This is quickly becoming one of the worst events in the history of Steam. If boost capacity doesn't reset daily there is no salvaging it.
But hey, at least we get a 1:20,000,000 chance to win a free game.

4 years ago

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Enjoying the new event?

View Results
I think EGS h4x0r3d Steam.
I don't understand this game.
Worst event/sale ever.
Why do I have negative tokens?
Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?
It's okay, I like it.

I like it, fun to fight as a team against others, i dont really know how it works exactly but good anyways.

4 years ago

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I read it and didn't understand how it works. Too lazy to try to understand, lul.

4 years ago

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So I get to claim 100 points out of the TENS OF THOUSANDS I have available? If I want more, I gotta spend?

How about no. In fact, how about go f' yourself Steam.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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But if you spend like a couple hundred EUR/USD, you'll get a 5 EUR/USD discount! If you are lucky and the event decides to reward you properly! What fun!

4 years ago

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I like how they worded this.

"Upgrade your boost capacity or throw away the extra points".

They didn't even try to sound nice this time.

4 years ago

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I don't know what I am doing.
I am just clicking things and numbers are changing.
And stuff.

4 years ago

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I think I have it figured out. The Steam Grand Prix race event uses bipolic variances in a multi-spacial sensor grid. At base level, it just comes down to millennial incremental processing and to win, you just have to engage in revolutionary paradigms and synthesize extensible synergies. Also, if you are able to fluctuate the ion resequence in an osmotic flow like pattern, you should have this event nailed! Easy really when you think about it. Hope that helps!

4 years ago

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I'm just playing stupid so I can fit in. :3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You don't have to insult us by dumbing it down like that :)

4 years ago

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I don't even have stuff to click... Which I think is other main problem with this event. After first day and it's mess there is near zero interaction.

4 years ago

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Looks like the event is harder to understand than rocket science...

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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it doesnt fun at all when u can choose your team, corgi team is the final finner from the beggining.
its so stupid in fact most of user joins the corgi when the other team has a few member, hha, i mean, steam is just so stupid to execute this summer event, did they even think about whats is bonna be happen when they let the user choose their own team, like.. did they really know how to think

4 years ago

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did they even think

I think it's quite obvious that the answer is "no". They didn't think when creating this mess of an event. Like, at all :D

4 years ago

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I don't get it at all. Like I can get a bunch of points but it says they will be lost since its more than my boost cap.

"You only have capacity to claim 5044 points
Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity or throw away the extra 10597"

But the rules say 1$ increases it 89? So I would have to spend like 110$ to not waste it?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Apparently i can't really do anything anymore unless i spent lots of money with games?
I thought i would have 100 capacity again but i didn't get even that today. So yeah, thanks Steam for the fun and inclusive event.

4 years ago

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It is very inclusive, you see. Everyone is welcome to spend a lot of money! Isn't that fun?

4 years ago

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still surprised people can't accept this event isn't for them, unless they plan on spending money.
steam is a store, so you're supposed to buy stuff from time to time.
yeah, it sounds "unfair", but what did you expect from a company? to get stuff for free? like we did since 2012? 🙄

stop complaining if you can't "play" this minigame. it gives you a sad 0.0000001% chance at getting a free game, if your team is in the top 3. it's worse than a lv0 public ga.
there's nothing else of value in this event, unless you're spending money and taking advantage of sales. 🤷

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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It's not just people complaining for having to spend money, I think. This event was just unnecessary complicated and unclear, the rules are explained in a pretty confusing way, and apart from that, it was and still is buggy. Also, there's the general disappointment of people who enjoyed arranging sets of cards for their games just to craft them arount the Summer/Winter sales.

If we are supposed to buy from time to time like you say. which many of us do, I expect something better than this. At least the Steam site not crashing every two minutes would be nice. But it's just my opinion.

4 years ago

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the general disappointment of people who enjoyed arranging sets of cards for their games just to craft them

they can still craft them, what's the problem?

4 years ago

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It is not the same, we used to get cards for the event badge instead of useless coupons... It's overall a poorly executed event that did not better what was before. For what I see, the community is in general very displeased and I get why. If you don't, that's fine.

4 years ago

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i get why, they aren't receiving free cents from cards like they did since ~2013.
coupons need money to be useful, just like this event, so that's it. ^^

like i said, people can't accept this and keep crying to valve. doesn't matter they got free cards for years, now that they stopped doing it, they are bad?
reminds me of the classic "give someone a coin for years and you are the best (till they get accustomed to it), stop doing it and you will be the worst person in the world." 🤷

4 years ago

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Tim Sweeney's got his kneepads on just waiting for me to come over to EGS!

4 years ago

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Well, I can get stardew valley for free.

I don't know how this happened.

4 years ago

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You had 45k points? Dang :D

4 years ago

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Are you one of those people that used the JS console token exploit or it literary happened by accident and bug that you had that many tokens?

4 years ago

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I don't know about any exploits. It as just there.

4 years ago

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Anyone else having issues getting the "slow down" action to work? I won a free one based upon a boost, but when I press it, the screen just flickers for a second and nothing happens. So weird.

