2 years ago*

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"Control over the south of Ukraine is another way out in Transnistria, where the facts of oppression of the Russian—speaking population are also noted. Apparently, we are now at war with the whole world, as it was in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the whole of Europe, the whole world was against us. And now it's the same, they never loved Russia."
The deputy commander of the Putin's troops of the Central Military District Rustam Minnekaev said.
Damn russaphobs, they provoked peaceful Putin's peacemakers to invade Ukraine

2 years ago*

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what an idiot, Russia received a ton of equipment from USA and GB during WW2

but i think it's just another one who read too much in the great book of russian tales or watched too much great russian tales tv

2 years ago*

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Welcome Finland to NATO.
Daily dose of moderate Russians
*The woman at 5:30 made a very good point among the other good points that were made.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Have to realize that the person who uploads the 1420 videos is not super proficient in English.
But we get the gist of what is being said.
I do enjoy his videos.

2 years ago

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Putin's TV propagandons are discussing a possible nuclear missile strike on the United States

2 years ago

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Oh boi,
It seems those Russians are still under the believe that they only are allowed to attack.
They are conveniently forgetting about the US nukes that will be making their way back to Mother Russia if Russia launches nukes.
I am pretty sure the US will be able to shoot down much more from the sky that the Russian defenses can.

And then there is still this to consider...

2 years ago

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They don't care of crаppy Putin's cities like they would like to crap on americans. Just google some of their cities like Omsk

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Is that really your takeaway. The point of this is that the US is poised to lose a nuclear war with Russia. Pry doesn't present himself as an expert on eastern Europe, but he is an expert on Russian military and nuclear capabilities and has been since the '80s. I've rewatched the video to see if I missed something where he presents Russia as a victim - which would be mighty strange considering he has spent his entire career opposing and figuring out ways to forestall Russian aggression. If you could give me a timestamp where he is doing this, maybe we could discuss that.

He's not a "pundit" in the sense that I think you mean - ie, just another talking head with an opinion. He's a very serious guy, with a very serious job.


2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I think that you have taken those statements out of context and reworked them to fit a narrative that places him into the role of a Putin apologist. That's absurd, as he has spent his entire career dealing with Russia as the opponent, if anything, he sees Russia as an even greater threat than you do - did you read his bio that I linked to you? He is simply illustrating the origins of the paranoia embedded in the Russian mindset that serves to drive their aggressive approach to nuclear conflict as opposed to the US mindset which is far more complacent because it has never been invaded by anybody. If you disagree with that analysis, we could certainly debate it.

Of course you said nothing "wrong" here. But it seems to me that sometimes you are more focused on "catching out" pro Putin/Russia sentiments (and in this case where they don't exist) at the expense of discussing the topic at hand, which is nuclear annihilation and the very scary prospect that is the US/NATO and not Russia on the backfoot here.

2 years ago

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uhm, US isn't the only nuclear power, there is France, which was invaded by Germany in WW2, but they don't behave like russia

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I will take a look at that.
Meanwhile, my takeaway is that this man has been advocating for modernizing the US nuclear arsenal for years, and it hasn't been done. Now that the world may be in crisis, and we no longer have a position of strength - "a big stick" - to deter Russian aggression, we currently have no choice but to negotiate in order to prevent catastrophe. But he is very clear, that his preferred solution is beefing up the arsenal and that if we had, we wouldn't need to negotiate anything in this moment. In other words, he'd very much like to cool Russia's revanchism, but he doesn't have the tools to do it. I think he is speaking out now because he sees an opportunity to push for this goal publicly to get some support for it. He is worried about the anti-nuclear contingent in the Biden administration - that they are being stupid and short-sighted, and I agree.

You can make a case that saying these words out loud has motivated Russian aggression, but I would say that is putting the horse before the cart. The Russians already know all of this, ie our relative nuclear weaknesses and strengths, and that is what has motivated them.

I understand that it comes from the point of view that Russia has some "moral right" to countries around it, but that is not fair to those countries.

This is definitely an apologist point of view - if you were not referring to Pry, it's not clear to me what you meant by "playing along".

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Meanwhile, my takeaway is that this man has been advocating for modernizing the US nuclear arsenal for years, and it hasn't been done. Now that the world may be in crisis, and we no longer have a position of strength - "a big stick" - to deter Russian aggression, we currently have no choice but to negotiate in order to prevent catastrophe.

I'm sorry but no one is making me believe that Russia would win a nuclear conflict. Our military technology is YEARS ahead of Russia's, do you have any idea how much money is spent on our military each year?

The United States led the ranking of countries with highest military spending in 2021, with 801 billion U.S. dollars dedicated to the military. That constituted 38 percent of the total military spending worldwide that year, which amounted to 2.1 trillion U.S. dollars.

As much as I hate Trump even he admitted he spent trillions on our military just in his 4 year term, and most of it went towards nuclear advancements, and I think an ex president would know more about our military than this guy.

And like Prosac mentioned, the US isn't the only nuclear power in NATO. There's a lot of benefits in having powerful friends. Russia should try making some for a change, instead of making powerful enemies.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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It was the Soviets who urged the US to use nuclear weapons.
The Soviets were about to occupy half of Japan, and the U.S. feared for Japan's safety and rushed to occupy it.
The U.S. fired two nuclear warheads into Japan to shorten the time it took.

At least the Russians are not qualified to say those words.
Ukraine has destroyed all the nuclear warheads it inherited from the Soviet Union and denuclearized.

Then, Russia rebuffed the denuclearization.
Then Russia invaded Ukraine.

And by the way, if you say that the Soviet Union and Russia have nothing to do with each other, please return Japan's Northern Territories.

They have unilaterally broken the Non-War Treaty with Japan, and they continue to occupy the country in violation of international law by violating international treaties.
It is no different from what they are doing to Ukraine.
If you are a citizen and say the government did this on its own. You should be worried about the Russian government, whose time is frozen in WW2.

For example, this would not have happened if Ukraine had not denuclearized.
Some Russians seem to think such a thing.
Or, they should stop denuclearization.

If such a precedent is justified by Russia.

Then and only then will "nuclear war" occur.

Any small country that decides that denuclearization makes no sense and tries to build nuclear weapons, or even terrorists, will be put into the battlefield in less than five years, and humanity will decline and disappear due to pollution and starvation.

It will occur if Russia takes possession of any part of Ukraine. The country that pulls the trigger in the not too distant future will suffer the most severely.

I wrote this because it seems that it has never been mentioned in Russian textbooks.
In Japan, some textbooks only say that the U.S. shot at them, while others say that the Soviet Union was the remote cause.

If you have the means to read foreign languages, you may want to start by reading and viewing descriptions of Russia from multiple countries.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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For example, if you have no choice but to drink. It does not mean not to drink or just drink.
It is an effort to purify contaminated water and drink it.
The same is true of human life.
If, for example, we are born into a bad environment and compromise with that environment, nothing will change.

I just hope that the people of the earth will not repeat the actions that destroy them in situations where we need to make efforts not to repeat our past mistakes and bad deeds.
If you are a good adult, you can say to your children that tomorrow is a better day than today.
I hope you are a good adult, so that you can say you did something you can be proud of.
I hope you are making those choices.

2 years ago

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Stratcom Centre UA on Twitter: "One of Russia's largest textbook printers, Prosveshcheniye, has ordered editors to minimize or remove references to Ukraine and Kyiv from schoolbooks on history, literature and geography: "The task before us is to make it look like Ukraine simply does not exist. / Twitter

I forgot to attach my sources.
Textbook "corrections" included ongoing ones.

2 years ago

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largest textbook printers // it is called publisher :D

2 years ago

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...Is this the same publisher?
Pro-Kremlin Publishing House Catches Fire in Moscow, Videos Show
For some reason, it seems to have burned.
Perhaps the culprit is not in this discussion.🙄

2 years ago

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.> ...Is this the same publisher?
Probably yes.

.> seems to have burned
I personally call it a Moscow nightlife. It like a Bangkok 🙃

2 years ago

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For the "fine people" among the pro-Trumps, no worries, these are high-tech missiles that spare the owners of Southern flags and swastika tattoos.

2 years ago

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Interview with a vampi... uh .... Russian soldier.
Great watch and very informative 25 minutes.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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to talk so openly // while in the background stands a guy with a gun and threatens his and his family life.
what why youtube originally delete this.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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There is physical abuse and psychological abuse. The guy is clearly frightened and ready to admit anything the interrogator wants from him.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Deceived or not? You decide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOmTX5c0XQY

Oh look! It's more western propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szI5dEcawsM

Someone said 'Wag the dog', but it's not what you mght think it means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCZRk5d-Oks

Food for thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=102qwF_411A

2 years ago*

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regarding the second link that you posted.
It sure is bad but I heard from another soldier that complaining about things is pretty much standard in any army that is on active duty.

2 years ago

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People complain in most jobs. But I'm pretty sure that officers abandoning their troops isn't a standard experience.

2 years ago

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99.9% it was a cell phone call, which leads to a friends conversations.
also, on boards like 2ch was similar audio recap. soldier calling to his wife and ask her permission to rape ukrainian womens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_roleplay).

2 years ago*

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Національний банк запроваджує додаткові заходи для запобігання непродуктивному відтоку капіталу
NBU Introduces Additional Measures to Prevent Unproductive Capital Outflows

This may be a matter of note for Ukrainians who are partially using ”virtual currency” and evacuating the country.

2 years ago

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Meanwhile in Russia

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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who are those 2 clowns?

2 years ago

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A lot of really twisted and outright wrong arguments in the talk. Wonder if it's worth it to look up who's sponsoring him.

2 years ago*

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Those putin's sIuts should persuade Ukraine to surrender to putin otherwise he is not responsible for himself!

