I am a bit strapped for cash and not sure if I should get the Canadian bundle, would like some of those games, but is it entirely work it. Better deal than some of the Christmas holiday special stuff?
And are all the games good?

Edit: Its a midweek madness bundle on Steam

1 decade ago*

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EDIT: or is it steam?

1 decade ago

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It is the midweek madness on steam

1 decade ago

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he's talking about this one..


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yeah sorry should have said that in the title, yeah its midweek on steam

1 decade ago

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it's a trap

1 decade ago

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I bought it, but I still hate the fact that I don`t get the ones I already have to gift here.

P.S. bought it cause I wanted hoard. and well got some bonus games with it.

1 decade ago

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Dungeons of Dredmor is a great, humorous, rogue-like game. I always play perma death, but you don't have to; there are a ton of skills (all of which tend to be accompanied with funny descriptions). This is one major reason to get the game I think. I personally think it is a lot of fun, and it is a game that you can pick up whenever and play. Either for a short while, or for hours. When I die, I don't feel frustrated... I just want to start over again.

I like Hoard, but ai is mediocre. I used to play online with people but haven't as of late, but it was much more fun that way. I also have this on my psp, and I think it is fun to just pick up. I wish you could extend the length of the games too, that's one thing that's bothered me. But it is a "strategy" game: you try to make the biggest hoard of treasure (hence the name!). You level up, and can upgrade your dragon, and some of the enemies can be a bit hard the further in the round you are. Like one map can have a bunch of wizard towers and if you don't take care of them, by late game you'll be dodging their attacks constantly.

SPAZ I really enjoy. You command ships, and try to finish the story line. But there's more to it. There are factions, you can side with one, or the other; and each "jump" to a new system you make, you have new/different enemies and allies. You control one ship out of the party, but you can switch through them. You get to upgrade parts/ships, and you can travel at your own pace for most part. Events in the system will end after a certain number of turns, and some events will damage your reputation with people you are friendly with, while others may help it.

As for the other game, I've never played. So I can't say much. From those three I mentioned though, they're really fun. If they're the only ones you'd get, then maybe wait. I think those three would be cheaper than the bundle itself on sale.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery looks like fun though. I'd like to pick this game up when I can since I missed it with hib5. And people really enjoy shank (I dunno about two though.), I personally haven't played it... So hopefully others will have some more input for those.

Over all though, I think this is the one I'd get if I didn't already have most of the games. :)

It's kind of a shame it doesn't come with any of the DLC (for dungeons of dredmor and hoard) but you can pick all of those dlc's up for real cheap on sale, especially since the dredmor dlc is already cheap and well worth its price

1 decade ago

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Thanks for all your advice man, very helpful. Dont really have much time do play multiplayer, if so is Hoard still good on single player

1 decade ago

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I still have a lot of fun single player. I just wish you could extend the round times (as I said before); on single player I think you should be able to set the time for as long as you'd like personally... it is at 5 minutes I think now.. Or less. But I'd rather be able to play a really long one just for fun.

1 decade ago

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+1 great post

1 decade ago

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Do you get extra copies if you have some of the games? :D

1 decade ago

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I don't think bundles give extra copies to give away, sadly.

But you can always check by putting the bundle in your cart, it will tell you if they give extra copies or not.

1 decade ago

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If he had read the thread he would know the answer. lol

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Dungeons of Dredmor is great an can easily net you almost unlimited playtime if your into it. Spaz nets you something around 25-35 hours with a playthrough on the biggest map and after that theres still plenty you could do in another way in another playthrough. Capsized is decent albeit being pretty short, you can finish the game in like 2-3 hours, if you dont complete everything. Waveform can be pretty hard to get the hang of even though the premise is quite easy, fit the curve onto the dots xD

1 decade ago

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They are such NICE games in it,if you dont own the most..buy it..i have three of them..i dont want waste games and money so i have to pass crying

1 decade ago

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Thanks for all the advice, looks like i might be picking this one up, thankfully i dont own any of the games already so its a net win

1 decade ago

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Nice games for sure but since you don't get spare copies of ones you own it would be a waste for me. It's too bad valve does this with steam as it would help spread the word for indie devs if I could gift the extras to friends.

Word of mouth is very powerful advertising.

1 decade ago

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I just picked it up. Mainly because I've been wanting the Shank series. About 80% of those games have been in previous bundles with the exception of Shank 2 and I think Capsized. If you were to gift the remainder of the games you wouldn't get credit for them anyways since they were in a couple of previous bundles.

For now it's in my inventory since I won't be getting to them anytime soon anyways. If a better deal for the Shanks comes along on Steam I'll have something to trade.

1 decade ago

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Shank 2 was in the EA "indie" bundle. That's where I got it. Only game I'm missing from this bundle is Capsized, so I'm gonna pass.

1 decade ago

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Lol, EA "indie" bundle doesn't count in my book because it wasn't one of those 'pay really cheap for it', it had a set price. All the others were in either IR, IG or HIB. The only game I had out of it was Hoard though.

1 decade ago

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But Shank was in HIB IV...

1 decade ago

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Shank 2 was not.

1 decade ago

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I already have a couple games in it so im not going to get it... and im out of money between AVP, That Amazon Bundle, Payday DLC, and Sleeping Dogs

1 decade ago

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It's Canadian. Get it. Comes with maple syrup and all.

But anyway, yeah, I'd suggest you get it. Dungeons and Dredmor has had a generally positive overview, SPAZ is amazing, superbros is cool...haven't played waveform yet, and same for HOARD.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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woops sorry man, i can close this thread if you want

1 decade ago

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I don't really mind, just, yeah, search is there for a reason. Cheers man!

1 decade ago

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thanks, wont make the same mistake again

1 decade ago

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No offense to the Swedish collection, but that bundle didn't have a single game on it that I was interested in playing. The Canadian bundle has some real winners in my book (I won't be getting it just because I have most of the games already). As far as what's to come, can't really comment on that, I just know I was able to get some great games, both for free and on extreme sales last holiday sale (that won't be until the last two weeks of the year though, so you should be able to buy this now and have at least another 15$ to spend by then).

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I really didn't think the Swedish collection had anything going for it save for price.

1 decade ago

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Would like to get this for Shank and Shank 2 as it would save me money, but it doesn't seem worth it as I already have 4 of the other games :(

1 decade ago

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Personally, I don't want all the games in it so I'm waiting for the winter sale which will be coming along soon anyway.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by nagleator.