d'oxygène.

En haut de l'écran est indiqué votre score total, votre dernier score de combinaison/combo ainsi que votre meilleur score de combinaison/combo. Il est plus avantageux de faire des combos, car le score total est la somme de tous vos atomes multipliée par le nombre de combinaisons. Imaginons que vous fassiez 5 combinaisons à la fois avec un score respectif de 1, 1, 2, 4 et 4 ; le score total sera donc calculé comme ceci : (1 + 1 + 2 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Lorsque vous atteignez l'objectif, un nouvel objectif vous sera donné et les éléments seront remplacés en fonction de cet objectif. Par exemple, tous les blocs de carbone seront remplacés par de l'uranium, tous les blocs de souffre seront remplacés par du potassium et ainsi de suite, de sorte à ce que vous ne perdiez aucune combinaison ou combo qui était réalisable avant le changement d'objectif.

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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so, will the game have a polish language?

New game|Nowa gra
Are you sure?|Jesteś pewien?
One button mode|Tryb jednego przycisku (need a context to be sure)
Effects volume|Głośność efektów
Music volume|Głośność muzyki
Swap sensitivity|Zmień czułość
Rotation sensitivity|Czułość obrotu
Swap duration|Zmień czas trwania (need a context to be sure)
Rotation duration|Czas trwania obrotu (need a context to be sure)
Falling duration|Czas trwania opadania (need a context to be sure)
Shuffle duration|Czas trwania zmiany (need a context to be sure)
Match blocks staying duration|Czas trwania połączeń (need a context to be sure)
Developed by|Deweloper
Big thanks to|Ogromne podziękowania dla
Main menu|Menu główne
Best combo|Największa kombinacja

Jedna układanka z czterech perspektyw. Chwyć probówki i wejdź do laboratorium by zagrać w wyjątkową grę logiczną opartą na tworzeniu związków chemicznych.

Łącz atomy i cząsteczki by utworzyć ponad 900 różnych związków - przekonaj się jak daleko zajdziesz.
Jesteś gotowy?

Oto krótkie wytłumaczenie zasad gry.

Masz cztery punkty widzenia na tę samą układankę, więc możesz widzieć wszystkie elementy możliwe do połączenia. Możesz zmieniać jeden element w poziomie lub obracać całym poziomym rzędem, dzięki czemu możesz uzyskać kilka połączeń równocześnie (jeśli są możliwe).

Możesz zamieniać elementy, dzięki czemu również możesz uzyskać kilka połączeń równocześnie by szybciej osiągnąć cel.

Najmniejsza ilość elementów, które możesz połączyć to 3 - da Ci to jeden atom. Za każdy dodatkowy, połączony jednym ruchem, element dotaniejsz 2 razy więcej atomów (na przykład 4 połączenia dadzą Ci 2 atomy, 5 połączeń da Ci 4 atomy i tak dalej).

Atomy są widoczne w rogu ekranu. Możesz łączyć dowolną ilość (przynajmniej 3) elementów w dowolny kształt.

Postęp w grze wymaga osiągnięcia określonego celu widocznego na ekranie. Na przykład by stworzyć wodę (H₂O) potrzebujesz dwóch atomów wodoru (uzyskanych z dwóch połączeń po 3 elementy 'H', lub jednego połączenia czterech takich elementów) oraz jednego atomu tlenu (uzyskanego z połączenia trzech elementów 'O').

Na górze ekranu widać wszystkie punkty, wynik ostatniego połączenia lub kombinacji oraz wynik najlepszego połączenia lub kombinacji. Korzystniej jest tworzyć kombinacje, jako że całkowity wynik jest sumą wsztystkich atomów, pomnożoną przez ilość połączeń. Gdybyś miał 5 połączeń punktowanych odpowiednio po 1, 1, 2, 4 i 4 punkty, wtedy całkowity wynik wyglądałby następująco: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Kiedy osiągniesz cel, zostanie określony nowy, a elementy zostaną odpowiednio zastąpione innymi. Na przykład wszystkie elementy węgla zostaną zastąpione uranem, siarki - potasem i tak dalej. Dzięki temu nie utracisz poprzednich połączeń i kombinacji.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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Yay, I study chemistry. And I love translating. Here, have czech language.


Table|Periodická tabulka (Tabulka should be good enough if you need it shorter)
New game|Nová hra
Credits|O hře
Are you sure?|Jste si jisti?
One button mode|Režim jednoho tlačítka
Effects volume|Hlasitost efektů
Music volume|Hlasitost hudby
Swap sensitivity|Citlivost výměny
Rotation sensitivity|Citlivost rotace
Swap duration|Doba výměny
Rotation duration|Doba rotace
Falling duration|Doba dopadu
Shuffle duration|Doba míchání
Match blocks staying duration|Doba zachycení spojů
Developed by|Vyvinuto
Big thanks to|Velmi děkujeme
Main menu|Hlavní nabídka
Total|Celkové skóre
Best combo|Nejlepší kombo
Sky|Nebe (Or you can use "Obloha".)

Store page

Jeden hlavolam, čtyři náhledy. Popadněte zkumavky a spěchejte do laboratoře, abyste si zahráli jedinečnou hru založenou na tvorbě chemických sloučenin. Spojte chemické prvky do více než 900 různých látek a zjistěte, kam až se dostanete! Máte chemického ducha?

Mnozí z vás se diví, jak tato hra funguje. Zde je krátké vysvětlení.
Hlavolam vidíte ze čtyřech pohledů tak, abyste viděli všechny bloky, které je možno spojit. Jeden blok lze vyměnit vertikálně nebo můžete otočit celou horizontální řadu bloků tak, abyste dosáhli co největšího komba. Můžete také nechat všechny bloky zamíchat, což vám pomůže vytvořit více spojení najednou a dosáhnout rychleji cíle.

Nejméně můžete spojit tři bloky, ze kterých dostanete jeden atom a pro každé další spojené bloky dostanete dvakrát tolik atomů (např. spojením čtyř bloků dostanete dva atomy, spojením pěti čtyři atomy, a tak déle.) Získané atomy jsou zobrazeny na obrazovce. Můžete spojit jakékoliv množství bloků jakéhokoliv tvaru (s tím, že minimum je již zmíněné tři bloky.)