2 years ago

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Ukraine is to blame for Putin invading it. And NATO. And the EU. Ukraine really should just stand in the corner for an hour and then just install that pro-Russian government so Putin can invade Moldovia and get over it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Richard Sakwa makes some interesting points, thanks for sharing this. I hopehe doesn't get in trouble for his views, the society seems to be radicalizing quickly

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The problem is he doesn't live in Russia. And when you live in UK, it is much safer to sing along with Western propaganda

2 years ago

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All putin's sIuts in the world should go to live to their favourite beloved state of freedom and happiness - putin's Russia. It is very easy to love putin living in rotten western countries.

2 years ago

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How dare them live their lives without asking every schoolboy nazi for a specific permission?

2 years ago

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i really need a copy of the great russian talebook, those tales seem to be very funny or should i better call it a jokebook?

2 years ago

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And in Russia you simply get jailed if you speak against it's current dictatorship.
Is that really better ? At least in west a person can have both political standings without the risk of being jailed or poisoned by paranoid psychopaths.

Even this video shows it perfectly - in Russia he would have been "disappeared" for trying to stand against government. In west you are simply labeled an idiot but at least you don't face death for malfunction of brain.

2 years ago

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There are hundreds, if not thousands of Russian bloggers and vloggers who openly speak against the government and somehow don't disappear. So a single video doesn't prove much. alas.

Again I must remind - is one side of conflict is bad, that doesn't make other side automatically good. People are constanly trying to interpret my words as one extremity or another. "You don't hate Putin? That means you support him!" "You don't hate Zelansky? The you support the Nazis!" People are just full of emotions and want to oversimplify things, anything between pure hate and unconditional love is beyond them.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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Some people may not like it when I talk about the same categories over and over again.😷🔫!
Let's post different stories from time to time.

USA Military Channel - YouTube
Here is a You Tube channel that is supposedly directly involved with the US military.
In fact, these have sub-channels that are rumored to have been created by the "U.S. military in Japan" for Japan.
USA Military Channel 2 - YouTube
The former and the latter seemed to be delivered only in English until a certain point, but both seem to be mostly multilingual these days.
Is it a difference in the affiliation or region of the creator of the submitted video?
I am not familiar with it, so I don't know.

Please take it as a rumor.

(Mystery unmanned ship aid to Ukraine) Can it carry missiles? List of U.S. $800 Million Military Assistance
Channel 2 seems to be posting a series of explanations of what has been introduced into Ukraine and NATO over the past two months.
Included in yesterday's posting is one called "Unmanned Vessels".
It appears that they were transferred to Ukraine, but it is not known how many ships were handed over.
So far, English subtitles don't seem to be set up.👀

It appears that unmanned vessels can also be equipped with missiles, rocket launchers, etc.
Without our knowledge, unmanned fleets are probably secretly active in the Black Sea.

2 years ago

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Russians still haven't learnt much after the first month of fighting.
They still keep sending tanks forward without support and they keep getting picked off by Ukrainian artillery.

At least their levels of untrained conscripts provide us with "Russian tank goes Boom" videos.

2 years ago

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Now they aggresively recruit mercenaries among greedy/poor russian people to throw them into Ukraine as part of the putin's troops

2 years ago

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do they pay them with great russian worthless rubles?

2 years ago

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Well, they promise to pay about 200k rubles per month.
Problem is, not a lot of conscripts live to see the payday =)

2 years ago

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At least they didn't promised conscripts that they have to live to get the promised payment - all 200k rubbles (~2k euro) can be paid to their family members

2 years ago

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those are strong putin's rubbles

2 years ago

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why do you call them rubbles? is it because they are rubble?

2 years ago

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Putin's rubble sounds proud and sovereign

2 years ago

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now i'm confused

2 years ago

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On Facebook, Content Denying Russian Atrocities in Bucha is More Popular than the Truth - ISD

I was reading the research reports of the organizations that do the fact checking.
In looking at these, I think....

People are interested in what they do not know to be true, but they cannot accept what they know to be true because "real" = "fun" is not currently available.
A topic only in my country!
Oh, mankind loved "gossip. Tweet(・ω-)(-ω・)Tweet🕊 📖😂
Oh, mankind loved "rumors". 🔉📺🗞
Humanity may feel comfortable and enjoy not facing the truth.
It is difficult.
The earth is round, so no matter where anything happens, the human population living there will be affected.
I guess sometimes what you thought was so can quietly circle the globe and come back to you.🤔

2 years ago

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There are huge local communities of Putin's vatnicks located in these countries, like Cyprus, Greece etc. So these not very smart human beings still trust official sources

2 years ago

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You can count Baltic states in there as well. Full of these vatniks openly showing support for Russia.
Yesterday there was a case where a Russian Bolt taxi driver was listening to Russian anthem and the passenger asked to turn it off. He ignored it and after another Russian song started playing she again asked to change the station. Driver replied "Idi Nahuj" (go fuck yourself paraphrasing), stopped the car and pulled the girl out of car by hair.

Of course it has already been brought up with police, with Bolt and with immigration... Ideally this person will lose their taxi license and in extreme cases government also stated that citizenship can be revoked for supporting the war. But people can't really be surprised on the hate Russians get when people like this roam the world and paint not such a good picture on Russians.

2 years ago

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latvia territory is a hard zone... like fight club. people in any time ready to brawl.

2 years ago

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Are you going to call us nazi next ? :D Over some old time appropriate political party which dissolved more then half a century ago ? Or due to some individuals you want to say our country is run by nazis ?

Btw if you are slow with history, swastika AKA thunder cross has been used in our culture long before Hitler ruined it for everyone. People still use the thunder cross in art and similar stuff. I have at home stylized flag mast which incorporates different cultural signs including thunder cross and no one even associates it with nazis..... I have to say though - you just rewrote history and made everyone associate Z with nazis instead of thunder cross. Maybe cultures that USSR and Nazis ruined will finally be able to enjoy their own cultures for once without being ostracized

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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There are many bots to boost the popularity of these pro-Putin content.
Meta has banned Russian state media outlets from running ads, but if such content is deemed conspiratorial, they may be able to raise money through the ads. I won't check, fuck Facebook.

2 years ago

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Haha, I feel that Facebook is evil right after it was created.

 Between that and the old android app development, there are some things that quietly attempt to communicate with Facebook even though they don't use any of its features.
Some people are using "NoRoot Firewalls" or "NetGuard" to play those. (I have always seen people doing .ru .cn from time to time...)
I see people today who are afraid of Facebook and the servers of China's Tencent and Alibaba....
It seems to be related to the Chinese server laws.
In any case, these are usually used for "ad elimination" or "privacy protection".
They may also be used to "reduce bandwidth".
 If you do not read the instructions, it is best not to use them, as they can cause malfunctions.

But I would suggest that if you dislike Facebook to the max, this is one way to use it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Every day I wake up, I go to my usual news sites hoping to see the news that finally Ukraine managed to blow up a piece of the Kerch bridge connecting Russia to Crimea.
I wonder what type of ordinance you would need to accomplish that feat.

And a little update from a brave Russian.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Terror act is bombing civvies and hospitals don't you think so?
Blowing up a bridge is a tactical sound decision to put limits on logistics.
Soldiers win battles, logistics win wars.
I can't expect you to know that seeing how you are on the side of terror and tyranny.
Russia blows up an entire city that's "special operation" or Ukrainians did it themselves but Ukraine strikes at tactical objects and that is terror in your mind.
Says it all about you, you little terrorist.

And this is a matter of Democracy vs Tyranny if you haven't noticed it yet.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Just imagine Russian cops with military rifles and the right to kill, you will get a small idea of what's going on right now.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russians know the worth of their own cops.

2 years ago

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You really think that causing a bridge to become unusable to provide logistics for an invading enemy is an act of terror?
Get real.
The ones commiting the terror acts in this war is your little Russia.
You claim to watch the news from both sides so you must know this too then.

Just remember that all this and its consequences started because of Mother Russia's greediness to expand.
I am pretty sure that if Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were not part of Nato, it would have been taken by Russia by now.
And the Russians keep wondering why these little nations close to Russia want to search for pacts to have strength in numbers.

By the way, I saw someone take a piss on the road a few days back.
A clear terror act in your book.

May you never have to experience what your nation now afflicts on Ukraine.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Come on.
Clear to anyone with a brain that Russia is doing a territory grab to control Black Sea and Azov followed up by connecting to Moldova to annex the Northern part of Moldova all in order to bring back a feeling of the old USSR glory
All the BS you heard on Russian propaganda is just a cover for these goals.
These are facts.
Go and read some more if you think the reason for invasion is Nazis or Nato.

Now also, I never asked or expected you to reply here so feel free to slink back into your hole.
Especially since you have nothing of content to add or answers to give besides yelling terror terror.
And it is clear from your previous messages that you hold a biased double standard.
Dont believe? Attack Kerch bridge ... terror terror you shout.
Russian blow up a strategic bridge near Odesa .... you are so quiet about it because you dont think that that is terror act.
Russia attacks = normal and fair
Ukraine attacks = terror act.
There is your biased thinking.

Typical in the Russian Tyranny State from its civvies with Victim mentallity.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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So... TASS is lying?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You really have zero arguments to anything you say, do you? You didn't even bother to read either article. Ah well, good luck with your crusade.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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First of all it's not because one country recognizes them as republics that it is so.
Also don't be so naïve, everyone with a few brain cells know that the Russian end game is to make those regions part of Russia + Moldova as a bonus.
As was their initial intention with Ukraine, they thought they would be welcomed as heroes.... The incompetence of Russia has been revealed to the whole world.

For someone who claims to watch the news from both sides ( I doubt that you actually do though) you are quite ill informed or just plain ignorant.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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It's not a discussion.
For it to be a discussion you need to bring arguments to the table.
All the way at the beginning you were asked what's the difference between Ukraine bombing Kerch bridge ( which you will call Terror act) and Russia blowing up the bridge in Odessa...

