As you can see, I have made a non-CV giveaway for RPG Maker VX Ace that will end in late November-- it is available only to members of this group which is currently empty.

How will we fill this group?

As the title alludes, any wishing to join should propose a videogame of their own! Specifically, a design that can be created with the prize at hand, RPG Maker VX Ace. Your proposal may take any shape you wish and can be any length, but it must be posted here in this thread. Any idea deemed worthy will receive a group invite.

Acceptance is completely at my discretion and current state of intoxication. I'll be looking for legibility, well-defined goals, and some sense of how you will implement your grand ideas. I reserve the right to be picky-as-a-mofo, because I intend to keep the overall number of entries relatively low. This is a free opportunity to bounce some creative ideas off of your digital peers, and we will all get to observe the progress and product of our winner.

I'll be dropping some small, private GA links along the way for giggles. I hope you find the event intriguing and entertaining, good luck! ^__^

Associated Giveaways: (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed) (Closed)

1 decade ago*

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Bumpity bump bump bump

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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BUMP just for fun :)

1 decade ago

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This is still a wonderful idea.

1 decade ago

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oh bump of candy. oh a bump of candy. oh a bump of candy. gets trapped

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Huh…. might as well write my "virgin" post. Huh…. I liked that "0" Comments on my profile… Huh… It is kinda depressing…

Well the ideas might be good or bad but I'm still kinda worried that somebody will steal them… ow well… the temptation for chance to get program that is very expensive is just too strong for me…

Where do I start…

System: RPG, with some parts of the strategy later on

Style: Mix of Light and Dark Fantasy. Lighthearted story but with very dark background that presents serious and disturbing problems like: rape, murderer, human trafficking, drugs etc.

World: Similar to our own but set in medieval or pre-steam times.

Main concept: Question everything

Story: It is story about young citizen of democratic state who grow up thinking that he lived in nearly perfect environment. Place that was said to be home of freedom, rights, individualism and all which was good. The only threat for perfect world that he knew was neighboring kingdom ruled by evil dynasty which was said to reigned over their poor people with fear and violence Two countries with completely opposite system of values were destined to fight each other, and because of that over hundred years earlier horrible war between them started.

When he reached age of 20 he joined compulsory military service. It was chance to become hero… to fight and bring peace and democracy to neighboring countries… (spoiler) But reality isn't so nice. There is nothing glorious in killing people. What is worse all things that he believed are slowly revealed to be lies. To his surprise citizens who supposed to be oppressed by their king… loved and respected him. They were willing to fight and defend their country.

It is simple story that shows that everything is relative. That democratic state isn't always doing right, and monarchy isn't always a bad thing. Everything is relative. There are good and bad things and it always depends on people who rule, be it democracy or monarchy. It is story of lies.

Still… don't get me wrong. The main foes will be monsters… I won't put anything to promote unjustified slaughter of humans. I want to create story about political and economical issuses in dangerous environment.

Battle: Ok… I admit that I'm "Final Fantasy" and "Tales of" big fan. Long grinding will be almost mandatory if you want to beat the game. What is more if you go somewhere where you shouldn't go you will be…. In big trouble. There won't be any sign "monsters lv 500 that way, don't go there". So how do you choose correct way? You talk to every single person you meet, and that way you will hear useful things like which way is safe or how to beat monsters.

Beating monsters will be hard… you must find weakness of every foe that you meet. Sometimes you will hear about it from people in nearest "hunter guild" and other times you will have to try everything to find it on your own. Instead of "scan" ability you will have your own "book" or "notes" which you will have to fill on your own. You see that attacking with magic isn't good idea you will have to pause the game and write it (or fill in table, dunno yet) yourself.

Party members: Well I do want to create variety of members you can choose. Maybe sth like 16 different members. All members active or not gain exp and skill lv after battle. When monster will attack you, you will have time to select members that will deal the best with them… what is more you will be allowed to shift/change them whenever you want(in battle). Why would you do that? Because there won't be simple solution, or best squad that deals with every monster/foe. Again, I want to create hard game that penalize all wrong decisions.

