Do we still have ways to go?
Alrdy gave Faboitas his bdaycake
so Here is your cake to celebrate [eventhough its not ur bday lol] @ KonOkami
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Inb4 Mount Your Friends giveaway.
Also, great thread for a great cause!
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I'm glad you did this Kon, and I'll share an article about same-sex relationships in the Medieval Period, particularly between men of rank.
"Despite the risks, devotional relationships between men were common in Europe [during the Middle Ages], at least among the literate, and many of these affairs must have included sex at some point. Knights, aristocrats, and especially clerics left expansive evidence of their intense passions for male lovers, relationships that often ended in side-by-side burials. A letter from a respected monk–scholar in Charlemagne’s court named Alcuin (circa 735–804) to a beloved bishop shows how thick those relations sometimes became:"
Also, anyone who answered "minorities should leave us alone", please go die in a fire.
-Straight male ally.
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Did not know it was today. Thanks for the heads up!
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Is there a chance you do not happen to know this game. It's sitting on my wishlist for ages and I'm waiting for a decent discount (or maybe even a bundle cough), but the lowest I've seen it is 33% off.
Thanks for courageously admitting your sexual orientation. Especially on a site like this with lots of kiddos and weird/unfriendly people on it (someone seen this KKK group recruitment thread recently....??). I was very much into the whole LGBT+ movement earlier in life, when I was dating people from both genders. It slowed down a little as I got older and my interest in other women mysteriously decreased (I didn't say vanished ;D).
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Of course I know of that! It's been sitting in my wishlist as well ever since Yeliena made a GA with it a few months ago :P
However it looked overly comical for today, maybe another time :P
As for how people react to something like that it's their problem, not mine. If one is fine with who he/she is then I don't think anything anyone can say can have much of an impact.(and what group recruitment? o.o)
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I was trying to find that stupid recruitment thread for the last half hour now, but I wasn't lucky. Not so important anyway, was some dude thinking it would be "funny" to make a Ku Klux Klan themed group and promising free giveaways for new members. I found it pretty offensive, mindless and overall unacceptable.
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First time I hear of that Ku Klux Klan thing and as such I'm sorry but I don't get it the offending part. From the little I read in wiki it's a movement against racism of various forms?What's wrong about making a group inspired of a notion like that? o.o
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Huh? What kind of Wiki were you reading? Quite the opposite is the case! The Ku Klux Klan is/was a movement in the United States that is/was strongly emphazising racism up to a point were they were hunting and killing black people in self justice. This picture gives a good impression of their spirit:
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Yep! I think the best part, from an equality point of view, is how natural it all feels in the games. Where most games (and movies) makes a big point out of someone being homosexual, in the recent Bioware games, it's just there, the homo- or bisexual people might be homo- or bisexual, but it's not their "defining" personality trait.
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Aw man, I don't know how I didn't know about today. :( Also sad to see people telling us to shut up, but I guess I really shouldn't expect any different just because this has been a rather friendly place otherwise. :/
Anyway, annoying lesbian always shouting about rights bumping for a good cause (and because I can't really think of other games to even recommend). :p
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I'm just happy it stayed as low as it has. Assuming some of those are just trolls it's not that surprising to me. I was shocked a few years ago when I saw how right wing extremist parties were gaining popularity so I'm pretty numb to it now, disheartening as it is. What worries me more is this though:
I think we're already where we should be
I can understand hate, but I can't understand ignorance
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that might depend on where these people live. if in your country you already have marriage equality, full adoption rights and inclusive anti-discrimination laws... what else would you vote?
sadly, while the situation is waayy better here, we still have some way to go w/r/t to the legal site of things... not to mention acceptance and respect in society itself. and it is worse by a mile for transpeople than lesbians and gays.
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I wasn't aware there have been inclusive anti-discrimination laws yet o.o
But even in the most "advanced" countries where the law has caught up with the times, society still lags behind. I personally don't believe in some safe "haven" where homophobia and discrimination doesn't exist at all just yet. Not that there aren't places were the situation is good but I don't think anywhere's yet "perfect". But I guess that if you just look at it from a legal PoV it's acceptable.
And yeah there's waaaaaaay more hate and ignorance about trans people even to this day. One of my friends is a trans woman and the reactions she gets are just infuriating.
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True, there are going to people who do it just to try and get a reaction out of others, but even here (Massachusetts, US) where a lot of strides towards equality have been made, there are still plenty of people who really do feel that way (that's actually tame, honestly).
And I agree with that second part too - just because it's legal for me to get married here doesn't mean I'm treated equally. Just because a law supposedly protects you doesn't mean people suddenly don't want to drag you into an alley and bash your head in (check out what this guy wants put on a ballot - in particular: "Seeing that it is better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God's just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating-wickedness in our midst, the People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.")... though for the most part it's mostly just slurs and harassment.
...I hate saying "just slurs and harassment" as if it's somehow acceptable, but it's still better than the alternatives.
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I'm glad there are no ballots here in Germany, because I don't want to know what some people would try to get on it. There are people making a big ruckus right now about making school curriculae more inclusive in schools in 2 federal states. Who knows what they might get up to, if they had the power to get something like your ballot process.
I'm lucky enough to live in Germany but you still run the risk of hearing slurs, getting threatened or even physicaly attacked. Depending on where you are, how openly you show affection and if you're gay, lesbian or trans.