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Its called Russian incompetence.
Just like the time they accidently broadcasted their victory bit on tv... They had to quickly claim hacked hacked.
Or with their flagship that sunk due to a fire wink wink.
Or the fact they would be hailed as liberators in Ukraine.
Or their initial plan to take Ukraine in 3 days.
Or the sacrificed 15000 soldiers and over 1000 vehicles as a " diversion" pretending to take Kyiv.
Or the 10 Russian generals that have been wasted so far.
Do I even need to continue?

The list of incompetency goes on.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russia didn't bother to establish air superiority.
Communications are out in the open, to be intercepted by any amateur radio enthusiasts.
Logistics, Soldiers having to forage for food.
Morale, Russian troops just abandoning their tanks and other vehicles.
Russian soldier drives his tank over his commander because he is upset at all his comrades dying. Respect to that soldier.

And to think that they were preparing for this for several years.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I still like to believe that I am open minded enough, when evidence is presented to me that is not in line with my current views. I will adjust my views.
All the above I can back up with facts. It isn't a matter of "believe" as you claim

Dead Russian generals - 2 that haven't been added yet.

Nazi Ukraine country
Fact from wiki "no far right candidate for president has ever secured more than 5 percent of the popular vote in an election"

Russian soldier drives over his own commander out of anger.( I will spare you the video)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The reason is for other people who come in knowing not much about the topic and can see that whereas others can put forward arguments, Russians can't put forward an argument and then the reader can come to the right conclusion.

To your 1, there are many other sources besides wiki and the fact that you can't check who has died/wounded in your military says more about Russia than anything else.
To your 2, that is retarded logic on your part and if we are using "ifs" as a foreign policy to decide to invade Ukraine is even beyond retardation. Especially since you yourself have said the war is not about a territorial land grab.
You are in favor of your government terror actions on civilians, so following your own logic I was earlier correct in my claim that you are a terrorist, since there is no guarantee that you won't escalate to join the army to have your chance at killing some innocent mothers, grandmothers and children.
To your 3, refer to 1 and let us know when you find something.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You yourself with your propaganda have answered the reason of such a miscalculation on such a massive scale.

You blame USA and west in general of committing war crimes and how no one reacted to that.. Russia is no better - no one has really cared for war crimes you have committed in middle east and Africa as well. China and Russia have both stated how unpredicted the sanctions and wests response was. It is quit obvious what Putins plan was and now he is trying to save his face due to such an astronomical loss. He never expected to have any resistance. He wanted another pro russian dictatorship like Belarus near EU borders. He thought UA will take him in.. Or at least he wanted the world to think that while killing anyone who didn't support him.

Nothing of this war has went to plan. Putin was counting on capitalism to save him due to our dependency on Russian oil and gas after initial attack failed. Backfired didnt it? The sooner you realize this is tactical fuck up the sooner Putin could save his face and stop the destruction of Ukraine and your military.

Living in denial wont help you. I wont even argue about Donbas or wests influence in what has happened in UA. Might as well have led to Putin wanting to occupy UA. But one thing is for sure - only thing you managed was to rile all the world up and make NATO to wake up and actually strengthen the borders. UA will be protected, Sweden and Finland most likely will join as well. In no fantasy this has gone according to plan. There might have been logic in the beginning, but corruption, lies and being unprepared ruined the plan on day one. Now Putin is scrambling to do something.

And you know what gets me the most ? Before the war Azov was labeled as nationalistic group of mercenaries. Now they are praised for heroes who fight against occupying fascists. No one is supporting their nationalistic views.. No one is supporting "Nazis" as you try to claim. People have forgotten anything about NAzis and have came together to stand against Russia. You made your bed yourself.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I don't claim that.
I am pointing out my view on the situation after two months of absorbing information on the topic.

I don't claim I am 100% correct but to me such a conclusion seems logical. I'm open to hearing arguments against that.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The difference is Nazis actually ruled the Germany back then and had intent of occupying the world (as well as Soviets did, so don't forget about your own wrongdoings.. post soviet countries remember those as well very clearly)
Here we are talking about one unit of maybe several hundred fighters holed up in Mariupol

If this is frightening then what is Wagner group ? Your "president" has private army at his disposal run by open nazi supporter who commit war crimes left and right (300 civilians killed in Mali already on their rep since this war started).

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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USA has been building alliances since forever. It's not black and white, I'll agree.
But the thing is - Russia waged wars, threatened everyone and acted like they are indestructible. Giving everyone cold shoulder and constantly living in past. Putin still using same tactics as KGB used in cold war.... we are in 21st century - times change, tactics change and you deal with stuff differently.

USA on the other hand has been making friends around the world, creating alliances and spreading culture and businesses. If UA wants to assimilate towards western culture and be in the same bed with USA which despite it's drawbacks is better ally then Russia, it is this countries decision. Russia has no say in it.

So don't be surprised people actually side with USA despite them being as war hungry as Russia. That is for most of the part what people siding with UA are trying to convey - we stand for independent country with democracy. Not another Belarus clone. You have no right to invade an independent country. You can bring Donbas and Crimea up as much as you want - why did your army attack Kiev then ? Destroying the army and fleet was always a stupid argument and never could have been achieved.

2 years ago

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Don't you know that the Northern Axis was just a diversion to fool everyone.
Yea that's right, all those death soldiers and ruined vehicles was always part of the Russian master plan. (phase 1.)

It was in no way a failed operation because Russia miscalculated hard on how much they are actually loved in Ukraine. :D

And you are pretty much spot on in your post.
Russia threatened everyone, attacked some and acts surprised that all these little Eastern European nations want to join NATO for protection.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I can throw links around as well. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Both Russia and USA are war like countries. Quit naturally for superpowers.

The fact USA has been waging wars is mutually inclusive with their tactics of building alliances and friends. My comment in no way contradicts that. And neither the list of Russian and USA wars has anything to do with invasion of Ukraine. How do you not get it ? Do you think people don't know both countries are fucked up ? USA probably has enough people hating them as Russia has. Only one of these actually started a war in Europe. And we don't plan to stand for it.

I'd be happy if people would support middle east and Africa the same way we do Europe, but to some extent we are egoistic and care only of things that happen nearby. So you can blame USA how much you want for other conflicts... It in no way excuses what Russia did invading UA. Let me repeat - IN NO WAY EXCUSES IT

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I didn't change the discussion line. Yes, USA is waging wars in middle east and Africa (along with Russia and EU) which is unfortunate. IMO Bush family and Obama should be sent to trial as well for all the bombings they are responsible for.. It doesn't change the fact USA has been friendly with European countries though (which is what I meant... and I feel like I was pretty straightforward in my comment). And spreading their influence and improving relations. These facts are not contradictory.

You are trying to paint NATO as some evil force that's taking over the world and endangering Russia. It is not and you must be deranged to think so. It's an alliance by countries. By bunch of sovereign and independent democratic countries which each in and of themselves are not danger to Russia and has made a pact to protect each other. How does protecting each other endangers Russia ? Only if you want to wage war at us. It's 21st century. Trump tried to deal with your deranged president. You could have made friendly relations, stopped your aggression, but no. Of course not. You are the eternal victim. Putin tried to play NATO card for a week or so... Everyone instantly new that's absolute bullshit and of course that got dropped just like denazification and demilitarization "objectives" of the war.

Russia with it's aggression and not letting go of their Soviet history has driven it's neighbors away from itself. And USA has been friendly with each of these countries. I absolutely love that my country has great relations with USA and we have military stationed here. Do they have influence on certain political discussions ? Probably. But they are not overthrowing and putting their pawns in against populations will and people who dislike US can openly say so. Russia even managed to finance nationalistic politicians to run in EU to rile up Russians against EU........ You just can't quit at going at it with brute force and failing at it. I know I constantly get back to Russia.. but this difference is important why USA is much more favored then Russia.. and it's not some rusofobia or whatever - it's your countries doing. Why can't you be friendly with your neighbors ? Without invading and establishing puppet governments like Belarus ?

2 years ago

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You are wasting your time typing all of that out. You wont get through, no matter what you say, I seen this happening for 2 months now, people in russia just turned weird. Just let it go, you'll pop a blood vessel if you continue arguing with a brick wall
This is the only comment I made in this thread, and I'm not going to answer to whatever he spew back at me, its not worth the effort to engage.

2 years ago

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I just love the discussion :) No stress or problem whatsoever on my side. Don't even see it as arguing much.
Bazilus has been rather civil (To be frank more civil then I have been probably) and I appreciate that.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Neutrally speaking, it's Russia invaded other country and killing innocent people.The rest is just excuses.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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So, you are trying to tell me, that Germany never invaded USSR, they just had a special military operation to protect russian people and bring order to their country?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You were telling shit in public discussion, and when I pointed to that you mow down like a fool?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Except that's you color-blind, and trying to explain that only you see true colors to the whole world of sighted people.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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November 21, 2013 Euromaidan is a multi-month protest in the center of Kyiv. After that, pro-Western politicians came to power.

It all started because of dumb actions of pro-russian politicans that were in power. Why pro-russian politicans, who destabilized situation in the country, are good, and pro-western politicans, who tried to stabilize it back are evil? Don't answer, I know, because Russia can't control them.

March 3, 2014 Some regions of Ukraine were dissatisfied with this outcome and organized mitings. Kiev in order to nip the discontent in the bud, a "friendship" train arrived in Odessa and its friendly passengers burned the part of protesters alive in the house of Trade Unions.

Those "meetings" were organized by russai, people were there for money. Friendship train is a myth. Protesters were burned because they ATTACKED pro-ukrainian ultras that were PEACEFULLY walking to a football match. I don't justify actions of ultras, it was a crime, but without russian provocations - nothing would happen. It's common knowledge.

