I recently just finished Alien, Aliens and Pulp Fiction, ticking them off my list, regretting not having watched them sooner. It's about time, now that I have a lot of spare time, I started finishing off all the movies I never got round to. Wondering if you guys could help me figure out some amazing movies I need to watch.

Ones currently on my list I need to see:

(All the other Alien/Predator Movies)
Reservoir Dogs
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Ocean's 11
Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile

I know you guys have no idea what I've seen or not, but hopefully you might all suggest things I need to see which I haven't thought about. Thanks guys.

1 decade ago*

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You should watch these three from your list right away, Reservoir Dogs, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Full Metal Jacket. Also check out Side Effects and If you like horror movies try Rec, High Tension, VHS.

1 decade ago

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-The Warriors
-Fistful of dollars
-For a few dollars more
-The good, the bad, and the ugly

1 decade ago

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The Hurricane, Cinderella Man, Warrior, Old Boy are just a few films that I can recommend.

1 decade ago

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I don't think anyone has suggested Terminator or the Matrix? How dare I not see the classics...

1 decade ago

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IMO... You've seen the best Alien movies. Stop right there. Alien 3 is okay, but it's not as good as the first two. As for Predator, only the first one is good. The rest are riding on the awesomeness that is the quad-mandibled, dreadlocked, cloaked alien hunter. (Star Trek even put Predators on their show—they're called Nausicaans.)

If you like Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, you should add Cool Hand Luke and The Last Castle. Of course, if you like prison drama, Prison Break is a good series. The first season is great. Season 2 got mixed reviews, but I thought it was good. Season 3 is like the first one—can't say why without spoilers. Season 4 was mostly bad, but worth watching for the two amazing endings (the writers wanted it ended one way, the producers another, so a TV movie was made afterward—watch it as well, it doesn't take anything away from the original ending and IMO adds to it).

Ocean's 11 is your one heist movie. One of the best heist movies I know, besides Shawshank, which is kind of one, is Lucky Number Slevin, which is also "kind of one." Don't read anything about it. Just watch and prepare to be amazed. Nearly everything written about it is a spoiler. From there of course you should check out Boondock Saints (but skip the sequel, it sucked).

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you don't hate sci-fi since the Aliens movies are that (although more horror). Cube is more sci-fi than horror, but it plays out kind of like a slasher film, except the monster or killer is this supermassive sort of prison, like a Rubik's Cube on a much, much larger scale, where seemingly randomly, rooms contain death traps. Basically, it's an intelligent Saw. Then watch Cube Zero, the third Cube movie. It's a prequel but watch it second. The second Cube movie is about a completely different Cube structure, so it's less relevant. Another good sci-fi/action movie is Cypher. This is kind of like The Matrix, but a different theme. Wrapping up the sci-fi angle is a dark fantasy called Dark City. Get the director's cut, if you can. It doesn't spoil the ending in the beginning. I loved the original in spite of this flaw, though.

Now, if you like the weird sci-fi, get into some of the mental stuff. First up, Donnie Darko. A lot of people don't like this one, either because they didn't understand it, don't want to admit they didn't understand it, or they just thought the number of twists was utter BS that didn't pay off. I saw it before it was popular, which was before it was unpopular. I don't know where it stands now. A director's cut was made to help you understand it, and they messed with the soundtrack in a way that works against it. Avoid the director's cut if at all possible. See the original, and if you liked it, especially if you want help understanding it, watch the director's cut and decide for yourself. Another "mess with your head" sci-fi film was Memento. This is another one you'll want to watch twice. Theatrical first, chronological version second. The film is about a guy who can only remember five minutes at a time. It's told in reverse chronological order. The chronological version tells it straight. Both are extremely weird. Even weirder than that is The Man From Earth. I hesitate to recommend this, because it is literally a bunch of teachers sitting around, getting drunk, and talking. The entire movie is a conversation. But it's also pretty amazing. One of them, who is retiring, posits a theory to his fellows: What if a man lived 26,000 years? Then, with an intentional slip of the tongue, he lets it slip that he is, in fact, that old—and challenges them to disprove him. His story will blow your mind at one point or another. Possibly a few times.

I've posted a lot of great movies, but I'm going to finish on a high(er) note. Forrest Gump is absolutely a movie you should see at least once. Tom Hanks has made a bunch of great 3-hour films. Forrest Gump is the best, and Green Mile, which you already have listed, is up there. I think Cloud Atlas is above it. I won't say if it beats Forrest Gump but damn, it's close either way. Hanks plays six roles, crossing race and even gender, as do a few other people (Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, and Hugh Grant are a few). Cloud Atlas follows art and kindness as it ripples through the centuries to start a revolution in the future. The problem is, all the stories are told at once. Just try to hang on for the first 60-90 minutes. It's a hell of a ride. Going back to Forrest Gump, if you liked that, you should see Big Fish. Essentially the same thing, but with a fantasy twist. A guy feels he doesn't know his father, because his father exaggerated about his life. Most of the movie is him telling his life story, at times to his son, and at other times to his daughter-in-law.

...And now you have a lot more movies. Hopefully they bring you what they brought me.

1 decade ago

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I see Pi by Darren Aranovsky hasn't been mentioned yet. I recommend this to a lot of people.

1 decade ago

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I watched Fight Club yesterday. Pretty good movie.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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