Thank you all for participating in this new idea for a puzzle/event! There were laughter, surprises, anger, and tears! (Lots of them!)
I'm happy to admit that this was a fairly successful event, although I expected more players.

All of you were some kickass hunters/huntresses, and even though you may not have caught me, the success of this event may ensure the possibility of a second one. Of course, in the case where this would happen, multiple things will be reworked, including some of the rules and the "gameplay" (more traps as soon as the event begins, check!).

And so the event ends... for now. The Top 20 contestants will now be invited to a private group to enter the giveaways... right after I double-check a couple of things. Be patient, but let me know if you've been waiting and still aren't invited. :P

Thanks, and congrats to the winners!

Hello lovely Steamgifters.

A while ago, I used to create many somewhat-creative puzzles and events for forum users to enjoy (or hate). I had some pretty crazy and creative puzzle ideas, and also some not so much. In the end, all that counts is that some people have fun solving and completing said giveaway puzzles and events, and gain the satisfaction of knowing that they managed to accomplish a hard and complicated task.

After a while however, one has got to run out of ideas. I was inactive when it comes to puzzles and giveaway events in the past months. In an effort in coming up with something all new and creative, I finally discovered a decent giveaway event that I could organize. Before you ask, no, this isn't a giveaway event where multiple users contribute giveaways. Misleading title? That was the best descriptive title I could come up with. :P

So, what is this all about?

Right. TL;DR.
The rules are simple. Starting today and running through the week to come, forum users will have to "catch" me.
How do you "catch" me, you ask? Easy. Whenever I post a comment on the forum, participants will have to be the first to reply to my comment by saying "Claimed!" or "Caught you!" or "Caught!" or whatever the heck they want - as long as I am aware that you have "claimed" this comment as your "catch". At the end of the week, The top 20 users who have earned the most "catches" will get invited to a private group, which will earn you entry to a giveaway for Payday 2, and a giveaway for Valkyria Chronicles.

I'd appreciate if you comment in the thread to "confirm" your participation in the event, although it is not a requirement.
Below will be a scoreboard with the scores of all participating users. If you claimed one of my comments and it's missing from the table, let me know and I'll verify and add your missing points.


Read them or be blacklisted for the duration of the event

  1. You may only claim "catch" on comments I posted AFTER the date and time specified below.
  2. You can only claim comments I posted in other user's threads. Comments and replies in my own threads DOES NOT COUNT.
  3. Comments in any giveaways DOES NOT COUNT. That would be an unfair advantage to people who have me whitelisted.
  4. Participants cannot claim my comment if it has previously been claimed by another player. In the case of a "double-claim", the first reply earns the point.
  5. I will rarely reply to any "claim" replies, but if I do (example, stating rules or pointing out something about the event), it does not count as a "claimable" comment. Pretty much any of my comments mentioning this event will be invalid for a claim.
  6. Do NOT participate if you already own both games. That would suck for other players. (You can enter if you want just one game, though)
  7. Absolutely no cheating. No bots please. (Hear that, Archibot? You're out.)
  8. If a player completely ignores the rules, I maintain the right to kick them out of the game (disregard their entries).
  9. Players who remain tied for a place in the "Top 20" participants list will be picked randomly using random.org.
  10. Cheating can and will result in elimination. Please not that this includes deleting claims, especially on traps (and yes, don't think I can't see you).


What is being given away?
Payday 2
Valkyria Chronicles

Update - Generous contributions from a SG user:
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Prime World: Defenders
Eador: Genesis
Hoard Complete Pack
Puzzle Kingdoms
Runespell: Overture
Frozen Synapse Prime
Cally's Caves 3
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Flock
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded
Gryphon Knight Epic
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Our Nation's Miner

Blacklisting Verification™
Use this giveaway to tell whether or not you are blacklisted before participating.

Duration and Ending Date
The event begins at Midnight between Tuesday, February 16 (UTC) and Wednesday, February 17 (UTC).
The event ends at Midnight between Tuesday, February 23 (UTC) and Wednesday, February 24 (UTC).
Countdown to End of Event

Any claims done before the starting date or past the ending date will not be accounted for.

Aaaaand I think that covers everything! The event will begin a half hour after the creation of this thread. Feel free to ask questions, point out flaws and problems I may have missed, and confirm your participation in the event. Please bump from time to time during the week to allow other potential players to notice the thread.

Hopefully this goes as well as I planned/hope it will.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Interesting event idea.

8 years ago

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You are no longer a dragon D:

I had that cat as a wallpaper a long time ago :3

8 years ago

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5 more spots left until it becomes a battle between players. Neat.
I really gotta post more often though.

8 years ago

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Difficulty increased:
Trap cards deployed.

8 years ago

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damn now i have to read what the comment is :/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can you remind me of my 2nd Gotcha please?

8 years ago

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2nd Gotcha? You mean difficulty level?

