Been playing Borderlands 2 with friends. Game is well received, quite fun and has been out for a long time. So, out of curiosity, to those people who have yet not played it. What is the reason?

8 years ago

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I have played it

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I have played it like an hour or so, I tried first the first one and then the second one, I always heard how an amazing game it is etc. to be honest I was quite disappointed. Is an ok game, but thats it ... just ok. Though still I want to beat it once, since it was a gift from an old friend and it would be kinda insulting in my mind if I did not do that.

8 years ago

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For people who haven't played BL1: It's not necessary. I barely played BL1 AFTER finishing the second like three times, and it didn't matter at all. BL2 is perfectly understandable without info from the first, it was a lot of fun :)

8 years ago

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Old pc and dont have friends to play together

I play Borderlands 1 GOTY before but same , No teammate at same LEVEL

8 years ago

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It is the single most played game in my entire Steam library. I have 499 hours in it... To get a perspective, my second most played game is Torchlight 2 and in it I only "only" have 119 hours :-p That's how fun it is. Why pwople wouldn't play it is beyond me.

8 years ago

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Haven't played the first one and I have no friends (which I heard is a must to get the most out of the game) ....

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8 years ago

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That's a bummer. Co-op games are my most favorite ones. Even otherwise boring or slightly bad games can become interesting with good company.

8 years ago

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Because I don't have money enough to purchase it. However I have Borderlands. I heard its worst but I enjoyed it a lot. I have it since came out, outside of steam!

8 years ago

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I've been consistently broke so until I win it or things change it's not gonna happen.

8 years ago

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because no money to buy it:D

8 years ago

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This is my top-ranked playtime game, and doesn't reflect the time spent because I first did 500+ hours of it on the PS3.

I even continued with my original characters. I found a save file migration tool to preserve all those hours in PS3 format and turned them into PC saves, which is why my Steam achievements are wonky. Many popped the moment I loaded my old characters in for the first time.

I've played all the base characters to level 72 except Salvador who is around level 66. Also was working substantially on Gaige and Kreig before I got distracted by other titles.

Played all the DLCs other than two of the small holiday ones. Loved Assault on Dragon Keep!!

8 years ago

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The most obvious answers from the majority of people would be: "Don't have money."; "No sale at the moment, saving it though." or "No giveaway at the moment or haven't won it yet.".

For me, was in the same situation, but got it last year as a successful TF2 key trade. The game? It's great!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I own it snd I wanna play it but my Internet connection is so bad and I don't wanna spend hours waiting for it to doenload, so yeah.. one day!

8 years ago

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Playing alone sucks so i don't play.

8 years ago

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Hmmm. I played one and loved it.
I have 2, it is fun, but the classes, i dont really like them. I havent finished it, i still have it installed.
I also have the pre sequel. Installed it. Played as the claptrap, almost chocked in laugh when i activated the special the first time. Havent played it since.

Im a weird case, have like 700 games and i barely play.

8 years ago

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Too much stuff is too much. I have found it hard to focus on any single item once the options become too many.

8 years ago

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I don't think I'll play borderlands 2 after I was dissapointed with borderlands 1. The quests in the first one are a huge grindfest and from what I've heard it's the same in the second game.

8 years ago

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I haven't beaten Borderlands 1 yet. :P

8 years ago

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Because my friends are literally doing every single thing to do in Borderlands 1 and don't know how to do a storyline quest for the life of them.


8 years ago

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I have and I enjoy borederlands but its pretty boring without a coop partner

8 years ago

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I have it I just have not found the time to play it. Actually, I need to play the first Borderlands before I play the second.

8 years ago

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Bought a 4 pack for Borderlands 1 during a sale a few years back and I must say that it was fun. Haven't bought Borderlands 2 yet though.

Didn't have the time and also, too many games in backlog! :P

8 years ago

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The grind has started.

8 years ago

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Only have 1 :(

8 years ago

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I have played the game, and it is rather boring and in general not very fun. I have played it with other players, and some seem to like the sense of humour. I am not such a person. Generally I would say it is a midling title, not a quality one. It presents itself with personality instead of with depth.

8 years ago

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I agree with your last statement. I personally do not consider the story nor the writing to be that interesting. Most of the speeches will be missed because I am focused on on-going combat. I play it for co-op loot simulator and for that it does its job well enough. Not a spectacular title but entertaining enough. Merely a medium where friends can hang and have fun together.

8 years ago

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I'm bad at it - was trying to beat it but kept running out of ammo on the second mission - not sure why

8 years ago

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you can't aim ? i al always above 1 k ammo lol

8 years ago

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idk man, im fine with other shooters (as in ghost recon/payday, don't play much of csgo) - maybe at the time i was having a bad day or something lol

8 years ago

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Gotta aim for crit spots to get way higher dmg output per bullet.

8 years ago

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I have been playing it with my brother, and we both fell that something is missing

8 years ago

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I've got over 567 hours in the game and am only partway through my second character. I had well over 350 hours just with one character. I have a blast taking on The Warrior on my own. I leveled up my friends one weekend, I told them to wait behind the barrier, a minute or 2 later I called them out to get the loot. :D We did this like 10 or 11 times right in a row to get them up to higher levels.

I haven't done many raid bosses other then The Warrior. I just find him so fun to take on for some reason. Course I do like dragons a lot. heh

8 years ago

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