March 16, 2014, Crimea, under the supervision of the "silence little green men" held a referendum, where the locals decided to join Russia.

Referendum under the guns of foreign army? How stupid one needs to be to believe it's legit?

April 2014 The republics of the DPR were proclaimed, a little later the LPR.

Russians paid to some terrorists who captured power in those regions. No need to say that they had no right to proclaim republics. If I will buy an apartment in center of Moscow and proclaim a new republic there - will you consider it legit?

Kyiv does not accept them and sends the military to resolve the problem, military operations begin.

Kyiv tried to fight terrorism. That's normal, Russia did exactly the same in Chechnya.

September 5, 2014 The "Minsk agreements" on a ceasefire were adopted, which were not respected for the next 8 years.

You forgot to say "were not respected BY PRO-RUSSIAN TERRORISTS". Those small details matter.

February 21, 2022 Russia recognizes the DPR and LPR. Signs a pakt on cooperation and military assistance to the republics. And introduces a military contingent into their territory and Ukraine territory. (updated)

On 5 December 5, 1994 Russia signed Budapest memorandum, where they promised to not pose treat to territorial independence of Ukraine.

So we have an exam in history?

Yes, and you failed it miserably.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Trump tried to deal with your deranged president.

As for insanity, Biden is out of competition here. And if Trump had acted against Putin, they would not have thought of removing him, and Trump started an economic war with China.

You could have made friendly relations, stopped your aggression, but no. Of course not. You are the eternal victim.

Friendships have already passed. 1995. The relationship in the form of master and servant. If anyone wants to, then I don't mind, be the litter of the USA.

Putin tried to play NATO card for a week or so... Everyone instantly new that's absolute bullshit and of course that got dropped just like denazification and demilitarization "objectives" of the war.

And there were no attempts to play her. The cards were dealt earlier, they just began to play with the cards that are there, but not forgetting about the deck that lies, pulling out additional cards from it. I immediately had to show that these cards do not play a role and should not be in this deck.

Russia with it's aggression and not letting go of their Soviet history has driven it's neighbors away from itself.

If you don't remember your own story, then others will write it. He who does not remember the past has no future. Abu'l-Faraj (1226 - 30.6.1286) was a Syrian scientist, writer and doctor.

Without invading and establishing puppet governments like Belarus ?

And is there a puppet leadership in Belarus, no, it's not like that. Lukashenka is simply multi-vector, but just the last elections forced him to make those decisions that the EU did not like. They immediately called him a puppet of Russia.

2 years ago

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cement, you said that Lukashenko is multi-vector, maybe you mean multi-term. As president of Belarus, First term (1994–2001), Second term (2001–2006), Third term (2006–2010), Fourth term (2010–2015), Fifth term (2015–2020), Sixth term (2020–present).
Alexander Lukashenko has been president of Belarus for 28 years.
He is a fucking dictator, that's crystal clear.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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It is rather a single vector policy to save his dictator ass.

2 years ago

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And here you are wrong. If the policy was aimed at retaining power, there would be no shrimp from the Minsk Sea, as well as olives. Exports of agricultural products increased 3 times in 2014.

2 years ago

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Hmm, think about the present. I know Putin is a dictator, but as EU citizen I can still get his oil and gas. With the war in Ukraine in mind, if I had choice, I would avoid Putin's oil and gas. Even with democracy you can't choose everything, but at least it protects you from dictators (not foreign dictators, you can ask Ukrainians about that).

But there is hope. Do me a favor and start a protest in Russia to demand the closure of oil and gas valves to the EU. It's totally safe, just use the usual hate against the west to stay in Putin's propaganda. Perhaps for a change, Putin will listen to his people.

2 years ago

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This is not required. There is already a government order. Unfriendly countries must pay in rubles through Gazprombank. Crediting euros, then selling them on the stock exchange, the rubles received will be transferred to the account as soon as the crediting takes place, then the payment has passed. If there is no payment, then there will be no resources. 10 already agree and pay this way.
The Germans, however, tried to pay directly in rubles from a company that had previously been transferred to external management, but then the payment could not pass and they had to look for money or gas.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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The USSR were initially in bed with Nazi Germany if you know your history well.
They signed a pact.
Russia saw their chance to take over Finland in the winter war, failed miserably.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russia saw their chance to take over Finland in the winter war, failed miserably.

1 Not Russia, but the USSR. If we really want to show the story.
2 The task of moving the border was completed, which shows the city Vyborg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyborg

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Talk about the Soviet-Finnish war or the Russian-Finnish War. Like Soviet-Finnish. There was no Russian-Finnish war, there was a Russian-Swedish War, after which the Finnish Principality appeared as part of the Russian Empire. That's why the fixes. And after 1991 there was no war yet and I hope there won't be.

2 years ago

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The USSR paid a huge terrible price by trusting Nazi Germany in past

There was the proxy war against Berlin's pets in Spain.
There was a coalition creation attempt against the Third Reich which got foiled hard in 1938.
There's the whole "if there's war tomorrow" thing (movie included) where the Union wasn't exactly hiding the fact that is getting ready to defend itself against the coming invasion.

Moscow "trusted" the blitzkrieg to come when Berlin was strong enough to pull it off.It just didn't know when exactly & if the Red Army would be able to "meet & greet" it in accordance with the "strong defense & immediate strong counteroffense" strategy.

2 years ago*

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i believe that russia wanted to prevent ukraine from moving closer into the western hemisphere. Reason is the fear of Nato weaponsystems and military bases right at the border close to moskau and volga. And also they somehow wanted to solve the ukraine internal conflict between pro russian and anti russian that is amplified now. But mabe thats the plan? Maybe demillitarization means for russia to take the fight and by that remove all the forces that are willing to fight them. Maybe thats the way russia is doing it.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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The belgian "Azov" cheerleader!How ya doin',buddy?Have you joined your beloved "heroes" over in "Azovstal" yet?Or are you still just egging them on to die?Not that this is the first time you euros pull this sort of thing.How many decades had passed since you first started supporting "moderate" beheaders of any kind?

Its also interesting that you support terror acts against RusFed,especially given how you cry every time someone from a state that your yank "vassal" states had a hand in destroying goes into snackbar mode on your lot."Sickening" doesn't even begin to describe it & you are truly brain dead if you think nobody will take notice of such blatant (and bloody) hypocrisy.

And a little update from a brave Russian

First off,she's gruzian.Second-such "bravery" spouting pro-western nonsense from the safety of a yank-owned "vassal".

Want to see some real bravery?

Meet Gonzalo Lira.He went over to Kiev in February then traveled to Kharkov,being critical of the Kiev regime right in the jackal's den despite knowing full well how that might end for him. Almost did,too.The gestapo grabbed him but immediate public outcry saved his life.

Oh,and guess who was involved in his abduction?Your beloved "heroes",with one of their more infamous members (the same one that had a hand in the so-called "russian war crime" in Bucha) bragging about it & hoping for a beheading photo (clearly there isn't much of a difference between the Islamic State & the Ukrainian State these days,though thats to be expected given their mutual master).And he would have gotten it if the vox populi hadn't done its thing.

I wonder...who exactly is the worse party here?The dindunuffin's themselves for doing what they do?Or you clowns that cheer them on to do it?

"Glory" awaits,kiddo!There's always time for another Yavorov-style foreign legion gathering!Make Leo II proud!

2 years ago

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Oh spare me,
Have a look at your own little government in charge and its murdering of opposition that they don't like.
Loads of examples to choose from who got poisoned while being on a plane for example.
So don't pretend that Russia is so high and mighty place with morals.

Glad that your Gonzalo guy is safe because I don't support acts as such ... unlike you the cheerleader for Putin and his cronies.
Shame on you for supporting a vile lot like them.

And yea sure, A Big Cheer for Azov defending their homeland against a vile Kremlin.
Must hurt you much that the Russian bear is a paper bear in reality and cant even take a fully destroyed city.

2 years ago

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Oh spare me

Don't recall holding a gun to your head in the first place,kid.Maybe tone down on the schizophrenia pills a bit.

your own little government

"My" government?Ah,right-everyone that doesn't share your delusions is a "russian".

its murdering of opposition

According to your MSM.And your MSM is such a "trustworthy" thing...

So don't pretend

Don't need to.It is what it is (to its detriment in quite a lot of times) & your tears matter little.

from who got poisoned while being on a plane

Which was about as legit as the whole "newbie" crap.
Almost 20 years have passed since Colin Powell waved a vial of his own piss in the UN and you euros are as gullible as ever.

I don't support acts as such ... unlike you the cheerleader for Putin and his cronies

You literally shill for the european equivalent of ISIS & you claim that it is "Putin and his cronies" that support their acts.Clearly you didn't even bother to pretend to think before blurting out something so amusing.

And yea sure, A Big Cheer for Azov

Like I said-euroISIS shill.Disgusting.

Arrogance and stupidity,all in one package.How efficient of you.

2 years ago

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Tears he says...
I am only laughing because the clown that is you showed up again.
Talking nonsense again.
One thing you were right though.
I shouldnt have compared you to Azov.
Seeing how valiantly they defend their homeland. Azov is way better than you and it is an insult to them to be compared to you.

Show me then that it isnt Putler who is the aggressive one here and how he is Holier than Holy.
Otherwise I recommend you just stay quiet so you dont keep embarassing yourself.
Just some friendly advice.

2 years ago

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Ah,the same amusing rabid dog hysterics that you demonstated the last time we had a "chat".

I am only laughing because the clown that is you showed up again

Yeaaah.Not a ragequit at all.

Talking nonsense again

Apparently anything with a shred of intellect involved is "nonsense" to your lot.Pitiful.

I shouldnt have compared you to Azov.

Copypasting shit from the last time you've shown your complete lack of intellectual developement now?lol.

valiantly they defend their homeland

They literally use ISIS tactics with both their own populace as a human shield.Thats a pretty fucked up understanding of what "valiant defense of the homeland" is supposed to be.Do you visit a shrink often?I think you need some assistance on that front.

