Whenever HB made it possible to give to local charities I started giving every penny to the charity part. Before that I gave the majority to charity and HB. Discussing this with a friend, I decided to start a poll.I didn't think this needed to be said but please only answer if you actually buy the Humble Bundles.

Since it is part of HB's mission statement to support charitities, here's a good resource for knowing where your money is going when you donate.
Charity Navigator Thanks to SGer dingbat for posting some links!

Have a GA

7 years ago*

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On average,how much do you give to charity when buying from Humble?

View Results
Over 50% of what I pay
Less than 50% of what I pay
Over 75% of what I pay
Less than 75% of what I pay
Over 25% of what I pay
Less than 25% of what I pay

I've always given 100% to charity. Most companies are scum of the Earth, hands down trash that deserves to be burned to ash; the ashes need to be burned as well. But after reading some of the comments here I'll probably give a miniscule amount of my payment to the developer if I think they deserve it.

7 years ago

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It's funny, reading that most people seem to support the devs I am more committed than ever to only giving to charity:)

7 years ago

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Always 100% for HB

7 years ago

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I personally don't believe charities get the money, bump anyway.

7 years ago

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Have to be careful what charity you support. Many are very dishonest and take too big of a cut for themselves.
Haven't bought a bundle in long time though, so haven't needed to do research on which are the most honest.
However developers certainly deserve a bigger share in my opinion. Many of them actually try to earn atleast a little from these bundle sales which they normally wouldn't get from other sources.

7 years ago

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Default values. Not changing anything and just input the money.
I'm not sure which option is that...

7 years ago

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i always give none, i feel charity is always a scam.

thanks for giveaway tho

i give devs 95% and humble the rest

7 years ago

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i always give none, i feel charity is always a scam.

Gifts Won
373 ($3,566.15)
Gifts Sent
101 ($1,243.99)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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i know im doing good <3 ive never earned money in my whole life, so to be able to give so much is a huge accomplishment!

there are people who have money and still dont give back to the community,

7 years ago

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I use default.
I would like to give 50%-75% of what I pay to developers.

7 years ago

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I use default.

7 years ago

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100 percent to Charity. I also change the charity to one of 3 types of charity. Either Heart, Cancer or Parkinsons as I have various family that has been affected by those ones.

When I remember that is. I forget to make the changes about 30-40% of the time.

Have a GA? Whats a GA? I clicked it but still don't know what it is. Took me to a tool page of some sort. Do I need to do something?

lol. From other comments I assume Give Away.. lol.. I must not be high enough. no prob. was just wondering what that was. I'm new to the site. I answered the poll because I wanted to, no other reason.

7 years ago

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I'm weird. I always go 100% humble tip.

7 years ago

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Mostly make it charity : HB : developer = 3:1:0.01.

By the way, hmm, I'm blacklisted. :(

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Monukai buys me the bundles and I pay him back!

I don't even know :tcry:

7 years ago

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i usually go like 50% charity, 35% developer and 15% humble :^)

7 years ago

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I do exactly the same as You. It's hard to explain, but I belive that this is a most fair option.

7 years ago

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Honestly, i mostly forget to even change the default one 9 of 10 times shame on me, but when i remember i usually go with 45%:45%:10% for charity:developer:humble.

7 years ago

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Usually it is 0% - I prefer "face-to-face" charity without n+1 middleman.

7 years ago

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50/50 Devs/Charity or 45/45/10 Devs/Charity/HB

7 years ago

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The only reason I ever buy from Humble is charity. So 100%
Despite buying so many games from humble, I am yet to finish even one of them halfway.
If I like a game, I tend to buy it on sale, not wait for a bundle.

7 years ago

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Whats Humble Bundle? "_(ʘʘ)/"

7 years ago

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None, i prefer to trade than buy it by myself.

7 years ago

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Often close to 100%, with a little something for HB. The exact amount depends on the charity too.

7 years ago

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Whatever the default is (I see no option in the poll so I didn't vote).

7 years ago

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bought ubisoft bundle,15$ one,gave around 8$ to charity,4$ to humble tip,and the rest to ubisoft

7 years ago

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Depends on the charity and if its one I already donate to, but I usually give half to charity and split the rest between the devs and Humblebundle.

7 years ago

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Whenever I can choose my charity, it's between 50 and 75%. But I play around with those sliders constantly. If buying a tier that game isn't in, that game isn't getting my money (there are rare exceptions). If some games in a bundle are better than others, that developer is usually getting more money. If it's a big company, they're not going to get much. Humble usually ends up between 5 to 10%, which is closer to their default (usually of by pennies at most), and they probably get the tax write off for the amount we designate for charity as they're the ones ultimately donating the money, so I don't fell to bad about it.

Then there's the book bundles, which I treat differently. I don't know, I guess I do what I want, but it usually favors charity. I do wish I could go back and edit some of my breakdowns however.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Khazadson.