Abyste mohli pokročit ve hře, musíte dosáhnout cíle uvedeného na obrazovce. Například, abyste vytvořili vodu (H₂O), musíte spojit dvakrát tři bloky nebo jednou čtyři bloky vodíku (H), abyste dostali dva atomy vodíku (H) a dále tři bloky kyslíku (O) abyste získali atom kyslíku (O).

Na obrazovce nahoře je vaše celkové skóre, skóre posledního vytvořené spojení/komba a skóre nejlepšího vytvořeného spojení/komba. Je výhodnější vytvářet komba, jelikož celkové skóre je součet všech atomů násobených počtem spojených bloků. Řekněme, že jste najednou vytvořili pět spojení se skórem čítající 1, 1, 2, 4, 4. Vaše celkové skóre by se vypočítalo takto: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) x 5 = 60.

Jakmile dosáhnete cíle, vytvoří se nový a prvky se podle toho přizpůsobí. Například, všechny bloky uhlíku se změní na uranové, síra se vymění za draslík a tak dále, takže nepřijdete o žádné připravené spojení nebo kombo.

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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On ukrainian

Одна головоломка, чотири ракурсу. Хапай свої пробірки і увійди в лабораторію, щоб вирішити унікальну головоломку про хімічні сполуки.

З'єднуй хімічні елементи, щоб отримати більше 900 речовин, та подивись, як далеко ти зможеш зайти!

Так як багатьом цікаво, як же все-таки працює ігрова механіка, ось коротке пояснення.

У вас є одна головоломка і чотири види на неї з різних сторін, щоб ви могли бачити всю головоломку цілком. Ви можете поміняти місцями два сусідніх блоку по вертикалі, або повернути цілий ряд по горизонталі і таким чином отримати відразу кілька збігів за раз, якщо доступно.

Ви також можете перемішати блоки, що може призвести до кількох збігів і допомогти досягти мети швидше.

Мінімальна необхідна кількість блоків для збігу - 3, така кількість дасть 1 атом, і за кожен додатковий блок кількість атомів подвоюється (наприклад, 4 блоки дають 2 атома, 5 блоків дають 4 атома і так далі).

Ви можете побачити кількість отриманих атомів в центрі екрану. Ви можете зібрати будь-яку кількість блоків у вигляді будь-якої фігури (починаючи з трьох блоків, як було сказано раніше).

Щоб просуватися до фінішу, ви повинні збирати атоми для молекули, зазначеної в нижній частині екрана. Наприклад, щоб зробити воду (H₂O), вам треба або два 3-блокових збігів, або один 4-блоковий збіг H (водню) для отримання двох атомів H (водню), а також один 3-блоковий збіг O (кисню) для отримання одного атома O (кисню).

Зверху екрану показан загальний рахунок, рахунок за останній матч та найкращий рахунок. Для вас більш вигідним варіантом буде робити комбінації, оскільки рахунок - це сума всіх атомів, помножена на кількість збігів. Припустимо, у вас 5 збігів з наступними кількостями атомів: 1, 1, 2, 4, 4. Тоді загальний рахунок буде таким: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Коли одна молекула буде зібрана, вам буде видана нова мета, і всі елементи будуть відповідно замінені. Наприклад, весь вуглець буде замінений на уран, вся сірка - на калій і так далі. Таким чином, ви не втрачаєте потенційні комбінації.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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There is a typo in the first sentence. The correct version is following:
Одна головоломка, чотири ракурси

6 years ago

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Thank you, corrected!

6 years ago

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Estonian |English
Laud |Table
Sega |Shuffle
Jätka |Continue
Uus mäng |New game
Abi |Help
Sätted / Seaded |Settings
Tiitrid |Credits
Välju |Quit
Oled sa kindel? |Are you sure?
Jah |Yes
Ei |No
Sulge |Close
Ühe nupu režiim |One button mode
Keel |Language
Efektide valjusus/volüüm |Effects volume
Muusika valjusus/volüüm |Music volume
Vahetuse tundlikkus |Swap sensitivity
Pööramise tundlikkus |Rotation sensitivity
Vahetuse kestus |Swap duration
Pööramise kestus |Rotation duration
Kukkumis kestus |Falling duration
Segamise kestus |Shuffle duration
Sobita plokkide jäävuse kestus |Match blocks staying duration
Arendatud ("name") poolt |Developed by
Muusika |Music
Suured tänud: |Big thanks to
Versioon |Version
Õnnitlused! |Congratulations!
Peamenüü |Main menu
Kogu |Total
Parim kombo |Best combo
Taevas |Sky

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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ﺔﻟﻭﺎﻃ |Table
ﻂﻠﺧ |Shuffle
ﻝﺎﻤﻜﺘﺳﺍ |Continue
ﺓﺪﻳﺪﺟ ﺔﺒﻌﻟ |New game
ﺓﺪﻋﺎﺴﻣ |Help
ﺕﺍﺩﺍﺪﻋﺇ |Settings
ﻥﻮﻠﻣﺎﻋ |Credits
ﺝﻭﺮﺧ |Quit
؟ﺪﻛﺄﺘﻣ ﺖﻧﺃ ﻞﻫ |Are you sure?
ﻢﻌﻧ |Yes
ﻼﻛ |No
ﻕﻼﻏﺇ |Close
ﺪﺣﺍﻭ ﺭﺯ ﻡﺎﻈﻧ |One button mode
ﺔﻐﻟ |Language
ﺕﺍﺮﻴﺛﺄﺘﻟﺍ ﻢﺠﺣ |Effects volume
ﻰﻘﻴﺳﻮﻤﻟﺍ ﻢﺠﺣ |Music volume
ﻞﻳﺪﺒﺘﻟﺍ ﺔﻴﺳﺎﺴﺣ ﻝﺪﻌﻣ |Swap sensitivity
ﻥﺍﺭﻭﺪﻟﺍ ﺔﻴﺳﺎﺴﺣ |Rotation sensitivity
ﻞﻳﺪﺒﺘﻟﺍ ﺔﻬﺟ |Swap duration
ﻥﺍﺭﻭﺪﻟﺍ ﺔﻬﺟ |Rotation duration
ﺭﺍﺪﺤﻧﺍ ﺓﺪﻣ |Falling duration
ﺐﺤﺴﻟﺍ ﺓﺪﻣ |Shuffle duration
ﺓﺮﺘﻓ ﻝﻮﻃﺃ ﺀﺎﻘﺒﻟ ﺓﺍﺭﺎﺒﻣ |Match blocks staying duration
ﻆﻔﺣ |Save
ﻞﺒﻗ ﻦﻣ ﺕﺭﻮﻃ |Developed by
ﻰﻘﻴﺳﻮﻣ |Music
ﻰﻟﺇ ﺹﺎﺧ ﺮﻜﺷ |Big thanks to
ﺭﺍﺪﺻﺃ ﺔﺨﺴﻧ |Version
!ﺎﻨﻴﻧﺎﻬﺗ |Congratulations!
ﺔﻴﺴﻴﺋﺮﻟﺍ ﺔﻤﺋﺎﻗ |Main menu
ﻲﻟﺎﻤﺟﺇ |Total
ﺔﻋﻮﻤﺠﻣ ﻞﻀﻓﺃ |Best combo
ﺀﺎﻤﺳ |Sky