8 years ago

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Oh no, I meant the 2nd comment I gotcha! for.. I bookmarked no1 and no3 but can't find no2..Just to keep tabs ;)

8 years ago

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Oh, sure. Do you know what you said exactly?

8 years ago

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I just said "Gotcha!" like the other two :)
PS. Btw that's a function I'd really like in SG. To search for comments. Can't be that hard to implement but maybe it's the server strain that's keeping it from happening.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Than Kiou... my records are complete now :-O

8 years ago

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Counter measures deployed ;) (Let me know if you have a problem with this and I will change the profile pic back).

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Holy crap, nice. I like how you think.

8 years ago

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You are even crueler than him :O

8 years ago

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Trap cards? Does that have something to do with the -1 on wind?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Example of a trap card. To answer your question, yes. :P

8 years ago

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Sooth 1

You don't actually have to list me, I own both the games ~.^

I just wanted to catch you :X For my own nefarious purposes! MUAHAHA- er..nothing, you didn't see this.. =O

8 years ago

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Rule number 6!

Do NOT participate if you already own both games. That would suck for other players. (You can enter if you want just one game, though)

Now I must blacklist you for eternity.
Nah, not really though. :P

8 years ago

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I actually had no idea what games were being offered till I looked just now :/
But I regret nothing.

8 years ago

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Bonus added:
Double point comments!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment can be claimed.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I did an exception to my own rules. Is there ever an end to this madness? :o

8 years ago

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I appreciate it.
I'm gonna be out of commission after today, so I need all the points I can get

8 years ago

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Operation Doppelganger

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do we even have any other users willing to participate? :(

8 years ago

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I think most gave up because they couldn't compete with saga and wind.

8 years ago

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I was considering a points cap. 10 points seems fair enough?

8 years ago

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I don't mind either way. I bumped the thread a few times to try and get more involved. Still been fun though.

8 years ago

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Yes, I finally caught you! I had basically given up because of Sagamuga

8 years ago

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I swear today is so inactive. I've been commenting and hitting F5 like crazy, but nobody claimed anything. ;_;

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You're slacking today, there's a comment still up that's been up for 10 minutes.

8 years ago

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Yeahh you wish :P

8 years ago

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I'm "stocking up" on ideas and polishing the rules for the next CMIYC event.
Next time should work better, although I am pretty satisfied with how this went so far. Less participants than expected, but I'm pretty sure we can get at least 20 by the end of the event.

8 years ago

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If I throw a pokeball at you, am I able to catch a cute dragon? :3

8 years ago

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I suggest you to throw a bait first..

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I added rule #10.

Cheating can and will result in elimination. Please not that this includes deleting claims, especially on traps (and yes, don't think I can't see you).

It didn't seem necessary to specify, but I've noticed players deleting comments. Have some honor. :P

8 years ago

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well, what about bot-/scripting.. call me pessimistic but I'm fairly sure 2-3 do exactly that...

8 years ago

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Rule number 7 covers that.

Absolutely no cheating. No bots please. (Hear that, Archibot? You're out.)

I can't do much more than that to avoid bots. That's also the main reason I have "no claim" trap cards. :P
So far I haven't noticed any overly suspicious players.

8 years ago

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Yes, you do have a rule for that, but it doesn't get applied. As said, I'm fairly sure the top of the leaderboard consists of those...

It certainly spoils the fun (again) on events like these.

8 years ago

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What do you mean "it doesn't get applied"? I can't really punish people for cheating if I have no possible way to verify this accusation. Wouldn't it also spoil the fun if I falsely accused players of using scripts? :P

The best I could come up with was having special "trap" posts which, in the case of a script, will negatively affect a player's score. Other than than, what would you recommend?

8 years ago

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That is indeed the problem.

The trap card is a very good idea, but needed to be there right from the start to at least make fully automatic replies difficult. Unfortunately it came a bit too late.
Detection is certainly not simple, but common sense clearly tells me, for it to be fairly implausible for 10 comments to be snatched within 30 seconds (!) each from a total of just around 50, as that requires constant page rechecking every minute or even more frequent over the course of several hours on many days.

Do you believe anybody to do this manually to such an extent?

Not sure how much technical background you have, but if the event wasn't about to end already I'd write and send you a script that repeatedly checks the forums, opens the thread with your comment and automatically replies, and all that with just only 15 lines of code.

Guess I should have just make it instead..

8 years ago

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Then explain to me how the top scoring player doesn't have even one "bonus"? :P
They avoided the trap posts, and also missed a few actual ones. I'm pretty skeptical about them using a script, but even if they did, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. This event is just for fun, I don't want to go around and eliminate everyone for "suspicion of cheating". That would be just wrong, really.

It is fairly easy to catch comments quickly, honestly. As soon as I post one comment on the forum, you know I'm online and active, therefore you can simply refresh the main forum page and check for my name to pop up. I can personally refresh every 5-10 seconds, and reply to someone within 20 seconds with ease, if I'm prepared (and have a copy pasted response).

