So, I just got here.. registered, sync my steam account and I see alot of Warhammer and Company of Heroes giveaways.. LOTS OF IT!!
And yeah, I read the FAQs, of course, but still, didn't actually answer anything.

Well, any advice to win my first giveaway here. LOL :D

9 years ago

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While this guide is a little outdated (CV was replaced by levels, and there is no mention of whitelists), it will give you an idea.

9 years ago

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So, I've noticed that there's a leveling system here also. How to level up, cause there's certain giveaways with +level restriction...

9 years ago

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You can level up by creating your own giveaways for the community. The more you give, the higher your level, and the more giveaways you will be able to enter.

9 years ago

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Well you said you've read the FAQ, so you should know the answer to that.

9 years ago*

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Yeah, that's why I asked it again.. Cause it's pretty much confusing, but get it now. Thanks :)

9 years ago

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Keep in mind too, bundled games only contribute so much to your level, non-bundled games are the best way to go for leveling...

9 years ago

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As another noob (and apologies not meaning to hijack the OP) is there a similar guide to trading?

9 years ago

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Welcome :)
To win giveaways, enter giveaways and be patient :)
Also, check this.

9 years ago

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This really helps! Thank you so much :)

9 years ago

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Patience. It will be your best friend. You're welcomed to enter as many giveaways as you have points and desire to do, but just realize that all winners are randomly generated. It's simple statistics. Many of us, myself included, had to enter 1,000+ games before our first win. Just keep chugging along and you'll get lucky. :)

9 years ago

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Never expect to win anything.
That way, if you DO win something, itΒ΄ll be even more pleasing.

Giving away games yourself also has a strangely rewarding feel to it.

9 years ago

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Don't beg.
Don't regift.

9 years ago

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Most people don't win anything for a few months, so seriously be patient. If you're going to try to make friends on the forums, here is a guide to help you format :3 Good luck, and welcome!

9 years ago

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Thank you, Meow :)
Really appreciate it...

But I think it would be nice to add some fav or bookmark button to bookmark some important post, don't you think?
Cause, this CommentFormatting does really helpful.

9 years ago*

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yes some win by first entry but usually after 1000 entries u start to get lucky and than again some people hardly win.
P.s. If u do manage to win a game than think about doing a giveaway yourself [not expected but much apreciated {there are even games for 19 cents out there :) raise ur lvl means more options to enter]

9 years ago*

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Yeah, it's a game of patience :)

9 years ago

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I bookmark it on my browser, so :p Also, you're welcome! ^-^ If you have any more questions about anything, you can always go to another user and ask (yes, I don't mind if you go to me :p)

9 years ago

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Wanna add friends, but can't find any button anywhere. Hahaha.. Sorry XD

9 years ago

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No problem! Click on the user, navigate to the left buttons underneath the avatar, and the last button to the right navigates you to their Steam profile. Add them on there :3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Awesome ^-^

9 years ago

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Oh, man, if I knew format made me make friends easier

I would have

learned it a long time ages

  • ago!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Hahaha.. just keep it low, yeah? Safe not to considered as spamming stuffs ;)

9 years ago

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I made 2000+ comments and made 70+ threads over the last year, I think there's no chance for me to keep a low profile, so I might as well.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Max... I think you need to calm down on the cat nip... I may have given you too much...

9 years ago

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But I'm using format comments!

Aren't we besties friends?! :(

Max Thunder has a broken heart.

  1. Why
  2. Won't
  3. You
  4. Be
  5. MY
  6. FRIEND!?

9 years ago

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Trust me

I do


9 years ago

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Formating works! >:3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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"Old" guy here. Welcome new guy.
Being a little active on the discussions never hurts. In general be patient with GAs and pleasant in discussions with other users. If you do some GAs of your own then you'll level up your account and be able to enter higher level GAs (fewer entrants, ergo better odds for you). I generally don't enter a GA unless the number of entrants is <250 per key given away in that GA, so you could similarly set a bar like that for what GAs you will/won't enter. If you enter lots of GAs with thousands of entrants each, well...math.

Edit -
"And yeah, I read the FAQs, of course, but still, didn't actually answer anything." - 17 minutes ago
"So, I've noticed that there's a leveling system here also. How to level up, cause there's certain giveaways with +level restriction..." - 5 seconds ago

Not sure if serious...