Don't be scared about RTL because I already fix it and the game can read the strings without any problem :)

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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It's OK, no problem! And thank you!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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  1. Language
    Simplified Chinese Localization handled by ErivRan

  2. Phrases
    Simplified Chinese|简体中文
    New game|新游戏
    Are you sure?|你确定吗?
    One button mode|一键模式
    Effects volume|音效音量
    Music volume|音乐音量
    Swap sensitivity|交换灵敏度
    Rotation sensitivity|旋转灵敏度
    Swap duration|交换时间
    Rotation duration| 旋转时间
    Falling duration| 下降时间
    Shuffle duration| 洗牌时间
    Match blocks staying duration|方块匹配停留时间
    Developed by|开发者
    Big thanks to|非常感谢
    Main menu|主菜单
    Best combo|最佳组合

  3. Text - A part

  4. Text - B part







在屏幕的顶部显示了总分、最后一组匹配/组合分,以及最佳匹配/组合分。制作组合能获得更多分数,因为组合的分数是所有原子的总和乘以匹配数。举例来说,你完成了1、1、2、4、4共5组匹配,那么你会获得(1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) x 5 = 60分。


6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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Traditional Chinese|繁體中文
New game|新遊戲
Are you sure?|你確定嗎?
One button mode|一鍵模式
Effects volume|音效大小
Music volume|音樂大小
Swap sensitivity|交換靈敏度
Rotation sensitivity|旋轉靈敏度
Swap duration|交換時間
Rotation duration|旋轉時間
Falling duration|下降時間
Shuffle duration|洗牌時間
Match blocks staying duration|方塊配對停留時間
Developed by|開發者
Big thanks to|非常感謝
Main menu|主選單
Best combo|最佳連擊

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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Store page





你至少要一次配對成功三個方塊,才會給你一個原子。而每多一個配對成攻的方塊,你會得到兩倍的原子。(例如: 四個成功配對的方塊會給你兩個原子,五個會給你四個原子)



在螢幕的上方顯示總分,最後一組配對/連擊的分數,與最佳配對/連擊分數。連擊能夠得到更多的分數,因為總分是所有原子乘以配對數。譬如說你一次完成了1、1、2、4、4共五組配對,那麼你會得到(1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) x 5 = 60分。


6 years ago

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Thank you again! :)

6 years ago

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You are welcome. :)

6 years ago

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On Portuguese text

1 puzzle, 4 janelas. Agarre nos tubos de ensaio e entra no laboratório para resolver um puzzle exclusivo que é baseado em compostos químicos.
Combina elementos químicos para obter mais de 900 compostos diferentes e vê até onde consegues chegar.
Tens o que é preciso?

Como muitos de vocês estão a perguntar como o jogo funciona, aqui fica uma breve explicação.
Tens quatro janelas do puzzle, onde podes ver a totalidade dos blocos disponíveis para corresponder. Podes mudar um bloco verticalmente ou rodar uma linha inteira de blocos para fazeres varias correspondências se estiverem disponíveis.
Também podes baralhar blocos, o que pode resultar em diversas correspondências e ajudar-te a alcançar o objectivo mais depressa.
O numero mais pequenos de blocos que podes fazer correspondência é 3 , que te vai dar 1 átomo e por cada correspondência de blocos adicionais recebes 2 vezes mais átomos. Exemplo: 4 blocos correspondentes dão 2 átomos, 5 blocos correspondentes dão 4 átomos e assim sucessivamente.
Podes ver estes átomos no contador que está no ecrã. Podes corresponder/combinar qualquer números de blocos em qualquer forma (com um mínimo de 3 (três) blocos, conforme indicado anteriormente)
Para progredir no jogo, deves atingir o objectivo indicado no teu ecrã. Por exemplo para fazer água (H2O), precisas de duas combinações de 3 blocos ou uma combinação de 4 blocos de H (hidrogénio) para obter 2 átomos de H (hidrogénio) e também uma combinação de 3 blocos de O (oxigénio) para obter 1 átomo De O (oxigénio).
Na parte superior do ecrã está a pontuação total, ultima partida/pontuação das combinações e a melhor partida/pontuações das combinações. É mais vantajoso fazer combinações pois a pontuação total é a soma de todos os átomos multiplicados pela contagem de combinações. Digamos que tens 5 combinações ao mesmo tempo com a pontuação de 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, então a pontuação total seria assim: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.
Quando o objectivo é cumprido, um novo objectivo será definido e os elementos serão substituídos de acordo. Por exemplo, todos os blocos de carbono serão substituídos por urânio, todos os blocos de enxofre substituídos por potássio e assim por diante, de modo que você não perca nenhuma combinação/correspondência disponível anteriormente.

:D hope it helped

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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Turkish in game translation, I can translate store page if it is supported
I think also sky (I guess this stands for background and translated it accordingly) types (sunset etc) should be translated too.