Romance: Ok… I'm naïve and I like lighthearted romance in every story… You will have probably 2 heroines to choose… I mean… fall in love. (BIG SPOILER) one of them will die somewhere in the middle of story… why? Simple, because it will be part of story. So with 2 girls you will have few routes:

  • from the beginning choose the girl that won't die, observe how the other…. Well you will probably sad, but hey your girl survived right?

  • from the begging choose the girl which is destined to die, observe how she dies… grieve

  • from the begging choose the girl which is destined to die, observe how she dies… after that find love in other girl

  • SECRET ROUTE, I won't spill the beans. No way! It is simple but geniale idea. I can tell that only to @ doctorofjournalism….Let me just say that after completing 100% of things to do, and finding all secret girly conversation between them(2 girls that you can fall in love)… you will have option for the best route (IMHO). And I will make it clear. The girl will die, you can't save her, and you won't be albe to ressurect her. It's secret route.

I think… that I told everything that I wanted to tell… if I remember something I will add it.

OK… and I'm telling you this now…. I have no knowledge about making games, I will have to learn it all from the beginning. Plus right now I'm in middle of writing my M.A dissertation so for now I won't have much of the free time… And… now… how the hell should I post this…. I wonder….

Huh… it is depressing.

It will probably become wall of illegible text... I'm quite sure it will... ow well... depressing.
EDIT. i knew it... damn... i'm soooo unlucky...

1 decade ago

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I read this all. Interesting concept though I'm not at all big on political themes, I can see how it would work here. That being said I like the "book" of combat tips idea, however to offer a variation: Instead of having it accessible on your pause screen or so, maybe plan to, after you "jot them down" on screen, for those enemies, whenever you engage that enemy again, your notes pop up on screen, like off to the side or so, that way you can maintain the flow of combat, and instead of having those often intrusive native-game reminders with information you already know or don't care about, you can actually have something pop up that is useful to you.

1 decade ago

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well I think that active pause is better idea.
When fighting group of 5 enemies, each different kind. You will have trouble remembering all that stuff that happened in battle. I really want to make battles complicated. Sometimes you will need to start with "blind/darkness" status to deal your first dmg. The other thing which I forgot to mention is that, I'm thinking about implementing to RPG system which was know from Fallout games. So you will first need to select enemies, and than select part of body to attack. I dunno if it is good or bad idea… will have to think about it. But if I do so… again it would be too hard to remember all things. IMHO.

And thanks for reply… I will really think about your tips. I'm greatful.

Still.. it is kinda depressing, it is my second post… depressing.

1 decade ago

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What a coincidence, I just had an idea for an RPG Maker game inspired by a movie I just watched which reminded me of an RPG Maker game I had played awhile ago. The movie was Macabre, a horror flick about a group of friends who pick up a woman on the road on their way back home. She asks them to drop her off at her home and come in for dinner. You can guess where this is going. Long story short, her family is a bunch of long lived murderers. I watched it on Hulu just now and you can too.

The game I played was Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer, an RPG in which you play a torture enthusiast who kidnaps and tortures people. The object being to bring them as close to death and psychological breakdown as possible without going over before they escape.

My idea for a game was similar in that you'd be the main villain of the house and you'd have your subordinates doing most of the dirty work of kidnapping and murdering people, but you'd have to manage their "needs" and maybe decide how to lay out the house efficiently. I've never seriously worked in RPG Maker so I have no idea what systems would actually be viable and fun, and I only had the idea an hour or so ago, so thoughts on the mechanics are pretty sparse.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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while I was going to sleep I had an idea for a game =p
basicly you play as a person who gets money each step you take on a sepical lot that you spend the money you get to upgrade how you walk other people walking with you and also the lot itself maybe you want to buy roller skates maybe you want to hire and old man with a walker to walk too maybe you want to turn the lot into a track maybe a park or maybe you want to buy two portals to put on one side so all you need to do is press left or right

1 decade ago

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Cookie Canterer.

1 decade ago

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thank you

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'd make a game with more cowbell. Surely I win now?

1 decade ago

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Love the snl reference

1 decade ago

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Huh... I think that I am supposed to "BUMP" it now...
Huh... męczące...

1 decade ago

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Back in the days, we made a LARP games in our little town, and it went for years. It is based on our own fantasy world, and had a continous story line for 5 years, until, the people left the town. I'd like to make a game based on the main characters and story of this LARP.

