So a while back I started making giveaways. And the first batch I made were public giveaways with no level requirements. And certainly some of the games went to people who seemed nice. But I couldn't help but notice that some got regifted or simply vanished without trace. And I had to chase some people who didn't mark the games as received and it turned out they didn't want the games because they thought they were bad games or because it as a waste of time activating them because of their VAC ban and so on.

And for a while I maybe felt like a dick for going to the trouble of giving games away to people who didn't even want them. And I resolved to start experimenting with ways to maybe focus my gifting towards people who weren't such assholes. And I have experimented with various kinds of giveaways with varying degrees of success. And I have experimented with whitelists and group giveaways but I would feel a little guiltY about entering public giveaways if I made no public giveaways myself.

And I have experimented with blacklisting. Which I felt in theory was a great way of gradually focusing gifting towards the more lovable members of the community.

It's fair to say that that my first blacklistings were fairly haphazard and I'm not a perfect person and I'll even admit that I blacklisted a few people for quite petty reasons while druNk - but all of those have been reversed and I'm now quite consistent about why I blacklist people and keep a list of why I have done it.

I'm blacklist people for badly breaking the rules or abusing the system (like multiple regifters). I'm blacklisting people for having a bad ratio plus something else naughty, because I wouldn't want to discriminate against people who just can't afford stuff (like people who have a really bad ratio and moan about only winning crap games in discussions). And I'm blacklisting people who I felt were rude or abusive or entirely unreasonable (because it would stick in my throat to give a game to somebody who had told me to kill myself). This seems reasonable to me.

But to me things began to seem unreasonable when I made a giveaway for 3 copies of Skullgirls and woke up the next morning to find that despite a large number of entries more people were moaning about being blacklisted than had actually said 'thank you'. And I spent half the next day Being harassed by and arguing with various people despite also being really busy in real life.

If somebody asks why they are blacklisted I don't mind checking if I have made a mistake or looking if they have mended their ways - but when I commit to giving a game away I don't also want to commit to wasting a bunch of time arguing with people.

More recently somebody took the trouble of contacting me after noticing they were blacklisted to tell me what a good user they were, to express their surprise and upset and to issue some vague but malevolent threats. I checked my list and saw they were blackListed for several things ranging from having a terrible ratio to scamming people in trades. And I also noticed that this user had never made a giveaway that I had been able to enter.

I had been excluded from every private group giveaway this user had made and apparently now this user had discovered that I had made a giveaway that he was excluded from he found this entirely unreasonable. Is it wrong to be pissed off about that?

In conclusion I'm now about bored of this shit. I'm considering how to move forwards on the matter and thought it would be interesting to have a discussion and hear peoples opinions.

But before replying I would like people to consider that whenever I have previously posted a rambling wall of text in 'puzzles' there has been something far more important going on than the topic that appears to be the issue.

EDIT - I literally have several hundred new messages. I hadn't quite expected that response. Clearly blacklisting is CONTROVERSIAL or else folks are just really excited about the other thing. I'll reply to as much stuff as I can but it may take a while.

To clarify a few things at the risk of making a wall of text even bigger;

I'll always check why I blacklisted people as clearly I'm not infallible. Although in the past I have had several productive discussions with people I blacklisted I don't feel able to commit to that in the future due to a recent onslaught of bullshit. At this stage I'm reluctant to even get involved in discussions when so many of them end up wasting so much time.

I'm pretty sure I know what caused the onslaught of bullshit. Participating in the 'midsummer madness' event clearly brought me to the attention of some people who hadn't previously noticed my more subtle giveaways. And also I added 'really bad ratio + only making private group giveaways while raking it in from public giveaways' to the list of things I blacklist for which upset a number of especially argumentative and entitled individuals.

I'm not upset or else I wouldn't still be making giveaways. I have vented. I have put my point of view across. I will honestly consider the feedback. I will move forwards.

EDIT2 - 890 messages since I made this. I have read them all but it is unlikely that I will be able to reply to them all. The main lesson so far appears to be that the people who have contributed the least to this community are the ones most likely to get outraged about what other people are doing with their giveaways.