Continue|Devam et
New game|Yeni oyun
Are you sure?|Emin misiniz?
One button mode|Tek tuş modu
Effects volume|Efekt ses düzeyi
Music volume|Müzik ses düzeyi
Swap sensitivity|Yer değiştirme hassasiyeti
Rotation sensitivity|Döndürme hassasiyeti
Swap duration|Yer değiştirme süresi
Rotation duration|Döndürme süresi
Falling duration|Düşme süresi
Shuffle duration|Karıştırma süresi
Match blocks staying duration|Eşleşen blokların durma süresi
Developed by|Geliştiren
Big thanks to|Kocaman bir teşekkürü hakkedenler
Main menu|Ana menü
Best combo|En iyi kombo

6 years ago

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Game consists of 4 different cylinders or 1 with 4 different angles? Need it for store page translation :) Tried to understand it from video but I couldn't get it ^_^

6 years ago*

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I think you can just go to steam store.
The sceenshot will tell you what it means.

6 years ago

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Ops my bad, didn't read entire article :P Thanks for pointing it out ^_^

6 years ago

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You are welcome. :)

6 years ago

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Let's hope store page supports Turkish :P

1 bulmaca, 4 açı. Test tüplerinizi kapın ve kimyasal bileşiklerle yapılmış bu eşşiz bulmaca oyununu çözmek için laboratuvara dalın.

900'den fazla bileşiği elde etmek için elementleri eşleştirin ve ne kadar ilerleyebileceğinizi görün. Kendinizi test etmeye hazır mısınız?

Çoğu kişinin merak ettiği üzere oyunun özeti şu şekilde.

Bulmacaya dört farklı açıdan bakıyorsunuz ve eşleşebilecek her şeyi bi kerede görebiliyorsunuz. Dikey olarak 2 bloğun yerini değiştirebilir ya da yatayda tüm sırayı kaydırıp birden fazla eşleşme yapabilirsiniz.

Ayrıca tüm blokları karıştırıp bir anda birden fazla eşleşme yapıp, hedefe daha hızlı ulaşabilirsiniz.

3 bloğu eşleştirdiğinizde 1 atom kazanırsınız, eğer 3'ten fazla blok eşleştirirseniz her fazladan blok başına 1 atom daha kazanırsınız. (3 blok 1 atom, 4 blok 2 atom, 5 blok 3 atom gibi).

Kazandığınız atomları ekranda görebilirsiniz. İstediğiniz sayıda bloğu (minimum 3) istediğiniz şekilde eşleştirebilirsiniz.

Oyunda ilerlemek için ekrandaki hedefi gerçekliştirmeniz gerekmektedir. Mesela su (H₂O) yapmak için 2 tane 3'lü ya da 1 tane 4'lü H (Hidrojen) bloğu eşleştirip 2 H (Hidrojen) atomu kazanmanız, ayrıca 1 tane 3'lü O (Oksijen) bloğu eşleştirip 1 O (Oksijen) atomu kazanmanız gerek.

Ekranın üst tarafında toplam skorunuzu, son eşleşme/kombo skorunu ve en iyi eşleşme/kombo skorunu görebilirsiniz. Aynı anda eşleşme yapılınca, puan aynı anda yapılan eşleşme sayısıyla çarpıldığı için aynı anda daha fazla eşleştirme yapmak çok daha avantajlı. Mesela aynı anda 1, 1, 2, 4, 4 şeklinde 4 eşleşme yaparsanız puan şu şekilde hesaplanır: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Hedefe ulaştığınız zaman yeni bir hedef gelir ve elementler uygun bir şekilde değişir. Mesela tüm karbon blokları yerine uranyum, tüm kükürt blokları yerine potasyum gelir ki daha önceden yapılabilecek potansiyel eşleşmeler/kombolar kaybolmasın.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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There's a couple of things in your spanish translations that would sound weird in Spain.

  1. "New game" should be "Nueva partida", "Nuevo juego" implies a different game not another round of the same game.

  2. "Yes" should be "Sí" with an accent.

  3. "Shuffle duration" is a weird one, firstly "barajamiento" is not a word, "barajadura" is, but not one anyone would know (I had to search it), even if it's less consistent with the other "duration" translations, you should probably go with something like "Tiempo barajando" that would translate to "Time shuffling" but sounds more natural.

  4. "Congratulations!", while "¡Felicitaciones!" is technically correct, "¡Enhorabuena!" is a lot more common.

6 years ago

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Thank you, corrected! :)

6 years ago

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/4. Is only for Spain, not for the Spanish spoken in the rest of the world, there it's the opposite.

6 years ago

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Table|Tavola Periodica
New game|Nuova Partita
Are you sure?|Sei sicuro?
One button mode|Modalità a un pulsante
Effects volume|Volume Effetti
Music volume|Volume Musica
Swap sensitivity|Sensibilità scambio
Rotation sensitivity|Sensibilità rotazione
Swap duration|Durata scambio
Rotation duration|Durata rotazione
Falling duration|Durata caduta
Shuffle duration|Durata rimescolamento
Match blocks staying duration|Durata accoppiamento blocchi
Developed by|Sviluppato da
Big thanks to|Molte grazie a
Main menu|Menu principale
Best combo|Miglior combo

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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1 puzzle, 4 prospettive. Prendi le tue provette ed entra nel laboratorio per risolvere un puzzle game unico nel suo genere basato sui composti chimici.

Combina gli elementi chimici per ottenere più di 900 differenti sostanze.
Fino a che punto riuscirai ad arrivare?

Per quelli di voi che si stanno chiedendo come funziona il gioco qui c'è una rapida spiegazione.

Come giocatore hai quattro prospettive dello stesso puzzle così da poter vedere tutti i blocchi da abbinare. Puoi scambiare due blocchi verticalmente oppure ruotare una intera riga in modo da ottenere più combinazioni con una sola mossa.

Puoi rimescolare i blocchi ottenendo numerose combinazioni in un unico colpo. In questo modo riuscirai ad avanzare più velocemente verso il tuo obiettivo.

Il numero minimo di blocchi che puoi abbinare è 3, ottenendo come ricompensa 1 atomo. Per ogni ulteriore blocco abbinato raddoppierai il numero di atomi ricevuti (per esempio abbinando 4 blocchi otterrai 2 atomi, con 5 blocchi ne otterrai 4, e così via).

Puoi vedere questi atomi nel contatore sullo schermo. Puoi abbinare ogni numero di blocchi in ogni possibile forma (con un minimo di 3, come detto prima).

