So a while back I started making giveaways. And the first batch I made were public giveaways with no level requirements. And certainly some of the games went to people who seemed nice. But I couldn't help but notice that some got regifted or simply vanished without trace. And I had to chase some people who didn't mark the games as received and it turned out they didn't want the games because they thought they were bad games or because it as a waste of time activating them because of their VAC ban and so on.

And for a while I maybe felt like a dick for going to the trouble of giving games away to people who didn't even want them. And I resolved to start experimenting with ways to maybe focus my gifting towards people who weren't such assholes. And I have experimented with various kinds of giveaways with varying degrees of success. And I have experimented with whitelists and group giveaways but I would feel a little guiltY about entering public giveaways if I made no public giveaways myself.

And I have experimented with blacklisting. Which I felt in theory was a great way of gradually focusing gifting towards the more lovable members of the community.

It's fair to say that that my first blacklistings were fairly haphazard and I'm not a perfect person and I'll even admit that I blacklisted a few people for quite petty reasons while druNk - but all of those have been reversed and I'm now quite consistent about why I blacklist people and keep a list of why I have done it.

I'm blacklist people for badly breaking the rules or abusing the system (like multiple regifters). I'm blacklisting people for having a bad ratio plus something else naughty, because I wouldn't want to discriminate against people who just can't afford stuff (like people who have a really bad ratio and moan about only winning crap games in discussions). And I'm blacklisting people who I felt were rude or abusive or entirely unreasonable (because it would stick in my throat to give a game to somebody who had told me to kill myself). This seems reasonable to me.

But to me things began to seem unreasonable when I made a giveaway for 3 copies of Skullgirls and woke up the next morning to find that despite a large number of entries more people were moaning about being blacklisted than had actually said 'thank you'. And I spent half the next day Being harassed by and arguing with various people despite also being really busy in real life.

If somebody asks why they are blacklisted I don't mind checking if I have made a mistake or looking if they have mended their ways - but when I commit to giving a game away I don't also want to commit to wasting a bunch of time arguing with people.

More recently somebody took the trouble of contacting me after noticing they were blacklisted to tell me what a good user they were, to express their surprise and upset and to issue some vague but malevolent threats. I checked my list and saw they were blackListed for several things ranging from having a terrible ratio to scamming people in trades. And I also noticed that this user had never made a giveaway that I had been able to enter.

I had been excluded from every private group giveaway this user had made and apparently now this user had discovered that I had made a giveaway that he was excluded from he found this entirely unreasonable. Is it wrong to be pissed off about that?

In conclusion I'm now about bored of this shit. I'm considering how to move forwards on the matter and thought it would be interesting to have a discussion and hear peoples opinions.

But before replying I would like people to consider that whenever I have previously posted a rambling wall of text in 'puzzles' there has been something far more important going on than the topic that appears to be the issue.

EDIT - I literally have several hundred new messages. I hadn't quite expected that response. Clearly blacklisting is CONTROVERSIAL or else folks are just really excited about the other thing. I'll reply to as much stuff as I can but it may take a while.

To clarify a few things at the risk of making a wall of text even bigger;

I'll always check why I blacklisted people as clearly I'm not infallible. Although in the past I have had several productive discussions with people I blacklisted I don't feel able to commit to that in the future due to a recent onslaught of bullshit. At this stage I'm reluctant to even get involved in discussions when so many of them end up wasting so much time.

I'm pretty sure I know what caused the onslaught of bullshit. Participating in the 'midsummer madness' event clearly brought me to the attention of some people who hadn't previously noticed my more subtle giveaways. And also I added 'really bad ratio + only making private group giveaways while raking it in from public giveaways' to the list of things I blacklist for which upset a number of especially argumentative and entitled individuals.

I'm not upset or else I wouldn't still be making giveaways. I have vented. I have put my point of view across. I will honestly consider the feedback. I will move forwards.

EDIT2 - 890 messages since I made this. I have read them all but it is unlikely that I will be able to reply to them all. The main lesson so far appears to be that the people who have contributed the least to this community are the ones most likely to get outraged about what other people are doing with their giveaways.

8 years ago*

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Blacklisting is definitely a controversial -and personal- matter. Every side has legitimate arguments, and belittling those who don't share a certain point of view is detrimental to the community. I'm really glad you avoided that pitfall and embraced all SGifters in your original message.