9 years ago

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Roger that, sir! Thanks for the sums up.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

9 years ago*

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Potato is the answer.

9 years ago

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Welcome to SGv2!

This place is pretty easy to navigate and for the most part, the people you meet will be cool.

The only thing that I would suggest, is that before you create a giveaway/giveaways, that you ask in the forums so that you can avoid the usual thing that happens to new people, i.e. creating giveaways for games that aren't allowed to be given away (under a different game name). You'd be surprised how often that happens, even though it's quite obvious if a game isn't allowed to be given away, i.e. it won't be in the drop down list.

Other than that, I don't have much to add, more than, glad to see a new user and I hope you enjoy your stay and make some great friends! :D

9 years ago

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Oh really! So not all game titles allowed to be given away? How so?

9 years ago

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Games that were given away in large amounts for free, games on sale for more than 92% off on Steam etc.

9 years ago

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games on sale for more than 92% off on Steam

That's not true. If a game gets a 95% or more discount, it just gets added to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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Ah, my mistake, I haven't slept in a while, so my brain is starting to get the minor details confused. lol :p

Insomnia is a bitch! >_< (Insomnia the sleeping disorder, not to be confused with any user of the interwebs that uses that as a screen name. o_O )

9 years ago

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even though it's quite obvious if a game isn't allowed to be given away, i.e. it won't be in the drop down list

Actually, it's not really that obvious :) I had to look on forums, to find out why game was not on the drop-list.

9 years ago

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Any clue?

9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. games that are given out[or have been] for free cant be done as giveaways

9 years ago

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Games that are given away free in large amounts are removed from the giveaway list. To stop people exploiting them to unfairly increase their level. Which some people try and do.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that games have been sold in really cheap bundles or sold for 95% off or more get you reduced value in terms of increasing your level.

Some games are also considered exploited because of various other issues.

9 years ago

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you know what else is exploited? yo m- oh wait... wrong thread.

9 years ago

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Nah, she was just bundled.

9 years ago

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Cheaply too...

9 years ago

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They only issued Desura keys though.

(I don't even know what that means...)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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could be worse. what if they gave uplay keys and you had to deal with the broken save system everytime you want to finish her completely?

9 years ago

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The problems I've been having with uPlay the last few weeks she would be a nun. No access at all. Games I clearly have achievements and play time for won't show up in my library as owned or playable. Don't even start me on that crap!

9 years ago

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and people ask why we hate uplay. sorry to say that but i'm kinda glad to see i'm not the only one with online access problem. mine solved by itself though. or maybe it started again, i don't know. i didn't try to log in for a long time. it's a real pain in the ass.

9 years ago

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People keep telling me "oh uPlay support is awesome, when it &%$ed all my &%Β£ up they were really understanding and gave me a free game". And I'm like "Yeah, but did they actually fix your problem? Did you ever get to play your free game?"

I got offered a free Assassins Creed game by uPlay support because they had no clue about my problem! I don't give a crap! I want to play the Far Cry games I actually bought! $%&Β£ing !&%stain Β£$% !$Β£&s!

9 years ago

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but frii gams... ;_;

9 years ago

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I don't know. If I bought GTA V and it didn't work and Steam support were all like "we can't fix it but we will give you a choice of a Dead Island Epidemic Closed Beta Gift or a Dota 2 Gift instead" then that would be fair.

But Ubisoft are all French or something. So that would be wrong and supporting terrorism and armpit hair or some such.

I'm going to be in France in two weeks. I may miss the Steam Summer sale because of it. Seriously, that is how much those guys suck. I'm going to be in a chΓ’teau. Do chΓ’teaus have wi-fi? Why would somebody build someting without wi-fi let alone a chΓ’teau?

9 years ago

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chΓ’teau seems and sounds really similar to a word in my language. it doesn't require much brains to see it's a loanword from french. TIL. thank you for that.

chΓ’teaus are cool though. they're scary and big and bloody and dark and drunk (you know who else is drunk? google translate's french lady. why is she pausing at every eleventh chΓ’teaus? creepy.). go nail some terrorist in them chΓ’teaus!

