I've just started to play with this site and it seems I'll have some fun playing with the odds here ; ).

The suggestion from the title would be a simple, but very helpful feature:
let us filter out from the list games we do have (as we can't win them anyway according to the rules).

I do believe I am not the first one to say this as it's really basic thing and I really don't know why this feature isn't here already.

But even when you can't implement it via i.e. checking user's profile for games they have, you can always make an option to flag games user don't want to see.

It would be awesome ; D

1 decade ago*

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There's a way for the site to check against games you already have in your profile. Not sure how to get to it, but an easy way from here would be: http://www.steamgifts.com/sync . It doesn't prevent you from seeing games that you own, but prohibits you from entering giveaways for games you have. There's a firefox add-on, however, that will remove games you have from your sight. You can find that elsewhere in the forums. Not sure if they have it working ever since CG changed the setup, though.

1 decade ago

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Ach, of course there is a system for this already. I've totally forgot before registration the site checks for account value.
Taking this under consideration I don't see the reason why wouldn't there be hard-coded option for such an obvious thing.
It's mind boggling ; D

1 decade ago

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There is an awesome addon for all major (non-IE) browsers by Zo: (http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/ba6uc/sg-enhancement-addon)
Amongst other things, it allows you to apply filters.

1 decade ago

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One reason could be that there is one person who does the coding for the site, and he doesn't get paid, and has other things he is busy with :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LoginError.