Is there an ASF command for this badge or we must install 10 demos?

*EDIT: thank you MikiJones, StonerSmurf and a guy from Reddit - he deleted his post :(
!addlicense asf 583361, 718797, 719478, 714470, 720428, 586749, 727010, 730682, 704024, 722834
!play asf 1642370, 1990970, 1992900, 1979010, 1995770, 1650980, 2013570, 2023830, 1952410, 2001950

!addlicense asf 717478, 727113, 730812, 726603, 729842, 725538, 708478, 527019, 706453, 588961
!play asf 1987090, 2013810, 2024180, 2012480, 2021450, 2009660, 1962280, 1494880, 1958480, 1657370

!addlicense asf 715070, 729471, 728054, 689274, 540991, 729609, 508505, 730604, 733268, 686957
!play asf 1980640, 2020300, 2016360, 1913650, 1532890, 2020740, 1445330, 2023570, 2052470, 1907530

!addlicense asf 726118, 731596, 713829, 495075, 729001, 601719, 729500, 688345, 691836, 702277
!play asf 2011390, 2026200, 1977080, 1410630, 2018970, 1689380, 2020390, 1911480, 1920590, 1947840

!addlicense asf 702249, 701294
!play asf 1947760, 1945830

!addlicense asf 725065, 707828, 719287, 729557, 563576, 463059, 719550, 676877
!play asf 2008340, 1960410, 1992330, 2020580, 1591770, 1326050, 1993130, 1879930

!addlicense asf 707831, 567755, 617783, 691593, 462717, 708182, 704135, 418405, 708146, 728858
!play asf 1960420, 1602790, 1724820, 1919890, 1325100, 1961470, 1952610, 1210600, 1961360, 2018590

!addlicense asf 722248, 726402, 729478, 525422, 635416, 729662, 704231, 492051, 458376
!play asf 2000330, 2011930, 2020320, 1490520, 1771080, 2020890, 1952700, 1402040, 1313080

2 years ago*

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Supposedly for playing demos, but I'm not sure if there's a time played requirement...

I've put 20 minutes into the Gloomwood demo and haven't gotten a badge yet.

2 years ago

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I think it's only play time in demos, not playing a certain amount of demos, we'll figure it out

2 years ago

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No, it's NUMBER, not TIME: "Your Steam Summer Next Fest 2022 Badge
Play any demo from Next Fest to unlock a badge you can feature on your Steam Profile.
Level up your badge as you try out more demos."

2 years ago

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Might be bugged atm, played 2 demos and got 0 badges.

2 years ago

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Getting the badge seems to be broken.
edit: works now for me basically you'll have to play 10 demos to max out the badge

2 years ago*

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It works now, I just got it. :)

2 years ago

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i guess you could use !addlicense (demoid) and !play (demoid)

2 years ago

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And this is a correct answer.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Played a demo for over an hour while in invisible status, got nothing... closed the game, refreshed everything, tried again and still nothing.
Turned status to online, launched the demo a third time, got the badge.
Dunno if it was a coincidence or not, just thought I'd had to the topic.

2 years ago

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Got the badge after a few minutes of playing You Suck at Parking! (sweet little game)

Now .. how many demos to level up the badge?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Found this on Reddit, it works.
ASF commands for instant lvl2:

!addlicense asf 583361, 718797, 719478, 714470, 720428, 586749, 727010, 730682, 704024, 722834

!play asf 1642370, 1990970, 1992900, 1979010, 1995770, 1650980, 2013570, 2023830, 1952410, 2001950

2 years ago

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This one works, thanks!

P.S. Praise Shai-Hulud

2 years ago

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Happy Cakeday :D

2 years ago

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Happy Cake Day :)

2 years ago

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Thanks! I love it when someone does all the hard work :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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thanks ;)

2 years ago

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works, thanks for the easy mode!

2 years ago

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It just works!

2 years ago

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Thanks, it works perfectly.

2 years ago

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How to execute !play asf 1642370, 1990970, 1992900, 1979010, 1995770, 1650980, 2013570, 2023830, 1952410, 2001950 ?

2 years ago

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In your console, or you send !play <ACCOUNT NAME> 1642370, 1990970, 1992900, 1979010, 1995770, 1650980, 2013570, 2023830, 1952410, 2001950 to your bot on steam if you got that set up

2 years ago

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Alright, thanks!