4 years ago

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To use it, here's what you'll need to do

  1. Click on the team you want to attack
  2. Then, you click on your Slow Down boost.
  3. The "box" of your chosen team will wobble a bit, the -"insert number"x will increase, and your Slow Down boost will be consumed.

Just found out about this like minutes ago :P

4 years ago

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Awesome, thanks for clearing that up! So their UI is as unintuitive as the game itself. Go figure. 😏🤣

4 years ago

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Someone needs fired over this stupid event...

4 years ago

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Seems like they're changing some things. Maybe we'll have a half decent event by the end of the sale.

4 years ago

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Honestly the whole system should be scrapped and everyone should be given $5 off their next purchase. Those with negative points are getting screwed, not to mention those that got hundreds of thousands of tokens due to bugs completely skewing Steam levels since they can buy the badge infinitely. I know a lot of people don't give a shit about Steam level but I think anyone who has invested time and money into leveling their profile should be upset by this. If you check out /r/Steam there are a ton of people who have or have friends that have obtained so many bugged tokens. Also the quests are completely broken in an already convoluted system, what a complete mess.

4 years ago

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Honestly, I am so disappointed. I have like 10k+ points (from the "Play Any Game With Steam Achievements" part) waiting to be converted into boosts the next day and I log in today to find that I only get to convert 100 points/per day unless I spend more money.

I thought I'd at least have my original capacity+100 (the daily increase that was promised). By the way, this is how Valve phrased the rule

...and for each day that you participate, you'll also upgrade your capacity by 100 points.

Not to mention, the game I used for the conversion had 2k+ points. Apparently, 100 points were converted into boosts while the remaining 2k points disappeared into thin air. No warning was given whatsoever...

To say this event is awful would be an understatement :\

4 years ago*

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Yes, it's kinda weird that one's original capacity decreases after using the boosts. I thought it was a bug at first. Still it's Valve's way of "incentivizing" us to spend money on games :( I'm just numb at this point.

Hope you got a lot of tokens from your boost points though :) The conversion rate for points to tokens seems random too smh

4 years ago

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Yeah, I'm guessing Valve reset our original capacity to 0 every day, which I'd like to point out, isn't mentioned anywhere in their rules. If not, every one of us would have gotten more than 100 capacity today.

Oh, and I didn't know the conversion rate from points to tokens is random. Thought it was 1:1 - I got 100 tokens from 100 boost points and all of that went into another badge level.

4 years ago*

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Darn! Then I must be getting stiffed on the tokens conversion :( Will buy some games and test it later. Best of success for your channel!

4 years ago

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Thanks! :) Good luck with the RNG gods as well!

4 years ago

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The badge issue is my main concern. Does anyone know what Valve's stance on this?

4 years ago

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No idea, Valve has been pretty mum so far.

4 years ago

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According to this Steam thread Valve been taking some action on the worst offenders BUT you can still see a few of them on

4 years ago

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I've seen one or two people get their level reset.
So they seem to hate it, and fix it in Valve(TM) Time?
Edit: Seems the list above Stack definitely shrunk. No clue on if they ever fix the random day 1 pointdestribution or they just keep screwed people screwed.

4 years ago

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I don't. It's almost like Valve is trying to give Epic (Fail) Store win by walkover...

4 years ago

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I only have 100 capacity despite having bought games in this sale and before this sale too, rn im waiting so it gets fixed because i dont know how to ask the support lol

4 years ago

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+1 I also only have 100 capacity even though it says I was supposed to get 2000. Everything about the event is bugged and people have even exploited high levels of badges through JS console and now have insanely high Steam lvl when they only joined recently and have small number of games.

Just look here here or anywhere else on Steam boards or reddit r/Steam

4 years ago

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Egad! Wth is Valve doing? I was going to spend some money on getting more capacity but now I'm going to get 0-100 extra capacity only?

BTW 3,209 games! I salute you ∠(^ー^)

4 years ago

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There is nothing to "fix", it is intentionally reset each day to "incentivise" people on spending every day during the sale.

4 years ago

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Oh lol
that's shitty

4 years ago

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unfortunately this is not a good sale. The event is even worse. :(

4 years ago

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i dont. does it have cards? wheres my cards? where are the things i can sell. steam events arent fun...

4 years ago

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I tried to understand it on steam and failed, then I came here and read this whole thread and I STILL DON'T GET HOW THIS WHOLE THING WORKS. What a convoluted mess.

Thanks Steam.

4 years ago

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i also just noticed that i have -453 points lol

4 years ago

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First of all, boosting my team DAILY is the only way to participate in the DAILY giveaway? Also, how can I increase my number of boosts? I started with 8 boosts and now I have 7.

4 years ago

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Yay getting a refund completely broke the grand prix for me. I have negative capacity and ghost tokens (I can use them to level up my badge but before long these tokens are returned to me and the badge is reverted back to a lower level).

4 years ago

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Seeems they altered the boost UI. Second meter is now gone and it tells me "442 POINTS EARNED"
I... have no idea what that even means since I only got 200 tokens so far. Gotta love them trying to clear things up making it even more confusing :/

4 years ago

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