
Edit: They brought it back but now as a weekly and $5 less on top tier.

Heroes of Might & Magic II: Gold Edition (DRM-Free)
Heroes of Might & Magic IV: Complete Edition (Uplay)
Might & Magic 1 to 6 Collection (Uplay)
Might & Magic Heroes Online Angel Starter Pack
Might & Magic Heroes VII Beta Key (uplay)

Heroes of Might & Magic V (Uplay)
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Gold Edition (Uplay)
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (Steam)
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes + I Am the Boss DLC (Steam)

Might & Magic X - Legacy (uplay)
Might & Magic X - Legacy - The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC (Uplay)
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - HD Edition (Steam)
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness (Uplay)
Might & Magic Duel of Champions โ€“ Starter Pack

Edit: Be aware that Ubisoft gets a big chunk by default, so adjust where your money goes if you do buy it.

9 years ago*

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FYI: you unlock the Might and Magic X DLC ingame, not in uplay.
I wasted MINUTES!! writing a support ticket to humble.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Another bundle where I own pretty much everything :( Oh well, the HoMM series is amazing (but that goes without saying), and most of the Might & Magic series is also really good (3-5 in particular, but 10 is also very good,).
Shame it's the HD version of HoMM3. It apparently lacks all the expansions.

9 years ago

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That BTA, just going up and up and up and up. And I can't figure out why.

9 years ago

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People buying the 3rd tier i guess.

9 years ago

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Any idea around what amount it started at ? I came home and it was already over 10$..

9 years ago

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Lowest BTA price was 5.78 which lasted less than 1 minute. I think it started at around 8 but not sure, that was the first amount that came up when I refreshed the page.

9 years ago

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It didn't even last 10 seconds. I watched the old bundle end, counted to ten, refreshed the page and the BTA was at $ 6.42

9 years ago

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When I saw 5.78 I thought it will go lower, they are just uplay games, most people just want steam keys. Just in case I didn't refresh that window, oh boy, I'm glad I didn't.

9 years ago

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This isn't a bad bundle, it's almost 30 years of classic gaming history. It is however, clearly aimed at newcomers to the franchise as the majority of the people interested in the franchise will already own most if not all of it.

9 years ago

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All aboard the UPlay hate train .. choo chooo...

9 years ago

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I stopped buying Ubisoft games when they started to require UPlay. I am not buying them even for others as gifts.

9 years ago

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This game series isn't really my cup of tea but I remember having tons of fun playing HOMM 3 aeons ago. I'd have probably bought the first tier if there had been GOG keys included. I avoid uplay games whenever I can as I've had some problems with the client and Ubi support was not really helpful. Also, Dark Messiah looks fun, but there's no way I'm going BTA for this game alone, I'd rather wait for a Steam sale. :p So thanks but no thanks, HB.

9 years ago

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Uplay is making you install everything manually and then giving you links to their site so you download the patches manually. Seems legit.

9 years ago

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Dark Messiah is absolutly briliant, the rest is pretty meh.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Only good game in this bundle is Heroes of Might & Magic 3 (HD). And Dark Messiah.

Too pricy though. And I don't use uplay, and never will.

9 years ago

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Gosh, how I would love to have these on Steam, but gonna get it nevertheless since I really wanted to get HoMaM games for a while yet I did not have the cash to get them just gotta hope that Uplay won't fuck me over like it often does.

9 years ago

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Might and Magic doesn't appeal to me and especially the Uplay stuff even more unlikely I will get it.

9 years ago

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ok, drm-free, uplay, and steam? ... they may as well thrown in a gog key and a desura key.... sheesh.
Not fun nor is it cool to have your bundle on different platforms.

9 years ago

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Previously Origin now Uplay? Maybe I should buy that blackguards bundle instead

9 years ago

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Why not have called it what it is: "Humble Uplay Bundle".

Sure all of the games are M&M but...

9 years ago

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Epic bundle to me.

I buy it rigth now !!!

9 years ago

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Hard pass on this one.

9 years ago

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$12 beat the average? ew.

9 years ago

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Hardcore HoMM fan, so I'm probably buying the whole thing just to have it all on Uplay as well.

Very surprised HoMM3 HD isn't for Uplay too (it seems to have sold very low - everybody wants Steam; they've already included it in HoMM7 pre-order to boost the sales up)

9 years ago

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I'm going to guess either Ubisoft doesn't know what they're doing, and Humble forgot to tell them, or there is some other "bright idea" someone in their corporate office had to only include 1 key per platform, regardless of what platform it is.

9 years ago

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Either that, or Humble actually have a rule that a bundle has to have a certain number of Steam keys in it (maybe 3)

9 years ago

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No, I mean unlike Origin you don't get 2 keys for the same game.

9 years ago

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Yes, that is probable too

9 years ago

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5 "rubles" says all these Tier 3 bundles are going to key resellers.

9 years ago

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I find it amazing that people only know the Heroes games. I find them to be over rated. The original games, hte regular Might and Magic RPG series, is VASTLY superior. Even M&M X Legacy is good. If I could get my card working or some funds together I;d buy an M&M X key for my RL friend. :( Oh well.

9 years ago

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As someone who has only gotten into PC gaming a couple years ago, I have completely missed out on this series. The question is, Should I buy it? What is the one feature that you really like about these games?

9 years ago

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All Might & Magic games are good in my opinion; they're the precursors to Legend of Grimrock, sort of like Wizardry but with a bit more interesting world. Old-school dungeon crawling (stemming from the Roguelike tradition but without, y'know, the roguelike elements :P), resource management and this subtle excitement from exploring what's around the next corner.

As far as the turn-based Heroes games are concerned, I like their simplicity - which takes away nothing from the enjoyment - and interesting setting. However, my humble opinion is: all games beyond Heroes 4 are not worth it. Heroes 1 was what got me into gaming, Heroes 2 was great fun, Heroes 3 was A FUCKING MASTERPIECE and Heroes 4 continued its tradition pretty well, even though it wasn't really critically acclaimed. But when Heroes games became fully 3D, something was gone from their charm. Or maybe it's just that I'm a nostalgic old fart.

Dark Messiah is also very good. It's use of physics and environment was the stuff of legends back when it came out. This was made by people who would go on to create Dishonored, and it shows.

Normally, I'd say that this bundle is worth getting even just for Heroes 2, 3 and 4... but it's the updated re-release of Heroes 3, which lacks the level editor (wicked fun back in the day) and the original expansion packs, which are absolutely essential. So, my advice is: get the lowest and average tier, and then buy the original version of Heroes 3 through some other source.

EDIT: Dayum. Now I gotta play me some H3. Every time you mention it, someone somewhere will reinstall it.

9 years ago

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Heroes 3 in the highest tier. Well played, Humble. Well played.

9 years ago

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They brought this back, but with a cheaper top tier....

8 years ago

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Still not getting it because uPLay

8 years ago

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Uplay... I prefer steam, don't think I'll get this bundle

8 years ago

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