Per avanzare nel gioco devi raggiungere l'obiettivo indicato sul tuo schermo. Per esempio, per fare un molecola d'acqua (H₂O), hai bisogno di due accoppiamenti da 3 blocchi o uno da 4 blocchi di H (idrogeno), ottenendo così 2 atomi di H (idrogeno), e inoltre uno da 3 blocchi di O (ossigeno), ottenendo un atomo di O (ossigeno).

Nella parte superiore dello schermo c'è il tuo punteggio totale, quello dell'ultimo abbinamento/combo, e quello del miglior abbinamento/combo. È più vantaggioso fare combo così il punteggio totale è la somma di tutti gli atomi moltiplicati per il numero di abbinamenti. Per esempio hai fatto 5 combinazioni in un colpo solo con i seguenti punteggi 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, allora il punteggio totale si calcolerà così: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Quando l'obiettivo è raggiunto uno nuovo verrà impostato e gli elementi verranno sostituiti di conseguenza. Per esempio, tutti i blocchi di carbone verranno sostituiti con blocchi di uranio, tutti i blocchi di zolfo verranno sostituiti con blocchi di potassio e così via, in modo che tu non perda nessun abbinamento/combo precedentemente disponibile.

6 years ago

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New game|เริ่มเกมใหม่
Are you sure?|คุณแน่ใจหรือ?
One button mode|โหมดปุ่มเดียว
Effects volume|เสียงเอฟเฟกต์
Music volume|เสียงดนตรี
Swap sensitivity|ความไวของการสลับ
Rotation sensitivity|ความไวของการหมุน
Swap duration|ระยะเวลาของการสลับ
Rotation duration|ระยะเวลาของการหมุน
Falling duration|ระยะเวลาของการหล่น
Shuffle duration|ระยะเวลาของการสับธาตุ
Match blocks staying duration|ระยะเวลาการคงอยู่ของบล็อคที่จับคู่กัน
Developed by|พัฒนาโดย
Big thanks to|ขอบคุณผู้มีอุปการะคุณสุดซึ้ง
Main menu|เมนูหลัก
Best combo|คอมโบที่เยี่ยมที่สุด

6 years ago

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หนึ่งปริศนา สี่มุมมอง คว้าหลอดทดลองแล้วเข้าห้องแล็ป มาแก้ปริศนาเกมพัซเซิลแนวคิดล้ำไม่ซ้ำใครที่อิงพื้นฐานจากตารางธาตุกัน

จับคู่ธาตุต่างๆ เพื่อในไปสู่สารประกอบใหม่ๆ กว่า 900 แบบ ดูสิว่าคุณมีกึ๋นแค่ไหน และจะไปได้สักกี่น้ำ?

หลายคนอาจสงสัยว่าเกมนี้มีหลักการเล่นอย่างไร เรามาดูคำอธิบายกัน

คุณจะมองเห็นทั้งสี่มุมมองของก้อนปริศนา คุณสามารถสลับบล็อคเพียงแค่หนึ่งอัน หรือจะหมุนเลื่อนทั้งแถบในทั้งแนวตั้งหรือแนวนอน เพื่อจะให้เกิดการจับคู่เหมือนพร้อมกันได้ในครั้งเดียว

ทั้งนี้คุณยังจะสามารถคละธาตุ ซึ่งผลที่ได้อาจจะนำไปสู่การจับคู่เหมือนหลายคู่พร้อมกันในครั้งเดียว ช่วยให้บรรลุเป้าหมายเร็วขึ้น

จำนวนบล็อคขั้นต่ำที่จะทำการจับคู่เหมือนกันได้คือ 3 บล็อค ซึ่งจะให้คุณมา 1 อะตอม และบล็อคเหมือนที่นอกเหนือจากนั้นจะให้อะตอม 2 เท่า (ต.ย. เช่น คู่เหมือน 4 บล็อคจะได้ 2 อะตอม คู่เหมือน 5 บล็อคจะได้ 4 อะตอม เป็นเช่นนี้ไปเรื่อยๆ)

คุณจะเห็นจำนวนอะตอมแสดงอยู่ที่หน้าจอ คุณสามารถจับคู่เหมือนบล็อคเรียงในรูปทรงใดก็ได้ (ขั้นต่ำ 3 บล็อคอย่างที่กล่าวไปข้างต้น)

เพื่อที่ให้เกมจะก้าวไปข้างหน้า คุณจะต้องไปให้ถึงเป้าหมายที่ระบุไว้ในหน้าจอ ตัวอย่างเช่น ให้สร้างน้ำ(H?O) คุณจะต้องมี บล็อคคู่เหมือน 3 บล็อค 2 ชุด หรือมี 4 บล็อคเหมือนของ H (hydrogen) เพื่อที่จะได้อะตอมของธาตุ H (hydrogen) 2 อะตอม และต้องมีบล็อคคู่เหมือน 3 บล็อคของ O (oxygen) เพื่อที่จะได้อะตอมของธาตุ O (oxygen) 1 อะตอม

ที่หน้าจอด้านบนของสุดคุณคือคะแนนรวมมั้งหมด ถัดลงมาเป็น คะแนนจับคู่ล่าสุด/คะแนนคอมโบล่าสุด ท้ายสุดคือ คะแนนจับคู่ที่ดีที่สุด/คะแนนคอมโบที่ดีที่สุด มันจะดีกว่าถ้าจะทำแต้มด้วยการสร้างคอมโบเพราะว่าคะแนนรวมทั้งหมดจะมาจาก ผลรวมของอะตอมทั้งหมด คูณด้วยจำนวนคู่บล็อคที่แมชท์กัน อย่างเช่นว่า คุณจับคู่ได้ 5 คู่ในครั้งเดียวด ด้วยคะแนน 1, 1, 2, 4, 4 คะแนนรวมจะถูกแปลงเป็นแบบนี้ (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) x 5 = 60

เมื่อเป้าหมายถูกพิชิตลงได้ เป้าหมายใหม่จะถูกตั้งขึ้นมา และธาตุต่างๆ ชุดเดิมจะถูกแทนที่ด้วยธาตุใหม่ ตัวอย่างเช่น บล็อคคาร์บอนเดิมทั้งหมดจะถูกแทนที่ใหม่ด้วยยูเรเนี่ยม หรือบล็อคซัลเฟอร์ทั้งหมดจะถูกแทนที่ด้วยโพแทสเซียม อะไรแบบนี้เป็นต้น ดังนั้นคุณจะไม่ได้สูญเสียโอกาสที่จะจับคู่หรือทำคอมโบ(ตำแหน่งคงเดิมแค่ถูกเปลี่ยนธาตุ)

