DAVE THE DIVER - Godzilla Content Pack is a time-limited free DLC, only available from [May 23, 2024] until [November 23, 2024].

I made this thread because the DLC is missable. It only will be available for 6 months.
Yes, you must own the base game to add the DLC to your library. Sorry.

2 months ago

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Potato (cool)
Take that you Dinosaur!

A time limited DLC is just asking for refund abuse.
I wonder how many people will buy the game, add the DLC and then refund the game.
So they can keep the DLC until they buy the game in the future again.

2 months ago

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Maybe but I wouldn't leave such comments online to inspire people to do exactly that.

2 months ago

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It might inspire game developers not to do bait and switch time limited DLC offerings which will ultimately make it into an Ultimate package further down the line.

2 months ago

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Guys like you make me wonder why I even bothered to share news about free content.

When the content being free isn't good enough, no you must abuse a system in your precious hunt for "the ultimate" package. But you better don't pay one cent too much for all that goodness.

2 months ago

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Guys like you have to understand that when you share information which isn't up to scratch it can cause damage.

I'll see you when the ultimate edition of Dave the Diver comes out and you're apologising to everyone who thought that they'd bought a game based on time sensitive free DLC release based on your information which you'll say "I didn't know at the time" as an excuse for.

Go and earn your "One cent too much" for a gaming magazine and see how well you are received in that capacity.

I'm all for the developer rewarding those who own the game already and promoting sales of their game to those who don't. If anything I'd lead with that and accept valid criticisms about it possibly being a means to generate more sales. Stuff like "It's a crazy good game already and I'm excited about this new free content" would be much more beneficial to the community as a whole.

How about a poll asking which monster people would like to see appear in the content or asking which one is missing?

2 months ago

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You are right. By informing people that free DLC is available for a limited time I became responsible for the resulting traumatic experiences and inner conflicts for those who don't own the game yet.
I should have known better and assumed that anyone of them might be an entitled fool.and should have pampered them accordingly

2 months ago

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It's certainly an interesting take on the situation, I'll give you that!

I'm more of the whole "[Free DLC] DAVE THE DIVER - Godzilla Content Pack [Time limited] (Yeah, right!)" for a thread title and then informing others in the content of the thread that if they own Dave the Diver there is some special DLC which is available for free until the end of November. After that point it will either be gone forever or likely cost extra or be added into a package of sorts.

That way you get to keep you cynicism intact, inform others and not waste time replying to fools like me (Who will still exist regardless of how good a job you do).

That all out of the way, thanks for sharing! The game looks great (I was panning on getting my niece it for Christmas due to the overwhelmingly positive reviews) and some DLC with Godzilla and other monsters included sounds like massive bonus to it.

I wonder if they'll put together a Christmas package now...

2 months ago

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Guys like you make me wonder why I even bothered to share news about free content.

Try posting it in the correct subform next time then. It may help with responses.

2 months ago

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please talk about such stuff - i never thought about stuff like that. thanks for giving me new infos abot the system.
because of your comment i thought about it - but i am too lazy to do it, and i think i would just keep the game.
interesting how much the dlc is: 1.99 is not worth doin it but 19.99 would be :-)

2 months ago

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Thanks! I can"t wait to see Dave facing Godzilla . And I would have missed out without your post!

2 months ago

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Free for 6(!) months(!!!), that's a pretty cool move :)

2 months ago

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so the base game will be in humble choice in 7 months xD

2 months ago

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Time limited DLCs are a big turnoff for me. I'm fine with stuff being free for x time and then paid and similar constructs. But when I happen on a game a few years after release and there is no legal way to purchase it in full whatsoever that's bullshit.

2 months ago

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Not their fault, the Godzilla license is generally a complex issue. There is some weird split between Toho and Legendary Pictures and 6 months is probably all that was legally possible.

2 months ago

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Closed 2 months ago by Golwar.