Hi SG, we're rolling out some updates to our trade section in the next 24 hours. These changes are mostly geared towards the separation of trades to SteamTrades.com, and improving on the feedback system. No major changes to the core of the trading system are happening in this particular update and the site will still maintain the familiar discussion based format. However, like most users, I'd like to see improvements in that area in the near future. Below is the upcoming announcement to be listed on SteamTrades.com, highlighting some of the more noteworthy changes.

User Reputation for All Steam Users

To help SteamTrades continue to grow as a leader in Steam user reputation, our site now allows reputation to be written for every individual with a Steam account. To leave a review for a user, simply visit our homepage and search for a Steam user using their Steam ID, Steam vanity name, or Steam profile URL. Once forwarded to their SteamTrades profile, you'll see an input box at the bottom of their profile allowing you to leave a review regarding your trading experience together.

Replies to Negative Reviews

If a user has left a negative review on your profile, SteamTrades now allows you to write a public reply to their review. This way you can better inform users visiting your profile about why that review exists, and at the same time it provides you with an opportunity to share additional details the user might have excluded from their review. Below a negative review on your profile you'll see a Reply button, which you can click to add your reply. Please note, replies are only available for negative reviews.

Negative Review Voting

To help improve the quality of negative reviews and to help remove negative reviews that do not meet our standards, we added a voting page, where users can vote on negative reviews from others in the community. Using the guidelines listed, users can vote on whether a negative review should be allowed, or whether it should be removed from our site. Reviews will be automatically removed if decided on by the community.

User Profiles and Safety Check

User profiles now contain a safety check. This data is updated hourly, and helps you to be aware of any Steam infractions a user may have against their account (such as VAC or game bans). As well, user profiles show when a user registered on Steam, when they were last logged into Steam, their Steam level, and their game count (if their Steam account is public). Combined with our user reviews, this data can help you better determine a user's overall reputation before trading.

Design and Interface

Our entire site has been redesigned and recoded with a wide variety of improvements. The changes allows for quicker replies, and overall faster load times. Our database is now separate from our sister site, SteamGifts. Users with previous trades or reputation have been automatically moved to our new site. However, with separate databases, this will mean usernames on SteamTrades may differ from those on SteamGifts, and suspensions on one site do not affect usage on the other. For that reason, profiles on SteamTrades link to Steam IDs, rather than usernames to help avoid confusion.

7 years ago*

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Voting is entertaining.

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7 years ago

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Why did I only find boring-stupid comments instead of crazy-stupid ones? :(

7 years ago

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Just keep going... you're bound to find some.

7 years ago

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:D lol

7 years ago

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not that it is major, but i did just realize that the steam game library count doesn't always quite match-up with what is shown on steam profiles. in my case SteamTrades is (currently) saying Game Count: 3,996 -vs- my steam profile is (currently) saying Games 3,848.

in my case with the large library count and high positive +rep, it won't be an issue at all. but i can see that causing complications in trust for other lower rep or new users.

7 years ago

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That's how SteamAPI reports game count, unfortunately, and unless we start parsing the actual profile pages, it's impossible for those to match.

7 years ago

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i figured it had to be something related to the API from steam. i understand.
maybe a very small text notice right below that stating there maybe a discrepancy difference due to the way api reports might help?

7 years ago

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It probably has something to do with Free and Free-To-Play games being counted differently internally vs API reporting. I see that kind of discrepancy ALL THE TIME when dealing with third-party sites. Those figures NEVER match.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The new feedback portal makes it very difficult to find trade feedback for a user. Would be nice if it was still linked from our user accounts.

edit: From the rest of the SG domain, I mean. It's easy from the Trade page, obviously.

7 years ago

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+1 - i think it's been suggested before, but i never +1'd a prior.. it could even be just a simple link only, doesn't necessarily have to state rep here or anything (to keep databases and domains separate still), just the basic link (and reverse from there to here).

7 years ago

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You can click the Trades button in the header to go to Steamtrades and then search for the profile you need. Adding a direct link to your trade profile from your SG profile would make it easier for impersonators to fool people.

7 years ago

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fair enough. to be honest i thought long and hard and don't see how, but even though i don't see it i can believe there still would be a way anyways so won't argue that.

what about just a return general header link from steamtrades back to steamgifts though (not user-linked)?