Azov is way better than you

Oh yes,clearly war criminals that have done incredibly nasty stuff are "better than me".
Hate to brake this to you kiddo,but...I'm by default better than both them and raving psychopaths like you that unironically shill for them.I know this is a very hard pill for you to swallow,but...
Well,you'll just have to deal with it.

Show me then that it isnt Putler who is the aggressive one here

The past 8 years have shown that quite clear.But its a bit obvious that you are a zealot of the dindunuffin' narrative.

I recommend you just stay quiet

Or what?You'll kill me like your beloved "heroes" have been doing to their own people or defenseless prisoners in one of their many favourite ways?

Go ahead and try it.

so you dont keep embarassing yourself

I'm not the one thats going berzerk in defense a bunch of n-word war criminals here,kid.Anyone with a shadow of a gray cell in their skull would realise that something like that is a very bad move to make.

Just some friendly advice.

Want some advice in return?

Stop being a coward & come join your "heroes".

2 years ago*

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8 years you say. Those cities look fine after 8 years of fighting Russian backed seperatists.
Look at Mariupol after 1 and half month of Russia.

And you want to claim Rusia aren't the interlopers here. Funny af.
Hurts doesnt it when the West backs Ukraine.
Stop arming them Russia cries foul. Kind of like how you are crying here.
You must watch a lot of their propaganda to imitate them that well.

We want to demilitarize Ukraine they said.
And now they are armed to the teeth with fancy stuff.
Funny how that turned out.

I can your feel pain. All that aggression and those insults...
Doesnt bother me though.
You will always be my little clown.

2 years ago

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I take it your answer to my advice about not being a coward is a "no".Also,that "No,you!" stuff you are pulling just like the last time?Class act!

And we eastern "untermenshen" are supposed to die for the enjoyment of you whackos?Cthulhu Deliver Us from Evil...

2 years ago

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Nah, I love Ukrainians and Estonians and all others.
My neighbors are these lovely Polish people family.
I even like Russians who are not completely brainwashed thinking that they are the good guys in all of this.

If you havent noticed Russia is doing the killing for some BS reason you swallowed hook line and sinker. So you are enabling them in a sense and therefor Ukrainian blood is your hands.
Think about that one.

I think lots of Eastern countries will not be too happy that you so generously put yourself together with them.
I mean this situation if you havent noticed is ROW vs Russia. Even your best pal China is sitting this one out.

2 years ago

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Russia is doing the killing for some BS reason

These "BS reasons" would have led Washington to purging the state giving it these reasons on its own border with extreme prejudice.Meanwhile,you are the one that swallowed the "poor wittle dindunuffin" line to the point of shilling for literal euroISISoids with reckless abandon.

So you are enabling them in a sense

Projecting what you yourself are doing unto me again?

Seriously,what are you-10 year old?Or maybe you are just mentally 10?

I think lots of Eastern countries

Yank-owned baltics=extinction event.
Yank-owned "Ukraine"=extinction event.
Yank-owned Bulgaria=extinction event.
My own yank-owned backyard=extinction event.

I think you should stop hiding behind us like a coward.

will not be too happy

Well,I live here so cry more.Also,who the people of my state support was made pretty evident when the mess began,with news sites being ordered to close their comments as a result when it turned out that raving psychopaths that took our own pro-yank coup back in 2009 to the next level (not to mention that they were about to start draining our local river & leaving us without water supply) aren't particularly liked.

Its safe to say your hugboxes aren't indicative of anything.

ROW vs Russia

This "rest of the world"?

Delusions of grandeur much?

Even your best pal China is sitting this one out

Thats a pretty weird thing to call the preparations to take back Taiwan.Then again,you poor things live in your own Oceania-style reality,so I suppose you blurting out things like that time and time again is to be expected.

2 years ago

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same shit, different propaganda bot

2 years ago

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Yes,you guys seem to be prevalent here,dogpiling on anyone that isn't keen on following your example & blindly falling for the "dindunuffin" narrative while throwing their support for whats basicallly ISIS under a different name & banners.

Pretty damn Oceanian,if you ask me.

2 years ago

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now you're talking out of experience?
why are you still falling for the lies, when you already recognized the manipulative pattern?

2 years ago*

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Are you talking to yourself now?

Please seek help at your nearest mental institution before you hurt someone (yourself included).

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm glad you understood how much all your lots schizophrenic bleeting in the name of the Kiev regime is actually worth (just a one big yawn).

There is hope for you yet.

2 years ago

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the only one schizophrenic here is you, because you're implying something, i've never said and you should really heed your own advice, i feel pity for you and your struggles with mental health, you're a poor soul

and one additional note, strange how you write Moscow, but with all your struggles i think you're just highly confused, but that's okay, we sane minds are here to help you

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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you seem tired lately, is it of your strong medication?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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what the hell has misspelling to do with geography?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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what knowledge are you talking about now? Even a first grader would recognize the misspelling of Moscow with some other strange letters

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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alarmed? you're implying a lot

i have a nice idiom for you:
Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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am i not allowed to answer you?
i never said i won't talk to you, you must mix up something, but i'm not surprised, because it happens on a regular basis

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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nice "free speech" of you. but of course only if Puto allows it.

2 years ago

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I take it you also operate under the self-inflicted delusion that I'm a russian.And whatever sexual fantasies you have about Putin really isn't something I have a reason to care about.

2 years ago

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You are still under the impression that anyone here cares.
Whether you are Russian or a Russian wannabee, It is clear you want to have some of that special fornication time with Putin.
I get that my little clown, big man riding a bear. Its okay that that gave you feelings.

2 years ago

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anyone here cares

Well,you seem to care enough that you keep on throwing yourself at me like a mental institution escapee.

you want to have some of that special fornication time

Are all euros so adept at projecting their own degenerate desires unto other people?Or are you lot a "special case"?

my little clown

Your continued lack of self-awarness is just plain sad at this point.

2 years ago*

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Nah you showed up.
Didnt ask you too.
Feel free to crawl back into the hole you came from.
Or keep entertaining me, the choice is yours.

I will recommend SADB channel on youtube, you can find many snowflakes and deluded people as yourself on their..
It will feel like a mirror, I warn you.
Latest video has an old man, I am sure that you are just like that in real life.

Finally what is sad that you are still here, just saying....

2 years ago

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And you went into ragequit-city while still playing the "No,you!" card.Though I have to say that I was wrong.You aren't 10.Ten year olds are a lot smarter.

Finally what is sad that you are still here, just saying....

You know whats actually sad?Your continued cowardice.As for my presence here that seems to be causing you an aneurism,well...sucks to be you.

Don't choke on all that foam thats coming out of your mouth.

2 years ago

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The thought that you think I am angry or you caused my blood pressure to rise.
You are a weird guy.... entertaining.. but weird.
You know just enough to think you are right but not enough to know you are wrong.
Keep sending okay.
My little pet clown..

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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hahahah when stupidity takes over

2 years ago

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Clearly,given your petulant rage towards me to the point of a hysterical textual vomit dump.

2 years ago

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Hey my little clown.
I miss your insults and your reddened face when you get angry.

Look at my heroes and probably the heroes of a lot of people around the world now!
Still alive and kicking your Russian buddies to hell!.

I hope you find help for your "untermensch" disorder.
Do some self esteem raising exercises, see your own value ya.

2 years ago

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you replied, means i triggered you or something that bothers you...obviously. otherwise you would have ignored it
the shame is on your side and you know it
edit// pathetic

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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hahaha like almost every russian troll, cant argue but spreads out sureal russian reality

2 years ago

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Nice bitchfit,kid.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago

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Someone gave you a kick to work some overtime again,PsyOp official?

Lets skip the not-predictable-at-all "Buh...buh...russians are the same!" dogshit.I don't see "only" "Azov".I see your entire Washington-owned psychopathic rogue state with all of its Bandera cultism,genocidal crimes against humanity & overall stinking up of the whole region in the name of its masters.

Lets be honest with ourselves:if this was Mexico or Canada that went through a rus/chinese/whoever-backed violent coup and started pulling the shit you did,there'd be "Shock and Awe" campaigns within hours of the first chants of "Hang the yank!Knife the yank!" being noticed.RusFed spent 8 years trying to convince you guys to cut the shit,getting nasty double downs as a response.

From the richest of the old republics to a schizophrenic geopolitical bitch of the west.Talk about max level devolution.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago

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Washington-based Freedom House

Shoving western fluff pieces at everyone's face isn't exactly earning you any brownie points.

I will consider your delusional personal attacks

Calling you a PsyOp official (which you are) is a "personal attack" now?How much coffee did you drink to come up with that little "tidbit"?

Get some sleep.Your competence is slipping.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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frustrated cause you cant win?
depressed cause the world hates your cute little bugger that you call a dictator, erm i mean "president"
or are you just crazy?

2 years ago

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frustrated cause you cant win?

You literally just shat out 3 rage & rage-induced foam-filled "responses" aimed at me,kid.

depressed cause the world hates your

First off,you euros aren't the "world" & your delusions of grandeur are a joke.
Second,I've already said that I'm not a russian & your continued crying about Putin is just plain pathetic.

Take a chill pill.

2 years ago

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cute. all i say is 144 hours in two weeks. broke boi

2 years ago

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Whatever the cockroaches in your skull tell you,raging schizo.