I'm honestly a bit confused about what you expect of me. I'll try to have more traps next time, if that makes you happy? :P

8 years ago

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Pretty much what i did at the start , refresh and copy paste, in fact u don't even need to copy paste, the first catch was just one letter and he edited later

8 years ago

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honest question, how much time did you put into it?

8 years ago

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At the start? Probably for 2 hours while I browse other stuff and refresh once a while

8 years ago

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Then explain to me how the top scoring player doesn't have even one "bonus"?

Script doesn't need to automatically also reply instantly. Doing that is actually stupid, but I don't want to give too many ideas for "optimizations" here...

Adapted early enough, traps can be avoided.

also missed a few actual ones.

Possible for the script to not be bug free either ;-) and not everyone is online all the time, which at least became a minimum requirement after the trap cards.

I don't want to go around and eliminate everyone

Of-course not, and I fully understand you on that too.

reply to someone within 20 seconds with ease

That alone isn't a problem. Catching a few comments neither. But the combination of many catches over several hours. I'd actually be more sad if some really sit there and manually refresh the pages every 10 sec for many hours each day just for that.

I'm honestly a bit confused about what you expect of me

Nothing really. I don't have a solution myself unfortunately, I just wanted to make you aware of the issue.

try to have more traps next time

It would help, so I'd appreciate that ;-)

8 years ago

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So sir, if I got this right, you are telling me that it is possible to write a script that detects the name of jbondguy on the discussions page, enters the thread, finds the post and replies to it?

I am getting old, I guess.

8 years ago

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it is possible to write a script that ..

Yes, yes indeed it is.

8 years ago

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Yeah, entirely possible. I use such scripts (but not for stuff like that) sometimes. Like for example, to refresh a page, click somewhere, refresh, click, etc.

8 years ago

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I can see where your coming from Tristar. Given that you say 2-3 and I'm one of the current top players I can't help but feel that is directed at me. I had my own similar concerns to begin with. All I can do is give you my word that I wouldn't do such a thing (and don't know how to). Many of jbondguy's posts actually needed to be read in order to claim them correctly and not lose points or be eliminated. One of my points was obtained by following instructions to post on jbondguy's profile page and one from another player making a mistake.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. No hard feelings towards you, just felt the need to respond.

8 years ago

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I know I can "hit the wrong guy" with my words too. If I would have any certain and secure way to exactly name who cheats in such a fashion, I'd just mail jbond that list. Unfortunately it's not that easy, and as such it wasn't meant as a personal attack against you and am sorry if anybody saw it as that.

Still we can't close our eyes from reality and considering how easy it is to cheat (given the technical background), it would also just be naive to assume it isn't happening either. Quite honestly, the intelligent cheaters wouldn't risk presenting themselves on the first place so visibly (but cheaters often aren't overly intelligent *cough*).

With your explanations it certainly is a lot more plausible to reach a higher score and I also had my own doubts before too about you to be cheating here.

Still my thinking remains that some certainly are.

8 years ago

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We did it! 20 players!

8 years ago

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You look like a seahorse now. Just sayin'

8 years ago

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That was ye olde profile picture. I used it for quite a while when I first joined SG.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Absolutely no cheating. No bots please. (Hear that, Archibot? You're out.)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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A Steamgifts user (who has chosen to remain anonymous until the end of the event) has generously contributed a bunch of giveaways to the event! The following games have been added:

Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Prime World: Defenders
Eador: Genesis
Hoard Complete Pack
Puzzle Kingdoms
Runespell: Overture
Frozen Synapse Prime
Cally's Caves 3
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Flock
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded
Gryphon Knight Epic
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Our Nation's Miner

8 years ago

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Well, a huge Thank you to this user...

8 years ago

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Now this. This puts the game into a whole new level.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I'm too lazy lately. Have a bump. Yes.

8 years ago

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This. I've just been staring at posts that I could claim.

8 years ago

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Maybe we should create even better event - Bribe me if ya can. I think i would like it. Yes.

8 years ago

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I was wondering, what happens when you have to say 'no' to someone on this site?

8 years ago

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You should never say "no" to bribe proposition. Yes. I'll just say no in the sentence and then i'll add yes to confuse my mortal enemies. Yes

8 years ago

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I like it... But I guess I'd have to be bribed in order to make the event.

8 years ago

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Works for me. Yes.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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So what happens to people who are tied a the bottom and there are more than 20+ players?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oops sorry I overlooked Rule 9 thanks for the reminder!

8 years ago

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It must be fun not to be able to post on forums without people going CAUGHT everytime ;D
Have a bump for the last 19 hours this event has :P
I'd told you i'd catch you as the event was ending :D...

8 years ago

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But will you be able to get in the Top 20? ;)

8 years ago

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The RNG gods will have to decide, probably!

8 years ago

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