I'm relatively new, and I wanted to ask those in the higher levels if they thought it was worth the time and money they spent to actually get into their said levels.

6 years ago

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I don't know if it's the right question.

The goal of this site is for people to share games with one another. You bought a bundle with games you don't intend to play or already own? Might's well give them away! You've won some games here you enjoyed? Why not give some back when you've got a few extra bucks!

It sounds utopic, sure, and I know there's a lot of people that don't give anything back or merely try to maximize the dollar-spent-to-level-up ratio without caring what it is they're giving away, but that's not the intent of the site.

The point is, by being an active member and giving some games back, you are "rewarded" with a higher level that lets you access giveaways only higher level members have access to. But if your goal is to find out whether the "dollar spent on leveling up" VS "potential dollar value of better giveaways you might win" is in your favor, then the answer is no: you're likely to spend more dollars giving games to level up than the dollar-worth of more games you'll win from the better-odds higher level giveaways.

6 years ago*

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Only to level 4 imo

6 years ago

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No, definitely not. I was expecting to be showered with complimentary stuff once I hit level 10. I mean, at least a free drink at the bar now and then. But I got absolutely nothing. It's a ripoff, son. Always be leechin', I say. /s

I'm just joking around because everything I could have said was already said by others -- no, it's not "worth it" if you think you'll be repaid in gifts to the same extent as you spent; SG is not a sound investment strategy. At best it's a fairly cheap casino, if you're in it for the thrills.

I didn't spend time and money to get those levels, in any case; they're a side effect of giving away games, which I enjoy in and of itself. If tomorrow I was somehow reset to level 0 by some ill-natured admin, nothing would change.

6 years ago

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I can only tell it up to level 5....

The first two levels yes. By the rest no.
Hope that short answer helps :o)

6 years ago

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No. Level 6 is probably the last sensible one to aim for.

6 years ago

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If your goal is to have a high level then sure, go for it. If your goal is to enter more giveaways then you're better off just raising your ratio with a bunch of crappy bundle games (500 given per 1 won) since that's all those giveaway groups care about (besides spamming their group chats and other mundane tasks to appease them).

But if your goal is to be a good person then the best people do giveaways for nothing in return. Not levels, prestige, elitism, nor to gain access to other giveaways. Just because.

6 years ago

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Everyone seems to have forgotten how this site really works. You win games with cards, sell those for profitz and buy a free GTA 5. Every level you get increases the amount of GTA 5s you get and soon you will corner the market for them at level 10.

6 years ago

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I became obsessed with spending points and got myself into lvl 5 without much investment (I'm dirty poor!), so why not.

6 years ago

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I believe most either lose interest in leveling up at around L4 or L5 and just continue to give because they enjoy it, or try to reach L10 for the challenge of it. I fall into the first category. I actually didn't like getting my current level (L8) and would have preferred staying at the L7, but unfortunately there's no way to stop leveling up if one continues to give.

I doubt many consider getting to high levels to be a good investment.

6 years ago

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Similar here. I stopped 'trying' at 7, but continue to give all the same. I just recently got to 8, but it feels the same.

6 years ago

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even if You're level 10 You'll just end up buying Your own wishlisted game
because not everyone on higher level is Gorgeus enough to create non-bundled-wishlisted-by-many game giveaway

6 years ago

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If you are spending money on giveaways hoping to get something back via winning more from being a higher level, then honestly save your money and buy the games you want. If you're giving away just to be nice and in so doing happen to level up and win a game because of that higher level than good for you. But don't do it because you're expecting a 'return on your investment', because you're better off just spending the money on yourself then.

6 years ago

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sure spent thousands of dollars to eventually win one wishlisted game...absolutely worth it.

6 years ago

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It's worth it. But not for the level.

6 years ago

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It feels nice to give things to people, so in that regard yes. If you're doing it to get more games, then no. But casual gifting of leftover keys, or games you don't want from bundles will slowly raise your level. You might not get to level 10 anytime soon, but 5-6 is quite doable.

6 years ago

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