Ever have that one game that you know is terrible, that you want to hate, but you can't put down? How about a game that all the reviewers tell you is bad, and you know deep down will disappoint you, but you want to buy it anyway? Let's hear about it!

For me, my guilty pleasure would have to be Rugrats: The Search for Reptar on the Playstation. It's a terrible game by all counts, but I love it for some reason. Playing it always brings a smile to my face.

My guilty wish? I've read the reviews, watched the sales bomb, etc. But I still want to play Aliens: Colonial Marines. I really, really do. I'll be danged if I'm paying full (or current sale) price for it though. I think I'll wait until it comes down to a more appropriate price point.

1 decade ago*

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Infestation (known as warZ), i'm still not sure how i feel about this game.. but obviously it's not what i expected.. anyway, still playing..

1 decade ago

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I've been thinking about trying that one one of these days too...

1 decade ago

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I made some great memories playing that Rugrats game.

1 decade ago

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Does TF2 count? It's not terrible, but I honestly don't think it is THAT good for how much time I have put into it.

1 decade ago

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Best hat simulator ever :)

1 decade ago

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black ops 2

1 decade ago

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I love it when she takes a strawberry and slowly.................oh we're talking about games :/

1 decade ago

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Hard Truck Apocalypse.

1 decade ago

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I just thought of a new one: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. I hated Final Fantasy XIII with a passion and have no problem saying it's the worst game I've ever played. I'd rather try to do a speed run of Bubsy 3D than play FFXIII again... But I know, deep down, that I'll still be buying Lightning Returns for my 360 after it comes down in price on the used market.

1 decade ago

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Bubsy! I "Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind", and I loved it. I've seen so many bad reviews for it though. I never played Bubsy 2 or Bubsy 3D though

1 decade ago

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The old Bubsy games were fun. Bubsy 3D, however, is easily one of the worst games on the PS1. I don't know what they were thinking, but it turned out poorly.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Hmm... I really can't recall a game, that would have terrible reviews and I have played it for hours (there're some, definitely, I just don't remember any). Well, recently I bought Ace of Spades, which has metascore below 50 and I find it really fun (have over 4hrs played, so far). Oh and Duke Nukem Forever was considered a terrible game compared to its precursor, but I kinda enjoyed it.

1 decade ago

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Guilty pleasure: Poptropica. It's kinda aimed at a younger audience, and I haven't picked it up in awhile, but... yeah. :D

My guilty wish is Bad Rats: The Rats Revenge. I've built up a sort of immunity to bad games (played tons of them on iPad for the achievements... silly me >_<) and to be honest, Bad Rats doesn't look that bad compared to the ones I've played. I only want it to see how good/bad it is.

1 decade ago

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My guilty pleasure is watching Malkovich's Gaming Guilty Pleasures over and over again.

1 decade ago

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I rather enjoyed playing Crash Twinsanity, even if Vivendi Universal cut the game down to a shell of its former self.

1 decade ago

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Beowulf is one of the most brutal games ive ever played....rip someones arm off and beat their friend to death with it??? yes please...

twist someones head until it pops off their neck and use it like a boulder to throw at someone else and knock them down??? more please...

shit has gotten some HORRIBLE reviews...and nobody likes it..and its cheap as fuck(so cheap i ordered it from amazon for 27 cents plus shipping).....

but still to this day is one of my favorite games...

1 decade ago

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My mom, of all people, randomly gifted me a copy of Aliens - Colonial Marines today. I'll see if that becomes a new guilty pleasure. :3

1 decade ago

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Well folks, looks like I was right. Aliens: Colonial Marines is, in my opinion, amazing. I can see a few flaws here and there, but nothing that makes me agree with the reviews (unless you go with Electronic Gaming Monthly's review). I suppose it'll be my new guilty pleasure. :P

1 decade ago

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Oh my god Rugrats Search for Reptar! I played this on my best friend's playstation when we were younger and I think I loved it more than she did. I had a lot of fun with that game.

I have to admit, and I feel pretty ashamed in saying this, but I really, really enjoyed Deus Ex: Invisible War.

My guilty wish would probably be The Sims 3. I get told a lot that 'it's a girl's game' which is apparently meant to be insulting even though I am of the female persuasion. I've heard the game itself is pretty bad though. I play a lot of TS2 and I adore it but I haven't got a computer worth playing TS3 on so I've never actually played it myself.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TheRealBeauregard.