2 years ago

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How can I actually PASTE something into asf console? CTRL+V or right mouse button won't work. And there is no obvious answer in any FAQ, really this soft is driving me crazy..

2 years ago*

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You have to press the "C" key first 😉

2 years ago

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That is what already found out, after pressing c I can enter commands manually, but I CAN'T paste them...

2 years ago

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Can't help with that I'm afraid. But have you tried using the web-interface via the built in IPC server? It's what I use most of the time, since it's a bit more user friendly than the command line console... 😁

2 years ago

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God bless you good sir, that finally worked (well, I had to turn the server on first...)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You helped me so much thx

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you so much :) Never figured out that I had to press c first.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you very much !

2 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

2 years ago

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Thanks ! <3

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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If you for some reason want to raise it for level 42 (because why not? 🤣)
!addlicense asf 717478, 727113, 730812, 726603, 729842, 725538, 708478, 527019, 706453, 588961
!play asf 1987090, 2013810, 2024180, 2012480, 2021450, 2009660, 1962280, 1494880, 1958480, 1657370

!addlicense asf 715070, 729471, 728054, 689274, 540991, 729609, 508505, 730604, 733268, 686957
!play asf 1980640, 2020300, 2016360, 1913650, 1532890, 2020740, 1445330, 2023570, 2052470, 1907530

!addlicense asf 726118, 731596, 713829, 495075, 729001, 601719, 729500, 688345, 691836, 702277
!play asf 2011390, 2026200, 1977080, 1410630, 2018970, 1689380, 2020390, 1911480, 1920590, 1947840

!addlicense asf 702249, 701294
!play asf 1947760, 1945830

Happy "Next Fest" everyone 🙂

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Level 42, nice! Now I need 27 more!

2 years ago

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Just was doing them manually and got to 8, saw this thread downloaded asf and now got to lv47 in an instant. :)

2 years ago

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Tempting, but I'd have to re-enable ASF for my main account just to do it, haha. My bot account can have 42 easy, though.

2 years ago

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Thanks! Nice and easy!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you, it works!

2 years ago

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Thanks. Actually i know this commends but this time I does not see any result. Licences added, it says it farms them but there is no badge at last does not see it. I need to wait several minutes or it should work after seconds?

EDIT: Never mind. Found this badge and it says it is for plaryin 33 or more demos. But i though it will be some message when i get it :)

2 years ago*

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Thank you! =)

2 years ago

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You see! This is why I love this community! Makes life so much easier for everyone. We get updates, we get tips and tricks. It's amazing!

Took me like seconds lol

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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Worked nicely, thanks a lot.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Or spend a few seconds and do what OP said above.

2 years ago

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sure, but not everyone uses asf.

2 years ago

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I don't know why but this just reminded me I forgot to get the secret badge from the Racing Fest... Dang it, lol.

2 years ago

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You actually have to start a new game not just turn on the demo.

2 years ago

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nope just fake launching works

2 years ago

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Very low effort looking badge. Not worth playing 10 demos.

2 years ago

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It was pretty easy for me to find 10 games I thought looked cool (I actually found 12). I love trying out demos.

Edit: they all sucked lmao. Well, not the one where you kick people. That was pretty fun.

2 years ago*

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I've played 9, but for some reason Steam won't let me download any more, haha. I've tried like 4 or 5 others but clicking download demo just loads/reloads the store page for some reason... XP

2 years ago

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Ugh, that's so annoying. I had a similar thing happen to me while trying to download too many demos at once, but something like reloading the page fixed it. I hope you managed to play this demo. It's the game where you kick people I mentioned lol. It's the only one I've played that I'd recommend.

2 years ago

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Finally started working for me again, haha. Might try it, when I first saw the trailer I was pretty annoyed by how the kicking animation looks like it's sprouting from your shoulder or something, but maybe it'll be fun enough for me to overlook that painful animation, haha.

2 years ago

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Oh, I'm glad! And yeah, it is kinda strange lol. The models in this game (player, enemies and npcs) are something else. I honestly can't tell what they are lol. There's something like a cutscene in the demo where you can see the leg and their bodies in full detail and it's something else, I gotta say. Do let me know how you like it if you feel like it!

2 years ago

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ty sir

2 years ago

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some way to fake play demos, i dont have the internet to be downloading that much shit

2 years ago

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Use ASF and enter the commands specified above you'll get your maxed out badge immediately without the need to download anything.

