You've seen it before: someone posts five separate giveaways for the same title, instead of just putting up one with 5 copies attached. I can't help but wonder why.

8 years ago

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They want to burn other peoples points

8 years ago

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Now I want to buy 6 copies of the HB monthly and make 6 mad max giveaway that last 1 hour.

8 years ago

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That would need six accounts and six PayPal accounts, or a lot of trading…

8 years ago

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Oh, you can't buy 6 gift copies? Shows how much I know about HB gift purchases. I've only ever bought my own copy and given away the extras.

8 years ago

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You can buy any amount of gift copies, but HB monthly is 1/account, you cannot buy more.

8 years ago

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GA Level 1
GA Level 2
GA Level 3
GA Level 4
GA Level 5

5 copies of the same game
5 separate levels

8 years ago

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Sometimes they are all public and Level 0.

8 years ago

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Sure, but he asked why make separate GA's, so I gave an example of what I thought was a good reason.
I'm having a hell of a time trying to say your name out loud btw :p

8 years ago

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There's no pronunciation for it. The first three are my initials and in game most people just call me by that.

8 years ago

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If there's something wrong with the GA, support can more easily work with single copy GAs. I for example have two copies of a 4 copy giveaway waiting for deletion from 2 months back because the giveaway only had 4 entries and 2 of them hadn't bothered to check if they owned the game.

8 years ago

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  • They aren't sure if they get CV for all the copies if they do a multi copy giveaway
  • They think their number of giveaways will only go up by one because they only created one giveaway
  • They want it to look like there are more giveaways when someone scrolls through the games they gave away
  • The want to drain more points for the people who enter for one reason or another
  • They don't know how to create giveaways for multiple copies because there is no option when creating the giveaway, you just have to enter multiple keys in the box
8 years ago

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They think their number of giveaways will only go up by one because they only created one giveaway

The number of giveaways does only go up by one with a multi-copy. Your given away game count increases by the amount of keys.

8 years ago

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Oh, you're right. I was talking about the "gifts sent" number. I didn't even realize that the site also counted the number of giveaways as a different stat and displayed it in everyone's profiles.

8 years ago

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As someone who had a 80×1 one (and will have a much larger one in a few weeks), and 6×20×1 a week ago, all I can say: why the fuck not?

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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