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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New game|最初から
Are you sure?|本当によろしいですか?
One button mode|ワンボタンモード
Effects volume|効果音の音量
Music volume|BGM音量
Swap sensitivity|スワップ敏感さ
Rotation sensitivity|回転敏感さ
Swap duration|スワップ持続時間
Rotation duration|回転持続時間
Falling duration|落下持続時間
Shuffle duration|シャッフル持続時間
Match blocks staying duration|ブロックマッチング持続時間
Developed by|開発者
Big thanks to|~に心から感謝します
Main menu|タイトル
Best combo|ベストコンボ

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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FYI: There is a new online translation tool which yields pretty neat results for most european languages. You might consider trying it for parts nobody did.

DeepL Translator

6 years ago

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Another Lang bites the dust :)
It's the Greek translation btw


Table|Περιοδικός Πίνακας
New game|Νέο παιχνίδι
Are you sure?|Είστε σίγουρος;
One button mode|Λειτουργία ενός πλήκτρου
Effects volume|Ένταση εφέ
Music volume|Ένταση μουσικής
Swap sensitivity|Ευαισθησία ανταλλαγής
Rotation sensitivity|Ευαισθησία περιστροφής
Swap duration|Διάρκεια Ανταλλαγής
Rotation duration|Διάρκεια περιστροφής
Falling duration|Διάρκεια πτώσης
Shuffle duration|Διάρκεια Ανάμιξης
Match blocks staying duration|Διάρκεια αναμονής αντιστοίχισης
Developed by|Αναπτύχθηκε από
Big thanks to|Ένα μεγάλο Ευχαριστώ στούς
Main menu|Κεντρικό Μενού
Best combo|Καλύτερος συνδυασμός


1 παζλ, 4 προβολές. Αρπάξε τους δοκιμαστικούς σωλήνες και μπείτε στο εργαστήριο για να λύσετε ένα μοναδικό παιχνίδι παζλ που βασίζεται σε χημικές ενώσεις.

Ταιριάστε τα χημικά στοιχείά για να επιτευχθούν περισσότερες από 900 διαφορετικές ενώσεις και να δείτε πόσο μακριά μπορείτε να πάτε.
Έχετε ότι χρειάζεται;


Πολλοί από εσάς αναρωτιέστε πώς λειτουργεί το παιχνίδι, εδώ είναι μια σύντομη εξήγηση.

Έχετε τέσσερις απόψεις του παζλ έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να δείτε το σύνολο των διαθέσιμων μπλοκ που ταιριάζουν. Μπορείτε να εναλλάξετε ένα μπλοκ κάθετα ή να περιστρέψετε μια ολόκληρη οριζόντια σειρά μπλοκ έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να κάνετε αρκετές αντιστοιχίες ταυτόχρονα, αν είναι διαθέσιμες.

Μπορείτε επίσης να ανακατέψετε μπλοκ που μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε πολλές αντιστοιχίσεις ταυτόχρονα και να σας βοηθήσουν να φτάσετε πιο γρήγορα στον στόχο.

Ο μικρότερος αριθμός μπλοκ που μπορείτε να αντιστοιχίσετε είναι 3, ο οποίος θα σας δώσει 1 άτομο και για κάθε επιπλέον αντιστοιχισμένο μπλοκ θα πάρετε δύο φορές περισσότερα άτομα (π.χ. 4 μπλοκ αντιστοιχούν σε 2 άτομα, 5 μπλοκ αντιστοιχούν 4 άτομα κτλ).

Μπορείτε να δείτε αυτά τα άτομα στο μετρητή στην οθόνη σας. Μπορείτε να ταιριάξετε οποιοδήποτε αριθμό μπλοκ σε οποιοδήποτε σχήμα (με τουλάχιστον 3 μπλοκ, όπως αναφέρθηκε προηγουμένως).

Για να προχωρήσετε στο παιχνίδι πρέπει να φτάσετε στο στόχο που υποδεικνύεται στην οθόνη σας. Για παράδειγμα, για να φτιάξετε νερό (H₂O), χρειάζεστε είτε δύο αντιστοιχίες των 3 μπλοκ είτε μία αντιστοιχία με 4 μπλοκ του Η (υδρογόνου) για να πάρετε 2 άτομα του Η (υδρογόνου) και μία αντιστοιχία με 3 μπλοκ του Ο (οξυγόνου) για να πάρετε ένα άτομο του Ο (οξυγόνου).

Στο πάνω μέρος της οθόνης έχετε συνολικό σκορ, τελευταίο σκορ συνδυασμού και το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα συνδυασμού. Είναι πιο συμφέρουσα η δημιουργία συνδυασμών, καθώς το συνολικό σκορ είναι το άθροισμα όλων των ατόμων που πολλαπλασιάζεται με τον αριθμό των συνδυασμών. Ας υποθέσουμε ότι έχετε 5 αντιστοιχίες ταυτόχρονα με το σκορ 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, τότε το συνολικό σκορ θα μεταφράζεται ως εξής: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Όταν ο στόχος επιτευχθεί , θα οριστεί ένας νέος στόχος και τα στοιχεία θα αντικατασταθούν ανάλογα. Για παράδειγμα, όλα τα μπλοκ άνθρακα θα αντικατασταθούν με ουράνιο, όλα τα μπλοκ θείου θα αντικατασταθούν με κάλιο και ούτω καθεξής, έτσι ώστε να μην χάσετε κανένα προηγουμένως διαθέσιμο ζεύγος / συνδυασμό.
6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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"Big thanks to" is followed by a list of persons or a single one?

6 years ago*

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A list.