7 years ago

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Let's say someone makes a Steam profile with your profile pic and the name "d3m4n", then sends your Steamgifts profile to the potential victim and says "Here's my SG profile, just click the Trades Profile url there to see my trade rep".

On the other hand, since SteamTrades does not actually show any usernames on profile, the potential victim who receives a URL of your ST profile will only have the profile pic to rely on, and will be more likely to click the Visit Steam Profile button or cross-check the Steam level and the amount of games on account.

An even more radical solution to the impersonation problems would be to remove the profile pics from the ST profiles entirely.

7 years ago

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I actually have that impersonator, luckily "Last Online 298 days ago" though and still using my older avatar instead of my current or last one.

Am I allowed to -rep them without getting in trouble for not actually being the trader?
I'm indirectly/directly (idk which) involved because I'm the one they are impersonating, but they were successful at scamming at least 2x people and those people were unable to leave a -rep to them because they aren't a registered user, but now I could....

Oh, but okay on all, I understand now better, thank you! =)

7 years ago

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Those people should be able to -rep the impersonator now, since the ST registration requirements are different.

7 years ago

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i know they could, but i do not remember who those people were and i doubt they remember who it is they would need to -rep by now as well, it was all over a year ago. but i happen to still have the impersonators steam64id saved in a txt document setup with my trades formatting table and an impersonator warning. that warning is what finally cause him to stop logging in and trying to scam with my name.

i no longer even trade and all my threads are closed, but would love to tag them with the -rep warning in case he/she changes over to somebody else that they are impersonating and starts trying to scam again.

7 years ago

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If he still uses your old profile pic and username, you can leave negative review on his profile to warn users about him. Make a screenshot just to be sure and include it in your review.

7 years ago

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sounds great, thanks for reply (◑‿◐)

7 years ago

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For some reason I doubt it will fully work :S

7 years ago

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First rule of trading, never believe the links the other party gives you in a chat to prove their status.

Right now on Steamgifts there is no easy way to see the reputation of someone anymore. We really like the link back from SG to their trade reputation profile.

7 years ago

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First rule of trading, never believe the links the other party gives you in a chat to prove their status.

Hundreds of impersonation reports say otherwise.

Right now on Steamgifts there is no easy way to see the reputation of someone anymore.

SG and ST are separate websites now. Why would you need to see someone's trade reputation if you're on a giveaway website?

7 years ago

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Reputation helps on seeing who is the creator of a giveaway or a winner of yours.
It's a waste of points to join a GTA V giveaway of someone with -10 rep.

7 years ago

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I don't think this is a good enough reason to cross-link profiles. Someone's VAC ban or a SteamRep ban won't bother you when entering giveaways, but a -10 on SteamTrades will?

7 years ago

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Both are good reasons to indeed skip that 60P giveaway.
The more info we have the make up our decision, the better I say.

7 years ago

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i always hate seeing people use points and an excuse why something should or should not be implemented. the worst excuse of them all.

but if you really need your links (can't says i blame you, i wanted them too) - here is a userscript that adds buttons from profile to profile.

7 years ago

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Yeah, yay for the community to come with useful addons.

7 years ago

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yeah, this community is actually very amazing with those. i put in a request for a userscript the other day and had a fully functioning script doing what i wanted in less than an hour. xD

7 years ago

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And for that reason there should be a big fat warning message on the profile page that states exactly this:

"click the Visit Steam Profile button to check if you are actually talking/trading with that user"

That has been requested for years and yet still not included even after a complete redesign..

7 years ago

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Completely agreed, not a fan of this new system at all. It's very inconvenient for traders (having to do manual profile searches on ST for every single person).

ST profiles should really be linked on SG profiles, IMHO.

7 years ago

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Would this change have broken any existing links to the "old" steamtrades website if people had links posted in various places. For instance a user profile link?

7 years ago

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tested on 4x old bookmarks, 2x of the 4x worked as they were bookmarked, the two broken ones were able to be repaired by changing it from https://www.steamtrades.com/forum/............... -to- https://www.steamtrades.com/trades/............... in the url.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the info and the solution

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Okay, thanks, I am not 100% sure but one of the links I followed was broken, but that might've been a really old link.

7 years ago

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not button for the last page of a thread ?

7 years ago

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Someone might have said this earlier but i would really like a button to go from trade to GA's. I tend to jump back and forth but now i have to use a bookmark.

