Buy games for 1 dolla
But only if you want steam keys for the games that offer them.
For example, the weekly humble bundle right now only contains Faerie Solitaire as a key without beating the average. So you could, if you wanted only pay $0.01 and get the games and software, DRM free.
It probably costs bumble bundle more then that in transition fees, but if you feel the games are worth more you can always go back and 'top up' your donation.
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Nope. Last couple of times you have to BTA to get the bonus.
You can always go back after the games are added, and up your contribution to BTA, but that usually ends up being more expensive. You can just skip it if the bonus games suck though.
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Yes, and that box says exactly what you quoted: "Pay more than the average of $4.15 to unlock them when they arrive!"
Yet you claim: "Some extra games are added to the under average rather than above average"
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They stopped giving extra games to under average, the last one was Origin bundle.
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no it can't be more expensive because you have to beat the average at the time you bought
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They offer a certain number of games, with a couple of extra ones if you go over the average at the time of purchasing.
They add extra games to the main bundles after a week.
It's both legit and legal. Humble is a games distributor and works directly with indies and publishers to provide games at a very cheap price.
If they add games and you've already beaten the average, you get those games added to your page for that bundle automatically. If you haven't but you want the games, you can add more money to your existing purchase price to raise it over what the average was at the time of purchasing.
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It's a little-known fact that the real Area 51 was actually in Italy all along. The Illuminati from the Italian mafia noticed that people believed spaghetti westerns were filmed in the US so they used a similar approach to draw attention away from their real location. They even made a decoy Area 51 in Nevada which, unlike the real one, never had any space aliens at all, and was actually only used for filming "moon landing" videos.
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well if Garry of Garry's mod gave all the money to himself I'd believe it
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as far as i know, legit.
About the games, pay the minimum and get 1 game or so, pay the cap(something like 4,10 for example) and you get all the games listed, AND if their quota is filled they give extra games, so if you paid/donate the minimum cap(again 4,10 for example) you get new games even if the cap is like 10 dollars right now cause when you paid/donate you gave more than the minimum cap.
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Basically pay 1USD (usually) and you get Steam keys for the "basic" games, pay more than the average, and you get those extra games, and maybe some more that are later added. If they add more games later, and you have already payed above the average, then you'll receive your games too.
And yes, it is legit, and legal.
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Here's how Humble do their stuff and all you need to know:
Humble Bundle is a company that takes some games and offers them to us, gamers, for a price we chose, then takes out money and splits it between the developers, themselves (Humble) and charity organizations (we pick how much goes to each of the 3 receivers).
The games offered are fully legal and split in 3 categories: base pack (any price), beat the average (pay more than the average price) and bonus games (added after 7 days passed from a bundle's release).
Pay $0.01 and you only get the soundtracks from the base pack (along with the unpleasant feeling of screwing over Humble)
Pay less than $1 and you'll get the base pack but with no Steam keys (you should feel bad for doing this aswell)
Pay any price above $1 and you get the base pack with Steam keys
Pay more than the current average price and you get the base pack + beat the average pack + bonus games (and a feeling that you did a good thing)
What can you expect from the Humble offers (varies, but always indicated above each game in the pack):
Other things you should know:
That's all there is to know.
Also I'd like to mention that Humble are covering server costs, bandwidth and money transaction fees for their service. By paying $0.01 (and other ridiculously tiny amounts) what you're doing is screwing them over on those costs, so if you plan to pay nothing, I personally would say to just pirate the stuff, at least that way Humble won't get any additional costs.
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This is the perfect explanation. I would also like to ask the question of why are people butthurt about the humble store? People are always just paying $1 for the base games and that's it. The humble store is constantly give you good deals and a good amount of it goes to charity. The humble store is the best way to cover the cost of running the site and putting food on the table since most people put the money towards devs and charities.
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People who brag about paying $.01/$1.00 or complain about having to pay more than 5 annoy me so much, if you're poor then whatever I won't judge but don't act like you're cute for paying devs next to nothing
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Same here, I don't mind if people with strained financial situations chip on only a dollar or so. But I do mind people who tends to think of HB (and other similar sites) as a place to get as many games for $1 even if their financial situation makes it possible for them to chip a few dollar more without it causing them any problem. People doing that on a regular basis are in my opinion pretty much exploiting the Pay-what-you-want system and using it as a "pay-as-little-as-you-can"-system, and that's a system that won't work i in the long run.
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False, the new system tells you if it's redeemed and will tell you if it's not (for example when you already own it)
The only reason I can think of that people say this system sucks is that it's no longer possible to resell the games as if they are from normal retailers (aka, no more 200 copies of every game on ebay when a AAA bundle comes out)
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How does the beat the average to win games work, do they add more games as time goes on? Is it legit/legal? If they add more games do you have to beat the new average?
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