6 years ago

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New game|Nieuw spel
Are you sure?|Ben je zeker?
One button mode|Een knop modus
Effects volume|Effect volume
Music volume|Muziek volume
Swap sensitivity|Swap gevoeligheid
Rotation sensitivity|Rotatie gevoeligheid
Swap duration|Swap duur
Rotation duration|Rotatie duur
Falling duration|Val duur
Shuffle duration|Shuffle duur
Match blocks staying duration|Gelijke blokken verdwijn tijd
Developed by|Ontwikkeld door
Big thanks to|Met dank aan
Main menu|Hoofdmenu
Best combo|Beste combo

6 years ago

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I have some things that may fit this game better

  • I think Shuffle has to be "Schudden" or "Husselen" in this one. I'd personally recommend "Husselen" then as I think it fits the game better based on what I saw on the Store Page and video.
  • Are you sure? should be "Weet je het zeker?"
  • "Swap"(NL) might be replaced by "Wissel"
  • Match block staying duration could be "Verblijfsduur gelijke blokken" as this actually says staying duration, while lolnie's translation talks about a 'disappearing duration'.
  • Big thanks to should be "Veel dank aan" as the 'big' wasn't translated in this one.
  • Congratulations! can also be translated to "Gefeliciteerd!". It's more commonly used in the Netherlands. Are you Flemish, lolnie? :P
6 years ago

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Thank you for corrections! :)

6 years ago

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Yes, im flemish, thats indeed why im using proficiat XD.
Your suggestions do fit better indeed, not sure about the duration one, its kind of a hard one to translate correctly if you never played the game :)

6 years ago

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Great to hear your feedback! The duration one is indeed a hard one, I am not 100% sure about either one.

Maybe there's another Dutch speaking SG'er who can add something to this :) (If they'll read this of course)

6 years ago

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These translations are quite bad.

I would suggest;

Continue|Verder gaan
New game|Nieuw spel
Are you sure?|Weet je het zeker?
One button mode|Enkele knop modus
Effects volume|Geluidseffect volume
Music volume|Muziek volume
Swap sensitivity|Omwissel gevoeligheid
Rotation sensitivity|Omdraai gevoeligheid
Swap duration|Tijdsduur van omwisselen
Rotation duration|Tijdsduur van omdraaien
Falling duration|Tijdsduur van vallen
Shuffle duration|Tijdsduur van schudden
Match blocks staying duration|Tijdsduur Zichbaarheid gelijke blokken
Developed by|Ontwikkeld door
Big thanks to|Zeer veel dank aan
Main menu|Hoofdmenu
Best combo|Beste combinatie

5 years ago

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This discussion is already from 8 months ago, doubt they will change much as your corrections already have been discussed here

5 years ago

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He requested for input in a recent giveaway :)

5 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

5 years ago

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And more corrections:

One button mode|Een knop modus -> Één knop modus

Also to unify stuff
Shuffle duration|Shuffle duur. -> Hussel duur

But Shuffle is a word every dutchman knows on their CD/MP3/etc players

6 years ago

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Ah ye missed the duration one. Would go for 'Hussel duur' then as Shuffle was also translated as 'Husselen'. For consistency, although indeed almost every Dutch person nowadays knows the word.

But your "Één" doesn't need that accent aigu on its capital, so it should be "Eén". Some rule from 'Het Groene Boekje' :P

Wanna check my Dutch translation perhaps? It's last entry on this page 1 :)

6 years ago

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You're totally right about the the capital not needing the accent. Idk, late (2am), Saturday, alcohol. Anyway,good catch.
And for you question, I will take a look at it later today and I definitely let you know my finding. It can't hurt to check it as two persons know more than one Imho.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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Table|Tabel Periodic
New game|Joc Nou
Are you sure?|Ești sigur?
One button mode|Modul un buton
Effects volume|Volumul efectelor
Music volume|Volumul muzicii
Swap sensitivity|Senzitivitate de schimbare
Rotation sensitivity|Senzitivitate de rotație
Swap duration|Durată de schimbare
Rotation duration|Durată de rotație
Falling duration|Durată de cădere
Shuffle duration|Durată de amestecare
Match blocks staying duration|Durata de dispariție a blocurilor potrivite
Developed by|Dezvoltat de
Big thanks to|Multe mulțumiri lui
Main menu|Meniu Principal
Best combo|Cel mai bun combo
6 years ago*

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"Match blocks staying duration" means for how long "Match blocks" (name of UI element) will stay on the screen.

"Big thanks to" is for a list.

6 years ago*

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1 enigmă, 4 perspective. 
Ia-ți eprubetele și intră în laborator pentru a rezolva un joc de puzzle unic bazat pe compuși chimici.

Potrivește elementele chimice pentru a obține mai mult de 900 de compuși diferiți și vezi cât de departe poți merge.
Ai ce trebuie?


Deoarece mulți dintre voi vă întrebați cum funcționează jocul, iată o scurtă explicație.

Ai patru perspective ale puzzle-ului, astfel încât să poți vedea totalitatea blocurilor disponibile ce pot fi potrivite. Poți schimba un bloc pe verticală sau poți roti un întreg rând orizontal de blocuri, astfel încât să poți realiza mai multe potriviri simultan, dacă este posibil.

Poți, de asemenea, să amesteci blocurile, fapt care poate duce la mai multe potriviri simultan și te va ajuta să atingi obiectivul mai repede.

Cel mai mic număr de blocuri pe care le poți potrivi este 3, care iți va da 1 atom și pentru fiecare bloc suplimentar potrivit primești de două ori mai mulți atomi (de exemplu, 4 blocuri iți dau 2 atomi, 5 blocuri iți dau 4 atomi și așa mai departe).

Poți vedea acei atomi în contorul de pe ecran. Poți să potrivești orice număr de blocuri în orice formă (cu cel puțin 3 blocuri, după cum sa menționat anterior).

Pentru a avansa în joc, trebuie să atingi obiectivul indicat pe ecran. De exemplu, pentru a face apă (H₂O), ai nevoie de două potriviri de 3 blocuri sau de o potrivire de 4 blocuri de H (hidrogen) pentru a obține 2 atomi de H (hidrogen) și de asemenea o potrivire de 3 blocuri de O (oxigen) pentru a obține 1 atom de O (oxigen).

