
Just a quick question really.

Anyone else just started entering any random giveaway (usually crap) and not caring?

I've not won in the hole 300+ and lately all the games that have been posted up here, are the same as every single giveaway, and the games are not worth anything, so I've now just started entering into things for games I'd never play.

Just to add to my account I geuss.

Anyone else just enter for something they don't actually want? Really!

1 decade ago*

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i think there many people entering for the simple purpose of adding games to their library. It doesn't mean you should do the same.

1 decade ago

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I like entering the 5-10P ones, normally cause they are indie games :3

1 decade ago

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You have 471 games.Why do you need more?

1 decade ago

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you can never have enough.

1 decade ago

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864 games. Impressive.

1 decade ago

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865 actually.

1 decade ago

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ok WTF. lol and im so happy whit my 10 cheap games xD

1 decade ago

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Getting licenses for your Steam account turns into an addiction after a while.

1 decade ago

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Gotta catch 'em all!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Why enter for something you aren't interested in playing?

Entering for the sake of entering seems fairly meaningless. Ok, you win something, and your steam account has another game on it you'll never play? Congratulations?

1 decade ago

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On the upside, at least they're screwing over people that do want those titles... so that must be worth some epeen points right? ಠ_ಠ

1 decade ago

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Congratulations on that...

Also I hope you are joking.

1 decade ago

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Of course not!

Why enter a giveaway for a game that i dont want when there are others people who want it.

If the whole community had that attitude i believe we would not see so many games with entries above 2000

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Seems selfish and meaningless.

1 decade ago

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This. I wish there was a way to know if the winner of a giveaway would actually play the game he won. I don't like buying games to satisfy someone's obsession, thank you very much. I would rather spend that money on myself.

1 decade ago

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Of course not!

1 decade ago

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Realistically I'm not likely to play a game I win any more than I play the games I buy. I'm still deluding myself that I will play them one day. (I still have somewhere the DiRT 2 code I got with my graphics card two years ago and haven't even entered on Steam. I'm debating with myself whether it's worth adding it to my collection or giving it away. I'll probably keep this debate up for another year or two. I'll have to find it first, of course.)

1 decade ago

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Get in line...

1 decade ago

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You won't get the satisfaction of winning a game you don't want, so i do not suggest you to enter for a game you actually won't play. Trust me, been there, done that.

1 decade ago

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I entered for Mission Runway once.

1 decade ago

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Number 1 on my Steam wishlist!

1 decade ago

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I only enter for games I really want, and would definitely play, and I'm still permanently low on points :)

1 decade ago

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I'm entereign only for games that I have not >.< and what? 730+ and nothing :<

1 decade ago

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I got over 300 games and I only enter if I plan to play the game. I spent my points on the cheaper ones and when i'm near the 300 limit I enter the 50/60 point ones. If you dont plan to play the games, dont enter so other people that actually want to play it can win the game.

1 decade ago

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Actually I don't. I never enter a giveaway for a game I don't really want. I use this site for fun and would suck to waste a win in some game I'd never enjoy

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yup, that's what the site is for actually

1 decade ago

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I only enter for games I know I'll enjoy. I'd rather the game have a chance of going to someone that will enjoy it than taking up space in my library.

1 decade ago

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Same...Why enter for something you don't have any interest in, seems selfish.

1 decade ago

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And then I started to buy all the games I want so now I always have 250~300 points.

1 decade ago

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yes and so is everyone else. i used to only enter games i wanted until i realized that 980/1000 of the entries didnt care about the game and the winner was trading it away the next day, and this happened over a dozen times ok. i think entries should cost 4x more points, that way people might only join what they care about.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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you arent but most people are and its not like im doing something bad ok. the point system works that way

1 decade ago

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Actually, you're depriving people who actually want the game of a chance at winning it. It's a bit like an obese person taking food from someone who's starving, and then throwing it away. It's only a difference of scale. You and OP are cancer. Please fuck off and go shit up some other corner of the internet.

1 decade ago

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hm thats a sad story barton i hope you can cheer up and have a happy day ok. if you want to destroy evil for good you have to defeat the point system, so believe in yourself and go for it!!

1 decade ago

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I think there is a fine line between giving up on people not being scum, and actively deciding to be a part of the cancer.

Which, in case this post was unclear - you are.

1 decade ago

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have you tried drinking orange juice

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You are a selfish human being - simple as that. The point system isn't there for you to collect games, it's for you to have a chance at winning something you like. There is nothing inherently in the point system that causes people to act like assholes. You have to be an asshole first.

So yeah, keep doing that, but you are deluded if you think it's justified.

1 decade ago

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I'm glad I'm not the only person who was a disappointed with themrbill's reaction.

1 decade ago

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hm well the point system rewards you for entering everything and i said i want it changed. i hope you can recover soon from your angry time ok

1 decade ago

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Actually it does no such thing. Would you like some reading material?