In the beginning, there is a whole living world, and the main story centralises in a little valley in it, called "The Dark valley" (bit cliché I know, but I like them. :P) There are a few folks, who're living they ordinary lives, trading with the nearby villages, and living from the adventurer, whom come to the valley. Legends says, that there are mythical creatures and powers in the woods, and of course they are. One time a necromancer came, and starts to do his rituals, to summon these creature, and that's when the further war between the falling angel and the vampire lord begins.

I don't want to spoil the whole story, but want to insert many side quest, some of them a bit cheezy, some are gives you adventages in the main story. A companion, or a main item maybe, which leads you to different endings.

The would be the first story I'd like to make happen, of course with better translation. I never used RPG Maker before, but wrote a few modules for different pen and paper systems, and I'd like to try it in a video game.

I hope you like the idea, and good luck for the contestants. ;)

1 decade ago

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It's nice of you to do this!

When I was in middle school/high school, I used to experiment a lot with RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker XP. I generally worked on classic RPGs, similar to Dragon Quest and the Final Fantasy series. It was exciting to have my family and friends test out my games and offer feedback, but the best part was letting them try it out for themselves. I also like to create mini-games within my RPGs, such as carnivals and "casinos" to gamble. It would be nice to implement a monster/pet system, which I was never able to figure out in the older RPG Maker series. Other than that, I plan on sharing these experiences with family and friends, not just developing games by myself. :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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RPG-game where a new continent in the Atlantic has risen. Scientists and explores are off to investigate the new continent, and find out how and why it has risen above the ocean surface. You'll play as one of the explores, where you investigate this new world, and collect data for research. But it gets dangerous, as some of the creatures evolves to wander on the surface. So what should be an investigation turns into a fight for survival.

1 decade ago

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i have some ideas but none of them are suited for RPG maker... more like Sidescrolling games.

but fuck it, i'm gonna write one of the ideas here anyway, just because writing "bump" is not enough.
Genre: 2D sidescrolling MetroidVania-like game (that means huge map and exploration).
the idea is making some kind of MMO, where the world is completely unexplored, so the players can feel like real explorers.
i was thinking in a huge matrix based world (not the movie, the mathematical thing).
the low level players would spawn in the periphery of the matrix, and the level of mobs would be increasing in direction to the center of the matrix, being the central level the ultra-boss room, and when that ultra-boss is killed, the whole world would collapse and create a new one, with a new boss, new loot, etc.
i also have planned the use of portals to travel between sections of the matrix, those portals are hidden, and whoever finds them will have the possibility to name it, even make some kind of territorial control, involving guilds, battling for the control of the portal, they guild could decide to charge a fee for using the portal or leave it free, but not changing the name of it.
The whole concept goes arond exploring and discovering, players could even name the creatures found on the levels.
is just a basic idea, not sure how it could work at the long run, how much time would take the people to "destroy" the world, etc.

tl;dr: side scrolling MMO; Huge matrix (mathematical) world, randomly generated, unexplored, loot, control of territory, ultra-badass-boss, world destruction. Also "BUMP"

1 decade ago

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Huh… It seems my idea was totally no good huh?

Huh… it seems I must try harder… fine… it will be exhausting for me but fine…

Ok, next idea:

But before that, let me just warn you that I am not entirely sure if it is my idea (I think it is). I've just checked all ideas written here aaaaand it's not there BUT… still.. I'm not sure… It is kinda weird feeling… right now I'm not able to say did I read it somewhere or am I the one who created this idea… huh… It might be based on advertisement that I saw… or may not…

So if you heard this idea somewhere before, PLEASE be so kind to tell me so! I will delete it as fast as I Can!

It is a simple story about one of the Teddy Bears the mighty protectors of the children's dreams. Young children are not being able to defend themselves during nights so it is role of Teddy Bears to guard mind and body of sleeping little ones. Each child has it's own Teddy Bear that guard them whole night.

But you are the special one! You got the hardest job that any Teddy Bear could get! You are protector of a little girl in coma who is dreaming all day all night, and because of that you don't have any time to rest during day time. But can you really complain? Your job is to fight horrible creatures and defend her from nightmares.