7 years ago

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Why not just keep both tabs open? Way faster as well.

7 years ago

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Looks great. Now if we'd only get a way to have a manageable list of items àla Barter we would be absolutely set.

7 years ago

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The page button 'last page' is gone. xD
And can't use search in trade post anymore?

7 years ago*

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from steamgifts or steamtrades? im using an extension so i still have it.

7 years ago

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From steamtrades, i can't find the last page button in my posts.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Hi cg, I don't know if you're going to read this. Maybe you will, probably you won't since there are so much replies.

Anyway, on SteamGifts we have a button to directly go to SteamTrades, but on SteamTrades there is no button to go back to SteamGifts. For those of us who use both it would be a nice addition to have such a button on SteamTrades as well. I have zero knowledge about this kind of stuff, so I don't know how much time it would take to implement this, but it's just a suggestion :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Nevermind. I think I was too drunk. :D

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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i am sure someone already said it, but we really need a jump to last page button for our feedback page.

7 years ago

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or posts being reordered from newest to oldest. I think that would be even better

7 years ago

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it is for me. 1month old feedback is first on my feedback page, to older 2year old feedback on the last few pages.
my feedback on ST

edit: yours appears new to old for me as well.

7 years ago

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mine is newest to oldest.

what am i saying? no, my order is from newest to oldest. ^^

7 years ago*

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hehe, you crossed out "newest to oldest" to correct yourself when it was correct :P

that part (slyfox01's suggestion) was already in place, but your original "jump to last page" is still something i agree with so [+1 that]

7 years ago

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yeah, good idea. i'd say both.

7 years ago

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i just noticed my order is already from newest to oldest. ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What kind of trades are these people getting into? Is there an underground prostitution ring on Steamtrades that I've not been invited to?

7 years ago

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I've finished voting (voted on 1110 reviews) and he's the only person that has referred to this prostitution ring. :P Maybe, in this ring, they like to steal penises. :P

7 years ago

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I seriously LOLed hard after a long time! :D

7 years ago

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i feel like this about the changes...:

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7 years ago*

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I really like most of the changes I've seen so far:

Feedback page URL: uses SteamID64 instead of username, to help protect against impersonating. Also the page doesn't show the username, which may serve as a reminder or introduction on this issue.

"Safety Check" section: very nice to have this right up front instead of needing to use another site.

Trade conversation thread: uses full width of the screen, easier to read.

I'm not sure yet about the voting system. Maybe it will be very useful over time. For now I'm concerned that feedback in the past was written without expecting the voting rules and system now in place, so important negative feedback might be removed.

The only thing I don't like is the separate message boxes for SG and ST. Keeping an SG window open is much less appealing if it doesn't show an alert for trading messages. I plan to remove it from my open tabs, and rely more on Reddit again.
Keeping an ST window open is much less appealing if it doesn't also show me new "Deals" posts. I might stop keeping ST in my open tabs, except when I'm trying to trade something that's difficult to do on Barter.vg.
An option to get emails with new trade messages would solve this, and be very helpful. Otherwise it would be helpful to have an option to see ST message alerts on SG, like it worked a few days ago.

Overall: significant improvement. Thanks!

7 years ago

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can there be a link to go back to steamgifts? it feels like a different site without a jump back to steamgifts...

7 years ago

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It is a completely different site now.

And I guess the button Trades at the top of steamgifts will be removed after a time when all people know that it was separated.

7 years ago

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thats a bummer. i prefer it to be related. well... at least its got a better interface now

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Am i blind or did you take really the Button away to go to the Last site of a Thread? Its now a Hasse to go to the last page

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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aww, i liked the ratings on my steamgifts profile, would be nice if it were still there and clicking it would take you to steamtrades. i like seeing how many giveaways ive entered though, holy hell its a lot >.<

7 years ago

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  1. Is it possible to use the same .css as in steamgifts? It would make it a lot easier to use the same styles etc especially for people who don't code much.
  2. I can't see the "Edit previous feeback" which would show me immediately that I have left feedback for a user. Is that in the plans or some other way to see that you left feedback fast?
7 years ago

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+1 for Edit feedback.
I can't even see if I gave feedback to someone, but I am assuming I did as I only see leave feedback for users I haven't traded with.

7 years ago

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so much fun with these reviews <3

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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minor detail to fix, remove trades from page title

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7 years ago

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