1 decade ago

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hm ive already read that. well you can enter almost 2 or 3 pages of games with full points sometimes so i think it should be toned way down to 1 game a day or less that way people can only enter what they really really really want and everybody is happier ok.

have a happy day

1 decade ago

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So you're afraid of losing worthless imaginary "points" that you receive in endless supply as people make new giveaways? Or do you think that just because you CAN do something, that means you should? Because you could always, you know, just go out and rob, rape, and murder people. I don't think that means you SHOULD, but then you seem to disagree. Basically, what you're saying is that your failure here is just a consequence of the fact you're an imbecile. Thanks for clearing that up! :)

1 decade ago

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ok namecalling is pretty mean i think you should to eat an orange juice and have a happy walk. i am eating a tea and its pretty good right now its japanese green tea and has something called macha in it well i spilled some of that on the ground but thats ok fate cannot be defeated so easily. i have to go now but anyway i hope you can win a game you like so you can have a happy period or something ok.

1 decade ago

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You eat tea? Have you tried folding soup? Here's a quick guide:

How To Fold Soup

We middle-class folks are now all pretty much aware that the lunchpail is strictly a boorish accoutrement. It's just about impossible to maintain an air of dignity when you're carting around a clumsy tin box with a bologna sandwich in it. Yet it is certainly stylish to bring one's own lunch to work. Many people who sought the chic of a brought-from-home lunch weren't about to tote that bulky lunchpail, and the answer for most citizens was to hide food on their body, then at lunchtime produce it from various pockets and hidden belts. This is a wonderful solution and can even give the most dreary office building a certain outdoorsy feel.

However, with all the ingenuity involved in hiding various delicacies on the body, this process automatically excludes certain foods. For example, a turkey sandwich is welcome, but the cumbersome cantaloupe is not (science has provided some relief, of course, like the pecan-sized watermelon ready to be popped into the mouth). One person lined a pocket with vinyl so he could carry around dip and munch all day, dipping the chips into his vest pocket and having them emerge fully doused with onion spread. Another acquaintance had a sport coat equipped with a banana loader, arranged so that by lowering his arm a banana would secretly drop into his hand. This proved ideal for long meetings that continued through lunch, as the drop was made so discreetly that others would naturally think you had been eating a banana all along.

These "tricks" may seem too elaborate for the average unique person desiring to bring their lunch from home, yet still insisting on a fully-balanced meal. The answer is soup. Soup is a robust addition to any meal and just about everyone has a favorite. But the primary concern is "how can you carry soup on your body without appearing ridiculous?" When you ask yourself this question, you are ready for soup folding.

Soup Folding.

First prepare the soup of your choice and pour it into a bowl. Then, take the bowl and quickly turn it upside down on a cookie tray. Lift the bowl ever so gently so that the soup retains the shape of the bowl. Gently is the key word here. Then, with a knife cut the soup down the middle into halves, then quarters, and gently reassemble the soup into a cube. Some of the soup will have run off onto the cookie tray. Lift this soup up by the corners and fold slowly into a cylindrical soup staff. Square off the cube by stuffing the cracks with this cylindrical soup staff. Place the little packet in your purse or inside coat pocket, and pack off to work. When that lunch bell chimes, impress your friends by forming the soup back into a bowl shape, and enjoy! Enjoy it until the day when the lunchpail comes back into vogue and we won't need soup folding or cornstalks up the leg.

-Steve Martin

Also, winning a game you don't want is effectively the same as winning nothing. If you enter giveaways for things you don't want, you're either too stupid to grasp this simple concept, or you're intentionally being a prick. I'm actually giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you're not a douchebag on purpose. When I say you're an imbecile, it's not name-calling, I'm just stating an obvious fact.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I'm only entering games that I really want to play!
When you win and you don't like the game you won't enjoy and someone else who wants the game can't play it.
So absolutly no.

1 decade ago

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I agree with your point entirely. However, it is quite up to the person entering how they determine which games they might like and which games they would like.

1 decade ago

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I enter for random things that I've never heard of, but only after looking it up and checking to see that, if I did win it, I would give it a very decent go afterwards, so that, even if it turns out I don't enjoy it (because there's no guarantee of that with any game), I at least made it worth the giveaway maker's time.

1 decade ago

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Did it with a The Tiny Bang Story giveaway. Won it, tried it, and to my surprise I like it.

The screenshots in the game's Steam page do no justice to the artwork of the game.

1 decade ago

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I never enter giveaways for games I won't play. Why would I want to spend my winning chance on a game I don't even want?
Imagine that you have 400+ entries without winning and you start entering giveaways for games you don't like and you finally win one of those. What did you accomplish? You have a game you don't like and most likely you will not win anything for the next 400 giveaways that you will enter.

1 decade ago

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You have a really bad grasp on the concept of probability...

1 decade ago

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But he may have a pretty good grasp of the concept of karma ;)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by kyle939.