12 Spiele für nur 1 €/Monat

Ist das ein Fakeangebot von Humble ?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Bei mir steht 10€, nicht 1€.

Wenn sie es dir für 1€ verkaufen, würde ich zuschlagen.

2 years ago

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Ja, er scheint es anzubieten.
Hier hat schon jemand darüber gesprochen.

2 years ago

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Nur für ein Monat dann die vollen 17,99 - das ist nichts für mich

Von Monat zu Monat

Premium Abo-Plan
17,99 €/mtl.
1 € für den ersten Monat Folgemonate abgerechnet zum Preis von 17,99 €.

2 years ago

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Du kannst auch einfach nur 1 Monat ma Chen (bekommst die Spiele von Dezember 2021) und nächste Woche kündigst du das Abo und bezahlst keine weiteren bundles...

2 years ago

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no idea what your saying but from what i see you think you can get choices for $1 per month which is obvious not real

2 years ago

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Yes you can get december choice for 2$ or 1€ but it's promo only for new users

2 years ago

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wow it really did sell badly i mean i took the year for $99 deal so i got it but i can't say it's interested me much and even though trading i still have maybe 4 or 5 games left

2 years ago

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they did the same kind of promos this time last year, it's not a seal bad thing

2 years ago

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This is common practice. Microsoft with its Game Pass or Disney+ run similar promos, neither of them is doing badly.

2 years ago

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i know but they are more tasters rather than something you get to keep even after your subscriptions is over

2 years ago

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Here's my justification for subs,

I got the 3 months of Gamepass for $1, and haven't stopped my sub - I got a deal for another 6 months so decided to nab it.
For me Gamepass, at least while there are so many games I want to try out that I don't own and that haven't been bundled to death, and being the sort of person who plays a lot of games, and hardly ever play any game more than once, it works for me, because ownership isn't as important as an actual play-through of a game.
They generally add at least 12 new games a month to Gamepass, so for me it's similar to Choice, but the selection is usually better. Not only that, but access to EA Play and all the Bethesda titles are on hand as well as the obvious Microsoft on top.
If you're an active gamer, subs work; if you don't game a lot, then "ownership" is more convenient.
I've played over 50 games since June, and probably only own about 5 of them, with the rest either never bundled or never discounted enough for me to want to buy individually. In saying that, there are perhaps a dozen of those that I would buy if the do get bundled or go on a cheap enough sale because I liked them so much.

I'm still an active subscriber with HB as well (got the same deal as you) cos I like to keep my options open, but obviously it's good to be able to pause the Choice when I partially-want only one of the games ;)

(Sorry for the perhaps, out-of-time reply, just realised this discussion was bumped.)

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago by a staff member, MSKOTOR.

2 years ago

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Careful with that ref link.

2 years ago

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You should delete your ref link, because it is against the ruls on this site. As stated in the Guidelines:

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2 years ago

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First comment and ref link?

2 years ago

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Oh snap, that's the fist time I'm seeing a deleted comment say whom it was deleted by. Interesting.

2 years ago

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I tried it and didn't work, contacted humble to get it resolved.

2 years ago

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HB, ofc only new new new users

2 years ago

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the best user is a user that subscribes and forgets about its subscription and dont check the bills... maybe they try to get some more of them

2 years ago

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