Thanks to everyone that signed up for the beta and for all the feedback that we received! The beta is now closed, although it'll likely be returning in a couple of weeks.

Hey everyone, we're planning to do an open beta for the upcoming SGv2 during the weekend of the 30th. This will give everyone a chance to view the revised site, along with the changes we've been developing. During this time we're hoping to get some feedback and insights from the community. The open beta will simply last for a few days, and then we'll gauge the response from the community and see what remaining changes need to be completed, or if the site is ready to launch during the month of June. A few notes...

  1. All content on the beta site will be removed prior to launch, and you should assume all giveaways are fake, and created for the sole purpose of testing.
  2. The same rules from SG apply, so please avoid posting spam, referrals, or any inappropriate comments.
  3. You can leave feedback on the beta site, but you won't be able to access it after the beta closes. Therefore, you might want to post feedback here on the SG forums. If so, please keep all the feedback in this particular topic.

I'll be updating this topic throughout the week to talk about some of the new features we'll be introducing on the beta site! If you have any questions about the posted features, you're welcome to comment here and I'll try to answer them. Let's start with one below.

Whitelist / Multiple Steam Group Giveaways

The new site has some improvements when it comes to controlling who can enter your giveaways. First off, you can create a giveaway for multiple Steam groups. It's fairly straightforward, you're presented with a list of your Steam groups, and you can select any number of them. Users can enter if they're a member of any group you select.

There's also another addition, called whitelists. You can click a button on user profiles, and add that person to your whitelist. When creating a giveaway, you can select your whitelist in the same way that you select a Steam group. For example, I could create a giveaway for the S.Gifts and S.Trades groups, and also my whitelist. Now, my giveaway is running and I discover John Doe seems like an upstanding member of the community, although he's not a member of my Steam groups. In a simple click, I can add John Doe to my whitelist, and he'll now see my whitelist enabled giveaways on his homepage.

You might be wondering what happens if John Doe enters my giveaway, and I then decide to remove him from my whitelist. In that case, his entry remains valid, since he entered at a time when I gave him permission, and I can't simply invalidate or remove his entry at will.


I'll mention this now, since a number of users were asking about it in the comments. This feature is available on the new site, and you can add anyone to this list by clicking a button on their profile. Once added, they can no longer open or enter your giveaways, and your giveaways are removed from their homepage. If they have an existing entry in one of your giveaways, it's valid, and you can't use the blacklist to remove their entry.

Key Giveaways

The new site offers the ability to incorporate Steam keys into your giveaways. When creating a giveaway you have the option of pasting in a key list, with keys separated by new lines. The only limit is based on your feedback score. If you have 50 available giveaway slots, you can create a giveaway for 50 copies.

For giveaways below 100 copies, the keys will remain hidden to the winners until you check the sent box. This gives you an opportunity to review the winners before the key is visible to them. You can also add/edit/delete keys for the winner of any giveaway after it's closed. For convenience, giveaways for 100 copies or greater will automatically make the keys visible to the winners by default.

Keys can also be Steam redeemable URLs, or Humble Bundle gift URLs. The winners will see a link instead of a key to redeem their gift.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

1 decade ago*

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WOHO ! Looks cool, thanks for open weekend.

1 decade ago

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Well I've tested the site a decent amount now, and I really love it. I think I prefer the overall look of SG1 though, but that's just me.
The main suggestion I'd make is to place the amount of copies being given away after the name of the game, as a pose to before. It's easier to scroll through really quickly and find the games that interest you that way. Apart from that, love the site! :)

1 decade ago

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Looks great :D

1 decade ago

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Huge improvement over the current code, congrats.

1 decade ago

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Needs support for IE...just sayin.

Well may be outdated but i like using IE9

1 decade ago

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So i like most of the look but i think all the yellow background text should be use green as it feels better and yellow is kinda hard to see. I like the new options like wishlist and group, but why is Rin's giveaway of Citybus Simulator Munich always on every list. The profile pages looks ugly to me with that ....maroon red? a brighter color would be nice.

1 decade ago

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Will you be implementing to check whos whitelist or blacklist we are on?