2 years ago

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uhhh you are getting mad BOI

2 years ago

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Извините, но на всякий случай СУХС 3 раза с подскоком (для незнаек, это нацистское приветствие, да-да хлопче, самое настоящее, как завещали твои хохло-прадеды из схрона) и понадусёкну (это убер алес на мойве, я кстати её за 3 месяца выучил), это лишь внешнее проявление (атрибут) и капелька в море того, что на вукарини называют "у нас нет фашизма" (забавно, когда они говорят, мол, фашизма у нас быть не может потому что зелебоба еврей лел). Я могу предоставить миллиард доказательств/фактов того, что на вукраини цветёт и пахнет самый настоящий фашизм залитый самым настоящими концентратом нацизма, но не буду)), мне тупо надоело (и поэтому я снабжаю ЛНР тепловизорами и дронами). Но сказать это всё надо, потому что большинство комментов здесь это перепись зомби, которые говорят АБСОЛЮТНО тоже самое, что говорят на укро-ТВ, да-да малыш, я понимаю, ты этого не признаешь, наоборот, скажешь что не смотришь укроТВ, ведь ты весь такой модный, молодёжный и всё сам знаешь, лол.

P.S. Только хрюкни про русТВ, если хрюкнешь, то ты даже не знаешь что там о вас говорят, а говорят в основном про "братский нарот" и про "помощь братскому нароту", только вот это здесь нафиг никому не нужно, простому человеку нужна лишь справедливость и возмездие, уничтожить ВСЕХ кто причастен, а тех кто выживет поймать, судить и тоже уничтожить.

2 years ago

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Вот это эпичный телевизерный рассиянский скoт высрaлся из помойки

2 years ago

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Он так старался оскорбить побольше людей, чуть не порвался)

2 years ago

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Кек 2, второй зомби-хрюк засчитан. Наблюдение продолжаю.

2 years ago

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безмозглая вата, я раньше в путинской эрэфии проживал - у вас все кто не любит плешивую ботоксную крысу это хрюки и бендеровцы

2 years ago

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Польское бидло, ну зачем ты так нагло врёшь, у меня аж сало из монитора полилося [на всякий случай СУХС и перекрестился].

2 years ago

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Иди купи Баг Мак, победитель)

2 years ago

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Хрюш, ты реально думаешь, что пацаны здесь будут плакать по бик-маку? ХАхахха. Макдак кстати не ушёл никуда, как работал, так и работает, платят налоги на военную машину России, ибо они прекрасно понимают, что если уйдут, то место потеряют, это твой любимый капитализм, и как всегда он обижает твою нэнэчку)).

2 years ago

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Ты такой смешной, ей-богу. Давай, гори ярче, а то что-то слабовато пока что.

2 years ago

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Хрюш, зачем так низкокачественно, ты устала? А я ведь только начал. Дай что-нибудь на вроде "а вот нам дадут ещё святых джавелинов, а вы не купите бик-мак, и ещё против вас санкции ввели", не могу отказать себе у удовольствии орнуть с вас бомжей, как вы хвастаетесь чужим пинусом. Кстати, как там ваша русско-украинская вийна, много НП отбили?

2 years ago

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Уже лучше. Еще немного, и ты научишься говорить как настоящий человек.

2 years ago

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Хрюш, ещё немножко и в России колоний на ваших не хватит https://t.me/boris_rozhin/43508, заметь бандеровец, их не мучают и не пытают, а содержат, как военнопленных. У меня ещё видосик есть, как ваш пацан с простреленными ногами на операционном столе радуется, что его не убили, благодарит русских воинов, что они его пощадили, целенаправленно подстрелили в ноги, ибо лучше с простреленными ногами, хромать, но жить, чем быть тупорогим куском зомби на безымянном поле (как ты, только ты ещё живое зомби)
Я прекрасно понял, что ты не хочешь "играть в эту игру", так как твои позиции крайне слабы, ты проигравший, и ты бомж, попрошайка, попущенная. Поэтому если ты мне ещё раз ответишь, я всегда буду постить видосы и фотки с твоими мёртвыми кибаргами, поверь, у меня их ооооочень много.

2 years ago

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Вот подгорает-то у тебя, а. И оскорбления, и расизм... Но в целом ты весьма хорошо отыгрываешь роль среднестатистического руссобота, да. Озлобленный на весь мир, у которого виноваты все, кроме него самого.

P.S. у тебя хоть унитаз дома есть?)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ага, значит нету. Ну ничего, может один из соседей привезет от нас сувенир, хоть посмотришь как выглядит)

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago by a staff member, Gaffi.

2 years ago

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Как же нам повезло, что есть ты, солнышко. Уж ты-то нам точно покажешь правду, и переубедишь своими ссылками. Давай, еще ссылок 10, и мы точно поверим что расея - освободитель, ваши "воины" - герои и киборги, а все украинцы - какое-нибудь обидное слово. Ведь именно так эти ссылки и работают, они помогают перенести на свою сторону ;)

2 years ago

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Да какая правда, я ничего не знаю и знать не могу, никто не знает, а ты тупорылая знаешь.
Малая часть тех, кто был уничтожен под Сулиговкой, на Славянском направлении . БОльшая часть еще долго будет числиться пропавшими без вести, но украинцам об этом не расскажут по телевизору. Там Бутусов с шашкой наголо крушит Кантемировскую дивизию. А на деле у ВСУ и теробороны дикие потери. Живыми эти люди уже не вернутся, всего-то надо было поднять вверх руки...

2 years ago

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Кек 1, первый бандеровский хрюк засчитан. Наблюдение продолжаю.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago*

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But maybe first learn the difference between // here mostly all (read russian) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_(insult)
as u can see this article doesn't have russian version :D

2 years ago

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Хрюндель, специально для тебя.
Фашизм — идеология и общественно-политическое движение в рамках авторитарного милитаристского ультранационализма и соответствующая диктаторская форма правления с жёсткой регламентацией общества и экономики. Характерными признаками фашизма являются также антилиберализм, отрицание выборной демократии, социал-демократии, антикоммунизм, реваншизм и вождизм, экспансионизм, элитаризм, социальный дарвинизм, этатизм и в ряде случаев, корпоративизм и расизм и политика геноцида. Занимает крайне правое место в традиционном лево-правом политическом спектре.
Кстати, ты у меня третий зомби, кек. Наблюдение продолжаю.

2 years ago

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You literally described Russia here.
Go crawl back to your troll cave

btw I want to be the fourth :) Do I get a prize ?

2 years ago

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Мояж ты прелесть, так смешно тебе, ведь нацизм и фашизм это очень смищно, неправда ли, кстати где ты? Ай не говори, я знаю, самый главные защитнички жёвто-блакитной попрошайки живут ВНЕЗАПНО за пределами нэнэчки)).
Да, и ты 4й любитель фашизма в моей коллекции. Приезжай на территорию вна404 и получишь сполна (в первую очередь отхватишь от своих же лел), можешь в молдавию, там тоже намечается.

2 years ago

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Ha, lol
Keep the clown show on :) We missed some good comedy since other trolls got banned

2 years ago

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Мояж ты пусечка, что такое, не нравится когда вас в ваше же лайно макают? Ая-яй)), ну такова ваша судьбинушка, будете лежать в собственном лайне и отхватывать до тех пор, пока мы не решим остановить этот процесс, но скажу сразу, продолжаться он будет очень долго. "Сириизация" вна404 (с помощью США и их шестёрок) будет длиться ГОДАМИ (т.к. они заинтересованы), а твоего запала хватит лишь на пару месяцев.

2 years ago

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You are bleeding money, losing soldiers and being absolutely raped by wests weapons just like your soldiers rape poor women who happen to be in the way of the fascist occupying force.

This will not end good for Russia and you can live in your propaganda world as much as you like and jerk off to watching parade of 9th May but you are going to come out of this horribly humiliated. But of course Putler and his fascist dictatorship wont allow Russians to hear anything bad.. You will be fed information how the west is evil and how you where only there with peacekeeping in mind. Do you still think btw think that you are winning ? You cant even take over Mariupol which you have been bombing and encircling for weeks. What a joke.

But whatever.. you are paid troll just like Fin7 and that other clown was anyway.. No point in arguing. As always just previously prepared default answers from you which you have gotten from Kremlin and paid to spread around.

2 years ago

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Какая забористая укрокалопропаганда, к сожалению она уже протухла, как и "резня" в Буче, кек.
Кстати, сколько НП отбили?
Про миллиард погибших русских солдат и 3 миллиарда изнасилованных немок в Берлине ой т.е. в Мириуполе мне с 45го года известно, ты мне что-нибудь новое давай, а то эти твои самоповторы ещё сильнее погружают тебя в пучины каловых масс.
Кек https://t.me/boris_rozhin/45067
Бгггг https://t.me/SIL0VIKI/47510
Азазаза https://t.me/boris_rozhin/45232
Ты даже не представляешь сколько у меня такого, террабайты фото и видео (для фото ТЫСЯЧ трупов ты ещё пока не созрел, живи в своём уютном манямирке и дальше, но реальность скоро тебя настигнет, возможен ПТСР как в американских фильмах лел, хотя ты и приблизительно не знаешь что такое война), очень много показаний, они сами сдаются и всё рассказывают, только в одной Ростовской области 4к сидит, для них специально расконсервировали тюрячки, но места всё равно не хватает, а ещё их надо кормить, лечить... многие из них не хотят обратно, ведь их уже записали 200тыми и вообще предателями)).
Многие хохловоены смотрят российские телеграмм-каналы, так как там реальное положение дел, а не уютные резиновые миры твоих господ, большинство хохловоенов хотят жить, а не быть мёртвым куском мяса в полях Донбасса или запорижжя, только в плену они узнают правду.
Кстати привет тебе от моего братишки, он один стоит сотни ваших https://t.me/panteri_panteri/17996
На каждого нашего у нас 10+ ваших, киллрейт 1к10, это то что нам известно 100%, достоверно.
Все наши воины Великие Герои, они плоть от плоти те самые парни из 40х, наследие и гордость Великого Народа ПОБЕДИТЕЛЯ.

