When looking at the SG stats for users it shows that the most users are from the United States (178,443). The thing that got me curious is that I noticed that whenever a giveaway is region locked to the US/Canada there are minimal entries regardless of level, which, obviously I'm not going to complain about better odds of winning. I'm just curious, with the user base being made up of so many US users why are the entry rates so low for these giveaways? I would expect to see many more entries. Giveaways for other regions seem to have many more entries. At any rate what are your thoughts on this?

6 years ago

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You're discounting the people that already own said games and/or have them hidden.

6 years ago

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Not necessarily, because it's the same result regardless of what game is being given away. I've seen the same whether its a cheap bundle game that been around for a while or a brand new AAA game.

6 years ago

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You're speaking with confidence to some broad generalities, there. Again, discounting increased ownership (USA typically has more spending power), level restrictions, giveaway length/frequency, inactive users, etc.

Unless there's some staggering repetition in pattern, you're likely just looking at a results-based coincidence over a small sample size.

6 years ago*

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Ok, that may very well be the case. I'm not exactly approaching this with "hard evidence", I'm simply relaying what I've observed in general and it just seems that the US region giveaways contain far less entries than others. I could be completely wrong or the sample size of data may not be large enough to be representative of the actual facts. Hence my curiosity as well as this post in order to hear the thoughts of others.

6 years ago

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most people are from outside of the usa/canada. just compared to other countries there are most from usa ;)
btw: 178.443 users from usa dosnt mean they are all still active, have the probably needed level, are missing the game from the giveaway and are online during the time the giveaway is running and so on... if you do a region lock giveaway for an other country, it shouldnt look much different

for example:
14 days online, lvl 1 region germany 29 entries

6 years ago

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It makes sense, I thought of that as well. Level, however, doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. I've also had the theory that maybe just the presence of a region lock itself may turn some users away. Some people may just automatically think "Hey I probably can't enter that". This was solely based on how the previous region lock settings worked.

6 years ago

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Well, perhaps you're looking at these stats the wrong way.
Here's a different perspective:

USA: 178,443
Next 5 countries: 372,307
Total: 1,066,375

USA has only a small fraction of the total number of users. It makes 16.7% of the total number of the users on this website, which implies that a giveaway may reflect that number - for example, a giveaway with 1,000 entries worldwide will have 167 entries if restricted to USA (in theory).

6 years ago

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That makes sense for sure.

6 years ago

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One could even go the length of verifying that claim with two identical giveaways, one NA restricted and the other without any restrictions, then compare the results. I would but I don't think I have two keys for the same game. :P

6 years ago

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you may also be comparing region locks for example like the usa and canada one to the Europe one for example which allows people from 60+ countries so it may also be a bit skewed. I've seen giveaways for just one country where the entries are quite small in number.

6 years ago

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