What do you think?
I don't think Ive seen this ever.
Would'nt this be related to an ad blocker of some sorts in your browsers?
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No problems here. Are you running any extensions? Try disabling everything and see if the problem persists.
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Interesting and strange. My only other suggestion is to try from a different PC or your phone if that's an option.
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I heard that 24H2 for Windows 11 created a whole lot of problems so maybe this is one of them. My friend reported to me that half of the older games he wants to play seem to not run under 24H2 and he had to go back to Windows 11 state before that upgrade.
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Sound's like extension?
Do u accept cookies, for SG-site?
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If i had any money id bet this is an extension you use on every browser
And this bug doesnt mean its a malicious one (but could be)
Good news is that throuh the extension manager in settings (exists in every chromium browser, like edge and chrome) you can change how/when extensions works... sadly theres no blacklist of sites a extension wouldnt work, but you can set extensions to work on just some specific sites or only upon clicking on their icon.
Try SG with zero extensions. If it works start disabling one by one- disable one, reload SG, try, disable another one...
Theres also a rare chance its a bug by the interaction of 2 extensions, wich is way more headache to figure out wich ones. But testing browser with no extensions will give a hint if thats the problem at all.
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Open the page to create giveaways, open the browser developer tools, go to the "network" tab, and start typing a game name in the text box, you should be seeing XHR network request being sent to /ajax.php
, the response it returns is an HTML fragment to show the autocomplete results.
Can you confirm these requests are being made and nothing is blocking them on your end?
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yup, that seems to be working fine. It only doesn't show the results in the box...
Little Nightmares **<\/span><\/p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
Little Nightmares II<\/p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
Little Nightmares Complete Edition *<\/span><\/p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
Little Nightmares - Secrets of The Maw Expansion Pass<\/p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
Little Nightmares II Deluxe Edition<\/p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
Displaying 1<\/strong> to 5<\/strong> of 711<\/strong> results<\/div>
1<\/span><\/a>2<\/span><\/a>3<\/span><\/a>4<\/span><\/a>5<\/span><\/a> ... Next<\/span> <\/i><\/a>Last<\/span> <\/i><\/a><\/div><\/div>"}
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hmm that's weird, I'm not sure what's preventing the results from showing for you then...
what I would personally do next would involve debugging the code by placing breakpoints and stepping through the code with the debugger to find out where it is failing. So I would use the "Inspector" tab, right click on where the results are displayed and "Break on subtree modification". We could also enable XHR breakpoing "Pause on any URL" to debug as response is coming in. Or a breakpoint on the "keyup" event from the textbox.
But honestly that's a bit too complex and requires stepping through obfuscated javascript code until you find why it's failing... I feel like there should be a simpler explanation especially since the site is working fine for the rest of us :)
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Ok I have another idea, but it's super ugly and requires manually editing the page, it's only meant as a workaround to let you create giveaways for now 😁
If you look back at the JSON data returned above from the AJAX call, in the list of games returned you will see something like this for each result:
<div data-autocomplete-id="1652706846" data-autocomplete-name="Little Nightmares" ...
<div data-autocomplete-id="4230074754" data-autocomplete-name="Little Nightmares II"
we are interested in the ID value. So once you find the matching game you want, copy that ID number.
Next inspect the page using devtools again, and find the textbox for game name. Looking at the html you will find a hidden form field just above the textbox in the code. The idea is to manually fill that field with the game ID we got from the previous step, so in this case it will be:
<input class="js__autocomplete-id" type="hidden" name="game_id" value="1652706846">
You do this by manually editing the page in the inspector tool (F2). Once done, you can then close the devtools and continue to fill the other giveaway info as you would normally do (start/end date, region info, etc.) and submit the page. You will be taken to the confirmation page with the correct game being selected.
Like I said, this is extremely hacky and only a temporary solution 😂
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at the css tab within the console tab I do get:
Onbekende eigenschap ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaratie genegeerd. font-awesome.min.css:4:662
Elementen die overeenkomen met selector: .fa
NodeList(1336) [ i.icon-green.fa.fa-fw.fa-plus-circle, i.icon-blue.fa.fa-fw.fa-users, i.icon-grey.fa.fa-fw.fa-gift, i.icon-red.fa.fa-fw.fa-tag, i.icon-yellow.fa.fa-fw.fa-trophy, i.fa.fa-angle-down, i.icon-green.fa.fa-fw.fa-plus-circle, i.icon-blue.fa.fa-fw.fa-bookmark, i.icon-grey.fa.fa-fw.fa-edit, i.fa.fa-angle-down, … ]
Not sure if this has any relevance
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Maybe a 'refresh browser' or troubleshoot mode could identity if its something u added to the browser or not.
In my experience, disabling add-ons can prove ineffective.
