lvl 7+ ga 4 hours after registering? :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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akaka don't want to sound stupid but do you know how a GA works ??

8 years ago

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Thank you so much for the win! I absolutely loved Just Cause 2, and have always wanted to try this one out :)

8 years ago

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I see that this is one of your first giveaways. If you need any help with how to deliver the game, feel free to let me know :)

8 years ago

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you think you´ll get the game?

8 years ago

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I'm unsure, but hoping that they figured out how the site works.

8 years ago

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Such a bummer, would be nice for the OP to say something. Whomever has logged in multiple times since the giveaway ended and another winner hasn't heard anything either. I juggest just wait it out and hope for a bit of luck. If not, flag and report the account after 7 days so this doesn't happen to someone else.

May RNG be in your favor next GA

8 years ago

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I kind of expected this when I saw that the previous giveaways had no winners, oh well. I even talked to the OP on Steam after I added them, and they didn't really seem to have the greatest understanding of the site. I'll just mark the game as not received and report when I can. Unless of course they send the gift.

I'm just wondering, how did you and Schp4wn find this giveaway? You both commented after the GA ended. Were you both the winners of the other giveaways OP created? Anyway, I appreciate the help! Thanks :)

8 years ago

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You can find it multiple ways. I noticed something fishy going on so I kept a tab open to refresh and see if this guy was legit and report if not. You can also click on 'Entries' under 'My Giveaways' to view current, past and deleted GAs you've entered.

I figured it was mostly a lack of understanding how the site works, but a simple acknowledgement to the winners would have been appreciated.

8 years ago

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Oh I didn't mean in that way. I've been on this site for years and know about all of those features :P I just meant, what prompted you to check out this giveaway? Since you commented days after the GA ended.

And yes, I agree with you, it would have been nice if I got contacted about the problem, but I guess that's unlikely when the person in question doesn't really understand how the site works.

8 years ago

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Oh, I understand what you mean now.

I only did so to look out and pass along information once I noticed a discrepancy. I have nothing to gain from it, just trying to be courteous.

I've only been a member here for less than a month. Just trying to contribute and participate :)

Edit: I also entered the giveaway to test the waters (schp4wn may have as well). Once I saw fishy fishy stuff procuring, I thought I'd linger to see if OP would follow through with whomever won.

8 years ago*

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No worries, I hope I didn't come off pretentious.
Everything you said makes sense.

You'll fit very well within the community :)
Thanks for all the help!

8 years ago

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Absolutely not, I'm happy to assist in any little way I can. I know its not GTAV, but I have a copy of terraria (aside from the copy my next giveaway starting) to pass along if it is something you would enjoy.

I'm looking to hopefully have a friend or whomever to play off n on, once I get internet again. If its not in your intrest, no biggie. I added you to my whitelist (not sure how it work specifically) for future GAs when I can provide more games to the community.

8 years ago

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Ah that's very generous of you, but just make a giveaway of that extra Terraria copy instead, as I have the game and have played tonnes of it years ago, so I'm a bit worn out on the game.
Although I think they've added a huge amount of new content since then, so maybe I'll jump back into it one day.

Thank you for the Whitelist! An example of how it would work, is if you made a giveaway for only your whitelist, that means only me and whoever else you've added to it, may enter the giveaway. Or you can combine your whitelist members with a specific group, so it'll include both.

Nice chat! I've added you to my whitelist too :)

8 years ago

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i entered out of curiosity the GA of OP since I saw his gta5 ga...Im sorry that you didnt got anything out of it...may the luck be with you

8 years ago

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