• Automatically remove people from giveaways for a specific game if they happen to win a copy and are already enrolled in other giveaways for the same title. This helps enforce one of the sites few rules. This is cleary a problem.

  • Related to #1, disable signing up for giveaways of titles people already have on their steam profile. Why is this not done already? It's a rule, and with steam profile info being publicly available, why is this not built-in to enforce said rules?

  • For the love of god please add searching and sorting options.

    • Searching would be great for finding all the giveaways of a specific game. It is so tedious to go through page after page just to use my points on all the Terraria giveaways I can find.

    • Sorting would be helpful on my giveaway management page. I hate that they are sorted by when I entered a giveaway. When would I ever need to reference giveaways in this way? As a default, when the giveaway ends would be so much more useful to me. But honestly, why can't I just click the column titles to sort in ascending/descending order? Heck, this is even built into SQL when you query the DB.

  • Please add a button on the list of giveaways for entering a giveaway. I'm not sure if this is in place to try and force people to view the giveaway page in hopes they will comment more. Either way, I feel it would be a much better decision to just be able to enter the giveaways quickly and simply.

Anyway, those are just a few ideas I had after hanging around this site for about a week. If any admins want to shoot me an e-mail about help with working on the site to implement any of this stuff (in the case it is a time/staff issue) feel free. Otherwise I hope to see some of these changes, or hear reasons for why they are not being added.

1 decade ago*

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I really want it to be strictly prohibited to make your steam profile again private once you register. If you want to participate, take one for the team and let rules like 1&2 be implemented. These are all good suggestions but, they have all been brought up/discussed already. Anyway, you summed up the most important in my opinion to make the site more user-friendly.

About the management page, where it says "All" after you click Entries, you can put "Open", that way you have the ones you enter on the top of the list.

1 decade ago

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Ah, never noticed the drop down on the management page. It's not very good usability design, as most people are conditioned to clicking on form column titles to sort. At least, people used to using computers like myself. Thanks for the heads up though.

Also, right now due to the non-enforcing of rules 1&2 by the site, viewing someone's steam profile is a must if you want to catch offenders. However, adding these features would allow that privacy issue to be addressed.

If they have been discussed previously, I'd really like there to be a sticky or some sort of dev blog for the site where I can see if they are being considered/worked on. As I said, I am willing to volunteer my time to help make the site better for everyone.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I hope it does get implemented. And since you seem to have good ideas, I'd be happy knowing that you would help develop them too, who knows.

1 decade ago

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even without requiring public profiles 1 could be implemented by looking at the games won tab that the site has built in

1 decade ago

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please, improve the "new" tab.
it's showing open, closed, and coming subs. make an option to just show open, coming, or both.

1 decade ago

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I hadn't noticed this myself, but that does seem like an issue.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ItzMattu.