I'm tired and depressed too, so I can't help you in any way. :/
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I hate it when people say others have it worse than me. It's not like it's a competition.
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ikr, if we're gonna go that way - there are also others who have it better than i do
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I feel like there should be an opposite of Facebook called Sadbook or something, where people are encouraged to post only the bad shit that's going on in their lives and forbidden to post pictures of happy things, just so that people know that other people's lives really aren't that much better than theirs. Sympathy would be allowed, but empathy wouldn't. :D
Hope your day either gets better or not worse! :D
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Godprobe and Momo 1991 what you are saying just brought to my mind this video I saw a while ago. I don't know if you have already seen it but I am sharing it just in case.
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Hadn't seen it, yet -- really nice vid! :)
And randomly @Momo -- yeah, the reposts of non-original "feel-good" content really starts to grind -- almost as bad as advertising since at first it's not annoying and then you realize that you've just scrolled through pages of useless shit that has almost no real relevance to your friends' lives at all.
Weirdly (since it always used to get such hate), I have no problem at all with people who post what they're eating. :)
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First, fix tired (by sleeping). After that, you can work on your depression by interacting with people (IN REAL LIFE) who are not depressed. (I know, the last thing you want to do when you're depressed is interact with other people, but it does work. Communicating through a computer screen is the least effective method.)
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Agree with kharakkos, and wanted to add that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can work effectively through a computer in a chat (even go as far as talking to a bot).
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yea i think ill sleep early tonight lol, and i mean i dont have anything chronic, no worries there might just be the constant weather changes and work or something
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That's true, to an extent, but you can usually tell when you've slept "long enough."
While emotions can affect our actions, the reverse is also true. "Going through the motions" (AKA "fake it 'til you make it") of behaving normally (or even cheerfully) has an impact on your emotions. One thing some people do to feel better is to make other people feel better. Your own spirits are lifted in the process.
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I love that somebody in support would not only read a thread like this, but would respond with something helpful. I know there was a reason you've been on my whitelist for months. <3
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i can tell first hand that yes, antidepressives and depresion itself can cause you to be sleepy but more than that is that you feel like doing nothing, just because, you dont have the willpower to do stuff, that can be mistaken as tiredness, thogh if thats the case, if you add tiredness to all that, you wont even have a chance to do the stuff that might cheer you up, or give you hope or something, you NEED to sleep well for you to get better, i dont really care if you have to skip something important, just sleep, and get better, i can say too much for work... i know people need to keep their jobs so i cant say it would be good for someone to skip job and maybe lose it, just try to think about fullfiling your needs and the doing the stuff that society ask you to do
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Yep. Get away from the computer and go out and enjoy and appreciate the little things that make life amazing. Going to see a live band is always uplifting for me. The things human beings can do ... there's always something incredible and inspiring around the corner if you pay attention.
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If you think you are broke because you didn't get paid, obviously you don't live in Brazil.
We are broke by default. If you don't have anything else to be thankful, start there.
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Every man must die, only thing we can choose is how we meet that end. As men. Just going thru my yearly mental breakdown so I know how it feels to be tired and depressed. I was first diagnosed with major depression 13 years ago. Only thing that keeps me going anymore is more and more medications every year. Try to keep it together there, man. If you need someone to play with or talk to. Add me on steam. I rather play than speak tho. I have enough to process my own shit, but yeah. I listen as long as you don't whine about something damn trivial :P
If that is long time depression you have.. you have been to hell or will go there eventually. It's a long and lonely road back.
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Think happy thoughts. Like sharks!
And assassin, also think happy thoughts, and go out... Depression is a serious condition. Tall to someone
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That is adorable!
Of course, then you realize he'll eventually grow up to be a sullen, disrespectful brat ... I'm depressed again.
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I was hoping for answers here and am totally disappointed.
Also, could not find hidden GA. FML.
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Sounds like a lot of people are bummed out today. For me, it's a lot of things going on with my life, but today I especially felt it with the change in weather. It's been the first day to feel like fall... I usually love fall. It's just an abrupt change after going through a recent heat wave.. Anyways... I wish some happiness your way!