8 years ago*

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To be honest I've never had anyone ask me why they were blacklisted or even mention being blacklisted. I however don't have that big of a blacklist nor do I do alot of public giveaways. I supose I got discouraged by regifters and people not marking recieved, so I tend to keep my giveaways invite only, whitelist or group giveaways.

I think if it's your giveaway, your charity, you get to set your own terms(within reason of course). It should be seen as an honor to be able to enter someones giveaways, someone elses charity, not a given right. Just because you give something doesnt niether mean your entitled to get something back, charity is charity. You should be grateful when you do win, and show respect to the person that's been kind enought to make the donation in the first place.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you for that elaboration, you seem to be quite talented at painting various parallels to how I feel about blacklisting people.

Screw the cryptics, thanks for the train. Your artworks look really amazing :)

8 years ago

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I'm afraid to comment. I feel like I'll just be randomly blacklisted by someone. I'll just walk away slowly and quietly.

8 years ago

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I pretty much only blacklist repeat regifters. Havnt had had much trouble with people on here to blacklist them for anything else. But yeah blacklist those dirty regifters.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago*

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I just dont use that option (blacklisting). But yes. Level restriction helps a little :< And here is a secret for ya:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Additional bump. Yes.

8 years ago

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I'm sure all people in your blacklist deserve this. I mean - I'm not there, what could possibly be wrong?

8 years ago

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I think that the only acceptable reasons for BL are scamm, regifting and etc . And may be BL people that BL you is fair enought. I'll never punish somebody for different opinion.

But this is minor and you don't need to overthink about it, it's better to concentrait at your talant :)

8 years ago

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Bump. I haven't blacklisted anyone, I just make most my giveaways high contrib level. I'm only on one blacklist I know of, and that's cause I said thanks on the guy's giveaways. Since then I only say thanks when people ask for it. Oh well. Thanks for all the giveaways!

8 years ago

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People that are on Your blacklist propably deserved that, I don't question it. I actually had luck and ran on fine guys with my giveaways, I guess. Thanks for train, bumping :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Boba Fett?! Boba Fett?! Where?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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we will call you steamgifts prophet then.

8 years ago

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I tend to only blacklist regifters and the likes (like those who don't redeem their games for whatever other reason) or people who make deliberately aggressive comments on the forums; everyone else is fine by me. I only wish I could gift more games... I still have quite a few bundle spare keys left, but then I always feel like I'm just being a cheap-ass bastard or something :(

8 years ago

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I've never talked to you before, but you blacklisted me a long time ago. I understand you blacklisting me for a poor ratio, but I've never had anyone blacklist me before so it was just shocking. Blacklist as you wish and good luck on trying to find the fun in SG again.

8 years ago

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First of all, I want to say thank you for the VERY long train. It was awesome :)

Secondly, I want to say I know how you feel. I tried blacklisting on occasion when I happen across rule breakers and regifters and such but ultimately felt so guilty about it, that I had to remove them. To offset it, I usually just make giveaways with levels set that the general rule breaker doesn't meet. I haven't done a ton of giveaways but in all this time I've only had one person that didn't activate a win from me. Recently though I had a winner that never said a word to me after winning, no thank you or anything and it kind of put me off a little. The sense of entitlement on this site can be pretty horrendous sometimes but there are a lot of outstanding, generous and awesome people here that give Steamgifts it's true heart and I think that's why we all keep coming back and giving our all to make this place the best we can.

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day

8 years ago

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Oh gosh thank you! I didn't even realize. Time sure flies by.

8 years ago

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Yesterday I had mine

8 years ago

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Happy belated Cake Day to you :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'd kinda like to track why I blacklist people, but I haven't bothered. Most of them, I assume I did it for a good reason. Thankfully, no one has yet asked why they were blacklisted. A couple of them are just mutual -- and I've otherwise nothing against the person.