P.S. Моя коллекция постоянно пополняется, так как пацаны возвращаются, снимать было запрещено, но ВСЕ снимали и фоток/видео вашего уставшего воинства у меня миллион, с самого 24 февраля)). Я пацанам дроны и теплаки, они мне свои архивы, это хороший бартер, рил дил https://t.me/panteri_panteri/17968
У меня кстати есть целая коллекция видосов и фоток с наколками укровоенства, дядя Адольф даёт им апплодисменты АХхаха)).
Ну и офигенное заявление самого Зелебобы, про то что "они такие как есть" АЗзаза, ты то этого не знаешь, тебе это неинтересно да?

2 years ago

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HAHAHAH I get it know :D
you are so experienced in life..... How can I even compare my life to yours....
Keep on climaxing on your terabyte huge collection of war crimes then

2 years ago

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Пусь, чо такое, не нравится когда убивают "воинов света"? Ну дык, это война, хохлядь говорит, что она 8 лет с Россией воюет, и мол, ВС РФ там стояли, правда спросишь у местных, они ничего об этом не знают https://t.me/boris_rozhin/42915, странно. У меня кстати есть архив посвящённый этому, как украинские нацисты и террористы 8 (!) лет геноцидили гражданское население Донбасса (мёртвые дети, старики, женщины), но тебе то об этом не скажут, это всё они сами себя, кондиционеры взрывались.

2 years ago

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But of course. Evil UA nazis killing civilians
And glorious Russian empire coming in to save them.

We know, we know. Fin7 already covered it. Didn't get the memo ?

2 years ago

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Просто повар-водитель, который не хотел воевать и убивать "унтерменшей".
А вот немножко трофеев https://t.me/sofrezerv/685, вукарини нацизма нет (с) любой идиот

2 years ago

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А где ты был все эти 8++ лет, ватник?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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За Игорем Стрелковым-Гиркиным как он на украинцев напал с путинскими войсками

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Вот такие как ты поехали штурмовать на Киев и таких видосов уже сотни в сети...

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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О, он отправился на 3-дневную экскурсию вслед за кораблем. Интересно, продолжит ли потом)

2 years ago

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черт я отправился гулять как раз и даже не увидел его творчество))

2 years ago

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Кек, хохлядь стуканула и радуется, в этом вся хохлядь.
Cockhole всегда вор, стукач и пиздабол. Кстати, а чо вы тут нашли друг дружку, одобряете себя, отвратительные мрази, мало того, что нацисты-стукачи, так ещё и петухи.

2 years ago

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До чего же хорошо ты репрезентуешь Zомби здесь, не передать. Тебя ведь за язык никто не тянет, ты сам говоришь всю эту мерзость.

2 years ago

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oh no, look, another brave vatnik died for the "cause" of spreading fake news and G00ba is suspended, time for RedDisco to reappear and get perma suspended, russia is even losing on the internet

2 years ago

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Да, всё совпадает. Ты описал Россию.

2 years ago

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О, 4ая хрюша, хайль зелебоба зиг хайль украинушка убер алес.

2 years ago

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Wasn't I the fourth ? Can't even count properly with how far up Putins ass you are ?

2 years ago

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какой-то слабенький бот, слишком быстро начал тупо ссылками бросать, даже не постарался писать что-то, для создания видимости реального человека

2 years ago

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Пфф, бот так бот.
В лесном массиве между Сухой Каменкой и Долгеньким (южнее Изюма), уничтожили группу бойцов ВСУ. У одного нашли телефон и зашли в его альбом. На крайнем фото хозяин телефона до денацификации и после.

2 years ago

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но все же, кроме раскрутки тупых тг-каналов, чего ты пытаешься добиться?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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В отличие от тебя, я хотя бы пытаюсь вести диалог, а не просто копипастю ссылочки на всякую фигню. Но продолжай, конечно же, так расея точно победит)

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Упс, так спешил ответить, забыл вставить скопированную ссылку. Незачет, не получишь свой пек сахара сегодня)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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ты же понимаешь, что ссылки эти ни я, ни другие люди кроме админов смотреть не будут?
или там у тебя по методичке надо набрать 50 или 100 постов со ссылками, чтобы паек получить?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Благодарить тебя будут только в одном случае - если станешь хорошим русским )))

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Эти как ты говоришь "пацаны", они сейчас здесь, на этом форуме? ))

2 years ago

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ничего он не пытается, у него тупо истерика, как и у всей русской диванной военщины)

2 years ago

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ну надо же хоть где-то победу изображать ))

2 years ago

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О, 5ая хрюшка, я как раз свинарник для вас построил.

2 years ago

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сидят 3 неандертала (это такие русские были в древности, тоже духовные), один говорит: "бы-бу-ба!", второй говорит: "бу-бы-ба!", а третий, так со значением, говорит: "ба-бу-бы!", - так и родилась русская речь.
это я к чему... скоро и твоя раса всеобщего свинарника вымрет.

2 years ago

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Раса? Ты воистину кретин ебанутый))), как бы мне этого не хотелось, но мы с тобой одной расы. Просто потрясающе насколько ты имбецил) ХАхаххА.

2 years ago

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ты не умеешь разговаривать связно... даже на своем первобытном!
как будешь ЕГЭ сдавать с такими речевыми навыками?

2 years ago

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Ебанутая ты мразь, иди нахуй, с тобой разговаривать как наступить в говно.

2 years ago

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Представляю, как ты сидел в бане, и обдумывал свой остроумный ответ)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Такой вот я эстет и декадент)

2 years ago

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А мама твоя знает чем ты занимешься в интернете?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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А по поведению - максимум 16, да и то с натяжкой за тяжёлое детство в селе. Ну, когда этот аккаунт забанят за неадекватное поведение, надеюсь модераторы найдут и основной, чтоб не был такой грамотный.

И да, какой Су-24М 10 апреля? Русские рапортовали что уничтожили всю украинскую авиацию ещё в начале марта. Неужели русские такие врунишки?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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ты такой смешной, думаешь что кто-то даже пытается открывать твои ссылки) они как баннеры, тупо игнорируются)

2 years ago

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Ты реально думаешь, что я для тебя это делаю? Пацаны с критическим мышлением откроют, посмотрят, оценят, подчерпнут инфы, которую вам никто не скажет, возможно даже кто-то найдёт там своих родственников, подпишется на канал "опознай хохла по чубу" (там с документами постят, ибо люди ищут, потери у вас просто чудовищные, людей гонят на убой, хочешь ты не хочешь...), мёртвые сраму не имут, даже если они были идеологическими врагами, вы нацисты/фашисты а мы просто люди, которые хотят жить, иногда мы даже коммунисты, что очень хорошо. Но ты то этого не понимаешь, потому что ты тупорылая до предела, опозорил родственников погибших укропов, для тебя то они выдумка, но ничего, СВО закончится и пойдут сообщения о братских могилах и о тысячах пропавших без вести, и люди буду их искать долгие годы, а ты покекаешь с них, они же шутка, и ссылки эти "никто не открывает".

2 years ago

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У тебя почти получилось грамотно писать, поздравляю.

Вот только все твои надежды на "перевоспитание" или просветление скажем так, слегка обречены на провал. Все, чего ты добиваешься вот такими постами с оскорблениями или мертвячиной - это еще большей ненависти к твоей стране, ну и бан скорый.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Давай значит логику проследим. Ты врываешься в тред, называешь всех нациками, сам пишешь какие-то слабопонятные штуки (ты сказал что это вроже нацистские приветствия. поверю на слово). Обзываешь всех свиньями, тупицами и прочими словами.
Далее закидываешь ссылками на телегу, где или пропаганда, или вообще просто трупы, и думаешь, что люди действительно будут смотреть, вчитываться в твою писанину, и даже благодарить? Хорошая логика, вообще не виду подводных камней ))

2 years ago

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Свинья-нацист-стукач, извини, ну не могу я с вами по-другому, да вы и не заслуживаете, т.е. я ещё должен соблюдать как ты выразилась некую "логику", с тобой, в этом уютном нацистском топике, какая прелесть)).

2 years ago

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Ой, даже не пытайся с ним разговаривать, он тупо копипастит ссылочки из методички. Когда админы проснутся, он в бан уйдет. Вот только найти бы настоящий его аккаунт, а то это так, дешевка.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago*

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1 hr 20 min ago
What is Transnistria and why is it important to Russia?

Transnistria ?
Приднестровская Молдавская Республика — Википедия
Transnistria - Wikipedia
The current era is the era after the Tower of Babel.🗼
The same thing is discussed in the English-speaking Wikipedia and the Russian-speaking Wikipedia.
Read both and you will finally get the general idea....👀


During the prelude to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian military intelligence claimed on 14 January 2022 that they had evidence that the Russian government was covertly planning false flag "provocations" against Russian soldiers stationed in Transnistria, which would justify a Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Russian government denied the claims.[101]

On 15 March 2022, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recognized Transnistria as a Moldovan territory occupied by Russia.[102]


There have been suspicious explosions recently, and the EU and Ukraine believe that Russia is trying to annex the country in earnest.
This is a story that raises concerns about whether we are entering an era in which war has no borders.