1 decade ago

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D: messages wont go away after i read them

1 decade ago

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you need to click big green "Mark as read" on the left :>

1 decade ago

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You have to specify what version of IE. It works perfectly for me in IE11.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think the giveaway list would look better if the borders on the time left and time created boxes were less obvious.

1 decade ago

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i really don't understand the idea of the whitelist .. my English failed me

1 decade ago

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When you make a whitelist giveaway, it can only be seen and entered by people on your whitelist

1 decade ago

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Think of it like a special friend list, without going to the trouble of adding people to a group. It should be especially useful for the little contests and whatnot that people run in the forums. The quest giver could just flag the individuals to enter, instead of making a group.

1 decade ago

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thanks both for the info
you made me understand it
thanks !

1 decade ago

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These are all great improvements.

Edit: Anyone else have a notification for messages that will not go away?

1 decade ago

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You need to press the "Mark as read" button, on the left, for them to disappear.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The background color of the giveaways should be change to white on gray to create a little contrast, because gray on gray really makes eyes ache ;)

1 decade ago

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The background depends on the giveaway cover, actually. Unless that changed recently. Same for profiles (that's why you'll see various colours).

1 decade ago

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No, I meant this. The current site has a small strip of white in the middle, it helps adding some contrast. The v2 lost this and thus makes the front page all grayish and indistinguishable.

1 decade ago

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404, not found :(

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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site looks great, but points are maxed at 250. make it 300 like V1.

1 decade ago

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Change colors scheme to the same as in v1.

1 decade ago

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  • messages overview: maybe highlighting every 2nd comment for better assignment
  • new messages: auto "mark as read" function?
1 decade ago

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suena bien, ay que probarlo

1 decade ago

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Site looks nice, one suggestion I could make is a button/link under each giveway on the main page and/or in the giveaway itself, that allows you to automatically add it to the added games filter. This way we don't have to copy and paste it ourselves. It would just make things simpler instead of having to open preferences every time. This is a feature I like in Steamgifts Plus. Maybe put it under the image or right after "Comments"

On the main page it keeps flipping though Goat Simulator and another game, even just hitting refresh will not get them to switch. Is there anyway to either just get these below each other, or add in some sort of button/link for it to switch to the next one. When there is a dev like giveaway on SG V1 I like that one is below the other.

Thats all I can think of at the moment

1 decade ago

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If i could turn off comment notifications for giveaways, i'd be so happy. getting a notification everytime someone says "thanks" is gonna get annoying quick.

1 decade ago

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Oh, man. The new browsing / filtering feature is grand, and the submit button has considerably less lag than the current design.

A few points of feedback on the UI:

  • The little triangle pointing to the right is usually used to indicate an expanding list affordance. You may want to change the indicator next to your browse/giveaway filters to something like a solid circle or an arrow... or just indent/invert the selection.

  • The physical distance between the available point balance and the point cost of entry is VERY large. You may want to consider either moving the values closer to each other or duplicating the available point balance right above the entry button in order to support the end-user's decision process.

  • The "home" return logo in the upper left is very small compared to the overall page design, which may cause difficulty for some users and/or some hardware configurations. You may want to consider enlarging the logo to decrease the dexterity requirement for end-users.

Overall, I think the new design looks like a big step in a positive direction. Keep up the good work!

1 decade ago

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It's morning here, but site says "Good evening." XD

1 decade ago

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Check your timezone here. If it's wrong you might need to change the timezone in your computer or browser.

1 decade ago

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Oh, nice. :D

1 decade ago

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earn Cs: Go Well, supposedly it says .... first time he won something, and is only a test .... that disappointment ...

1 decade ago

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So ugh what happens if I use a different name on the beta site?

1 decade ago

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If you blacklist someone, can you still view, see and enter their giveaways?

1 decade ago

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Read the big section of the OP labeled "Blacklist"

1 decade ago

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Hitting the front page immediately requires you to login through Steam, with no indication of what the site is. Is it going to work like that in the final version as well or is it going to have a front page like

I know it's safe since logging in doesn't allow the site access to anything that wasn't public anyway, but you'd understand how normally people wouldn't just log in to any site without even knowing what it is.