2 years ago

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only with ASF? never worked for me before

2 years ago

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from my wishlist that showed demos.

Goblin and Coins II Demo - good
You Suck at Parking Demo - good
Pocket Wheels Demo - ok, camera is bad.
Swordship Demo - good

Played the above for a few min. Will likely play a couple more tomorrow. I see more I would like to play for a few min.

2 years ago

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Goblin and Coins II Demo - good

Thank you very much for trying it. Knowing that at least some real people did it and not just bots is helping.

2 years ago

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I'll be playing it soon too :D Is there new stuff in the demo since last playtest?

2 years ago

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Hmmm... I think one level, and you don't need to jump from the ground to do doublejump anymore. Maybe some smaller things. Music.
There's more new levels in the regular branch, but demo was "cut off" at "enough content for a demo" line. :)

2 years ago

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What is this! I died and my respawn point was inside the tiny hole but I'm respawned full size! Bad developer! :p

Yes, I was trying to find the secret level, no succes :(

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Also is this supposed to be a "danger" symbol instead of an "eye" symbol, because I can't find anything there?

View attached image.
2 years ago

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It's to not miss the portal up above.

2 years ago

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Oh, I see :D

2 years ago

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I'll be replaying the first one on the steam deck. (once I have it, hopefully by end of Sept, I'm Q3 sometime)

And of course I'll buy and give the second one a go as well once it comes out.
Gotta support people who have done much for this site.
That's not the only reason..... They are good games too. 😄

💙 fixed the oversight..

2 years ago

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Thanks! I hope the 2nd one will be better than the first game... and more fun. That's the goal.
GnC1 works just fine on Deck (native linux build), GnC2 should work when released too.

2 years ago

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Ah, so this is why everyone has been downloading and playing demos, that was a confusing friend activity page.

2 years ago

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Ooooh, thanks for the heads up '-'

2 years ago

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thanks for the heads up. lost several badges in the past because no one pointed them explicitly (neither steam).

2 years ago

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I actually don't really care about the badge, but this is a nice incentive to check out some games.

2 years ago

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It seems to have made a lot of developers feature having demos. I hope more take this up so we can try before we buy.

2 years ago

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So I guess this one's gonna be a bit rougher on anyone without ASF huh XD

I'm gonna stick around here to see if anyone finds a max level.

2 years ago

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xp wise max is 100 at 10 games, text wise max is at 1029

2 years ago

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Anyone have list of all 1029 demos to add? through asf

2 years ago

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I bet someone comes up with the necessary commands for ASF just wait and see ;)

On the other hand this shows how good marketing intentions like incentivizing developers to provide demos lead to unforeseen consequences. But that's nothing new with such events as the dudes at Steam simply don't have the imagination to predict consumer behavior.

2 years ago

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Oh neat, thanks for the info!

2 years ago

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I thought it would provide more exp. Thank you!

2 years ago

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You can use also Idle Daddy on your phone ;p

2 years ago

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Can you explain how to do it. If it's possible

2 years ago

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You can't idle demos with Idle Daddy I've already tried. ASF reigns supreme ;)

2 years ago

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Yes you can, you just need to go to "Games" -> "Idle Hidden/Non-Steam Game" & provide product ID for ex. 2000330 for Alaskan Truck Simulator
Here before you need also to add this game which you will idle: Games -> "+" & provide ID

2 years ago*

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Ah, just learned a new trick thanks for answering.

2 years ago

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First you need to add this game which you will idle in the app: Games -> "+" & provide ID
Later in the app: "Games" -> "Idle Hidden/Non-Steam Game" & provide product ID for ex. 2000330 for Alaskan Truck Simulator

You can idle/farm all your cards or add/activate games via this app, I'm using this for years and it's great

2 years ago*

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I'm actually taking this chance to check out some new games (VNs). Out of 4 games Hush Hush is the only one added to my wishlist, I like the idea of the Crush Crush girls getting brutally murdered (no but for real it seems pretty solid).

2 years ago

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How's your laptop did you succeed in replacing the panel any reaction from ASUS?

