Me and a couple friends play Planetside 2 together and we are looking for a couple more people to play with. We are all fairly new (only been playing for about a week now) so if you haven't played it before you are more than welcome. The only requirements are you have to have a mic, for easy communication while playing, and to be 18+ because most of us are in our 20s and it would be weird playing video games with kids. Just add me on steam or reply here if you are interested at all.

Edit: I forgot to mention, we fight for the NC on the server Soltech

1 decade ago*

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+18 !??!!

you mean you guys gonna go and watch some porn together after games ?!??! .


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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  • and to be 18+ because most of us are in our 20s and it would be weird playing video games with kids.

Pretty obvious

1 decade ago

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How big is the download roughly? I play Borderlands 2 and have a vent servery but some of our groups been a bit flaky so it'd be good to have another fps to play ^_^

1 decade ago

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It's about 10gb

1 decade ago

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I might hop onto my PC and start the download, ah if you'd like to play with me that is? I am 26 Australian, female; and leaving myself open to jokes here but I suck at driving and I saw a jet pack and that would probably take fine tuning for me too haha.

1 decade ago

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Haha if you think driving is hard, just wait till you try flying in this game. And you can join us if you want to, as long as you have or are willing to download Teamspeak because that's what we use to communicate with each other.

1 decade ago

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No worries I have TS, My own vent server, Raidcall and mumble... Bit of a gamer teehehe

1 decade ago

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I sent you a friend request on steam, I'll give you the TS ip there

1 decade ago

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I was going to say something like that first phrase x_X I still can't understand how some people can be so good at piloting aircrafts in this game, maybe it has also something to do with specific factions' aircrafts, but I tried just a couple times and I definitely suck beyond any possible training. D:

1 decade ago

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Your best bet for getting used to them would probably be to find a sector overrun by your side, then just spawn yourself one and try flying near, over, and under structures at high speed without crashing. You'll not have much to fear of enemy air resistance this way. Also, try following the roads while being no more than a few meters off the ground. Dogfighting worked better for me after doing that for a few hours, as did just normal flight. :)

1 decade ago

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I already tried exactly that. First time, I was on the top part of the map, I didn't think about the consequences so I spawned an aircraft from a pad facing north, it spawned already out of the bounds of the map and exploded after 10 seconds before I could manage to turn it around.. :°)
The second time, learning from my previous mistake, I spawned one from a base in the middle of the map. I tried to fly around the same area and actually managed to do it for few minutes (maybe 3-4), avoiding to crash even while passing near peaks or trees, but that took all of my concentration so I wouldn't have been able to care about enemies at all, and after a while I kind of got lost no matter how hard I tried to stay in the area and never came back to where I started.. LOL ^^;

1 decade ago

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Land vehicles are relatively easy-to-use. I think you would be OK with that. Anyways, I like to play with female gamers. They can be extremely good at fps games.

1 decade ago

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I have lousy Aussie country town internet so could be a little while before I get it downloaded :)

1 decade ago

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I could be persuaded to play with you. 22 USA here.

1 decade ago

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Well I say you should just check out some gameplay videos and see if it looks like your type of game. If you are interested just add me on steam :)

1 decade ago

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If you would play on Ceres as Terran Republic, I would join you. But if you play as rebel scum, I simply can't :>

1 decade ago

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Instantly made me think of this.

1 decade ago

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Ahaha :D Terran on Malloy here! :P Been playing for a couple of weeks now.. I was actually searching for someone to play with too, but since earning certifications is quite slow I'd rather not start a new character on another server, be it in the same faction (that I actually like) or not x.X Also english isn't my first language, so it would be kind of hard for me to follow conversations if using voice chat. D:
Anyway, if someone feels like coming to visit (or hunt) me, feel free to do so.. :P

1 decade ago

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Except you know that if Planetside were a movie the NC would win because they are the good guys while the TR are villainous tyrants that would get blown up.

1 decade ago

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Pffff! We're not tyrants! That's only what you rebels like to say to recruit more people for your cause! :PPP
It even says in the wiki your faction will use any dirty tricks they can to reach whatever it is you want to accomplish. D:
We're only trying to establish a true republic, stop wasting your time with dubious people and join us already! u_u

1 decade ago

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I like fighting the Terrans as an NC. We're pretty evenly matched if you ask me. Makes for a good game. :)

Against the Vanu, forget it - either their weapons are overpowered, or the ones using them are cheating - I have yet to figure that one out. Vanu do seem to be predisposed towards camping outside spawn rooms to rack up easy kills, rather than capping points, though. Granted, all the sides have some of that, but Vanu seem to be the worst.

1 decade ago

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I actually seem to end up playing against NC the most. Not that I do that intentionally.. But yeah I kind of get what you mean.
The point is, the game doesn't say this, but looking at the official wiki it gives an explanation (or at least what I guessed from it) on the differences between the 3 factions:
TR = Best rate of fire, average damage, low accuracy, average recoil;
NC = Awesome damage, average rate of fire, low accuracy, high recoil;
VS = Excellent accuracy, low damange, average rate of fire, no recoil.

