Game bought by stolen card is the asnwer... steam ToS fails in gifts.
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Beale, thanks for the info. Yes I did activate a DiRT 3 code, but it would be kind of stupid to ban people for that. I mean, those hackers won't use all those keys by themselves, they'll sell 'em to people who have no idea for a lower price. And those people's accounts will get suspended. Sense?
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in order to jack your account they need a picture of a retail box cd key with signature and steam support number handwritten next to it. I highly doubt it was that. Unless it was actually a retail copy. You would likely just loose the dirt3 game if that was the game in question.
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Grommit, yeah I've created a ticket, but if you had any experience with Steam support then you know how long it takes for them to respond. Anyway, my guess is that a chargeback for the purchase took place, and since I am the final owner of the gift - I suffer.
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To be honest - when I see people giving 10 copies of Dirt 3 away, then I can't believe that they are legit.
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Keys should be banned from the site and only legit steam-gifts from the inventory accepted. That would be the hard, but safe way.
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Maybe, but then how do I get rid of my spare Dirt 3 CD key :(
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There is still a possibility to buy them with fake or stolen creditcard details and give them away ...
If everyone invited only trustworthy friends it would have been kinda safe ... but those invites spread out to far if you ask me.
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Yes, unfortunately this has been argued again and again, but since even if the rule was in place the enforcement of it would be very spotty it's kind of pointless.
And the number of complaints versus the number of keys has been surprisingly low so I've even given up and started entering the key giveaways :)
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To be honest, there is nothing to worry about if this happened due to the chargeback. You just post the link to the giveaway where your profile is linked and you get unblocked. But I don't know the true reason in my case. Even though I don't see any other, the Steam Trade rules say that I shouldn't be punished. Yet, the Trading is still in beta, therefore not all Steam Support Staff may be acknowledged with the new rules.
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What do you mean by "maybe the Metro 2033 Steam deal I caught is the reason. Or the Borderlands GOTY deal?" How could getting a deal get you banned? Or do you mean you got keys for those games somehow?
In Steam's description of the new trading feature, they addressed the issue of what happens if a stolen card was used to purchase the game. They said the person who bought the game, and not the one who activates it, would be banned. You would still lose the game though.
I'm curious to see what happens. If this becomes common, using this site could be dangerous :(
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Point Steam to their own info. I don't see how they can post that, and then ban you.
"What if a gift I received in a trade was purchased with a stolen credit card?
In the event of this type of fraud the trade will be reversed and the offending account, not the receiving account, will be locked."
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The steam account of the person who made the giveaway for just cause does not look to be banned. It's currently online, where your account is not. So I don't think that is the reason. Per the old steam rules about gifting games with bad credit cards or what have you, both accounts would be effected. And only your account was. So I think this is probably something else entirely.
There have been mentions of Dirt 3. Not sure why, that's not what the giveaway you linked was for. But if you did redeem a copy of that game, odds are good it wasn't legit, and that's what you were banned for.
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I can hardly agree. I had DiRT 3 activated for a considerable amount of time, minimum two weeks - probably more. While my account got suspended the next day I have received the gift. A bit strange, yet I cannot exclude your theory completely.
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Not necessarily all of them are legit.
If the code was one that happened to be posted somewhere like this, and/or was reported to steam as a stolen code, it would get your account banned. Even if it has been a while since redeemed. At least that would be my understanding.
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Besides I use Webmoney as a method of payment, and there is no such thing as "chargeback of Webmoney cash", since no banks are involved in this system. The only and single time I have used a credit card to make purchases in Steam dates back to April 2009, when the Webmoney wasn't available as a payment method in Steam. I can hardly imagine that a chargeback could have occured after two and a half years, for God knows what reason. If that is the case, I think I'm gonna laugh.
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This is quite worrying.
I have just joined up, but does this happen often with the giveaway's, or is it just the odd game?
I certainlly wouldn't want to risk my account being banned having 250+ game's on there
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Try contacting the Steam Support; They will either help you or give you a clear answer on the situation.
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Steam probably doesn't care what his profile says for location, you can't put anything. Their likely looking at IP address to determine location.
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From what I have read in this thread, I think Steam just made a mistake. If there was something wrong with the JC2 payment, the gifters account would have been suspended. Probably this has nothing to do with steamgifts.
But keep us posted when you get any news!
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I've googled a lot on the topic. There are a billion threads, with most of them dead without a final post from the OP, or a post in a "wow got unbanned" fashion with no further explanations. So, at this point, I can't judge if Steam employees make this kind of mistakes often or they don't, and there indeed is a reason.
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They do. I had my account suspended about 6 months ago, contacted them... they had no idea why it was suspended, and couldn't give me any explanation. They re-enabled it.
A few months after that they suspended it again, contacted them again and this time it was suspended because I accessed it from a different IP address and location that was about an hour away from my normal location.
I'd been that doing that on a regular basis ever since I created the account however, and still do. So I have no idea why it suddenly seemed abnormal.
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So, yesterday I won a gift here. Here is the link:
I have received it via Steam trading and unpacked. Everything went fine. Until today morning.
When I tried to login into my account, it said that my acccount is suspended. Oh well, and the e-mail is empty of course. Sure thing I knew the risk I'm taking by default when just registering here.
For now, I'm not accusing anybody. But, when I come to think that I have never violated Steam's ToS, and the gift receiving was my last transaction...
Well, maybe the Metro 2033 Steam deal I caught is the reason. Or the Borderlands GOTY deal. Who knows?
I'll keep in touch with this thread. As of now - beware.
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