Fellow steamgifters!! help me.. i am going to take 1 week vacation and in my vac, i wanna play something from my backlog. but the deal is, my laptop is not so good. There is 8GB ram and i7-4700 processor and on board laptop GPU (its professional laptop - not for gaming). So, bring it on!!

9 years ago

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You definitely need to play more Spacechem. It is a masterpiece of puzzle gaming, and it'll run on anything.

9 years ago

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will try, thank you

9 years ago

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That CPU is pretty awesome, and you've got a decent amount of RAM too. Do you know what the GPU is? Intel HD 4600 perhaps?

Titan Quest is an awesome hack 'n' slash game that isn't all that demanding. Highly recommended if you enjoy(ed) the likes of Diablo/Torchlight.

Mafia II is a very fun third-person action game, like a 1950s GTA if you will. Should be able to run it at a playable FPS if you tone the graphics down and disable PhysX.

Dead Space provides a brilliantly immersive, third-person experience that isn't necessarily scary, but is definitely an atmospheric blast. Being 7 years old, you should have no problem running it.

9 years ago

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i already finished mafia II, i will try titan and dead space

9 years ago

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