So while the situation is better for this lesbian now, than when I came out 22 yers ago... there's still quite a way to go, even more so for trans people.
please excuse any mistakes cause I'm no native speaker. :-)
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On a better note than my previous comment, I seem to remember reading some study that claimed Germany was among the least homophobic countries in the world. Not saying things are perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but that's a pretty awesome list to have your country on. ^^
My girlfriend's from Germany, and she seems quite a bit more laid back about things than me (and her family didn't seem to flip out as badly as mine), but I can't tell if that's really a German thing or just her. lol
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I whitelisted you :-) I like people who can hold a thoughtful conversation, hopefully my english allows me to articulate my thoughts clearly
w/r/t that study, sure Germany as a country and its society aren't that homophobic. But my rights are still unequal when it comes to marriage, adoption / family planning and being among the protected classes in the constituion. Also there are a vocal minority of religous people who try to stop and in some ways push back at our gains. And a pretty silent majority, which says it is tolerant of gays/lesbians but isn't really accepting and respecting us. They often think what we got should be enough.
And let's not talk about our laws regarding transpeople and the reaction society has to them and their plight.
But on a more positive note, we made quite a few strides since my coming out 22 years ago.... and all in all it is a country where I can live openly and be protected by law from discrimination at work and in services. And I know that a very large number of LGBT folks would call my gripes rightfully insignifant (?) compared to the conditions they have to live in.
My family has (and never had) any problem with me being gay.... though that might have had something to do with both of them having a gay/lesbian sibling. :-)
I'm sorry to hear your family reacted badly :-(
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Oh, it's fine. People born and raised in this country hardly speak English properly. I'm always amazed how many people learn it as a second (or third, etc.) language and end up outdoing the native speakers. Whereas on the flip side, my German boils down to a handful of simple phrases, "refrigerator," and... swearing. lol
Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply it must be better over there, because honestly, even being the least homophobic is still just being the least crappy of other crappy options. :/ There's still nowhere that's near perfect that I'm aware of (plus who knows what really goes into all these studies, right?).
And totally agree about the problem with transphobia. From everything I've seen it seems WAY worse for transpeople still. I don't understand why being trans is somehow a problem personally. I guess it's another case of people being narrow-minded and sticking their nose into other people's lives as if it somehow affects their own.
The US is sort of hit or miss with its laws. In some states you're mostly fine; others have completely different sets of laws which make it very clear you're not welcome. Massachusetts is friendly for the most part (one of the mayors of Boston even tried to keep out Chik-Fil-A, the restaurant chain known for turning away gay people and its generally homophobic behavior). I can't imagine I'd move out of this state if I stay in the US.
My family could've been much, much worse. It was mostly shock and disbelief in the beginning, though I did have family members trying to shove a bible down my throat, constantly reminding me how "unnatural" I was. It was actually just before I came out that was the hardest part - a lot of them were known for being very homophobic, using slurs, and going on about how it's "definitely nothing to be proud of" and how "sick" gays were. I fully expected to be thrown out, and I had nowhere else to go, but on the other side of it, I was already suicidal from thinking my family would be better off without a disgrace like me, so I didn't really feel like I had anything to lose telling them the truth.
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I haven't heard this international day before. Bump!
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Counting on them to change anything is a lost cause unfortunately :/ We have to wait for people from our generation to have a spot in politics that can actually affect such things. Unfortunately older Greeks ( as most older people in general ) are very conservative and close minded people. Anyway, it is very good that you are raising awareness for such a nice day! Cheers !
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Is it bad that as a fellow gaymer I didn't know about this day? Looking forward to pride week myself (its in a month time and it'll be the first time I've gone). Anyways, bump :D.
P.S. You can always come live here in Canada Kono ;P
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Canada is actually at the top of my list with the countries I'd like to raise my hypothetical kids at, if I ever get to that point, along with Sweden. I don't know why but I've always held these 2 countries very highly in my mind. But Canada wins cause I'm too lazy to learn Swedish xD
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Ugh, having trouble finding a game to contribute that matches this theme -.-. There is the Starfighter VN that is coming out soon but I doubt it will be coming to steam (if you read the webcomic you would know why XD).
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Wwwwhhhhheeeeeeeeee another commemorative day that I'm passionate about is finally here!
May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia! As a gay young man myself I can say we've certainly come a long way from the time people didn't even dare admit such a thing publicly but we've also still got a long way to go till LGBT+ sexually oriented people are considered truly equals. Unfortunately where I live(Greece) same sex marriage, let alone adoption, are not yet legal like in some other countries or states but there's hope! Anyway I don't wanna bore you. I tried to look for an appropriately themed game for today and realised there's a real lack of games, even more on steam, that either deal with this topic or feature important characters of queer orientation. So I picked something where you can choose your own sexuality and isn't heavy on stereotypes.
Here you go
faboitas is offering everyone his booty for this day and only! Get it while it's hot!
Fnord very generously added with his contribution to the cause!
Student banged that booty and left his essence behind!
Another generous contribution by Yeliena <3
Some LEGO Love from cjcomplex cause blocky people deserve a chance at love too!
Hurray for all these generous contributions like Reginleifx's!
MilleW is ready to share her Love with you all!
And just when you think we're done perrolijo brings a plot twist!!!
coezo bares his feelings for all of you even after the party has ended :P
And some freebies I stumbled upon in my search:
Try this one for a good laugh. It's just ridiculous xD
On a more serious note I also happened upon this which seems interesting enough. I'll probably give it a spin myself in the next hours ;)
And lastly but not least who's bumped for Masquerada? :P
And yet another project I wasn't aware about brought along by cjcomplex
Edit: Thank you to all the generous gifters that have added their 2 cents to this thread! I really appreciate it! and lemme state how happy the responses so far have made me. This is commander Shepard and this is my favourite community on the Citadel!
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