LOL my friend helped code some menus on one of the games and he said that a lot of the team that released the bundle really hate that SteamGift users exploited them, as 77% of the bundles given away were purchased for less than a dollar and 24% were purchased for a penny!!!

Just saying!

P.s. ownt?

1 decade ago*

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Well they shouldn't have made it "pay what you want" then.

1 decade ago

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Are you honestly saying that because it is possible to buy it for one cent, that it's perfectly fine to do so? You don't see anything selfish or unethical about doing it when you can afford to pay more?

1 decade ago

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If I could buy it I'd pay more, but yes, I think it's perfectly fine to do so. Yes, it's selfish and unethical, I just don't see the evil in being selfish and unethical. However, I meant that they shouldn't hate someone for doing something that THEY allowed to do.

1 decade ago

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I guess I'm just old fashioned in thinking that selfishness and lack of ethics should be socially unacceptable qualities. Just because you -can- do something, doesn't mean you should, and the fact that it was possible has no bearing on it. It's like saying it's okay to pirate games from GOG because they don't use DRM.

1 decade ago

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First of all, bad choice of an example. Piracy is against the law as far as I know, simply being a greedy bastard isn't.
Secondly, no, you're not old fashioned, it's just that I'm too cynical and rational inside. Oh, and just because I can do something, doesn't mean I should, but it means I -can-.

1 decade ago

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I think it is a bad habit to get them for a penny just to give them away here en mass. If you can't afford more for one for yourself - fine by me. But please don't exploit this, or we wont see it again maybe.

I think SG should ban HumbleBundles at all. It is for charity, not for greedy people.

I am also pissed off by people selling it at ebay for profit.

1 decade ago

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In my opinion all the games available on the Bundle should be banned from Steamgifts. Frozen Synapse and Frozenbyte Bundle were removed but I saw Trauma, Trine and Braid somewhere.

1 decade ago

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Well you can buy the games individually on steam. And give them away as such. If you've purchased the bundle, you can't give away the games individually.

Also, you're comparing old bundles to new bundles. They only remove the bundles as they are currently active, not afterwards.

1 decade ago

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I'm sorry to break it for you, but the people buying those HIBs to put them on the site are only a fraction of all those "1 penny" purchases. People have been piling HIBs for trade purposes since the first one, when SteamGifts didnt even exist.

And if they didnt want people to get them for 1 cent, they could have put a minimun of 1$, to at least cover the transaction expenses.

1 decade ago

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I know this one guy who told me all statistics are made up on the spot.

1 decade ago

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which statistics are you referring to? the ones on the humble site?

1 decade ago

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The joke.

Your head.

1 decade ago

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El Oh El

1 decade ago

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77% of bundles were purchased for less than a dollar

24% of bundles were purchased for a penny

So 101% of the bundles given away here are exploited? Doubt so, there's always people who buy them legit then give them away. You made this up.

That, or your so called "friend" Failed at his math homework, because there's no way to track which keys were given away on the website and how much each one of them costed.

1 decade ago

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lol dude, the 24% was included in the 77%. let's say 100 people buying the bundles, 77 paid for less than a dollar, and 24 paid for only a penny, well a penny is less than a dollar

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty sure he meant that 77% of the bundles given away costed more than 1 cent but less than a dollar, and the remaining bundles (23%) only costed 1 cent, thus totalizing a 100% rate of cheap people, when this is not the case, because he made this up.

1 decade ago

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"77% of the bundles given away were purchased for less than a dollar".

1cent < 1 dollar

24% is part of the 77%.

23% paid more then 1 dollar.

1 decade ago

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I'm following what he wrote. I know how to do math.

1 decade ago

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I don't know why SG would be singled out, as we take every precaution to help the developers. Exploited keys? We report them to the developers. Piracy? Same thing. HB being sold? We don't allow it to be submitted. Either you're making things up, or your friend is misguided on what occurs on the site. If he has questions, tell him he is free to email me @, and I'll straighten it out.

1 decade ago

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It's the steam key that makes HIB valuable for trading.

1 decade ago

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Yes.... especilally if you got it for 1 cent sarcastic.jpg

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by spicymeat.