În partea de sus a ecranului ai scorul total, ultima combinație/scor combo și cel mai bună combinație/scor combo. Este mai avantajos să faci combo-uri, deoarece scorul total este suma tuturor atomilor înmulțită cu numărul de combinații. Să presupunem că ai 5 combinații simultan cu scorul de 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, atunci scorul total se va traduce astfel: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Când obiectivul este atins, se va stabili un nou obiectiv și elementele vor fi înlocuite în corespunzător. De exemplu, toate blocurile de carbon vor fi înlocuite cu uraniu, toate blocurile de sulf înlocuite cu potasiu și așa mai departe, astfel încât să nu pierzi nicio combinație anterioară sau combo.
6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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ok, all done

6 years ago

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Nice! :)

6 years ago

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Alright here is Dutch (Nederlands) for Store translations:

1 puzzel, 4 aanzichten. Pak je reageerbuizen en betreed het lab om een uniek puzzelspel gebaseerd op chemische verbindingen op te lossen.

Combineer de chemische elementen om meer dan 900 verschillende verbindingen te krijgen en zie hoe ver jij kan komen.
Heb jij het in je?


Gezien velen van jullie zich afvragen hoe het spel werkt, is hier een korte uitleg.

Je hebt vier aanzichten van de puzzel zodat je de totale hoeveelheid beschikbare blokken kunt zien om te combineren. Je kunt een blok verticaal wisselen of roteer een hele horizontale rij blokken zodat je verscheidene combinaties in één keer zou kunnen maken.

Je kunt ook de blokken husselen, dit kan resulteren in verscheidene combinaties in één keer en kan je helpen je doel sneller te bereiken.

Het kleinste aantal blokken dat je kan combineren is 3, dit geeft je 1 atoom en voor elk extra gecombineerd blok krijg je twee keer meer atomen. (bijv. 4 blokcombinaties geeft je 2 atomen, 5 blokcombinaties geeft je 4 atomen etc.)

Je kunt deze atomen zien in de teller op je scherm. Je kunt elk aantal blokken combineren in elke vorm (met een minimum van 3 blokken zoals eerder vermeld).

Om verder te komen in het spel moet je het doel op je scherm behalen. Om bijvoorbeeld water (H2O) te maken, moet je of twee keer een combinatie van 3 blokken of een keer een combinatie van 4 blokken H (waterstof) maken om 2 atomen van H (waterstof) te krijgen en ook moet je een combinatie van 3 blokken O (zuurstof) maken voor 1 O (zuurstof) atoom.

Bovenin je scherm staan de totale score, de laatste combinatie score en de beste combinatie score. Het is gunstiger om combo's te maken gezien de totale score de som van alle atomen vermenigvuldigd met de combinatie telling is. Laten we zeggen dat je 5 combinaties in één keer hebt met een score van 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, dan zou de totale score als volgt zijn: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Wanneer het doel is bereikt, wordt een nieuw doel gesteld en worden de elementen overeenkomstig vervangen. Bijvoorbeeld, alle koolstof blokken worden vervangen door uranium, alle zwavel blokken door kalium en zo door, zodat je geen eerdere beschikbare combinatie/combo verliest.

Alright that's it. Some sentences might sound a bit weird at first but for now I couldn't think of a sentence that fits better. Perhaps another Dutchie who knows a smoother one or something?

6 years ago*

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You should probably list the language at the start.

6 years ago

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Ah yes totally forgot >.<
Added it now, thanks for mentioning

6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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Do you want a 1 on 1 English to dutch translation. Or is it alright if the sentence structures are different :)
The above is correctly translated 1 on 1 but the Dutch structure seems a bit off.

6 years ago

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I just want it would keep the meaning.

6 years ago

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The Dutch structure is a bit different.

The above first paragraph has one spell error:
puzzelspul > puzzelspel

6 years ago

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Changed some lines/structure. It is a difficult piece to translate in Dutch :)
Please re-check ;)

edit: changed minor things

1 puzzel, 4 aanzichten. Pak je reageerbuizen en betreed het lab om een uniek puzzelspel gebaseerd op chemische verbindingen op te lossen.

Combineer de chemische elementen om meer dan 900 verschillende verbindingen te krijgen en zie hoe ver jij kan komen.
Heb jij het in je?


Gezien velen van jullie zich afvragen hoe het spel werkt, is hier een korte uitleg.

Er zijn vier aanzichten van de puzzel zodat je de totale hoeveelheid beschikbare blokken kunt zien om te combineren. Je kunt een blok verticaal wisselen of één hele horizontale rij blokken roteren zodat je meerdere combinaties in één keer zou kunnen maken.

Je kunt de blokken ook husselen, waardoor mogelijk meerdere combinaties in één keer ontstaan die je helpen om het doel sneller te bereiken.

Het kleinste aantal blokken dat je kan combineren is 3, dit geeft je 1 atoom en voor elk extra gecombineerd blok krijg je twee keer het aantal atomen.** (bijv. 4 blok combinaties geven je 2 atomen, 5 blok combinaties geven je 4 atomen enz.). **Je kunt deze atomen zien in de teller op je scherm. Je kunt elk aantal blokken combineren in elke vorm (met een minimum van 3 blokken zoals eerder vermeld).

Om verder te komen in het spel moet je het aangegeven doel op je scherm behalen. Om bijvoorbeeld water (H₂O) te maken, moet je twee keer een combinatie van 3 blokken of één keer een combinatie van 4 blokken H (waterstof) maken en één combinatie van 3 blokken O (zuurstof) maken voor 1 O (zuurstof) atoom.

Bovenin je scherm staan de totale score, de laatste combinatie/combo score en de beste combinatie/ combo score. Het is gunstiger om combo's te maken aangezien de totale score de som is van alle atomen vermenigvuldigd met het aantal combinaties. Stel je hebt 5 combinaties in één keer met een score van 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, dan zou de totale score als volgt zijn: (1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4) × 5 = 60.

Wanneer het doel is bereikt, wordt een nieuw doel gesteld en worden de elementen overeenkomstig vervangen. Bijvoorbeeld, alle koolstof blokken worden vervangen door uranium, alle zwavel blokken door kalium en zo door, zodat je geen eerdere beschikbare combinatie/combo verliest.

6 years ago*

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Thank you very much! :D

6 years ago

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You're welcome :D

6 years ago

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I tried to check but perhaps I read over it all, couldn't really find the differences. Any chance you could make the changed things bold or italic? :B

6 years ago

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Made it bold for you. It is a tricky piece of text to translate. :)

6 years ago

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Awesome, thanks! Will check it when I have some more time :)

6 years ago

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