video in question:

This is a topic that I've wanted to talk about ever since this generation has started, Make sure to watch all of the video. Have any questions, please let me know.

1 decade ago*

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As often happens, Khalaq has the best response thus far.

However, I'd like to add an additional facet to the discussion.

In addition to what others have mentioned, one of the reasons I play almost solely single player games is simple. Time. I sometimes have two hours to sit and play. But with children, my wife, and my job, there are also times when I only have five minutes to play. But here's the catch. I sometimes have no idea whether I'll get five minutes or two hours.

I owe it to anyone I'd begin a serious MP match with to not bail 5 minutes in. I'd probably eventually get banned (or something). And I owe it to my family to be able to drop that controller in a heartbeat to take care of things that come up around here (bad dreams, vomiting cats, raccoons on the roof, etc., etc.). I will never put them off for a video game.

Just plain not worth it.

On top of all of that, at my age and stage in life, I have little or no tolerance for intolerance. My brief forays into MP in recent years have revealed some ugly interactions with what may/may not be well-meaning people that get caught up in something that's really not all that important. But I know that in face-to-face interactions, those kinds of communications would be met unkindly and have consequences. I sometimes slip, but my goal now is to always treat folks online as if I were talking to them in person.

One day, when I know I have more time, I may return to MP gaming, if I can find a great group of folks to do so with. Meanwhile, my social interactions will involve face-to-face time with loved ones and friends I've made over the years.

1 decade ago

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^ This, so much. The only multiplayer I do is LAN play because that means everyone is around the house and will perfectly understand if I need to get off the computer for any reason. The only online game I've allowed myself to play is Hearthstone, and that's because matches are about 5-minutes long. And even then, I sometimes get interrupted and can't finish a match. (I'll just forfeit and take care of whatever is happening at my end.)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by megadrivesonic.