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Please remember that depression is an illness. All that crap about how you should just pull yourself up by your bootstraps is utter crap. I highly recommend seeing a doctor - and yeah, this may cost money but it's money well spent if it makes your life better. Seriously, I hope you feel better and I won't go into things you can do except seek some medical help. {{Hugs from a Momo}}
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I suggest that only if depression is damaging your social, work etc life. Those pills they give are not without side-effects and are really mean't for serious depression. And from what I did read the OP doesn't seem to have chronic condition or long time down time.
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Why should it only be worked on if it damages everything involving others than yourself? Depression is unique case by case and some are perfect at hiding their issues from others and this is more damaging than losing some friends or calling in sick on work.
Anti-depressants have side-effects, yes, but every medicine has them. It can do more good than bad and is needed in some cases because depression can cause damage that a good talk can't solve.
Also agree on the last part, don't think it's serious, but on the other hand it might just be what OP wants us to think, you never know.
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Social, work etc very much involves the individual affected. And don't take me wrong. 13 years of major depression behind, now eating 2 different antidepressants, mood stabilizer, sedatives etc etc. Doctors just write those pills too easily so if problem can be solved otherwise, I wouldn't suggest trip to doctor.
If problem stays for longer time than month or two.. Or life becomes unbearable. That calls for visit to doctor ASAP. Fuck the risks :P I know the meds pretty well. Been eating them for great part of my life. All classes, many types.. blaanlaablaa. Maybe I too talk from experience? Oh. I also wanted to learn pharmacy, but I ended up being retired.
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I'm trying to leave my personal info out of such discussions, since the forum is for everyone to read, so I'll just answer with this... I know.
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Hey, I hear you - the major forms of depression are tricksey and not easily treated. I really do not want to diminish how awful major depression really is with "Hey, see a doctor and get some pills", because one only needs to look at to say, Robin Williams, to understand that depression kills and kills pretty easily. :-( However, I do think that advising anyone experiencing a depressive episode to seek medical attention is always a good idea. Despite the downfalls of modern pharma, if does help a lot of people cope and indeed survive. Albeit, not everyone. Clearly...
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I still contend that anyone suffering from any form of depression seek medical help. The garden variety form of depression can be treated with medication - and yes,it has it's attendant downsides but in the main, with talk therapy is hugely beneficial for many people. For those suffering from more severe forms, medical help is imperative.
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Depression is also part of our normal lives. It is normal to feel down from time to time. When it becomes unbearable or damages your normal life we can start talking about a problem that needs medical attention. Of course I am not advicing people not to get help. Just that one should really think that part pretty well before seeking help 'cos ssri (basic antidepressants) have a lot of side-effects doctors don't tell about and usually just prescribe it so they can write to their journal "I did something okay?". And they have been proven to be pretty much same as placebo when it comes to milder down episodes of life and only work well usually with more severe forms.
I think individual to some point knows or at least can say to someone when they start to feel that they need help and can't carry on anymore. You don't go to doc everytime you feel down. Sometimes life really sucks and worse can be that there is nothing individual can do about it right at that moment. I am pro-drugs, I am pro-health care. I don't go to details what I have done in my life, but without these meds I for example eat. The damages would be much worse than they are. Just that especially psychiatric drugs are playing with fire. To some the risks are worth it, milder cases. They are not.
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I agree, in case of a serious depression professional help is needed. The term being or feeling depressed is over- and misused so it's not enough to indicate a real long-term depression tho.
It's still good to mention it. Good job, Momo! :)
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Came on here to bitch and moan about life. And yes, before you say it, I know that there are others who have it worse than me. Just whining on forums like every other bot/human being. I'd create a giveaway, but I don't want to buy people's sympathy/empathy (and I'm somewhat broke already - didn't get paid yet).
There's no real point to this thread if youre reading this, hoping for some incentive, so move on. Random gifs of cats, dogs, birds, etc. welcome but not required.
P.S.: things are getting better: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/2qHX5/chivalry-complete-pack
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