2 years ago

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В поселке Маяк в Приднестровье прогремели два взрыва - РИА Новости, 26.04.2022
(Two explosions ripped through the village of Mayak in Transnistria)

Unknown People Blew Up Communication Towers In Unrecognized Transnistria, It Broadcast RF Radio Stations – Med | Ukrainian news

It seems that two local TV towers were destroyed roughly 6 hours ago.
I have a bad feeling about the destruction of a communications facility that covers a large area.👀

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Radio Romania International on Twitter: "Regiunea separatistă #Transnistria, parte a Republicii #Moldova 🇲🇩, a instituit cod roşu de alertă teroristă timp de 15 zile, după o serie de atacuri necunoscute asupra unor obiective militare şi civile, transmite Radio Chişinău (1/3) / Twitter

Radio Romania International on Twitter: "Liderul separatist de la #Tiraspol, Vadim Krasnoselski, a calificat drept "atentate teroriste" atacurile asupra sediului Serviciului de Securitate de la Tiraspol, unităţii militare din Parcani şi celor două turnuri de comunicaţii din Maiak #Moldova (2/3) " / Twitter

Radio Romania International on Twitter: "În consecinţă, regimul separatist a anulat parada militară care urma să aibă loc la #Tiraspol cu ocazia zilei de 9 mai, iar la #Chişinău a fost convocat Consiliul Suprem de Securitate. Moscova a transmis că urmăreşte îndeaproape evenimentele (3/3) " / Twitter

Moldova holds urgent security meeting after Transnistria blasts | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera

It appears that a radio broadcaster in Romania, Moldova's neighbor, has issued an alert regarding the relevant area in Moldova.
In any event, it appears that the events associated with the May 9 event in Russia have been canceled.

2 years ago

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Reminder to all:

Do not post pornography, or explicit content, such as real life images depicting severe injury, gore, or death.

2 years ago

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Thank you for cleaning up a bit. He was also insulting people left and right, but that's harder to track, since he only wrote in russiaan (and quite poorly, I have to say)

2 years ago

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I do realize the thread is an active one, but I am not keeping up daily. Please continue to open tickets for the issues that need to be addressed.

2 years ago

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I thought I gave warning recently but it was 2 weeks ago already. Time flies :sweatsmile:

2 years ago

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Problem is, these guys work the same sequence - start with flaming insults, try to get as many answers possible, lead a bit of heated discussion, usually with insults, then at some point switch completely to posting links to Telegram or VK, with either russian propaganda, or ukrainian dead bodies. Then they just copypaste new an new links with gore until they're banned.

2 years ago

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Thanks for always responding.🙂

Sometimes news sources post updated images that later violate "NSFW" or guidelines.
Each of us should point out when an article that has been around for some time shows something that, by all accounts, should not be seen.😫

2 years ago

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either i missed it or nobody mentioned it yet. hopefully some news to make y'all smile.

ivan 1: we need 3 sims for our propaganda operation to frame ukraine
ivan 2: buys 3 copies of sims

Russia’s claim it foiled a Western plot to kill pro-Putin journalist ‘exposed as propaganda’

either this was intentional sabotage or they are in fact some of the dumbest people on the planet.
impossible to tell right now. but i enjoyed it!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago

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you forgot the part about attacking another country and killing, raping, torturing and looting.
but i guess that's ok because putler tv doesn't show that to sheepZ like you. or is it?

2 years ago

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In a full video, the FSB officer leafs through the book, there is a dedication with a signature "Signed Illegible":)

View attached image.
2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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You Tube's title in Russian makes me tired.
If you convert the Russian emphasis of the title into Italian, it looks like this
”Nazisti ucraini”
(This is a mechanical conversion notation to explain the You Tube title and is not intended to be defamatory or discriminatory.)

Chi sono i 'nazisti ucraini' che Putin vuole eliminare

Milano, insulti a pro-ucraini: contestatori urlano "nazisti" - YouTube

There was also an article about false facts, perhaps in response to some false reporting in Italy.
Looking at the video of the authenticated account on You Tube, it appears that there are "two" people who fall under this category.

For all intents and purposes, the video is probably a clipping from this video with different "annotations".
It is considered common knowledge only in Russia.
The number of views of the source is negligible, but when you put a lie on a clipping, millions believe it in Russia.
A smart Russian would know the truth by translating and searching in the local language.

2 years ago

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They are beyond salvation or just paid. I don't know if you noticed but this ...person ... already brought up some ancient political parties of nationalistic leanings to paint some picture of my country being nazi I suppose.. Seems in their style - political party which had 5 out of 100 parliament seats ? Ruled by nazis obviously.

They will try to catch on every little detail to try to push their narrative. Leave other relevant details out, but I suppose for propaganda reasons it doesn't matter. Enough of supporters will just gobble it up anyway without analysis.

2 years ago*

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whatever wrongs Ukraine does or does not do, the wrongs in Russia and done by Russia are much worse.
And to be fair not one country is without faults.
But with Russia certainly under the dictator Putin I am done.

2 years ago

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Message of Slovakian president to Russian soldiers:

2 years ago

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Powerful. Though it won't reach the minds of the orcs, sadly. Especially ones that have tasted the absolute freedom to do evil without consequences.

2 years ago

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Probably they don't read Twitter too often

2 years ago

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Meanwhile many Russians continue to not understand why the world doesn't like them at the moment.

2 years ago

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an current overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmA14mRdjL4
from Good Times Bad Times
War. Day 60. Special Report

2 years ago

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Ahh you beat me to it.
Great channel and great video of them as always.

2 years ago

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2 hr 49 min ago
US has credible information that Russian military executed Ukrainians who attempted to surrender, official says

The rest of the lengthy article was a list of several examples of the terrible stories that came out of each international organization's survey.
The story that if we surrender, we will all be killed has been told from time to time in wars, but it would be outrageous if it were true in today's society.

1 hr 1 min ago
Video shows explosion near TV tower in Russian-occupied Kherson

🗼Destroying the TV towers will force people to swallow the "good information" of one side or the other.😫
Fortunately, the BBC has been broadcasting on shortwave since early March, so the problem of confusion caused by false rumors is less likely to occur as it was in the early days of the war.

Millions of Russians turn to BBC News - Media Centre

Be suspicious of people who interfere with obtaining information during emergencies.
They may be thinking of manipulating you.👀📡  📻

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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We do,
You can spout all your nonsense here without having to fear a 10 -15 year ban for expressing "the wrong opinion" if you haven't noticed yet.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The problem is that some people here want to spout their nonsense which they can but then they can't handle it when someone comes around and challenges that position.

And instead of providing counter arguments they shift the topic and provide nothing of substance.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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There are people who perceive that they themselves are spouting propaganda, but they keep doing it.
It is difficult to perceive their reasons. Maybe they are nuts, or morons, or perverts, or they are paid.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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so that's why ruSSia is using the rush B tactic and getting their asses handed over?

2 years ago

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So it looks like they captured the guy asking his wife for permission to rape. (the audio floats somewhere on Youtube as well of that class act couple)

2 years ago

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boring... better find something like that -
"A Ukrainian blogger made a horrifying video of how he tasted the remains of one of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine"

2 years ago*

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Quick question,
How the heck are you the sperm that won?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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some anons identified the tank (with remains). it was a t64.
russians dont use t64 tanks in ukraine..... sooooo. yahh it was....not russian soldier :D

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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well, russians use T-64:

and it's not cannibalism, if he's eating russian orcZ meat

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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didn't they got russian passports?
now they're Ukrainians again, you bend the truth how it suits

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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look at
110 T-64BV: (23, destroyed)
same place....

look at alternative photo (scroll down) -

tank was staying in ambush mode (house hiding him), his view was on a road. ambush at 99% is a defensive tactic.
who in defence? right. ukraine.

2 years ago

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so what, i said russia is using T-64, your post isn't even doubting that, what's your point?

2 years ago

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That's ridiculous dumb, even by your standards. Just because Ukraine is strategically on the defense doesn't mean that no Russian tank is ever taking a tactically defensive position.
And your claim that Russia uses no T-64s has been proven wrong.

If you are trying to achieve zero credibility, you pretty much already succeeded a long time ago. You don't have to push for further confirmation.

2 years ago

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Russia does not use the T-64 and their modifications. This tank was developed in KB KHZTM and was manufactured at the Kharkov plant. But if this product is captured in normal condition, then it will be used. But these tanks were removed from combat duty from 1992 onwards. Then there were more T-72s and their modifications put into service due to the fact that this is already a tank from Nizhny Tagil. If you have your own production plant, then foreign tanks will be used only if they are not made from the word at all, and in this case, the T-64 produced by Ukraine will be a foreign tank for the Russian Federation.

2 years ago

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first you say, russia isn't using the T-64, then you say, russia is using the T-64, if captured, so at the end of the day russia is using the T-64, even the pictures on the above mentioned site shows T-64 with the infamous Z

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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why are you replying to a reply i made to cement and not you?

so you're saying separatists also using the infamous Z?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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that doesn't answers my question, you peeps seem highly confused lately, side effects from brainwashing?

and how you define west, rest of the world?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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i read your reply, which wasn't an answer to my question, do i have to repeat my question, are you that confused?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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i just ask questions about topics brought up in our discussion and which i don't understand, but if you don't prefer to answer it, that's your right, but leaves the impression, that you're just venting hot air, without any substantial arguments behind

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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you didn't just answered my questions; period.
There was no ignoring or other insinuations.

yeah, maybe i'm trolling a bit, but that has nothing to do with asking questions, which i'm interested in to read an answer to

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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ever seen a military operation, which wasn't a war?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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yes, there is enough footage on the internet from real wars
also you translate seen too literally, i mean seen as knew

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 142 aircraft, 111 helicopters, 634 unmanned aerial vehicles, 278 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,638 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 304 multiple rocket launchers, 1,175 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,467 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.. These are the data provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. 30.04.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1f6quQGYWc&t=125s
The LPR and the DPR can use the T-64, but at the same time they are not the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
The full answer will be this to the question of using the T-64.
The T-64 captured in good condition, which previously belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, will be used against these very Armed Forces of Ukraine. Damaged, then it was restored if necessary and possible, then those who restored it began to use it.
At the same time, it is possible to issue a destroyed T-64 for a destroyed tank belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. No proof is required, just a photo is enough.

2 years ago

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to sum it up, there is no proof he has eaten a human, an orc or some other kind of animal, thanks for your attention

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

2 years ago*

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you better should have replied to G00ba

Edit: nvm, just saw he's suspended

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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no problem mate

2 years ago

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Closed 11 months ago by cg.