9 years ago

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Plural is chΓ’teaux, not chΓ’teaus ^^

9 years ago

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hey, we're talking english here!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Who is 'she'?

9 years ago

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heavenhairsixes' mama. an ancient joke we have on the forums. probably older than cg. it's just a joke though. we all love and respect her.

9 years ago

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A legendary user then? lol

9 years ago

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exactly. gotta get your ultra balls ready.

9 years ago

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Ugh! That's sounds too much for a new guy XP

9 years ago

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Games which were given away for free, or had price glitch etc are not allowed to be given away here, and removed from game list. That brings some frustration, since it is not stated in FAQ.

9 years ago

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So the catch is to not doing a giveaway of game that you aqcuaired from another massive game keys giveaway, right?
Well, something like that... ^^a

9 years ago

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Yes, that's a big NO-NO

9 years ago

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Yeah. If you can't make a giveaway for a game it is usually for a good reason and if you cry about on the forums or otherwise try and get round the rules you will probably just get blacklisted by people who are bored poopless of such complaints. If your key was free then that is exactly the reason you can't make a giveaway.

It is also worth checking the bundled games list before you make giveaways, because those are the games that you only get 15% value for should you care about your contributor level. Because they have been so cheap at some time.

The system isn't prefect but the place would be more broken without it.

9 years ago

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You can give away games that were price glitched, they just get added to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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It's not that far of a stretch to assume that if a specific game isn't in the drop down list that you're not able to give it away on this site. o_O

9 years ago

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Well, you could also think, that the game titles were not completely updated with Steam DB, etc..

It's probably obvious if you a member of the site for long time. But in case when you just registered, and trying to create GA with few titles from a bundle you just bought, and have no idea, that this game was given away for free 2 years ago, missing game on the list can be confusing.

9 years ago

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That's where the forum comes into play, any user can create a thread asking any question they want.

I find it really hard to believe that someone found out about Steam without ever using at least one forum/message board beforehand. o_O

9 years ago

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Yea, but i've seen people come on the forum asking simple questions, and get bashed by elitists, which tends to make new users stay away from the forum. When I first started, all I saw were comments "Read FAQ" "Duh should be obvious!" "Leecher"...So, i stayed away for about a month until I figured most things out on my own.

9 years ago

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That's why I said "most" user here are cool.

Sadly, there will be tools on every forum/message board on the internet, that's just the nature of the beast. You have to take the bad with the good.

I think the good users far outnumber the idiots that just like to flame and make fun of people here though, from my experience at least.

9 years ago

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Do you really wish to see each new user of SG to create a thread with questions about obvious to you information? Or shall that information be easily available in FAQ/Manual/elsewhere?

Knowing about Steam and be active on forum and message boards have nothing to do with some specifics of SteamGifts.

Why so much o_O ?

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I also posted that users could "search" the forums as well, maybe not in the post you replied to, but I know for a fact that I posted in one of my posts in this thread.

9 years ago

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I guess, if SG still getting fake GA's with free games listed as some other games (or at least so many people complain about that on forum) not everybody searches why exactly their game is not on the list. But having a hint popping up next to the game, saying that it is banned from GA would be more "obvious', eh?

9 years ago

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Afterall, it's legal, right? Because, like ua1x said, it's not stated in FAQ too.

9 years ago

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Beta keys, guest passes, coupons, and free games should not be given away.


9 years ago

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afterall you will earn yourself 3 days of suspension and a comfortable spot on some blacklists, if you'll give away free games creating a giveaway. dropping keys is not a problem of course.

9 years ago

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Nope, you'd still get in trouble, regardless of whether or not it's in the site's FAQ, since there's a forum that you could search or at the very least, create a thread asking why "x" game isn't in the list of games that you can create giveaways for.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I guessed so.

9 years ago

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It's not much trouble though, as long as you don't go out of your way to be shady/a douche, then you'll be more than fine with the staff here. They're all cool, laid back people.

I've been a member of this site for well over 2 years and I've only ever been suspended once (a 3 day that was reduced to less than a day because I was unaware of the rule that I broke and I apologized) and that was when my account was only about 3 or 4 months old.