This is because Terrans and Conglomerates use bullets (at least, I think NC use only those, but the wiki says they have a great range of different weapons so I may be wrong), so they suffer from bullet drop + recoil and thus have lower accuracy than the Vanu. Also the Vanu deal less damage the farther they are from their target, that's probably why they prefer to go with easy kills outside the spawns.. ;)

Anyway, having that much accuracy probably is a big reason why they seem overpowered, because I don't know about you but I have quite a hard time getting kills on moving targets, both on short and long distances, since it takes me a lot of bullets, the aim is not so good and the recoil, even if low, doesn't help at all.
That's even worse with sniper rifles.. For example, with the basic weapon that infiltrators have, even when I manage to get a headshot (and that's tricky enough to me already), I hardly/never get an instant kill (while NC usually do ON me :P), and it's almost impossible to get a second chance if the target is fast enough to run or take cover. For the Vanu, however, it should be easier to line up multiple shots.

1 decade ago

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It's actually hard to say if they are good.

1 decade ago

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Is there any loot? As far as I know there is not. But I may be wrong :). What about ranking system? Can you explain please a little bit more?
I would be interested in playing planetside 2, but it depends on the RPG Features it has :D. Oh, also, are F2P players in disadvantage somehow? Thanks!
Btw, I am 22.

1 decade ago

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No there isn't any loot in the game. It's more of a leveling up/skill points system and that's pretty much all there is to the RPG aspect of it. F2P players can potentially earn anything other than decorations such as camo, new helmets/masks, etc. But the leveling is a little slow for F2P so you have to spend your skill points wisely.

1 decade ago

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thanks. Um, I have another question, is there possibility to get some new weapons or weapon upgrades at least, that stay on me permanently?

1 decade ago

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Yes. Everything that you unlock (new weapons, attachments, etc.) is permanent unless you delete your character or switch to a different server.

1 decade ago

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Hm hm hm :D,are there many new unlockable weapons and attachments? Cause this is kind of a loot system for me :D. What I like about new CODs is the way you unlock new weapons and attachments, and that is through leveling or using certain attachment.

1 decade ago

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Well it's more like you earn points and certain guns cost 100, 250, 500 or 1000 points to unlock. Attachments and everything else cost varying amounts as well.

1 decade ago

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all right, count me in ;)

btw, where are you guys from? Is there ip restriction?
Because I am from Slovakia(Europe),and timezone is gmt+1, which means you are 6-7 hours behind me, if you are from USA.

1 decade ago

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I do plan on downloading and playing Planetside 2 at some point, but not anytime soon sorry :(

1 decade ago

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You should get in on it while there are still people around to shoot at ><

1 decade ago

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Why? It's that bad? I've heard some shitty things about the game like base raping in order to win. Now I don't think I'll bother downloading it, oh well.

1 decade ago

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Have they fixed the random crash to desktop events? I might hop into the game, but with this issue...ya know.

1 decade ago

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I haven't crashed to desktop at all, but I have had my screen frozen mid game and had to ctrl+alt+delete a couple times. I've attributed that to having a lower end computer though so if you have a decent computer you should be fine.

1 decade ago

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Goodie. During the closed beta there were a lot of c2d-s. I was like "It's okay, it's a beta." But the game kept crashing on me after the official release date too. There my nerve system crashed to desktop too, and deleted the game.

1 decade ago

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It still crashes. But it's a bit better after first big update (crash once an hour).

1 decade ago

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Are you sure it's not just your or your settings? I usually play for sessions of 2-3 hours at a time and don't crash.

1 decade ago

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Game engine won't be working well with all configurations. As I heard it's working worst with ATI cards and Win XP, which I still use.

1 decade ago

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Planned on playing it with a friend but I haven't bother to download it yet. Need to check his server and such first. Though I wanna fight for VS not for NC. :<

1 decade ago

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Vanu or death!!!!!

1 decade ago

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Vanu are overrated, the only reason they win anything is that they have a lot of players.

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't be proud to be Vanu with Tobuscus as your mascot.

1 decade ago

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I didn't vote for him. None of us did. He was just assigned. Most of Vanu are kinda of pissed about it.

1 decade ago

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Well most of Vanu are about to be comprised of little Tobuscus fanboys. Have fun playing with them on your team lol

1 decade ago

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That's what most of us are pissed about. As you said, bunch of little fan boys now :( Doesn't really matter that much to me and my clannies anyway, we play the game to have fun, not to win.

1 decade ago

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But but... Winning IS fun. Also, lets all just be happy that they didn't pick PewDiePie to be one of these s "leaders."

1 decade ago

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who is Tobuscus?

1 decade ago

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What faction and server?

1 decade ago

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You should probably puts some details as to computer requirements and download size etc so ppl don't become interested just to disappointed by their possible limitations

1 decade ago

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New Conglomerate on server Soltech

1 decade ago

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ahh boo right server wrong faction D:

1 decade ago

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You mean to say that you are in the wrong faction :P

1 decade ago

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Switch to Red team, Soltech, we are better organized and we don't wear purple...

1 decade ago

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Purple so pretty~!!!

1 decade ago

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What's wrong with playing with kids really, some people view gaming as a childlike behaviour anways :o)

1 decade ago

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Some people think the world is going to end today.

Some people don't know what they're talking about.

1 decade ago

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Nice that you can notice the underlying intention

1 decade ago

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Sorry the game costs too much for me.

1 decade ago

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Its free

1 decade ago

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Not sure if trolling or...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AlexBnt.