Edit: hmm... now that I think about it... maybe it seems similar to thresher3253 idea and that's why I am not sure if it is my idea...

EDIT2: Monsters that you fight will be ofcourse from well known tales like Baba Yaga.

Uh…oh… by the way… did you know how many ideas you guys sent? Plenty! So here it is a little summary for you.

McJobless -> gamer's mind

thresher3253-> Guy In coma mind

kyleman1224 -> game about castaway in dessert

Flanlord -> Rouge-like thingy

DeltaBladeX-> sth about managing forum if I Got it right..

Timmaeh -> … didn't get it

Gabric -> psychiatrist or conquista

notnsane ->mailman game

Samuel2012 -> survive In apocalyptic environment

Heleanorae -> Time Travel RPG

Felldrake -> Snoop Dogg RPG thingy

AtomicWoodchuck -> wizzard thingy

GameDemonKing -> tal king sword thingy

Aquillion -> cool story about wizard and tower

GenghisKhan -> no life thingy

FrozenBlade -> pew pew sci-fi thingy

Blairhexor-> Twilight thingy

Vegan -> story about failure

CriminalMacabre -> theater thingy

BrandeX -> survive In apocalyptic environment

Drafek -> warrior sent by gods

mrczoko -> hunted mansion thingy

babloyi -> sth…. And fall of Granada story

HotCucumber -> religion thingy

Inquis192 -> pew pew robots thingy

TheEternalComedian ->post apocalyptic thingy

Antilucid -> zombie thingy

Danicloud-> … overlord thingy?

Psygineer ->evil Guy thingy

Wert456 -> didn't quite get it

Esbeckett-> burnt house

maxlef1-> prison and demon thingy

AHrEJl-> elven thingy

Devil777->OW Quck I'm dying thingy

UrbanThief-> darksider thingy

6you7me-> dual story RPG thingy

Antilucid -> The longest journey look alike RPG thingy

Gawaine-> hmm… magic thingy

Parrafin-> apocalyptic thingy

SsqualL-> evolution thingy

Gryphonrider-> something

ArtosVI -> apocalyptic thingy

orcywoo6-> dual Word thingy

EthylMethylEther -> natural apocalypse environment thing and growing up thing

lordhellfire -> hmm… too detailed to make it short… but still nice one

hujman13-> Devie In Japan Hing

hijofruta-> alien teacher thingy…

Deques-> knight and samurai thingy

TormenT-> Wilhelm Tell

Valzi-> another story about failure guy

Placek89-> Demon lord thingy

chronicdiscord-> … Agarest look alike thingy

Zrightning -> last survivor thingy

Quarks123-> kinda long story thingy…

Irvineanca -> pocket dimension thingy…

Junoh315 -> another demon lord thingy

AuthorAlden -> sci-fi prejudice story

Nomad7 -> girl with telekinetic powers

Shadowfl -> collecting abilities like telekinesis

israelhlc-> Finding missing ppl

Servizio -> hunter mansjon thingy

MabuiKoneko-> eeerm…. Walking simulator? Hell I don't know

HighwayCat-> fantasy thingy

Zeefanox -> exploring New Word thingy

Hmm... and it is depressing if you ask me...

1 decade ago

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Impressive :D

However, I'm literally just getting to the next round of reviewing-- I believe yours is next up ^__^

1 decade ago

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Holly cow... would be nice! Still I'm quite sure I don't stand a chance but still... would be nice.

Now that i think about it....

Wouldn't it be kinda cool to collect tales from many many countries? To make game + compedium.

Which monster is from which tale...?

And why not let player choose class he want to play as... I mean for example Teddy Bear (warrior), Bunny (Archer/agility character), Turtle (heavy tank like character)...

Still thinking about whoooooole work that one persone would have to do is kinda depressing.

1 decade ago

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Also, you need to chill out a bit ^___^

You're alive, it's awesome!

1 decade ago

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"Agarest look Alice thingy," wha?

More along the lines of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, on a multigenerational scale.

1 decade ago

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Hmm... you are right it is my mistake... it should be:

"Agarest look alike thingy" it is autocorrection fault.