2 years ago

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They never replied. Since they shipped another screen with my computer I was able to replace it on my own no problem. It took a couple minutes and did not warrant having to pay them loads to do it, wipe my computer and ship it back with another broken screen :S

The downside is that the new screen doesn't have touch screen... I wanted to repair it so I could do math problems digitally instead of on paper since the touch broke when my screen did. So I'm back to pen and paper anyway. Lesson is: avoid official repairs, and never buy ASUS.

2 years ago

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Glad I'm not the only one who actually likes NextFest to discover new games and not just badges!
So far I haven't seen much that was more than embryonic.
Some demos not working at all and other total asset flips (why would you even make a demo for those?) but I'm only about 7 demos in.

It's cool though that games that have been in EA for a while like Hush Hush have demos. I have been let down by EA games too many times to buy them before they get a full release but demos are a good way for them to show where they are.

2 years ago

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I mean, you can't really play the EA of Hush Hush right now if you didn't back it I think. Maybe that is different from someone releasing a halfassed EA game and then forgetting about it. The demo was great though so to my tiny wishlist it goes.

The VN category for demos isn't that great... too short, mediocre stories, and of course the games that are half in Chinese from not being translated properly. Goodbye World seems to be the other only interesting one but it seems way too depressing for me to enjoy. I'm going to play more demos though, it's kind of fun to just explore new stuff.

2 years ago

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Hm... I was going to try the demo of Goodbye World next. Now I don't know if I'm in the mood for it.
VN tend not to lend themselves well to demos for sure. Even if the game ends up good, the demo is usually mediocre.

2 years ago

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It's short and seems to do its thing well. But I have never been one for depressing stories, which it seems to be. I think the demo is worth trying anyway. I would play the game if I got it for free.

2 years ago

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I'll definitely play the demo. I know technically any game on Steam has a demo since you can get a refund if you play less than 2 hours but I just love those little demo fest events where you see what's coming next.
I'm not really into depressing stories atm either but I guess I'll balance it with something light

2 years ago

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does anyone have a recommendation of demo to try out?

2 years ago

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Cal7 mentioned some.

I've also liked Necrosmith, Railbound, One Military Camp, and Terra Nil so far.

2 years ago

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thanks! i saw cal7's post but the game doesn't seem to be up my taste. railbound looks nice, though. i'll check it out later.

2 years ago*

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Being a fan of 1C and Star Wolves I'll recommend
Don't know if it's your cup of tea though.

2 years ago

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aw, i'm not a fan of strategy games, sadly. thanks for the recommendation, though!

2 years ago

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ooh, some interesting ones there. i might try the hidden object one. just tried one demo from my wishlist and got burned out with the amount of text that i had to read, hahah. thanks for the recommendation!

2 years ago

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Oooh yes! Thank you. I'm going to play those before I go browse the point and click section.

2 years ago

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So far the only ones I tried that look like they'll be real games are
Midnight Fight Express and Signalis (this one is absolutely brilliant) but admittedly I have only browsed through the Action genre so far and a lot of duds wasted a lot of my time

2 years ago

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whoa, both look cool! now i can't decide which one to play, hahah. so many choices! maybe i should play both :)

2 years ago

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Heh they're not super long so you definitely should try both.
Loopmancer also is pretty fun if you needed a third :P

2 years ago

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that looks nice. i try to avoid roguelite tho since i hate perma death, hahah. thanks again btw!

2 years ago

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There definitely is a loop element but I think some things change as well. They didn't spoil much in the demo obviously.

2 years ago

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I wishlisted a few after playing the demos:

  • Cult of the Lamb (sort of a Binding of Isaac vibe where you start a cult to resurrect a dead god)
  • Nine Sols (very slick looking Souls-like platformer)
  • Railbound (casual puzzle game about linking rail cars in order to an engine)
  • Hard West 2 (XCOM style strategy game set in a Wild West + Demons/Undead setting)
2 years ago

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i don't like turn-based strategy and avoid roguelikes, but nine sols and railbound look good enough for me. thanks for the recommendations!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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whoa, thanks for the list!
i can't make out what 24 killers is, although the ps aesthetic looks interesting to me. never played onion games tho so i don't know what is it.
dave the diver seems to be up to my taste. i always on the look for restaurant management + hunting material games, the ones like recettear but more casual.
paradise marsh look cute, although i'm not sure if i'll like it. i have been appreciating photography games recently, and since this one look similar (catching with a net instead of taking photo), maybe i'll like it too.

2 years ago

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Using this post to recommend one really good game from the fest:

2 years ago

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