This is by far the best giveaway site on the entire internet and it's got a great forum to boot! :D

9 years ago

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Is there any permanent banned or something like that?

9 years ago

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There is, but like I said in my previous post, you really have to go out of your way to actually get perma banned from SG.

It would require you to knowingly do something that would basically get you perma banned from any other site (i.e. posting nudity{possibly excessive nudity, I've never actually tried. lol}, posting hate speech, knowingly creating multiple fake giveaways etc)

Stuff that any normal forum/site user wouldn't be doing anyway, unless they were actively trying to get banned to begin with. lol

Like I said before, this site is pretty laid back, just have fun and don't do anything you wouldn't want someone else to do to you and you'll be perfectly fine here. :D

9 years ago

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permanent banned for what? there are things which are punishable with a permaban. like scamming or having multiple accounts. and there are things which are not punishable with a permaban but if someone pushes his or her luck, might earn himself/herself permaban. for example, iirc i saw someone got permabanned for posting a ref link right after his/her suspension for posting a ref link earlier ended.

9 years ago

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'Misuse of Giveaway Feedback', 'Scamming Users', and 'Using Multiple Accounts' are all listed as having permanent bans as punishments. In practice it isn't actually something that I have seen very often.

9 years ago

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Okay! That's a warning.. Hope I could remember all of it.

9 years ago

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You can see all the default lenghts for suspensions on the bottom of this page.
As already mentioned, these are just default lengths and can be longer / permanent if it is a repeated offense.
Also these suspensions can be cumulative. For example,if you are caught posting a referral link and with 3 won games not activated on your Steam account, you'll get 18 days of suspension (3*5 + 3).

9 years ago

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don't let anyone to tell you what to do.

i know, so deep.

9 years ago

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Hahaha.. I'll keep that in mind. Get rid of rubbish talk XD

9 years ago

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Hey, stop giving those advices.

9 years ago

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this is the last time i'm telling you this: don't tell me what to do!

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9 years ago

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Alright, goddamn banana, you're going to understand my jokes and you're going to

laugh! (or play along)

9 years ago

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You need to learn how to embed gifs in comments. Here's the FAQ for that, and many more.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I actually didn't know that....Thanks! I just assumed the forum script converted image URLS to the "View attached image" link :( I hate myself now.

9 years ago

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Oh, yes. This one is a must.

9 years ago

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The best thing you can avoid is to make a thread complaining about never winning...especially within your first week/first couple of hundred entries...and no heresy against our dear benevolent Most High Lord GabeN either, heresy is HERESY!

9 years ago

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here is another bookmark, so youll know how much your giveaways contribute to level up

9 years ago

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Try to make friends, be kind, read the rules, be active on the forums, have fun :3

9 years ago

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I hope I will, wish me luck :D

9 years ago

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Go to school. Learn math.

9 years ago

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  1. Obey Potato
  2. Don't commit HERESY
  3. Stay away from Barbie
  4. Always thank for Skyrim

And you will do just fine. ;)

9 years ago

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+1 D: You forgot:

  • "Bad ratz best game evar!!1!!!
  • Illuminati are always conspiring inside Steamgifts.
  • Trains are good D:
  • Ref links are bad D:
9 years ago

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I never got why ref links are bad....if someone is genuinely referring me to something, why shouldn't they be credited?

9 years ago

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If someone really want to recomend a page they should just put a direct link to the page, not putting a referral, a ref link just proves they dont care about the page, just the rewards that come from that D:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ugh! I missed that Skyrim Legendary Edition sale the other day.. Not enough steam credits.
One of my bad days!! DX

9 years ago

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Forget Skyrim, you need bad ratz first to unlock the secret levels in the page D:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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All kidding aside though, Bad Rats is a fairly decent game. It should be in every library due to it's constant state of saleness, and it's average gameplay....not sure how it became the novelty joke "Bad" game really...Though I got a feeling if Backwards Running Dog gets greenlit, Bad Rats will loose it's title..

9 years ago

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the bad thing about bad rats is (if the title is not enough already) it's a physics game with messed up physics. same moves never give you the same outcome. it's like some kind of a magic really. also killing a chained cat is low even if you're a rat.