If you want me to move beyond the generalizations, I'll simply say I don't find blacklists useful. You can avoid giving away games to users who blatantly and consistently disregard the site rules by asking for a justified reroll every now and then. You can create multi-group giveaways for groups with thousands of members or even just add a Level 1 contributor requirement to some, filtering out most rule-breakers.

All these tools seem to suffice. But in all honestly, I can understand the importance of a blacklist to someone with such a diverse group of game recipients as yourself. The main problem about "justifiably" blacklisting someone is it takes a bit of time and at least a short conversation to take note of any mitigating factors or extenuating circumstances.

That's not to say you aren't allowed to do it haphazardly -after all it's your games being given away. But I think it's far easier to set guidelines in your giveaway descriptions, even though special giveaway rules are off the table. I find that most of the community tends to follow etiquette and abide by those without the need to employ a blacklist.

Please bear in mind there are people who've found themselves literally unable to contribute games, but do try -and mostly succeed- in contributing in other meaningful ways, like setting up a dedicated server for other members of the community, helping out with tech problems, throwing in translations for projects that need them or even providing some urgently needed psych support now and again, to name a few.

If keeping a whitelist along your blacklist isn't too much trouble and you're willing and able to take the time to update both, you can probably have the best of both worlds.

In any case, rest assured your generosity is very much appreciated, even though the occasional dimwit might make you regret it. I won't be commenting in any other page, I think it'll only make it more difficult for you to keep track of the discussion here. You do have my sincere thanks for all giveaways though!

8 years ago

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Bump for tl;dr!

8 years ago

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Well less than 4 hours since my last giveaway finished, with me at work and, as a driver, unable to and not allowed to use any form of electronic communication device, I got a whiny comment from the winner complaining they hadn't had it yet... from someone who's won 6 and given 0...

I can see how blacklists start... lol!

And just to check I wasn't breaking some rule, I checked, and the FAQ says quite clearly: "Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended."

8 years ago

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That's a bit harsh I would say, I think I would have pointed out the rule and let them know you were at work, not much else you can do on that one I guess.

8 years ago

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Oh, I didn't add them onto a Blacklist, mine is at zero membership at the moment... but it's easy to imagine why people get added! With this case I did what you said, just pointed out the reason.

8 years ago

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Somebody said they would report me for making fake giveaways because they hadn't got their game and they could see that I was clearly online and playing Terraria.

I told them to check their e-mail. I'd said in the giveaway description it was a Steam gift and I'd e-mail it. I e-mailed it less than 5 minutes after the giveaway ended.

8 years ago

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I used to work in a Customer Service job, and it was interesting to note how the quickest to complain, often the most unreasonable, and the ones who shouted the most, were those with the cheapest, or even free, tickets. There must be some interesting psychology involved, but I haven't quite worked out why.
Ah well.. fortunately 99% greatly appreciate the giveaways and I've already had some nice comments from winners.

8 years ago

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Some people bl just because you had a different opinion in a discussion, which is kind of petty. However, it's their BL and they can do what they want to. If you spend a lot of time checking peoples stats etc. then it's your time. However, I wonder if it couldn't be used better like playing games, watching vids etc. You just have to make up your mind wether it still is fun when you figure out how much time you spend doing it.

8 years ago

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You just got an entry in my whitelist ;)

8 years ago

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I approve of this message!

8 years ago

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Totally sympathise with you for there are so many scumbags out there willing to play the system. By the same token, there are (rather thankfully) many nice peeps as well.

I've been told I've recently leant towards the dark side due to the pre-emptive steps I've found myself taking to blacklist those I believe have done something illicit (which includes giving away recent mass giveaway games on their account even though the game is already owned - more often than not indicative of the fact they've somehow obtained the game either by not marking their won game as 'received' or simply used another account to obtain it). At the end of the day it's your choice. A motivating factor for me is that I ask myself 'Did I ever feel inclined enough to re-gift a game even when I was new to the site?' and the simple answer is 'no', thus I don't expect others to do so either. If you do so feel inclined then I don't want to know you.

8 years ago

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I am fine with blacklisting, I personally have 5 people on my blacklist and I blacklist only rarely and for extreme reasons.

I don't really care if I am blacklisted either. It is up to the individual who does the blacklisting, not me. I don't even know how to tell if someone has me on their blacklist and don't really care - what am I to do about it? It's their choice.

