Thanks :3

5 years ago

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Thank you!! :3

5 years ago

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Do you know about the water in the microwave with da pizza trickerino?

Try it - it's pretty cool. No more soggy, weird re-heated pizza. More like an internal convection kinda heat because the water in the glass you have put in the microwave is heated up instead of the water inside the pizza. So you are kinda getting a more baked, normal pizza, kinda like you would if you put it on a heat lamp for a while in a normal humidity environment.


Sounds like Monster with extra steps.

Cold. Refrigerator cold. Maybe with a splash of really spicy chilli-sauce and/or garlic sauce - also cold. Anything else: Monster.

Reheat in microwave; Monster.
Reheat in Microwave with extra Monster-removing steps; Monster
Reheating in oven; Monster.
Reheating in frying pan (are you sick in the head?); Monster.
Reheating to room temperature by leaving pizza outside if fridge (I can't even, this has to stop!); Monster Monster Monster.

But yeah I don't really care, doesn't mean that much to me. It's not like I would send secret messages on old GA:s, or stalk your profile or anything to see if you are exhibiting Monster behaviour and then call the pizza-police to take you away to pizza-hell to tie you down and slap the undersides of your feet with microwave-nuked pizza slices for all eternity to come. I wouldn't do that.....

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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