9 years ago

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That's a Bad joke for a cat :|

9 years ago

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I see that all you needed to know already has been posted.
Good. That will save me some time. Damn I'm lazy...

So yeah, instead I'll just welcome you on Steamgifts! The most addicting community I know (at least for me, and probably Student123 except he won't admit it, hah)!

I hope you'll enjoy Steamgifts as much as I do. :)

9 years ago

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Another warm welcome. Thank you.. :))

9 years ago

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No problem! It's a refreshing change to see a new user who doesn't start off by creating a thread ranting about not winning, or breaking the rules or something. :P

9 years ago

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Wow, you're actually being nice :o

Haha, I'm kidding. please love me

9 years ago

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I think we already did. hahah..

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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We're never gonna give you up.

9 years ago

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not again.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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dear diary,
i'm on the ninth hour of the 10-hour sax guy video, but still can't hear anything. i think i should ask help.

9 years ago

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I enjoy the 12 hour ambient Star Trek noise videos on Youtube. That's how I usually spend my weekends.

9 years ago

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i think you scared jbond that last time. and i heard tumalu is still on rehab. :/

9 years ago

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Hahaha.. cards open.

9 years ago

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I... still feel bad for scarring all of the innocents...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Face it Banana, you're more innocent than I am ;)

9 years ago

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okay, you got me. i'm actually a very innocent and pure-minded human being just pretending to be a pervert. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― you can trust me completely girls. muhahahaha!

9 years ago*

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Girls? GIRLS?




9 years ago

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oh, of course, of course! just a typo.

halp me!

9 years ago

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It's ohkay, I understand. I forgive you, love. We'll be getting married soon, anyways <3

You leave, you die.

9 years ago

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You know I love everyone. :D
...Well, I mean except for the people I hate. And the rest of the morons roaming the website.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. ^^

9 years ago

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you got me worried for a second. .-.

9 years ago

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He's just being honest. Lol

9 years ago

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I know, Bond <3

9 years ago

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Welcome to Steamgifts, enjoy.

9 years ago

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Thanks ^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Tell me something nice.

9 years ago

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Sweet apple~ XD

9 years ago

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Although this new version of SG is great, Steamgifts ++ does add a number of nice features (which can all be toggled on or off, as you desire.

I highly recommend installing Enhanced Steam. It does a great job of showing pricing, game highlights on Steam website, and has a profile link connecting directly back to SG, thus helping you to identify imposters.

If you want to do a picture, you type this ![insert text here, if any](insert link here). For example:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Nice! I'll keep this one too. Thanks :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Hahah.. yeah, I try to get it into my head slowly. Thank you, sir :)

9 years ago

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A short list:

  1. Potato choice in polls: A running joke that... Doesn't make much sense. Basically, when someone create a poll, they sometime add a choice related to potato.
  2. "Thanks for Skyrim!": I'm not too sure myself, but I think it's a troll comment often seen on threads, in an attempt at fooling other people into thinking there's a hidden giveaway for Skyrim there. (Skyrim is always the number one wishlisted game by Steamgifts users).
  3. Bad Rats: It's a bad game, but people here often pretend that it's really good as a troll.
  4. Barbie: I'm not sure about that one... Somewhat similar to the Bad Rats one I guess, except I have no idea what's the game like, myself.
  5. Fortix: Fortix is a $1 game on Steam, and is somewhat of an unofficially official "mascot" game for Steamgifts. There's some kind of a "tradition" with that one, that you can't buy the game for yourself, you need to win it on Steamgifts. Once you've won it, you have to create a giveaway for another copy of Fortix. (Don't get the wrong idea, I don't mean regifting, of course. I mean that you have to activate your won copy, then give another one away. :P) Not many follow that tradition, though, so no sweat. ^^

There are more like these. But understanding the "basics" can help you understand a bit better and avoid confusion.

9 years ago

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create giveaways by yourself and level up. you will have much higher chances to win (source: myself :D)
EDIT: saw you dont own bad rats :O, its a must have on the site, i added you !

9 years ago*

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All accepted. Thank you very much :D

9 years ago

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Welcome falvael !!

I don't really have any more advice other than what was already posted.

obligatory gif will be added when I'm not on mobile

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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