I mean if someone gets upset that I only give away games that are unused from bundle purchases then that is fine. I am really just happy to be able to pass the game on (before finding Steamgifts I would end up activating it on my account as there was nothing else to do with the key)

8 years ago

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Personally, I don't find blacklisting to be that serious of a subject but I rarely use mine. I used to check all my giveaway winners to make sure they didn't break any rules, etc. But this witch hunt for rule breakers ended up consuming all my precious time as well as giving me a rather cynical view of the community. I simply do not care anymore. I will let someone else do the digging and I will happily sit in ignorance believing that people are good. It's just easier in general to stop focusing on what everybody else is doing and just make sure that I'm happy with what I'm doing.

Do whatever you would like to do with your blacklist. You don't even need to justify yourself to other people, the only person you have to justify your choices to is yourself.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For some reason you are on my whitelist.

On to other matters
I thought that if I blacklist someone, that someone will not be able to view my GA on the public GA list at all. But I think you made the GA on some group or private group, where people could complain if they are blacklisted because they know they are blacklisted.

At current situation I don't know how much I am blacklisted.

8 years ago

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you can still check the profile of that user and open the public GAs from there.

8 years ago

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For what it is worth you can be on my whitelist also!

I am at this stage tempted to stop making giveaways places that people can see them and see they are blacklisted and then moan about it. It is when I make giveaways in discussions like this that I get the trouble.

8 years ago

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I've given away what I've been able to, and even have a couple that I still could but have been lazy to actually get going, though my ratio is certainly more wins than giveaways. I haven't once considered blacklisting, though I also haven't seen the type of behavior you've mentioned. While I think that some reasons for blacklisting someone are unreasonable, there are many reasons that are and as long as you're sure of someone's guilt in any of those, they don't justify any response. Frankly, a person is able to set up a blacklist for their own reasons, just like they can set up a whitelist for their own reasons. It seems rather silly that someone would exclude people from their giveaways then be upset when they're excluded, considering my last sentence. Hopefully you don't let those negative people get to you too much. You blacklisted them for a reason, them getting upset only adds fuel to that instead of getting you to change your mind. If they really wanted to be taken off, acting in such a negative manner doesn't seem like the best idea, in any situation.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride!

8 years ago

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Blacklisting is a personal choice, and you shouldn't have to defend it to anyone but yourself. I hope that I never do anything terrible enough to another user to cause them to want to blacklist me, and I would be hurt if I found I was on someone's blacklist, but I wouldn't expect them to have to defend it. I might ask why I was blacklisted, so that I could hopefully turn my mistake into an opportunity to learn, but I wouldn't expect an answer, and I certainly wouldn't argue with someone's decision. Arguing with someone about their decision doesn't really seem like it would make them want to change their mind, so it seems counterproductive for someone on your blacklist to have complained at all.

8 years ago

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♠ Thanks and Bump ♠

8 years ago

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As Support, I will defend the right of members to blacklist anyone for any reason.

On a more personal level, I'm in alignment with your stated method of using the blacklist. I only have two people on mine as I dislike blacklisting people and only do it in extreme cases, but I totally understand where you're coming from.

8 years ago

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Everyone can use the blacklist for whatever reason. It's their games they are giving away and they have the right to be selective about the entrants.
And here's the cutest kitty gif I could find.

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8 years ago

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Bump for blacklist train, I tend to blacklist people who don't activate their winnings, regift or create fake giveaways

8 years ago

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While you did this in a funny way, it's really a too frequent theme of conversation blacklisting and levels here, in my opinion. I don't think cg means this and I hope he realize his mistake someday.

8 years ago

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Blacklisting and the level system are a mistake in your opinion? Just wanna make sure I understood you here.

8 years ago

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How do you know you have been blacklisted?

8 years ago

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You don't.
Either you stalk people regularly to know that you are blacklisted or not, which happens since some people probably bookmark the profile's of top contributers since they want to enter everything or you just randomly stumble upon someone who blacklisted you. Maybe when someone opens a thread with a giveaway or something, but usually you won't know.

8 years ago

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Bump for finally finishing the train. thanks again for the GAs. I don't usually blacklist unless they're a rule breaker or they are extremely rude (resorting to racial/sexist/homophobic slurs) or they're always fighting with someone every time I see them ._.

8 years ago

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You've put a lot of thought into your blacklist, and while everyone's blacklist is their own and they can do as they wish, it is nice when someone tells you why they blacklist and you find yourself without criticism and in full support of them.

I was blacklisting for very specific reasons for a while but then I realized I didn't like maintaining the blacklist, so I emptied it out except for one or two people I remembered to be very deserving. Since then I really only add the regifters, the scammers, the people who are nasty to others, and the entitled people.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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