Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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The Big Lebowski.

I was confused most of the time as I try to find the essence of the story. And in the end, I accepted that the dude really just wants his rug back.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Office Space (1999)

Very funny and relatable offbeat comedy

6 years ago

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You need to see Idiocracy next. Same people that made Office Space, which I LOVED.

If you never saw Idiocracy, here's a small clip from it.

6 years ago*

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It is really funny :)

6 years ago

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I wish these young whippersnappers would stop f*cking up the American western. It's not like there's many made these days (so I tend to look forward to them) or that far better movies haven't been made addressing the same subject matter without all the self-importance, fanfare and tedious pacing that this one provides. The photography was very nice though and the cast generally quite good even though wasted or under utilized.

6 years ago

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At last, watched The Lego Movie (2014) and it's one of the best comedies and fun movies, that I saw in a long time. 9/10

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6 years ago

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Ghostbusters 2016

Well, Ghostbusters is one of my favorite franchises, and i figured, if I can see it for free, might as well find out everything that's wrong with it.
Hint: The fact that it's an all-female hero team isn't it.

The fact that every named character is a one-dimensional caricature at best however.... I mean, we get the gross one, the stereotypical sassy black lady one, the one that goes from no longer believing in ghosts to born-again believer fanatic in about 5 seconds, and the last one who's defining trait is... that she's kinda chubby ? I dunno.
And the villain is some schmuck who wants revenge for being bullied. Well, at least he's got a decent plan to work with I guess. And that helps to at least give the movie something of a coherent, if thin, plot, so it doesn't completely devolve into a series of rehashed scenes from the 1984 film with filler scenes in between. The fact that his final form is Oogie Boogie instead of being something original is yet another strike against the movie though
But really, the best characters in the film are the skeptic professor bit part played by Bill Murray (probably because he insisted to write and play the part himself, man's known to do that especially if he doesn't really care about the movie), and Chris Hemsworth as the loopy secretary who's so over-the-top ridiculous that it actually becomes kind of charming.

As for the rest, well, there's no witty character-building dialogue. The CGI effects are all too obvious (especially where they're mixed with practical effects) and honeslty look TV quality for the most part.. There's not much in the way of further world-building, the attempted jokes are mostly limited to really poor one-liners (Think "queef joke ! HAR HAR women am I right?" and consider it doesn't really get better than that...), and half of the scenes are "Hey look at this cameo/shoutout! NOSTALGIA IS HIP RIGHT?" or "Hey, check out these gadgets. BUY OUR TOYS PLEASE!"

So yeah, the movie's biggest problem is that everything's blatantly targetted to milk the nostalgia value of the frranchise for maximum marketing potential.
And I suppose that if it actually tried to be something progressive/feminist/sjw/whatever you want to call it to carter to a specific demographic, it really fails hard at that.point simply because it shows a core team of one-sided caricatures instead of properly developed, empowered women.

6 years ago

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Black Panther. Was so conservative, that I actually liked it.

6 years ago

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expectedly so? they are basically one big tribe.
There are other aspects about wakanda that don't make as sense though, so not as good, as critics made it to be,

6 years ago

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Critics made it 10/10 cause it was a black movie and they tough it would be very liberal. I laughed hard when the idea of BLM was actually the bad guy and the idea of "WE the people, not the color" were the good guys.
Truth be told, I'd give it a 8/10, just because it was totally different of what I expected.

6 years ago

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The Departed
saw it second time
still awesome:)

6 years ago

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I watched The Last Jedi, still a bad movie

6 years ago

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Ran (1985) by Akira Kurosawa

Very beautiful film, story was ok, had some minor plot holes, acting was good for he most part. The film itself doesn't feel old at all, except for effects and technical details and gives out theatrical vibe. Would rate it 8 or 9 out of 10.

6 years ago

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Indeed a great movie. Personally I like Kurosawa's Rashomon and Kagemusha even better though.
I actually should watch more of his movies. There still are some on my watchlist, but so are too many others.

6 years ago

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There's something visceral about a real life cavalry charge that a cgi one entirely lacks.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I've just seen Mr. Church.

And I fought with my manly tears for about an hour, during the movie. Perfect match for a Father's Day.
Recommended with an emotional 9/10.

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6 years ago

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The actual last movie I saw was Gran Torino (starring and directed by Clint Eastwood). Incredibly touching and well-written story of an aging and extremely prejudiced war veteran who slowly befriends the Hmong family living next door. I've seen it multiple times, definitely one of my favorite films.