8 years ago

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so far I'm okay with my and others' blacklist - nobody really bothered me with mine (only one polite question and reasoning) and thankfully I've also had no issues with finding myself blacklisted. Hopefully this will stay this way :)

8 years ago

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The only blacklisting I have done are a few people that I actually had in a text file due to some forum posts and threads going back over a year (directly after the Boston bombing), and more recently people who are repeat regifting or regifting the big developer giveaways. I need to remember to whitelist people when I see them posting helpful stuff or just being generally good in the community.

8 years ago

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I tend to ignore the comments of people asking why they were in the blacklist. And yeah, there are people that have a more permanent place in the blacklist and those who are only temporarily there.

8 years ago

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Since I'm a GA newbie I haven't used the blacklist feature, and don't think I ever will.
Simply because locking stuffs behind topics and/or level usually sort out the bad seeds.
As for why someone blacklists that's their own business. Their GA, their rules.

8 years ago

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Luckily my experience here on SG has been a lot better so far. Granted the game from one of my early GAs disappeared from the winners inventory after a few days without ever being added to his libary but other then that I haven't had major problems. Back then I made I a thread about it asking for advice and started putting level restrictions on almost all of my public GAs. Lvl 2 is the minimum, mostly Lvl 3. I also started being very thorough, checking if the winner had activated all of their previous wins which lately got a lot easier due to the SG Tool and checking if they had activated their game afterwards. I also exclusivly deliver gifts directly over steam (unless its a code) which might be just my personal preferance but I think it also makes the whole process a little more personal and might help some people doing the right thing.

I use the blacklist feature mainly for major rule infractions like regifting, trading won games or fake / misleading GAs but in very extreme cases I have also blacklisted people I consider toxic to the community.

I've recently for the first time had a few people ask why they were blacklisted and to my large surpise all of those conversation turned out to be quite positive experiences.

8 years ago

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I used to think blacklists are a childish thing back in SGV1. Now I'm glad we have this feature. There really are some people I don't want to gift games to.

8 years ago

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+1 :-D

8 years ago

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i personally don't like the idea of blacklists and whitelists (it's a gray area, hur hur) as it creates a clique-y atmosphere at SG, but i have blacklisted a few known re-gifters and never do it arbitrarily. at least the lists give you some control over that, and it's better than not existing at all. i don't enter giveaways of games i would never play, but for better or worse, people are free to do what they want here within the specified set of rules.

appreciate the ride. don't forget: many people out there appreciate your generosity.

8 years ago

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Well ironically it would seem that you have blacklisted me, so I'd like to request the reason. :)

8 years ago

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Whining about how a user wins "only crap games" is definitely a reason to blacklist for me - if you think it's a crap game, then you didn't want to play it in the first place - why enter then? Or at least, boast your library as thousands of users do here for no apparent reason, but at least, don't say that a gift a stranger has given to you is "crap". That annoys the hell out of me...

As for users blacklisting me, I've only found out two so far. One of them had blacklisted me because over three corners he heard something bad about me, aparently. The other one, I don't know, don't care, because the user only makes private-group GAs, which I can't enter and I've apparently never entered a GA of that user for the last year or even longer... Pointless blacklisting is pointless lol. In any case, I don't really bother to talk to the users who've blacklisted me. I blacklist them myself, that's it.

But honestly, my blacklist is fairly small, because I don't bother actively checking for people who I should/could blacklist. So far, only severe cases (racism, bigotry, homophobia, and so on) have made it up my list, including some severe regifters or people with a way-out-of-place-ratio (like 3x wins than given and simultaneously huge libraries). But I rather stumble upon such behavior than looking for it. In any way, so far nobody has talked to me about being on my BL, I don't know how I'd react if a user talked to me about the reasons I've blacklisted him/her.
I do check my whitelist though, if people maintin the criteria I've put up for it.

8 years ago

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I will agree why enter a game if you don't want it? I mainly win what people call 'crap games' because that is what I like , I love old styled platformers and top downs. I will admit to not liking a game or 2 after winning but the same would have happened if I bought it anyway.

8 years ago

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