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Sorry if it's a stupid suggestion, but have you tried to create it from your phone (or other PC if possible)? At least to make sure it's not just your PC thing, which it might be
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Ok, normally I would have suggested what the majority of other people are suggesting...that it's a browser extension or the like. But since you've clearly checked this in multiple ways, I started considering other, more esoteric things.
Since the place you're getting weird behavior is via SG web site code accessing steam through the Steam API...hmmm, maybe it's oddly something on the Steam side? Perhaps try uninstalling and reinstalling the Steam client itself? And then double-check that you don't have any blocks in place (like perhaps the built-in pop-up blocker in browsers -- and often this list is shared in windows across browsers) for any URL that is part of the overall Steam domain?
Since the rest of the site is working ok, and only features related to accessing Steam data/functions directly via the API aren't working, I'd keep digging there.
Seems like a long shot, but after eliminating all of the usual browser-side issues, it's all I've got idea-wise that can be local to your PC.
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Awesome! Congrats on figuring that one out. That was a real doozy. :)
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Good to know, congrats!
Sometimes, security software (antivirus, VPN...) does have some obscure options enabled by default. It happened to me with an AV some time ago, the computer was running very slow even with the AV monitor disabled and the problem was a hidden setting interfering with some kind of executables.
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starting at the same time as this problem I noticed that whenever I win a game and try to view the key I get an endless processing loop
I doubt the CPU is at fault, since you have no other issues. But just in case, you can use this to check:
I tried it myself and it seems that on very old CPUs the brand name isn't detected. In this case you can use the "Tools" menu to turn off "Stop Testing On Fail".
Edit: I agree with Gilgamash that it could be caused by an anti-virus interfering. Though it would have to be an exotic one or a very strict configuration.
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This is some software that is interfering. Maybe you think you have everything disabled but clearly it is not. Has to be some kind of ad blocker or antivirus or something similar. Completely remove it from your system and use a tool to make sure nothing was left behind. Same thing with your browser. If that doesn't work then I would hazard to guess there is some kind of corruption and you need to just start with a fresh install of whatever OS you use. I mean if you want to save time and be 100% sure just skip right to a fresh install.
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Here is what I would do for troubleshooting, to try to narrow it down.
You already tried different browsers and disabling extensions, good!
Make sure the date, time, and time zone on your computer is correct.
Some Antivirus software intercepts web activity and can cause problems. Try temporarily disable or uninstall it.
Reboot to safe mode and see if it still happens.
Try on a different computer/phone/tablet.
If your computer is a laptop, can you try to use a different internet connection? Leave home or hook up to mobile phone hotspot.
Create a new user on your computer and log into that user's profile and see if it still happens.
Use a virtual machine or Windows Sandbox and try in there.
If you have WSL set up, install Firefox in there and give it a try.
If you have an idea when this started, and have a backup or System Restore checkpoint from prior to that, try to restore back to it.
Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth in an administrator cmd prompt and see if it fixes anything. Reboot if it did.
Run sfc /scannow in an administrator cmd prompt and see if it fixes anything. Reboot if it did.
Download the latest Windows 11 ISO file, mount it and run setup.exe to do an in-place reinstall of Windows. You won't lose any files or settings (unless you specifically tell it to).
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Woah, Waxlor said it was Nord VPN. Hope you find a solution too
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Thank you for the notification, Janediel. :)
Yeah, I thought so. So far turning it off didn't help, as Waxlor had already pointed out, and neither does the split tunneling with another browser. Pretty annoying, having to disable it on start up. But at least I now know what the issue is.
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I have to use VPN for work (with Forticlient) and there was an error if I was disconnected, where the VPN changed my DNS settings and don't return it, so even with it off, it would still let my internet slow because it analyses everything. It might be an issue like that.
To solve it, I had to change a regedit key for the software:
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I've been experiencing some difficulties recently and I'm curious if I'm the only one and even more what I could do to fix them. I've been experiencing it both when using Chrome and Edge so it doesn't look like it's browserrelated. I'm on a Windows 11 computer, fully updated.
The biggest problem I'm experiencing is that I cannot create giveaways anymore. I don't get the drop down menu anymore to select the game I'm trying to give away. Not after typing a few letters, not after the full game name. And being unable to select the game I'm trying to giveaway I'm unable to give away at all. The other menus are still functioning. The date menu or the group menu for instance.
It's over a week now and it's not fixing itself. Ayone else experiencing the same thing? Thoughts? Is it a Steamgifts.com bug?>
One last thing that might be connected to it: starting at the same time as this problem I noticed that whenever I win a game and try to view the key I get an endless processing loop... Only after I refresh the page I get to see the key.
After much testing (and thank you all for your ideas!) it appears to be a security setting of the VPN that keeps working even after the VPN is shut down. It all worked fine before, I made no changes and I cannot figure out what it is that is suddenly interfering. But that was it. Not loading the VPN at all fixed the issue.
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