1 decade ago

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Obviously SG+ won't work on the new site (yet?) Have you considered integrating any features of that into the main site? In particular, I'm sorely missing the compact layout of SG+ with only the game logos and not the full information. I suppose that a new SG+ will appear soon enough, but still.

1 decade ago

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Sorry for the many replies, I'd figure I'd separate the issues.

Some things are just obscure -- like the little gear next to the giveaway category header that leads to Account > Settings > Giveaways, which is not accessible from the menu, AFAICT (the "account" dropdown has no "settings"). This is especially illogical considering that Account > Settings > Giveaways is apparently a hierarchy, but the hierarchy isn't accessible anywhere ( redirects to the FP). I guess this might be an unfinished area?

1 decade ago

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The icons at the top right (giveaways created/won/messages) are so dark on my screen as to be nearly invisible. Admittedly my screen's brightness is not the best, and they light up when there's something interesting, but even so they could be a little less black on very dark grey.

Speaking of which, the site's color scheme looks a little messy. From the left, top to bottom, you have a very dark gray, chocolate, light gray, then blue as the background, with font colors to match. It looks a little busy, especially compared the the old site. A dash of color is good for highlighting, but the new layout uses so much color that too much stands out. Aside from that, it's quite busy just in number of screen elements that are present -- there are buttons, links and icons everywhere, you almost don't know where to look.

1 decade ago

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The headers are not headery enough, IMO. The only thing distinguishing them from the rest is that they're boxes with a white background. But the site is replete with boxes with light backgrounds, so that doesn't really draw the eye -- the old site overused different colors in the headers, but at least you could see they're headers.

Also, there's one and only one header that you can interact with by clicking on it (the one that cycles through GA types) but there's no indication that you can do this. I'd say give it a little dropdown arrow instead.

Correction: that header is clickable, but it doesn't cycle through GA types, it always goes to "Giveaways > All" (implicitly refreshing the list). Confusing, but since you don't need to interact with it at all, there's no need for an arrow either. (Selecting between GA types is done with the items on the left.)

1 decade ago

Comment has been collapsed. is a weird page that uses a running total for your account value. The intermediate sums are pointless, I have to scroll all the way down to get my value. I'm not sure duplicating the functions of sites like is worth it in general, since I strongly suspect these features will be the first to get disabled when the site's under load, but hey, it's your party (of course you do get questions like "why does the site say my account total is $2422.25 while SteamDB puts it at $2207.35, but that happens with all sites).

1 decade ago

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Hovering over a time indication (like "9 months ago") now gives you the exact time. This is one my favorite little things the new site has added, since things like anniversaries are impossible to track otherwise. But even that exact time indication seems to use slightly relative logic since it involves your local time zone and always seems to be using 12 hour notation (AM/PM). I'm a computer geek, and it may be too geeky for the site, but considering that it has an option for setting your time zone from the browser, maybe offer a universal time option? I know exactly what time "2014-01-10 14:34Z" was, and how to turn it into any other time, more so than "January 10, 2014, 2:34pm" (or whatever it becomes in your local time zone). At the very least a 12/24 hour option, since I don't think the browser supplies that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm already very happy with the fact that the site gives out absolute time at all.

1 decade ago

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Finally (for now) -- does "good <daypart> <username>" deserve any prominence at all? Does it need to be plastered over the top GA? I know what time it is and who I am, no need to make a header out of it that draws the eye every time... Compare this to a site like, which just has "hello, <firstname>" above the "Your Account" dropdown, which is unobtrusive and still gives a personal touch. Just because there's a gap to fill doesn't necessarily mean you should fill it. Maybe it shouldn't be a gap in the first place. :-)

1 decade ago

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It won't be like that, it's just for the open beta (actually it wasn't like that when I registered). If someone doesn't know what the site is then that means they probably didn't visit it from this thread :P

1 decade ago

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Site does not load for me.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Cool! Wanted to check it out, but the page just stays loading for me :( will try again tomorrow.

Edit: After some time loading I got this error: you guys should add some error handling to show a more friendly error page :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.