You might have seen my number topics here several days before. Thank you for your comments and sorry for not replying to them. I wanted to create some kind of intrigue and hype in such way :) Some of you guessed that it was a countdown. SO WE WILL ALL DIE NOW, MUAHAHAHAHA! No. We won't. At least most of us won't die in the nearest future.

The countdown was dedicated to my graduation.
3 days ago I had a defence of my thesis.
2 days ago I was closing different formalities.
1 day ago I was on the ceremony and received my master diploma! And level 2 coincidentally ^_^

So now I'm no more a student :( (luckily it doesn't make me to change my nick like in case with Student123 :D). It's a sad and happy event at the same time. On the other hand I'm planning to go for PhD, so soon I will be a student again! But of course it won't be the same.

It was a long and very diverse experience. 6 years. Can you remember yourself 6 years ago? That's a huge amount of time. About 6 years ago was released the first version of Android. Also when I only started my education I didn't even have the laptop (hello, 2009). Things were much different in many many ways.

These years were probably the best in my life. But there were surely the worst among them too.

So I created a small train [ended] to celebrate this. Feel free to take your sits :)

Maximum level requirement: Level 1
End time: Saturday, 20 June 2015, 20:00:00 (GMT+3)

There is something special for my whitelist. It will run for about two weeks in order for everyone to see it.

Also I created the puzzle. It's a rather hard one, but I believe that you can solve it! Everyone who solves it will get whitelisted :) I recommend you to use while solving it. By clicking on the interested object you'll see the coordinates of it under the description. I have taken the coordinates of objects from there.
Because it looks really hard for me at the moment, I'll add some hints later if there are no winners. Actually there are some hints already :P

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Do you have higher education (university, etc)?

View Results
Yes, currently studying
Yes, already finished
No, but plan to enter the university
No, and I don't plan further studying
Other (write in comments)

Congrats on graduating! I'm jelly :p

I'm still in university and I'll spend the next11 years in it if not more °A°
Currently in Medschool :p
I've wasted a long time without doing anything for years, now I'm starting from scratch again.

8 years ago

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Thank you! It's a long period of time, I must say :D Good luck!

8 years ago

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Congratulation on your graduation! That didn't rhyme ._.
Good luck in life!
And I know that I keep saying this to everyone... but don't add your boss on social media.
Just, don't.

8 years ago

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Depends. I added everyone in my workplace, and sometimes we troll together :3

8 years ago

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Thank you! I'm not going to :)

8 years ago

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Funny that I know the place wut where shooted on the last picture, but I cant get from where it was made :c

Grats on graduating! Now you should find a job like in "Scrubs" :D

8 years ago

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Взаємодопомога? ;-)

8 years ago

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Do not ask others for hints. It's against rules. You should solve it individually.

8 years ago

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Thank you! I'm not sure that it's a good choice :D

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8 years ago

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Мои тебе поздравления! И желаю тебе удачи на защите диссертатской.
Вопрос: ты точно знаешь что от кхм с первой картинки до места на в второй картинке 2 километра? А то я в ступоре, там нет таких высоких мест или ты с коптера?

8 years ago

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Спасибо! Условия точно верные. Извини, не могу дать больше подсказок.

8 years ago

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Congrats, what was your Master in? What do you plan on doing your PhD in?

8 years ago

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Applied physics and mathematics. Something in physics. Superconductivity for the current place, but may be I'll change it a bit later.

8 years ago

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Very cool. Very hard subject.

8 years ago

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Physics are awesome!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks & congrats!

8 years ago

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Thank you, Per3zat!

8 years ago

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Congratulations :)

8 years ago

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Thank you, the winner of my first GA :)

8 years ago

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Congrats on making it through. Prepare to suffer through trying to find work.

8 years ago

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Thank you? :)

8 years ago

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And thanks;)

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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I just went through your entire train reading the descriptions and looking at the pictures. Completely forgot they were giveaways. Congrats on your graduation!!

8 years ago

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Thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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I'm Other. I went for 3 years, but never finished.

8 years ago

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I think it's a bit sad though there are some well known examples of great people with similar stories :) Do you plan to finish it some day?

8 years ago

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I love the idea of going back to college, but it took me years to pay off the debts I incurred from those three years. I'm not eager to rack up a bunch of debt again. A pile of debt can weigh like an anchor and not only limit your options in life, but actively prevent you from doing much to correct it. I ended up getting rid of internet and biking to work for 4 years to get everything cleared up and have enough cash saved up for a car.

I think if I absolutely knew what I wanted a degree in, and had a hard plan on how much and how long it would take me, its something I would seriously consider (or if cost simply wasn't part of the equation). I love learning and I've always enjoyed school, but while I find a lot of topics fascinating, I can't imagine them being my career.

8 years ago

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Oh, paying for education completely changes the situation. I don't have the cost as part of the equation luckily. And I can't even imagine it being a big part for myself. I don't know exactly how big is it in USA (and to be honest I know the USA educational system very bad) but in post-soviet countries the quota for free places isn't that small. So I was payed for my higher education, not the opposite.

8 years ago

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The educational system in the US isn't very bad; its just kind of a mess these days. Far too much money is spent on administration at every level, rather than on the things that actually impact the students.

The cost to attend university can vary wildly, depending on what scholarships you are eligible for/have the right connections for, public vs. private, in-state cost vs. out-of-state, and even the courses you take. They nickel & dime you every step of the way, and it really adds up over the years.

If I could go to school for free, I'd sign up tomorrow.

8 years ago

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Sorry, by saying very bad I've meant that I do not know much about it :) It's late here zZ

As for schools/colleges. There are different ones here too. But there are enough of not expensive/free. I see college as something between school and university, am I right? If it is so I didn't attend it and know practically nothing about how it works.

8 years ago

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In the US, the terms university and college are interchangeable. Either way, its the optional schooling that takes place after the mandatory 12 years of school (secondary/high school).

There are also smaller, cheaper, localized schools that offer post-secondary classes (community colleges). Typically, people go to these for some skills training, for fun, or to fulfill some prerequisites before attending university.

8 years ago

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yay! congrats!

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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Congratulations and thanks for the giveaways! Good luck in the future

8 years ago

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Thank you!

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8 years ago

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Congrats on your completion of a major lifetime goal. D

8 years ago

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Thank you! And Happy Ramadan :) though I don't know a lot about it (only from your thread)

8 years ago

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Bump for ≈1 hour left of whitelist GA.

8 years ago

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