Huh... frankly speaking I've just skimmed most of posts. You must admit that reading it all would take... well... too much time. And like thay say "time is precious".

But OK... it will be exausting but give me a minute and I will read your whole post again .... hmm... Hmm... oh... I see...

Well generation system is taken straight from Agarest (but hey it isn't bad right?).

As for story... IMHO as it is now it is no good, you might want to reconsider few details. First of all there should be good reason why people choose to abandon knowledge of magic. You can't say that all people in the world suddenly and voluntarily decided to just abandon it. It would be too naive. Why would they? I mean theirs fathers, grandfathers, grand-grandfathers used it. Was it always bad? No.

It is big plot-hole in your story. And exactly how many generations would have to pass to even see any difference? How fast do you think this whole process would take? You must introduce an external factor why in the first place someone would want to forget about magic.

Huh… so how about this…

First idea

Magic was possible only due to something similar to demon contracts. Magic from the beginning was considered as impure thing… but using help from lesser demons wasn't so dangerous… of course giving little sacrifices was necessary (like small amount of blood) but all people could control it… so what changed? Let's say that greater demon was awaken and because of this most of people just lost control. So magic wasn't abandoned voluntarily… they were forced to do it because it became too dangerous and too risky to use it.
Nobody would want to be around person who might lose control and start killing everything. And would you want to use magic knowing that your body might explode because of magic… probably not?

Second idea.

Ruling dynasty is trying to monopolize magic for their benefits. And because of this normal people were prohibited to learn and use it. Using magic was not worth risking you life.

Again... it is just my humble opinion. I'm not saying this to show that your idea is bad, ok? I think you need to work on it some more time. Well we all do.

1 decade ago

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And boosh, three more invites out the ballistae. You know there's a link still around here somewhere, if you haven't found it yet it's likely best to stop looking. Also, since we're in the final week or so, I will reiterate what I said earlier:

Yes, you may resubmit a new idea or modify your original proposal in a new post for further consideration-- at least one entrant has joined under such circumstance.

1 decade ago

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I dont even have words for how much i love this post, bump, +1 Like, I approve this message, A+, Gold, Here Here, Huzzah, just wow, wording, point made, the giveaway itself is nice, too, but it's nice to see someone stick to their guns and reserve the right to be an individual

The game i desire more than anything to make come to life, is something similar to Dawn, or Minecraft on steroids, Open world, Single World Server, a world that is fully loot/mine/work/harvestable unique genuinely unique bosses added from time to time with unique genuine unique as in will never appear again and cannot be created items dropped from said unique bosses, unique btw meaning they will never be reskinned, they will never reappear, think minecraft meets Morrowind, meets Terraria, meets oh yeah i also would like to use magic and enchantments to reach out to space for colonialization purposes, a couple o friends and i are already working on making this a reality, tho sadly we're broke go figure lol, pray bitcoins go big because then i could actually make the game i'm talking about become a reality.

Basic jist of the game i desire to create, you can actually take anything you see, (provided your willing to go to enough work) you can go anywhere you can find, and as far as city buildling npcs and civilizations, i would like to go allminecraft on it and say we shouldbe the governing bodies of the server/game world, not npcs not mods, the future of the world i'm trying to create, is wherein actual governments could be formed, legimate roles would be worth playing, ie bothering to cut wood would actually be worth doing because the city is looking to expand ballista, so they are offering a premium, which allows you to buy the new Ocaarim sword your neighbor who's a blacksmith has been working on. I want to create real life, meets fantasy. the end didnt name it it's called The Unknown

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Eh. Not sure what RPG Maker is capable of, but the one good idea I have has already been done long ago :(
It's SD Snatcher, a more JRPG-style remake of Snatcher - made by Hideo Kojima (yes, of Metal Gear fame), and a mix of Blade Runner, The Terminator and various other sci-fi classics in terms of story.

1 decade ago

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But how do you plan on getting Kojima on board? ;P

1 decade ago

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I'm not. I'd just be ripping off one of his previous works. And yes, that makes my idea a whole lot worse than it initially sounds, simply because it has been done already.

1 decade ago

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JRPGs are not precisely my thing, but this is a very cool giveaway. Hope the winner really has an RPG inside of him/her!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by doctorofjournalism.