Sunday afternoon, I took my niece and nephew to see Avengers: Infinity War. They absolutely loved it, and I felt it was a very good addition to the MCU. Plenty of action and all the super-heroes in one film. Enjoyable, as long as you don't go in expecting a whole lot. I don't want to spoil anything (since it's still a relatively new film), so I won't say anything more about it.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Death of Stalin.

6 years ago

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cloverfield. watched on netflix.
i have watched cloverfield 2&3 before.

6 years ago

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Last movie I saw in theatres was Avengers Infinity War.
Last movie I saw at home was Annihilation.

I enjoyed both, I was wishing for a bit more monster/alien/supernatural interaction in Annihilation, but even so it was a decent story and very visually pleasing.

6 years ago

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Just rewatched both The Guest and Nightcrawler. Both seriously underrated, awesome films. These movies passed so many people by, it's a shame. Jake Gyllenhaal's performance is so, so good. Dan Stevens is great too.

Both are on Amazon for cheap

The Guest

6 years ago

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Nightcrawler gave me chills and Jake Gyllenhaal should have gotten a Oscar Nomination.

6 years ago

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I agree. Those soulless eyes, and when he snaps in front of the mirror...

6 years ago

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Watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and 2. The second one is on Netflix. I liked the second one way better than the first. The first had a boring villain and a boring second half of the movie. The 2nd kept me engaged the entire way through and had some great funny parts, a lot more character driven.

Saw The Void on Netflix. Some creepy body horror stuff here and there, but ultimately pretty forgettable and not scary/suspenseful to me. No good characters to latch onto, and the ending was pretty lame.

Sing was meh just alright, basically the kids version of The Greatest Showman. Loved The Greatest Showman which was surprising I'm usually not into musicals, lots of great songs, great cinematography, characters, some good emotional parts. I would say it's a must see.

Dead Men Tell No Tales was pretty good, I liked it way more than the 4th one, which put me to sleep. I wouldn't say the 5th is as good as the first 3, but it's close. The 4th is definitely the weakest in the series.

Saw Avengers Infinity War in theaters and it was alright, I think I'm just a little fatigued of constant superhero action. Wouldn't watch it again, and it definitely felt long.

I look forward to seeing Mission: Impossible - Fallout and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Gonna be watching Annihilation when it comes out on Blu Ray that one looks awesome.

Need to catch The Blackcoat's Daughter, The Neon Demon, Green Room, Star Trek Beyond, Spectre, Arrival, and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets on Amazon prime video this week. The Witch is also a good movie, just don't expect a standard horror movie, it's more of a time period / slow burning suspense movie, and be sure to turn on the subtitles.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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black panther - boring
infinity war - good

watched again into the wild - extra good ++

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6 years ago

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Avengers Infinity War 2 weeks ago
want to watch Deadpool 2 this Friday

6 years ago

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You Were Never Really Here, one of the best movies about psychological trauma I've ever seen and brilliant Joaquin Phoenix's one-man show. Totally recommended to anyone who doesn't mind using their brain while watching emotionally heavy drama - but only to them. Just don't confuse it with an action movie, you'll be pretty disappointed in that case.

6 years ago

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Had nothing better to do this past 2 weeks other than catching up with Marvel. I really liked GOTG vol:2 and Thor 3, but overall, didn't care for MCU, lots of boring movies in there, They might as well thank DC for making it so easy for disney to learn and grow, through the years without much competition.

the Whedon entries might be the safest movies on the MCU, might be a easy way to tackle multiple characters, but these are at the peak of formulaic storytelling.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Same movie, with a disposable villain. Doesn't help he hits to close to Iron Man, which already is a prominent character in the Avengers
Captain America: The First Avenger
The right director for the right movie, but the story is simply not there for me.
Bonus points for being the best looking from Phase One.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Good popcorn thriller. unfortunately the Russo films are the most bland in the MCU
Captain America: Civil War
Interesting story, but also the ugliest movie in the MCU. the empty space is distracting.
Black Panther
Or Hollywood tribal: the movie. It's pretty good actually, though the budget was either misused or went straight to avengers.
Wakanda is an interesting location, plus the whole thing about them sticking to tradition, being this isolated totalitarian country, hogging over the most valuable resource in the world, not even helping the communities around it.
It's quite clear they have other resources besides Vibranium, and there's no explanation on how they purchased it or trade for it, considering their circumstances. Plus Vibranium is laughably powerfu and as an insane amount of uses, i thought that was a bit silly.
Now the real story, would have been the most powerful nations declaring war on wakanda to steal their resources, destroying any poor community around them in the process.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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